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Ruben Rodriguez

English 1301

Dr Sharity Nelson

4 April 2023

Final Draft

In this article the authors Diana Elena RANF, Gabriel MANESCU, and Dorel BADEA

state that due to the recent events of the pandemic, Covid-19, businesses have been struggling to

find the right work precautions to take against it. The practice of business continuity

management is the preparation of an organization like such, to take precautions for the sake of

the business to maintain its basic functions it depends on to satisfy the business’s continuity.

Filtered internally within the organization applied practically specific to the context of business

employees. Effective in the appeal to the employees and the future of the people who potentially

will be involved with the business or have already been involved with it. Having the use of logos

with stating the procedures followed while practicing the business continuity management

protocol. With the “Land Force Academy” applying this practice it enforces a direct appliance to

all safety measures and the system the business may follow, with extreme precautions.

The authors state that in the beginning stages of the business continuity management

procedure, its evolution stages prior to its modern form, was only in its beginning stages (63). It

was more set-in place to anticipate and not act directly on it but indirectly with the health issues

that were occurring during 2012 (63). To ensure the business continuity plan is followed

correctly when applied to the specific issue occurring within. Using logic to battle the occurrence
to better prepare for the next if there were another issue to happen which is what the Business

Continuity Management protocol does. From the years of the BCM being in progress, it has been

able to determine the factors contributing to the issue internally and externally the business

establishment (63). With the use of logos, the system works logically from trial and error within

the organization that is experiencing the issue at hand. With its focus on the prevention of the

crisis it preserves the value and reputation of the business ensuring little to none faults for future

reference (63). With the enforced resilience the business shall maintain its reputation and

possibly surpass it because of the preparations the organization to not only regarding the issues

that may be occurring but also in safety and in good intention for their employees. With this

foundation the business will be able to strive against its possible competitors.

The authors make it known that to ensure the BCM is resilient to the force interrupting

the work establishment, the employees must persevere and work on one each other to assure the

business that the BCM is working at its fullest capability to ensure its success for the

organization. The BCM can only do so much if not with the employee’s full cooperation (64).

From jobs ranging from ICT Based Mobile Work to Platform work and even Casual Work. It Is

precited in most fields that have some sort of employment, whether that’s in the walls of the

organization and outside of it. “The current context of crisis caused by Covid-19 pandemic has

challenged organizations to identify new forms of employment that comply with existing

legislation, so as to ensure the sustainability of the business and avoid as much staff redundancy

as possible”, (64). Ethos is being used due to the different forms of jobs now being formed, they

require different terrains of the environment. Some based outdoors who are mostly occupied by

minority groups who consume the workplace spreading culture amongst the employees. The

authors demonstrate this with the chart they display showing the statistics of where it was
practiced and how well it succeeded regarding the work environment and the employees of

different backgrounds factored into the contribution of the BCM. Referring to figure 1. The

multiple forms of employment such as ICT based mobile work, Platform work, collaborative

employment, casual work, job sharing, portfolio working, employee sharing, interim

management, and voucher-based work. It demonstrates the statistics of the results of contribution

from the multiple parties and how effective it is to the organizations regarding the contributions

of the employees in the context of Covid-19. With voucher-based work being the lowest at 9 and

ICT based mobile work being at 27 (65). Essentially with studies the most convenient job and

most comfortable to the many employees would gain the most progress in the BCM practice.

Towards the end of the articles the authors decided to go from talking about to the BCM

practice, to talking about grants for employers of different work field jobs. When stating the

“Regulation of technical unemployment” of the financial state of certain sectors to investment

grants. Depending on the financial state of the sector they could qualify for the determined grants

such as grants, micro grants, working capital grants, and investment grants. The authors used

pathos to persuade the future of the workforce to succeed as a group further than its previous so

they may as well qualify for a better grant (66). The authors do this to get the BCM practice to

have better odds when being practiced because it ultimately depends on the financial state of the

organization so to ensure its best possibility of succeeding.

In the conclusion the authors state that the entirety of the article is essentially stating the

foundation of the beginning of the BCM practice. How it started and progressed throughout the

years based off its trial-and-error early years during Covid-19 and even before then in 2012.

With the use of charts to demonstrate the statistics of the different work field groups that were

born because of it and how far they can succeed, and the employees can improve their financial
status for better odds. How the employees themselves determine he success of the BCM practice

to practice resilience against the modern-day issues business organizations face till this day. Due

to the pandemic Covid-19 the issues regarding the businesses that were affected by it, were able

to either pull through the crisis or fail. Because of the BCM practice many business organizations

still strive till this day and continue to do so for years to come.
Work Cited

Diana Elena RANF, Gabriel MANESCU, Dorel BADEA. “Specific Business Continuity

Management Practices During the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis” Management and Economics, vol.

26 issue 1 pp 62-68, Preparedness Pandemics Financial Crisis, doi: 10.2478/raft-2021-0010.

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