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Course Outline on “History of EOTC I”

No. Items Descriptions

1. Faculty Fundamental Theology
2. Department Church History
3. Subject/Course History of EOTC I
4. Course code
5. Allotted years and Semester
6. Course Goals and Objectives  As a remedy for wrong impositions and deliberate
insertions of wrong ideas and representations enabling
students to develop an Ethiopian perspective on
Church History is the main objective of the course. It
also tries to familiarize the students with the
historiography-a method, technique, principle of
evaluating documents, internal and external
developments of Ethiopian history and the church, the
various types and differences of narrations, legends,
fancy tales etc.
7. Course Description Focusing on the time from 1000 BC – 6th C. AD, this course
deals with the historical development of the EOTC in the last
2000 years. As it is known, the church has remarkable and
unique features, never to be found in the rest of the
Christendom. To have a clear understanding on these features
of EOTC, the course also discusses about the early practice of
Judaism in Ethiopia, with signs that affirm real existence of
monotheistic culture in the ancient Ethiopia. As a result of
this the content to be covered is very broad and distant. It
encompasses religious, cultural, political history of the
Church, as well as the country. These issues need a historical
and theological consideration and analysis so as to meet with
dogmatic positions taken by the church and the historical
background for it.
8. Prerequisites No
9. Language/s of learning, and English
10. Course Learning Objectives At the end of this course, students should be able to:
(CLO): a) The course will enable students to know the main
motives behind historical controversies, and tries to
show some possible ways of solutions.
b) At the end of the course, students will have a better
understanding on the history of Ethiopian Orthodox
Tewahedo Church with emic perspective.

11. Methods used to Teach Course a) Weekly classes, Lectures and presentation (Q&A)
Objectives: b) Agenda focusing on the objective of the Course for
discussion and case studies,
c) Active participation in class
12. Main Course Materials a) Handouts and PowerPoint presentations, lecture notes
The course material consists of and readings from the textbook.
b) Material will be shared evenly and students are
expected to create a system to share
c) Textbook: A Handout prepared,
Additional Materials:
 Main References – Sergew, Hable Sellasie. Ancient
and Medieval Ethiopian History to 1270, 1972,
Taddese, Tamerat. Church and state in Ethiopia,

1972; ግርማ ባቱ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ታሪክ፡ ከጥንት

እስከ ስድስተኛው ክፍለ ዘመን፣ 2014 ዓ.ም.

 Additional References – indirectly related: Edward,
Ulendorff. Ethiopia and the Bible, Oxford University
Press, 1967; Henz, Paul. Ethiopia: Layers of Time.
London: Hurst & Co. Ltd, 2002. + Weekly Readings
from Hagiographies, Chronicles and Other books or
13. Class Policies a) Using an organized notebook, students are advised to take
notes during lectures
b) Homework will be assigned periodically. Reading from
assigned chapters are expected
c) Class attendance is mandatory; any absentee will be
reported to the University
d) Class discipline includes mature learning, physical
appearance, attentiveness,
e) Time punctuality, effective communications are parts of the
class policy
14. Course Assessment: Assignments The students will be evaluated on the basis of their
Overview performance in the following assignments:
● Attendance 10%
NB: ● Midterm examination or Assignment
Grading Scale is according to the 30%
Holy Trinity University ● Final examination 60%
TOTAL 100%
15. THE COURSE OUTLINE TO BE Chapter One: Historiography
COVERED DURING THE Chapter Two: Pre Christian History of Ethiopia
SEMESTER Chapter Three: Christianity in Ethiopia
Chapter Four: Some Important Figures in EOTC’s History
Chapters and Sub Chapters

Tentative Lesson Plan [14 weeks + Exam and evaluation time]

Weeks Subject coverage Activities

Week 1 Introduction: Historiography
Week 2 Discussion on Etymology of Ethiopia,
Orthodox, and Tewahedo

Week 3 The Dogmatic Position of EOTC,

discussion on Monophysite, Miaphysite,
and Duophysite Christological Views with
historical backgrounds
Week 4 Judaism: Historical Aspects
Week 5 Signs for the Early Practices of Judaism
Week 6 Introduction of Christianity to Ethiopia:
First Evangelization/ the Ethiopian Eunuch

Week 7 Consolidation of Christianity: Second

Evangelization by St. Frumentius
Week 8 Mid-Term Exam
Week 9 Third Evangelization/expansion with the
coming of the Nine Saints
Week 10 Contributions of the Nine Saints
Week 11 Some Important Figures in Ethiopian
Church History: Life and Reign of Atse
Week 12 Life, reign and contributions of Atse Gebre
Week 13 The Person and Work of St. Yared
Week 14 St. Yared and Historical Development of
Ethiopian Education
Week 15 Final Exam Evaluation 40-60 %
Total Evaluation 100%

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