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Creative thinkers are individuals who have the ability to come up with new and

innovative ideas. They are able to think outside of the box and approach problems
and challenges in a unique and original way.

There are several characteristics that are often associated with creative thinkers.
These include:

Curiosity: Creative thinkers are often curious about the world around them and are
always seeking to learn more. This curiosity drives them to explore new ideas and
think about problems in a different way.

Open-mindedness: Creative thinkers are open to new ideas and are willing to
consider multiple perspectives. They are not limited by their own preconceptions
and are able to see things from different angles.

Flexibility: Creative thinkers are able to adapt to new situations and are not
rigid in their thinking. They are able to pivot and come up with new solutions when
faced with challenges.

Imagination: Creative thinkers have a vivid imagination and are able to come up
with new and unique ideas. They are able to see possibilities where others may see
only limitations.

Persistence: Creative thinkers are not easily deterred and are willing to put in
the work to see their ideas through to fruition. They are able to persevere through
setbacks and continue to work towards their goals.

Creative thinking is an important skill in today's world, as it allows individuals

to come up with new and innovative solutions to problems and challenges.
It is a skill that can be developed and strengthened through practice and exposure
to new experiences.

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