Reflection Essay 3

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Ruben Rodriguez

English 1301

Dr Sharity Nelson

18 April 2023

Reflection Essay 3

What I learned in Essay 1 was the certain skills regarding when Id refers to the genre of

the essay and used those skills to refer to the genre in my rhetorical analysis essay. For example,

when I referred to the figure model from my essay 3, I learned to refer to that because of essay 1.

“Referring to figure 1. The multiple forms of employment such as ICT based mobile work,

Platform work, collaborative employment, casual work, job sharing, portfolio working,

employee sharing, interim management, and voucher-based work. It demonstrates the statistics

of the results of contribution from the multiple parties and how effective it is to the organizations

regarding the contributions of the employees in the context of Covid-19”. The skills I acquired

from essay 2 werent so much used in my essay 3, due to the fact of personal troubles I was

experiencing. It limited my essays 2 full potential so therefore I didn’t learn anything I didn’t

already know.

The skills I learned in essay 1 were very helpful in the sense of identifying the kind of

article I was writing about and what it entailed to better understand what I was analyzing. The

analysis skills from essay 1 truly did help me when reading the article to begin writing on it.

However, there were certain skills I didn’t use such as when I described the kind of genre the

article was. For example, when I described the poster, I was writing about in my essay 1 and how

I described its dimensions. I didn’t need to do that in my essay 3 therefore I didn’t. I pretty much
didn’t use any skills from my essay 1 because of the personal problems I was having regarding

life and school. So, majority of my essay 2 I didn’t incorporate into my essay 3.

From essay 3 I learned how to analyze an article and respond to it regarding its argument.

For example, “In the conclusion the authors state that the entirety of the article is essentially

stating the foundation of the beginning of the BCM practice. How it started and progressed

throughout the years based off its trial-and-error early years during Covid-19 and even before

then in 2012. With the use of charts to demonstrate the statistics of the different work field

groups that were born because of it and how far they can succeed, and the employees can

improve their financial status for better odds.” When writing this I analyzed the text and how the

writing was using logos with logic being built into the said BCM and how it has been proven to

better business organizations.

I think that what I learned from essay 3 could be applicable to other courses, however not

many of my other courses require writing to that extent. Therefore, a lot of the skills I learned

from this writing I probably won’t incorporate into my writings from other classes. However, for

my future course, English 1302, I will take what I learned and use it on my future essays for that

course. For example, when I write future rhetorical essays for that course or even a type of

analysis, I will know how to start it.

Peer review activities do truly help me in my writing because it allows criticism on my

essay that I could potentially take in and use it to better my writing in general. For example, all

of my peer review comments from my peers and even my professor has definitely helped me in

what words to use and how to use them so it better fit the prompt.

Form the comments I received from my readers, I learned that my strengths are having

the idea of the right sentences to write and when to use that sentence, so it applied to the topic
correctly. My weakness was how I worded those sentences. The way I worded them almost

strayed too far from the topic of the sentence that I couldn’t truly form a topic sentence deeming

my other sentences pointless. My strengths and weaknesses are in fact not different from essay 1

and essay 3.

From the comments I received from my professor on essay 1 and essay 2, I believe that

the comments will possibly be the same. This is because the progress from essay 1 to essay 3

was very minimal. This is because in between there was no progress. My essay 2 lacked very

much so the progress from essay 1 to essay 3 was stagnant. I feel that my professor will

comment on my wording still and the formation of my topic sentences. For example, my

professor commented, “needs to add a controlling idea that states why the specific community

uses that specific genre to convey its values and invite others in the community to participate in

its mission.” This let me know that I struggled to have a controlling idea and do feel that I

possibly still struggled to have that in this essay therefore meaning I most likely will get the

same comments.

The most challenging aspect of this essay was trying to write about it without being bias

and not having a distraught mind when writing so it didn’t stray away from the information I was

meant to write as a rhetorical analysis. For instance, when I was writing the essay it was hard to

stay on track and not go on my own tangent on Covid-19 and its difficulties it brings on everyday

lives. The least challenging aspect was stating the clear key points of the article like its topics on

each page in its own subheading.

My identity as a writer hasn’t changed much because of the minimal progress I made

from essay 1 to essay 2. For instance, when writing my essay 2 I was stuck and couldn’t make

much progress, therefore my identity as a writer hasn’t changed since essay 1.


Work Cited

Rodriguez, Ruben, “Essay 1 First Draft TurnItIn Conference.” 7 February 2023 ENGL

1301, Texas A&M International University, classroom activity.

Rodriguez, Ruben, “Essay 1 Final Draft.” 16 February 2023 ENGL 1301, Texas A&M

International University, student paper

Rodriguez, Ruben, “Essay 3 Final Draft.” 13 April 2023 ENGL 1301, Texas A&M

International University, student paper

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