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Alphabet report

The brief was to create two alphabets using two different materials. Before that, we had a task, which
helped us to choose the materials, and gave an idea how to create a letter from something.

First, I created a moodboard of different materials to inspire myself and have an idea what I can use for
my letters because at that moment I did not remember about any of the material. After that, I also
looked at some “letters from materials” in Pinterest to find out the various ways to create a letter and
play with a material. Later I chose my materials water and a kitchen roll (I already used water in previous
task and liked to work with it). Later on, I chose some fonts that might match to my chosen materials
and downloaded them from dafont. Two of them were basic Serif and San-Serif (Arial Rounded MT Bold)
and other three were interesting Cloud Candy, French Script MT, Bauhaus 93. For the water I wanted to
use something curly so I went for a French Script MT and wanted to use a basic one so chose Arial
Rounded MT Bold because it would be a bit harder to make serif from paper napkin.

I already knew how to make letters from water so went specifically for this idea make it with drops.
First, I wrote a few letters from the alphabet with that particular size that all letters would fit to A3
paper, and then I put an oiled plastic surface on the top of letters and splat the water on it. After that, I
just separated drops with a brush with size control related to the stroke of the written letter. In capital
letters, I chose a tactic ‘Wide stroke – big drops’ while in lowercases I decided to follow ‘Wider stroke –
more drops’ but I kept them the same size.

As for alphabet from a kitchen roll, my first idea looked messy and unclear as if I crumpled the paper
and just laid it down following the letter shape. So later, I decided to create something from it and the
first possible idea that I had was to fold it accordion style and to make it look more interesting I colored
them with one of my favorite color. I used the same pieces for each letter but sometimes there were not
enough of them so I made some more if I needed. For lowercases, I tried a bit different idea also
because ‘accordion pieces’ looked messy in this type of letters shape. Therefore, in the end I came out
with an idea to fold the paper differently, to scroll it. In the end, I got small cute roses. After making a
few letter I realized I could not control the size of a stroke with my done roses so I made them different
size and it worked.

In conclusion, I may say I really enjoyed creating letters, especially from water because it was something
interesting and seemed unexplored. It was a good experience and training to my imagination and
improving in making up ideas. I think I could do it better if I had a bigger desire that time because I had
many ideas but I did not have enough knowledge about the thing that I wanted to do, so I just made
something easier but definitely would work. To be honest, I believe I did well and deserve to eat
something sweet or get a good grade. As for improving my work, I think it’s endless task because every
time may be done something better so for now I decided to stop on this result and I’m pretty proud of it.

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