Ideology: Two Nation Theory in The Historical Perspective

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Two Nation Theory in the Historical perspective

 It is a scheme of ideas or the characteristic way of thinking based on
politico-economic system
 It provides approved mode of actions to realise the common goals and
objectives of a society, nation or a state

Two Nation theory

 According to this theory Hindu and Muslims were two distinct
communities by way of religious beliefs, strict cast divisions eating
habits and concerning many other socio-cultural expositions
 That kept them from fussing as one nation or community even after
living together for more than 1000 years.
 Therefore, Hindu protest against making Urdu an official language in
parts of some provinces in the North of India was for the reason
considered Urdu as the language of Muslims written not like Hindi in
Devanagari script.
 Likewise, at the time of partition of Bengal by British government on
administrative grounds, Hindu protest against the same was just for the
reason of newly created province became a Muslim Majority province
 Such events and many others as narrated below created a sense of
insecurity among Muslims and feelings that Hindus didn’t consider them
equal citizens of sub- continent
 They forced Muslims to establish their own political party in 1906
 They demanded separate electorate after the Hindus protest against
partition of Bengal
 It went on until 1936 elections
 But after the injustice of Congress Ministries 1937-39 against Muslims
 They changed their demand from separate electorate to a separate state
 Which they resolved in the form of Pakistan Resolution on 23 rd March

Events lead to Two Nation Theory

 Mujahideen movement led by Syed Ahmed Shaheed 1831
 Urdu- Hindi controversy 1867 to replace Urdu with Hindi as the court
language in the North Western provinces
 Partition of Bengal 1905 by Lord Curzon and its annulment in 1911
 Swadeshi movement ( Boycott of English goods to pressurize British
 Simla deputation ( Agha Khan to lord Minto — Separate electorate for
Muslims, and more representatives to Muslims than their numerical
 Indian Council act 1909
 Demand for separate electorate was accepted
 1911 Italy captures Tripoli and Muslim resentment in India
 1912 when Balkan states invaded Turkey and Muslims resentment
against British government
Khilafat movement 1919-1924
 Biggest movement ever launched in the sub-continent
 Around 30000 of both the communities went to jail
 The sub continent was declared Darul Harab
 18000 Muslims migrated to Afghanistan but they were turned back
 The non- cooperation movement was called off after the incident of
chauri Choura when 32 policemen were burnt alive in 1922
1923 “Shudi and Shanghtan movement by Hindus, and Muslims ‘ Tableegh and
Allama Iqbal's Allahabad speech 1930
 Where he demanded the amalgamation of Muslim Majority provinces in
the North western part of Sub continent
Round Table conferences 1930, 31, 32
Indian Act 1935 and 1936-37 elections
Congress rule from 1937-39
Resolution of Pakistan 1940, and demand of a separate state
1946 elections and victory of Muslim League
 Which proved that Muslim League is the only representative of Muslims
of Sub-continent
Cabinet Mission plan 1946
 Last attempt to keep sub continent United
 Cabinet members of British parliament
 It approved a system for India consisting on three tiers
 The Provinces
 The Provincial groups
 The Centre
 Central power confined with British government
 Group A
 U.P, CP, Bombay, Bihar, Orrisa, and Madras
 Group B
 Sindh, Punjab, North West Frontier, and Balochistan
 Group C
 Bengal and Assam

Aligarh Movement and Contributions of Sir Syed Ahmed

 The plight of Muslims after the war of Independence 1857
 East Indian Company’s rule for Muslims of India
 Fall of Muslims from zenith of glory to depth of humiliation, poverty and
 Sir Syed's efforts for upgrading Muslims
 RIsala Asbab e Baghawat e Hind
 ( The causes of War of Independence)
 Loyal Muhammadans of India
 ( in which he narrated about the sacrifice of Muslims for the British
during the revolt of 1857)
 Establishment of Schools
 School at Ghazipur 1863
 ( English as a regular subject)
 Scientific Society 1864
 ( Did translation of many English books into Urdu)
 Tabayan-ul-Kalam
 ( commentary on Bible to soften the attitude of British towards Islam
and Muslims)
 Tehzibul Ikhlaq 1870
 ( to liberalize the thought of Muslims)
 Foundation of Muhammadan Anglo-oriental school 1875
 Which was upgraded to college in 1877
 Furthermore became Aligarh University in 1920
 Which paved the way for Creation of Pakistan

 No doubt, Pakistan was created on the basis of Two Nation theory
 Two Nation Theory was the Ideology of Pakistan
 It was this theory which became the bone of contention between Hindus
and Muslims

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