Knowing and Public Policy in A Democracy (Workshops 7 and 8)

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Knowing and Public Policy in a Democracy (2 workshops) First session: Homework from previous day: two 2-column response

journal entries for Hunger of Memory 9:00-9:05 FW 9:05-9:15 Name game Share 3 homework responses (with active listening/CofG from 5 more students each time). 9:15-25 Believe and Doubt: Rodriguez successfully argues against bilingual education for ESL (English as a Second Language) students. (5 minutes each) 9:25-9:40 PW: For each response, what standard did you use to judge success or its lack? Do you think you could defend this standard to others? (5 minutes) Discuss. 9:40-10:10 RA Believe or Doubt in self-selected groups of 4. Each group must write a proposal for the school board concerning ESL education and defend the proposal to the board, of which Rodriguez is a member. Any recommendations to hire tutors or teachers must include a recommendation about what to cut or how to shift resources, as the school has a decidedly finite budget. 10:10-10:30 Share proposals and vote on which to adopt. (Note: if necessary, Y2s can use part of this session to complete their W&T workshop)

2nd session: 10:45-10:50 Question: Do you feel truly comfortable advocating for this policy as more than a fun exercise (so, if you really WERE on a school board)? If so, why, and if not, why not? Discuss what students might like to know before actually deciding or making a recommendation, and how they might go about getting that knowledge. 10:50-11:00 Demonstrate ERIC (an educational citations database).

Search: bilingual education (show alternatives) Limit: for policy-makers Limit: peer-reviewed (explain) 11:00-11:45 RA The Professors, the Press, the Think Tanks and Their Problems. (do not read author bio) FFW: Respond to the statement The basis of democracy is not information but conversation. (5 minutes) Pass journal to the right. Read and underline powerful language. Then respond underneath with questions. (5 minutes) Pass back. Respond to questions. (5 minutes) Thought chain/Discuss. 11:45-12:15 RA Alterman's author bio. PW: Does this alter your response to the piece? Why (and in what way) or why not? (3 minutes) RA Marginality and Epistemic Privilege Believe or Doubt (students choice, but challenge them to choose that runs counter to their instinctive response) authorization is an exclusionary practice, a practice designed to both silence and command obedience to the authorized voice. (p. 49 of the anthology) (5 minutes) Discuss with remaining time.

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