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The movie is about the case of two members of the United States Marines
namely Lance Corporal Dawson and private first class Downey as they were
accused of murder or the killing of their fellow member. It was established by the
counsel of the accused that in the film that such death was the result of an order
from the top official of the Guantanamo Bay Naval base in Cuba, Colonel Jessup, to
perform a “code red” against Santiago, the deceased, which is a secretive order
given by a superior officer to give violent punishment to members who voluntarily
causes trouble. Because it was believed that he violated the Marines Code to which
they deeply abide by.

In the movie it is shown that even though the crime was committed in Cuba,
a country which is not a part of the United States of America, it was tried by the US
court martial, because the crime was committed inside its Military base which is
considered by law as an extension of the jurisdiction of the US. In my opinion it is
important that jurisdiction must be established in order for any court to hear a
case. The lead counsel, Lieutenant Kaffee, an unconcerned lawyer of the US Navy
was assigned by his superior to represent the accused. And as he interrogate the
accused he is confronted with a rather difficult situation because both the accused
does not dispute the charges against them. Kaffee then was trying to make a deal
with Jack Ross the government prosecution to agree to an extremely mild
punishment of six months imprisonment with dishonorable discharge, but the
accused maintain that they did nothing wrong because they did their job which is to
follow the order of a superior. I believe that you must have vast knowledge of the
procedure and legal processes to take your chance and accuse a decorated and
highly commendable officer, because if proven wrong there is a high chance to lose
your status as lawyer. One of the scenes in the film where Lt. Kaffee said that “all
we need to focus on are the things we can prove”, for me is one of the highlights of
the movie. Lieutenant Kaffee portrayed in the movie that mastery of the procedure
and legal processes is important part of the due process of law in order to properly
defend your client case.

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