Venn Louie C. Visitacion 12-D "Biographical Criticism"

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-Ryuunosuke believed that literature could bring together different

cultures. I hope you agree with him, because this podcast is aimed to
bring together English learners from the whole world. Buddha
considered how Kandata had rescued the spider as he peered down into
Hell. He came to the conclusion that Kandata was not all bad. Buddha
decided to give Kandata a chance to escape Hell because he had spared
the spider.

‘I’ve done it! I’ve done it!’ he shouted, and laughed.

But then he felt something below him on the thread. He looked down,
and saw that lots of other bad people in Hell had seen the thread. They
were now following him, climbing up and up and up.
Buddha considered how Kandata had rescued the spider as he peered
down into Hell. He came to the conclusion that Kandata was not all bad.
Buddha decided to give Kandata a chance to escape Hell because he had
spared the spider. Buddha considered how Kandata had rescued the
spider as he peered down into Hell. He came to the conclusion that
Kandata was not all bad. Buddha decided to give Kandata a chance to
escape Hell because he had spared the spider. The fragrant blossoms in
the pool persisted. They did not consider Kandata as they continued to
fill Heaven with their lovely aroma. The green spider kept spinning its
golden thread while paying no attention to Kandata. In Heaven, it was a
typical day, and shortly it would be noon.

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