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Science of the Total Environment 640–641 (2018) 1259–1271

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Science of the Total Environment

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Mapping magnesium sulfate salts from saline mine discharge with

airborne hyperspectral data
Kirrilly S. Pfitzner ⁎, Andrew J. Harford, Timothy G. Whiteside, Renee E. Bartolo
Department of the Environment and Energy, Supervising Scientist Branch, PO Box 461, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia


• Composition and extent of MgSO4 efflo-

rescence mapped with hyperspectral
• Hexahydrite and starkeyite were the
dominant salt mineralogy identified by
• Elevated uranium detected by a spectral
absorption at 0.44 μm confirmed by XRD
• A constrained energy minimisation
technique matched field data to
airborne survey
• Remote method detected known
locations of efflorescence from saline

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Managing saline water discharges from mining operations is a global environmental challenge. Measuring the lo-
Received 19 February 2018 cation and extent of surface efflorescence can indicate solute movement before changes in electrical conductivity
Received in revised form 30 May 2018 (EC) are detected in waterways. We hypothesised through the use of a case study that ground-based reflectance
Accepted 31 May 2018
spectrometry and airborne hyperspectral (450–2500 nm) analysis of surface efflorescence could be a rapid
Available online 7 June 2018
method for monitoring large regions of the surrounding environment, including downstream of remote mines.
Editor: D. Barcelo X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence were used to determine mineralogy and elemental composition of sur-
face salts around a uranium mine. Salt samples were found to be mixtures of magnesium sulfate. The reflectance
Keywords: of field spectra varied depending on the hydration of the mineral, mainly hexahydrite and starkeyite. A
Ranger uranium mine constrained energy minimisation technique was used to match the field reflectance spectra to the airborne
Kakadu national park data. Airborne matches were confirmed at the field sampling sites and surrounds. Salts were also detected at
Remote sensing lower matches at mine water irrigation areas where excess mine water had previously been applied. Hence,
Spectral reflectance hyperspectral remote sensing is a potentially rapid and sensitive method for mapping magnesium sulfates
Absorption spectra
over large areas in operating and rehabilitated mines. It was successfully demonstrated as a tool for monitoring
and assessment of efflorescence as a result of saline processes.
Crown Copyright © 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Abbreviations: CEM, constrained energy minimization; CR, continuum removal; EC, 1. Introduction
electrical conductivity; GCT2, Gulungul Creek tributary 2; HyMap, airborne
hyperspectral mapper; LAA, land application area; MNF, minimum noise fraction; SWIR, Much attention is given to acid rock drainage, often referred to as
shortwave infrared; VNIR, visible to near-infrared; XRD, X-ray diffraction; XRF, X-ray
acid mine drainage, in the mining industry, but saline drainage without
⁎ Corresponding author. acid rock drainage, as well as neutral or alkaline drainage, may also pro-
E-mail address: kirrilly.pfitzner@environment.gov.au (K.S. Pfitzner). duce detrimental environmental effects (Lottermoser, 2010; Nordstrom

0048-9697/Crown Copyright © 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1260 K.S. Pfitzner et al. / Science of the Total Environment 640–641 (2018) 1259–1271

et al., 2015). Salinity issues in the mining industry may occur during shwertmannite, goethite, hematite). These metal-rich minerals have
mining or post-mining and arise through the dissolution and transition metals such as iron or copper which contain unique absorp-
mobilisation of metals, non-metals, and metalloids (Nordstrom et al., tion features due to electronic processes that dominate and characterise
2015). Saline drainage is characterised by neutral to alkaline pH mine- the visible-near infrared portion of the spectral signature thereby en-
waters (The International Network fur Acid Prevention (INAP), 2009; abling their spectral identification and discrimination (Hunt et al.,
Verburg et al., 2009). Local carbonate resources as well as high sulfate 1971; Hunt and Ashley, 1979). By contrast, the efflorescence of saline
concentrations are required for saline drainage processes to occur. Sa- drainage show absorption features due to vibrational processes, namely
line drainage can result in salinisation of freshwater creeks, rivers and molecular substitution and water content. These patterns of spectral
groundwater and the modification of geochemistry that can have im- variation in magnesium sulfates are not well documented. Research
pacts on biota, including aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals into the reflectance spectra of magnesium sulfates has focused mostly
(Canedo-Arguelles et al., 2016). Suspended clay particles flocculate in on salts on Planet Mars where they are constituents of the Martian
saline water and increased sunlight penetration can result in algal soil, and played an important role in the past hydrologic cycle. These
blooms (Sholkovitz, 1976). Soil erosion may occur if terrestrial vegeta- studies have included data from Mars missions but also laboratory stud-
tion cover is altered by being scalded or intolerant to saline drainage. ies under Martian atmospheric scenarios, often using finely-ground,
Mining spoils that produce saline drainage include coal (Kurbiel et al., synthesised minerals with no impurities (Cloutis et al., 2006; Cloutis
1996), uranium (Lottermoser and Ashley, 2005) and diamond mining et al., 2007; Chou and Seal, 2007; Chou et al., 2013; Bishop and
(Nordstrom et al., 2015; van Dam et al., 2013). Surface mineral salts, Pieters, 1995; Bishop et al., 2005; Bonello et al., 2005; Brown and
or efflorescence, are indicative of saline drainage. Remotely sensed de- Cudahy, 2006; Leftwich et al., 2013; McCord et al., 1998; McCord et al.,
tection and mapping of efflorescence around mines and downstream 1999; Roach et al., 2009; Vaniman et al., 2004; Vaniman and Chipera,
overtime is possible due to the bright white reflectance of salt minerals. 2006; Dalton, 2003). A few isolated examples of magnesium sulfate
However, other bright white coloured features may confound the re- spectra exist in public domain spectral libraries. The USGS spectral li-
sults, such as alluvial sands, white pipes, concrete, white metallic roof brary (Clark et al., 2007; Kokaly et al., 2017) contains one spectrum
tops and mining tanks. each of epsomite (as “commercial epsomite salts”) and starkeyite (as
Selected sulfate, carbonate and chloride salts have been an “intimate mixture of starkeyite plus possible other salts”). The
characterised in the controlled laboratory environment by reflectance ASTER spectral library (Baldridge et al., 2009) contains two spectra of
spectroscopy (Hunt et al., 1971; Hunt and Ashley, 1979; Clark et al., epsomite (one of commercially produced epsomite salts and the other
1990; Crowley, 1991; Grove et al., 1992). Most published salinity studies a synthesised product).
using remote sensing investigate bare soils or vegetation signals as an Small, patchy locations of surface efflorescence observations, com-
indirect indicator to salinity as a result of land degradation or vegetation bined with high electrical conductivity (EC) levels in creek water adja-
dieback from saline processes (e.g. Farifteh et al., 2008; Rao et al., 1995; cent to a uranium mine prompted this field and remote sensing study.
Verma et al., 1994; Dehaan and Taylor, 2002; Belluco et al., 2006; Bilgili We hypothesised that airborne hyperspectral analysis of efflorescence
et al., 2011). Examples of mapping salt mineralogy using hyperspectral could be a rapid method for monitoring the surrounding environment
remote sensing in acid mine drainage affected mine sites (Swayze et al., of remote mines. Salt samples were taken for X-ray diffraction (XRD)
2000; Bierwirth and Pfitzner, 2001; Pfitzner and Clifton, 2006a) in- to characterise mineralogy, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) for elemental
volved historical acid mine drainage pyrite mines, with mining not un- composition of potential contaminants (such as Mg, SO, U, Mn) and
dertaken to current environmental standards, and where sulfidic host ground-based reflectance spectrometry as an input to match the air-
minerals caused hectares of efflorescence (e.g. copiapite, jarosite, borne measurements. To cover this extent, an airborne hyperspectral
melanterite) co-precipitating with oxidised iron minerals (ferrihydrite, survey (HyMap) utilising 124 bands across the reflective solar

Fig. 1. The location of Ranger Uranium Mine within the Ranger Project Area.
K.S. Pfitzner et al. / Science of the Total Environment 640–641 (2018) 1259–1271 1261

wavelength region of 450–2500 nm with contiguous spectral coverage Ranger Uranium Mine was an open cut mine with two pits (pit 1 and
at 3.1 m ground sample distance was commissioned. The aim was to pit 3) and currently processing is continuing from stockpiled material
use these data to identify the extent of any salt affected areas off-site (see Fig. 2). Features of the mine important here are shown in Fig. 2
of the mining operations including areas upstream of the mine site to and include the Tailings Storage Facility (TSF), the Tailings West Wall
the downstream wetlands. Sump (TWWS), a borrow pit, numerous Land Application Areas (LAA)
While MgSO4 minerals have been mapped on Mars, or as assem- and Gulungul Creek Tributary 2 (GCT2) that flows into Gulungul Creek
blages in acid mine drainage environments, here we apply a study to di- during the wet season.
rectly map minerals from saline drainage without acid mine drainage. A Field spectrometry and salt samples for XRD and XRF analyses were
similar application has not been published before. collected to the western side of the tailings storage facility, at the tailings
west wall sump, along GCT2 and the borrow pit (refer to Fig. 3). The
2. Materials and methods samples visually appeared variable in crystallinity, texture and mois-
ture. Field sample collection sites were obtained at point 1, from an
2.1. Location area offsite known as Gulungul Creek Tributary 2 (GCT2), and tracked
towards the confluence of Gulungul Creek at point 5. Measurements
The case study was the Ranger Uranium Mine, approximately were also taken at a borrow pit to the SW of the tailings storage facility
260 km east of Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, surrounded by (points 6–9), at the tailings west wall sump (points 10–11) and along
the World Heritage Kakadu National Park (Fig. 1), which is jointly man- the track from the mine towards GCT2 (points 12–13). Sites 14–16
aged by Traditional Custodians. The mine is adjacent to Ramsar-listed were co-located at site 2, clearly visible as precipitating iron-
wetlands. The climate is wet-dry tropical with approximately oxyhydorixides. Representative photos are provided in Fig. 4.
1700 mm mean annual rainfall falling mostly between October and Known locations of salt that had been observed along the Gulungul
May. Creek Tributary and in the borrow area were targeted for fieldwork as

Fig. 2. Ranger Uranium Mine features including the Tailings Storage Facility (TSF), Gulungul Creek Tributary 2 (GCT2), Gulungul Creek, Land Application Areas (LAA), Borrow pit and
Tailings West Wall Sump (TWWS).
1262 K.S. Pfitzner et al. / Science of the Total Environment 640–641 (2018) 1259–1271

the monsoonal environment, which is an ideal time to collect data be-

cause crystals have evaporated from solution over time but not yet af-
fected by rainfall.
The raw spectra recorded were presented as reflectance and
resampled to remove atmospheric water vapour. Data were imported
into a salt spectral library and endmembers viewed using a continuum
removal (CR) to calculate absorption feature position, depth and
width (Clark and Roush, 1984). Absorption features were then identi-
fied and compared.

2.3. X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence

Samples of evaporites were scraped from the surface. Care was taken
to avoid collecting underlying sediment. The sample was first placed in
a snap lock bag and then in a portable cooler. The XRD and XRF analyses
were undertaken by The Commonwealth Scientific Industrial and Re-
source Organisation (CSIRO).
For the XRD measurements, 1.5 g of the samples were ground for
10 min in a micronizing mill (McCrone) under ethanol. The resulting
slurries were oven dried at 60 °C then thoroughly mixed in an agate
mortar and pestle before being lightly back pressed into stainless steel
sample holders for XRD analysis. XRD patterns were recorded using Fe
filtered Co Ka radiation, an automatic divergence slit, a 2° anti-scatter
slit and a fast X'Celerator Si strip detector. The diffraction patterns
were recorded from 3° to 80° in steps of 0.017° 2 theta with a 0.5 s
counting time per step for an overall counting time of approximately
35 min. The diffractometer was a PANalytical X'Pert Pro (www.
panalytical.com). Qualitative analysis was performed on the XRD data
using CSIRO's in-house XPLOT and HighScore Plus (from PANalytical)
search/match software. Quantitative analysis on the soil samples were
performed on the XRD data using the commercial package
SIROQUANT from Sietronics Pty Ltd. The results were normalized to
100% and did not include estimates of unidentified or amorphous mate-
Fig. 3. Location of field sample sites in relation to the tailings storage facility (TSF). rials (Mark Raven, CSIRO, pers comm).
The samples were also characterised using XRF with ~1 g of each
oven dried (105 °C) soil sample accurately weighed with 4 g of 12–22
input signatures to the hyperspectral airborne data in order to identify lithium borate flux. The mixtures were heated to 105 °C in a Pt/Au cru-
unknown patches of salt, should they exist. To identify the mineralogy cible for 20 min to completely dissolve the sample then poured into a
and elementary composition of the salts measured spectrally, these 32 mm Pt/Au mould heated to a similar temperature. The melt was
sites were also sampled by XRD and XRF. cooled rapidly over a compressed air stream and the resulting glass
disks were analysed on a PANalytical Axios Advanced wavelength dis-
2.2. Field-based spectrometry persive XRF system using a CSIRO in-house calibration (Mark Raven,
CSIRO, pers comm).
It was essential to measure reflectance spectra in the field as the Trace elements were measured using pressed powders. Approxi-
mineral assemblages were physically fragile and not sufficiently chem- mately 4 g of each oven dried sample (105 °C) was accurately weighed
ically stable for transport to the laboratory (Crowley, 1991). Spectral with 1 g of Licowax binder and mixed well. The mixtures were pressed
data were acquired using an ASD FieldSpec4 spectrometer (www.asdi. in a 32 mm die at 12 tons pressure and the resulting pellets were
com) covering 350–2500 nm with three separate detectors: visible to analysed on the same system (Mark Raven, CSIRO, pers comm).
near-infrared (VNIR) (350–1050 nm), shortwave infrared (SWIR) 1
(1000–1800 nm), and SWIR2 (1800–2500 nm). Sampling intervals 2.4. Hyperspectral airborne HyMap data and processing
were 1.4 nm for the VNIR region and 2 nm for the SWIR with a spectral
resolution of 3 and 10 nm, respectively (Hatchell, 2002). The surface HyMap, airborne hyperspectral mapper data with 124 bands from
salts were often patchy in size and extent, and to gain pure in situ spec- 456 to 2496 nm were flown during the late dry season (September)
tral signatures, salts were measured at a distance of 10 cm from the salt for six flight-lines at 3.1 m ground sampling distance giving a mosaic
surface. Measurements were made at sensor zenith of approximately area of ~8.5 × 22 km. The raw data were pre-processed by converting
45° with a 25° fore-optic providing around 4.6 cm diameter ground the radiance data to surface reflectance using HyCorr (Hyperspectral
field of view. A standard sampling procedure (Pfitzner et al., 2011) Correction) and EFFORT (Empirical Flat Field Optimal Reflectance Trans-
was otherwise adopted. For each spectral measurement, the location formation) (Boardman, 1998). The HyMap sensor is a gyro-stabilised
was provided by a GPS receiver and a photograph was taken. The platform with empheris data (GPS/internal navigation system informa-
weather conditions were hot (up to 39 °C), humid (~ 90% relative hu- tion) collected during flight overpass to allow precision georeferencing
midity) and clear (apart from b5% cirrus cloud cover). to map coordinates. In this case, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
The field spectral signatures and XRD and XRF were sampled in Au- (SRTM) digital elevation model (DEM) data was used in the process.
gust and the hyperspectral image data collection was nearly one month Geometric and cross track correction were applied and then the six
later. There was no rainfall during this period, preserving the salt crys- flight lines were mosaicked into a data cube by HyVista. Information
tals on the ground. The September timing of the airborne data capture on the HyMap sensor is available (Cocks et al., 1998). An overlay of
was opportunistic. The capture coincided with the late dry season in mine site GIS layers confirmed precise georeferencing.
K.S. Pfitzner et al. / Science of the Total Environment 640–641 (2018) 1259–1271 1263

Site 1 Site 2 Site 3

Site 4 Site 6 Site 7

Site 8 Site 10

Site 11 Site 12 Site 13

Fig. 4. Examples of surface expressions at the sampled sites.

The VNIR and SWIR minimum noise fraction (MNF) colour compos- energy resulting from a background other than the field spectral targets.
ites and decorrelation stretch images were used to visualise maximum A covariance matrix, calculated using all of the image pixels, was used to
information for the 124 bands in a RGB three band display. A mask of characterise the composite unknown background data. Results were
the mining footprint was made to exclude on-site mine analysis. The presented as a series of grey scale images for each field endmember.
processed field spectra were used as endmembers in a constrained en- The CEM image data were classified into 5% intervals. Pixel locations
ergy minimisation (CEM) algorithm. The CEM is a whitened version of of spectral matches were exported into a GIS environment and the loca-
the matched filter detector (Johnson, 2002). A finite impulse response tion of surface salt mapped. Fig. 5 summarises the method as a flow
filter was passed through each field spectra while minimising output chart.
1264 K.S. Pfitzner et al. / Science of the Total Environment 640–641 (2018) 1259–1271

Fig. 5. Flow chart of methodology used to identify salt from the airborne hyperspectral data.

3. Results by lepidocrocite (FeO OH). Magnesium sulfates can be replaced by

sodium magnesium sulfates (Sanches-Moral et al., 1998), with higher
3.1. In situ visual descriptions temperatures favouring magnesium salt precipitation over sodium
phases as magnesium salts are less soluble between 30 and 45 °C
At site 1, situated at the GCT2 bore, salts were powdery, shallow and (Leduc, 2010). The relative mobility of magnesium, which is greater
occurred along the banks of the dry tributary bed. At site 2, downslope than calcium, will also determine the concentration of solutions, and re-
from site 1, iron rich minerals were observed. Site 3 was more heavily search specifically at Ranger Uranium Mine has shown that calcium
vegetated and sampled at the confluence of GCT2 with the “Radon ameliorates magnesium toxicity for some aquatic species (van Dam
Springs Track” where a spring expressed wet ferrous material. Salts at et al., 2010).
this site occurred along the vehicle track and were mainly visible The iron-rich minerals were characterised by lepidocrocite, with
along the ridge between the tyre ruts. Site 4, situated at the confluence minor-trace levels of goethite, starkeyite, hexahydrite, gypsum, bloedite
of GCT2 with Gulungul Creek, showed crystalline salts seeded onto and konyaite. Goethite (alpha FeOOH) is yellow-brown in colour and is
twigs and leaf litter on the ground. The salts at sites 6–9 within an old a common weathering product of silicate minerals in rocks and soils. In
borrow pit appeared dry and expressed linearly downslope (to the SE) more acidic environments, goethite forms where oxidation is slow
in metre wide patches. The salts at sites 10–11 (tailings west wall enough to allow crystal growth from solution (Schwertmann et al.,
sump or TWWS) were crystalline, probably evaporating in situ from 1985) and is stable above pH 4 (Van Breemen, 1988). Lepidocrocite
the tailings wall runoff material that had collected in the sump. Sites (gamma FeOOH) is typically bright orange and often forms associations
12–15 were measured near the tailings west wall sump “onsite” of the with goethite. It is found in soils as a result of reduction of Fe-oxide soils
mining lease but not associated with the water from tailings west wall due to O2 deficiency and subsequent re-oxidation (Schwertmann,
sump. Sites 12–15 appeared powdery. 1988). The formation of goethite and lepidocrocite is favoured in solu-
tions with pH from 5 to 7 and lower carbonate ions in solution favour
3.2. X-ray diffraction analyses lepidocrocite over goethite formation (Schwertmann, 1988; Cornell
and Schwertmann, 1966). Clay minerals were evidence of sub-surface
Mineral mixtures were dominated by magnesium sulfates (Table 1). contamination. The sub-surface clays were not measured in the surface
Samples 1–13 were of salt minerals and samples 14–17 were of iron- spectra.
rich minerals. Dominant (D), codominant (CD), sub-dominant (SD),
minor (M) and trace (T) content of minerals were: N 60%, b 60%, 3.3. X-ray florescence analyses
20–60%, 5–20% and b 5% content, respectively. The salt samples were
magnesium sulfate mixtures, either hexahydrite (MgSO4·6H2O) domi- Twenty eight elements were measured by XRF, with sodium the
nant, starkeyite (MgSO4·4H2O) dominant or co-dominant of the two lightest element measured and uranium the heaviest (Table 2). The fol-
minerals. Some of the samples analysed also contained trace or minor lowing elements were measured but not detected, either as elements
levels of sodium/magnesium sulfates including the minerals, konyaite existing but under detection limit of the used instrument, or not
[Na2Mg(SO4)2·5H2O] or bloedite [Na2Mg(SO4)2·4H2O]. existing: Co, Nb, Sb, Pr, Pb and Th. The salts contained up to 23% MgO
Less than 5% of gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) content was found in all sam- and up to 54% SO3, whereas the iron-rich sediments contained b6%
ples. Some samples had up to 20% gypsum and were also characterised MgO and between 3.2 and 16.6% SO3. The SiO2 content correlated to
K.S. Pfitzner et al. / Science of the Total Environment 640–641 (2018) 1259–1271 1265

Table 1
XRD results of the studied seventeen reflectance spectroscopy samples of saline minerals and iron-rich minerals.










2 M D M T T

3 SD D T T

4 M D SD T

5 SD D M T

6 SD M D T T T T T


8 T D T T T T

9 T D T T

10 T CD CD T M T

11 D SD T T

12 M T D T T T T

13 T D T T T

14 CD M M T CD M

15 SD T M M T D T M

16 D T M T M T

17 CD T CD M

Dominant (D) ≥ 60%, co-dominant (CD) sum N 60%, sub-dominant (SD) = 20–60%, minor (M) = 5–20%, trace (T) ≤ 5%.

the amount of quartz. The sodium and calcium content correlated with Vanadium was only detected in samples 6 and 7, which were col-
bloedite and gypsum, respectively. Apart from sample 10, with minor lected at the borrow pit to the SW of the tailings storage facility. Prior
bloedite and a Na2O content of 4%, the salts had only trace amounts of to 2007, the milling and mining process at Ranger Uranium Mine intro-
bloedite and b 2% Na2O, and there was no spatial difference in occur- duced vanadium from catalyst material used in the preparation of sulfu-
rence with distance to the mine. Minor to trace amounts of gypsum ric acid from elemental sulfur (Baily (1984) in Noller (1991)), and may
(b20%) were detected in all samples and all had b3% CaO. There was represent process water. Vanadium is also common in uraniferous
no evidence of a change in calcium content with distance from the sandstone, so may also be associated with the natural minerals.
mine. Low levels of P2O5, Cl, Ti, and Sr were detected. Some samples
contained small amounts of V, Cr, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Br and Rb and 3.4. Spectra
these were present in some salts and iron-rich samples. The iron-rich
sediments contained higher aluminium oxide content corresponding The spectra are graphed by the dominant mineral groups, confirmed
to the presence of clays, particularly kaolin in samples 15, 16 and 17. by XRD analysis: hexahydrite dominant, starkeyite dominant, co-
The iron-rich materials (including sample 2, with trace lepidocrocite), dominant hexahydrite and starkeyite spectra, and mixed spectra
contained the only detected rare earth elements: Y; Ce; I; and Nd. Iden- (Fig. 6). Iron-rich spectra are not discussed further here due to the
tifying and locating secondary iron-rich minerals was significant as they focus on salts. The data are presented as reflectance (0–1) and as contin-
stabilise iron and can fix potentially high concentrations of toxic trace uum removed (CR) to highlight the absorption features and their posi-
metals, and combinations of clay mineral associations may maximise tion, depth and width.
the bioavailability of metal contaminants (Schwertmann, 1988). Sam- The spectra representing hexahydrite (samples 3, 8 and 9) in Fig. 6
ples 10, 11 and 12 contained U concentrations of 0.324, 0.025 and show similar shapes. There were absorptions across 1130–1300 nm,
0.019%, respectively. The U content of Sample 10 was equivalent to and strong water absorptions at ~ 1450 and 1940 nm. Stronger absorp-
grade 5 ore, and samples 11 and 12 equivalent to waste rock. Sample tions occured in sample 8 and the shallowest in sample 3. Reflectance
10 also had the highest proportions of sodium oxide (4%), chlorine increases from the blue region to the near infrared (NIR). Maximum re-
(0.36%), potassium oxide (0.49%) and nickel (0.006%), and was repre- flectance (up to 60%) occurs at 1080 nm with a characteristic
sentative of the saline precipitation from the tailings storage facility hexahydrite “bump” with small absorptions on either side of the peak
contained in the sump of the tailings west wall sump that collects pro- (Crowley, 1991; Cloutis et al., 2007; Dalton, 2003). The starkeyite spec-
cess water. tra (samples 6, 12 and 13) showed similar spectral shapes within the
1266 K.S. Pfitzner et al. / Science of the Total Environment 640–641 (2018) 1259–1271

group but were different to hexahydrite. Small absorption features were

present at 490 nm and water absortpions at ~ 1450 and 1940 nm. The

uranium content of sample 12, detected at 0.019% by XRF, was too


small to show in the field-based spectra. Co-dominant minerals (sam-
Nd ples 1, 7 and 10) also showed water absorptions at ~1450 and


1950 nm. Water absorptions were widest in Sample 10. Sample 10

displayed the 450 nm uranyl absorption, with 80% reflectance in the

NIR. There was a small absorption at 960 nm, a peak at 1070 nm and an-

other absorption at 1200 nm, maintaining the hexahydrite bump in the

co-dominant spectra. The mixed spectra also maintain the hexahydrite




bump and while these samples are mixtures, hexahydrite was the dom-

inant mineral. The small absorption was at 970 nm, increasing to

~1000 nm and the right wing of the absorption was at 1180 nm. The
1400 nm water absorption was sharp and double in sample 5 and

broad in sample 11, whereas the 1900 nm absorption feature was


sharp in sample 4 and broad in sample 11. There was a very small

450 nm absorption in sample 11, as a function of the charge transfer




transitions between uranium and oxygen atoms (0.025% uranium de-

tected in XRF).



Most of the NIR features seen in saline drainage minerals are vibra-

tional in origin, and are representative of molecular groups, particularly

XRF results (% composition) for the same samples examined – in situ- by reflectance spectrometry. Elements with increasing atomic number from sodium to uranium.

hydroxyl and water molecules. Most of the absorption features seen in


the evaporite mineral spectra were due to water molecules that are es-

sential components in each mineral structure (Crowley, 1991; Dalton,



2003). While matching absorption features is a powerful technique for


mineral identification, absorption bands attributable to water are usu-

ally limited in utility because a wide range of minerals exhibit features





in this region (Cloutis et al., 2007) and atmospheric water maximises

the airborne signal. The absorption features in the ground-based spectra



near 1900 nm become progressively shallower, consistent with a reduc-


tion in water content (Dalton, 2003) with sharper, deeper absorptions



being attributable to an increase in water content. The spectral charac-


ter of these hydration features is highly dependent on the sample envi-

ronment and on the nature of water and hydroxyl (Bishop and Pieters,




1995). Crystallisation structure also affects the reflectance spectra of hy-

drated magnesium sulfates (Bonello et al., 2005). A reduced intensity of



the absorption features and slight increase in overall reflectance were


consistent with a reduction in water but could also be achieved by re-




ducing the grain size or otherwise increasing scattering (Dalton,


2003). More hydrated magnesium sulfate minerals generally show

broader absorption features (Crowley, 1991; Cloutis et al., 2007) but

soil moisture, colour and roughness also affect reflectance (Drake,




The ultraviolet-blue region between 350 and 460 nm were lost


when the field spectra were resampled to the HyMap spectral range.

This was significant for the spectrum of sample 10 but was not relevant
to magnesium sulfate mapping.

3.5. Image analysis


Given the spectral diversity of the hydrous magnesium dominated


sulfate mineral assemblages, no attempt was made to map minerals,


but rather to identify the location and extent of surface magnesium sul-

fate dominated salts. The Ranger Uranium Mine was visible against a


natural landscape in the red-green-blue (RGB) (bands 14, 7, 1) true col-

our image (Fig. 7a). The false colour infrared-red-green (IR, R, G) (bands




21, 14, 7; Fig. 7b) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)
images (Fig. 7c) highlighted the green vegetation of the fluvial systems


and the footprint of the mine. A decorrelation stretch of bandwidths

similar to Landsat TM bands 7, 5, and 2 highlighted geological features
% XRF composition


(Fig. 7d). The MNF images of the VNIR (Fig. 7e) and SWIR (Fig. 7f)

data showed the variation in information content available in the air-

borne hyperspectral data.


The “background” or non-salt signatures were calculated and the

Table 2

statistics based on the covariance matrix produced results that


corresponded with field observations. For the intended purpose here,

K.S. Pfitzner et al. / Science of the Total Environment 640–641 (2018) 1259–1271 1267

Hexahydrite dominant reflectance spectra (left) and CR (right). Sample numbers 3,8,9

Starkeyite dominant reflectance spectra (left) and CR (right). Sample numbers 6,12,13

Co-dominant reflectance spectra (left) and CR (right). Sample numbers 1,7,10

Mixed minerals reflectance spectra (left) and CR (right). Sample numbers 4,5,11
Fig. 6. Salt reflectance spectra and with continuum removed (CR) for sample sites and confirmed by XRD (hexahydrite and starkeyite dominant). Sample numbers given in the upper right
of each panel.

we were interested in identifying and discriminating salt spectra from matches. The top matches, 95–100% (Fig. 8a) show salts at the tailings
other background spectra excluding the operating mine site. Fig. 8 west wall sump, GCT2, in an area to the SW of the tailings storage facility
shows the top spectral match at 5% increments to the top 80% of and the borrow area to the SSW of the tailings storage facility. These
1268 K.S. Pfitzner et al. / Science of the Total Environment 640–641 (2018) 1259–1271

Fig. 7. HyMap airborne data (a) red-green-blue (RGB) true colour, (b) false colour infrared-red-green (IR, R, G), (c) normalized difference vegetation index (NDV)I (d) Decorrelation
stretch of bandwidths similar to Landsat Thematic Mapper ™ bands 7, 5, and 2 to highlight geological features, (e) visible-near-infrared (VNIR) minimum noise fraction (MNF),
(f) short-wave infrared (SWIR) MNF.

sites were confirmed in the field. The 90–100% match (Fig. 8b) included potential for management intervention preceding potential aquatic
more pixels of the same sites as the top spectral match, as well as at a contamination.
controlled release point from the retention pond number 1 known as Magnesium sulfate efflorescence on the ground, such as hexahydrite
Djalkmarra release point. Fig. 8c highlights these main areas of salts and starkeyite, can be identified and delineated with airborne
mapped around the mine. Un-verified locations were spectrally hyperspectral technology. To determine the mineralogy and elemental
matched at tolerances b90% of the top matches. These areas include composition of the surface efflorescence, XRD and XRF were required al-
other sites to the west of the tailings storage facility, within seasonal bil- though, for many minerals, spectroscopy is not only more rapid but also
labongs (Corridor Billabong) and along the Gulungul tributary that runs more sensitive to lower concentrations than XRD (Crowley, 1991;
south of the mine tailings storage facility, which has previously shown Drake, 1995). The main spectral features in the signatures are due to
elevated EC. At thresholds b80% of maximum, saline minerals were indi- water and the crystalline structure. Although the magnesium sulfate
cated in other tributaries in proximity to the mine including Corridor minerals do not give their own unique VNIR-SWIR signature due to var-
and Magela Creeks. Away from the mine, pixels were also highlighted iation in physical and chemical attributes, they are unique in the spec-
north of the mine in Magela Creek towards the populated small commu- tral space and can be identified and detected from hyperspectral data.
nity, Mudjinberri (Fig. 8d). Other matches at lower thresholds in the re- Matching absorption features is a powerful technique for mineral iden-
gion were shown but not mapped. tification in hyperspectral data. Field-based spectrometry was required
to characterise the variation in spectra due to factors such as mineral-
ogy, water content, crystallinity and the presence of accessory elements
4. Discussion to build an in situ spectral knowledge prior to being able to identify
these signatures from airborne data. Public domain spectral libraries
Mine sites are often remote, reducing the ability for them to be mon- and pure mineral spectra obtained from the laboratory are currently un-
itored at suitable spatial and temporal scales. Analysis of remotely suitable for magnesium sulfates. For future use of airborne
sensed hyperspectral data offers a means to monitor saline drainage dis- hyperspectral monitoring, it may be that XRD and XRF are not required
charges both onsite and for large regions offsite. This can provide the as a localised magnesium sulfate spectral library is developed at Ranger
spatial location of surface expression of salts prior to the potential detec- Uranium Mine. Here we provide magnesium sulfate dominant spectra
tion of elevated EC readings in creeks and tributaries, enabling the indicative of this tropical environment, unlike the Mars reference
K.S. Pfitzner et al. / Science of the Total Environment 640–641 (2018) 1259–1271 1269

Fig. 8. Map of the location of salts obtained from matching field spectra to the HyMap data (a) Top 95%, (b) top 90%, (c) top 80% and (d) subset of main area. Green pixels have not been field
verified. Image base layer is 2315 nm (a-c) is band 2315 nm of the HyMap data, Image base layer (figure d) is an aerial photograph to show the detailed location of salts.

spectra that is often synthesised and measured at temperatures and/or Previous studies identified the salt along the Gulungul Tributary as
pressures of the Martian environment (Cloutis et al., 2006; Cloutis epsomite (Brazier and Tayler, 2008; Milnes, 1986; Fitzpatrick, 1986),
et al., 2007; Chou and Seal, 2007; Chou et al., 2013; Bishop and but epsomite was not detected in the XRD results. The absence of
Pieters, 1995; Bishop et al., 2005; Bonello et al., 2005; Brown and epsomite could be due to a change in hydration during transport to
Cudahy, 2006; Leftwich et al., 2013; McCord et al., 1998; McCord et al., the laboratory for X-ray analyses, however, the high VNIR spectral sig-
1999; Roach et al., 2009; Vaniman et al., 2004; Vaniman and Chipera, nature observed in epsomite in published public domain spectra
2006; Dalton, 2003). (Clark et al., 2007; Kokaly et al., 2017; Baldridge et al., 2009) were not
1270 K.S. Pfitzner et al. / Science of the Total Environment 640–641 (2018) 1259–1271

present during in situ spectral measurement, but rather the lower re- concrete, white metallic roof tops and mining tanks) that also have
flectance magnitude of hexahydrite and starkeyite were observed. bright white reflectance signatures. Also, multispectral satellite data
The mine site needed to be masked out as the inclusion of the mine that includes the SWIR region such as WorldView3 data is susceptible
saturated the spectral results. The mine site is known to express magne- to cloud over, especially in September at the study site. In the
sium sulfate salts as a result of the waste rock mineralogy (Brazier and hyperspectral data, the salt minerals were spectrally identifiable due
Tayler, 2008; Milnes, 1986; Fitzpatrick, 1986; Milnes et al., 1986). The to polyhedral water and moisture in the spectral features that were ab-
inclusion of the operating mine site dominated the results with signa- sent from the bright white non-salt materials.
tures attributable to Pit 1 (which was being infilled with tailings at the Note that a number of in situ and laboratory toxicity tests were con-
time of airborne overpass) and waste rock. Therefore, to better investi- ducted in Gulungul Creek during elevated EC events arising from the
gate salts off-site the mine site needed to be masked out. contaminated areas identified to the west of the tailings storage facility,
The field spectra were used for spectral matching. A number of algo- and showed no significant response from exposure to increased con-
rithms were trialled including Matched Filtering, Constrained Energy ductivity water and that there was no effect on human health. The
Minimisation (CEM), Adaptive Coherence Estimator and Spectral source of the efflorescence was most likely the waste rock walls of the
Angle Mapper, although these method comparisons are not outlined tailings storage facility and an inception trench and sumps have since
here. The data were also spectrally subset into VNIR, SWIR and full been engineered to collect run-off (Energy Resources of Australia Ltd,
datasets prior to spectral matching processing, and PCA and MNF trans- 2017).
formations were trialled. The best results obtained were with the CEM
algorithm. CEM has previously been used to successfully map waste
products of mining (Farrand and Harsanyi, 1997; Elbakary and Alam, 5. Conclusion
2008) and was deemed to be the most appropriate algorithm here.
A challenge with mapping magnesium sulfate salts from saline Application of ground-based spectrometry, XRD, XRF and airborne
drainage with hyperspectral data is that the process of crystallisation hyperspectral remote sensing data to map magnesium sulfates over a
is on short time scales of evaporative concentration and hydration/de- large area offers a quick solution for management intervention in an op-
hydration. These sulfate minerals precipitate from solution with the hy- erating or rehabilitated mine when monitoring and assessing efflores-
dration states depending on factors of temperature, relative humidity cence as a result of saline drainage. Large areas of land affected by
and the chemistry concentration from which they form (Crowley, mining and remote mine areas can be routinely monitored for efflores-
1991; Chou and Seal, 2007; Chou et al., 2013; Vaniman et al., 2004). cence using hyperspectral airborne data when combined with an initial
Timing of capture is best suited before the onset of rain. In the mon- ground survey. Here we have shown the identification and discrimina-
soonal tropics, there is a regular and predictable window to obtain tion of mineral efflorescence as a result of mining from hyperspectral
data before the wet season. With repeat surveys, patches of efflores- data is not limited to acid mine drainage environments but is also appli-
cence that were previously unknown may be identified, pulses can be cable to saline drainage environments. With the advancing technologies
tracked and, areas of previous concern may be monitored for changes. of remotely piloted air systems, it is likely that this technology will be
The HyMap system has recently been upgraded and repeat surveys more widely used for routine detection and monitoring in the future.
can co-acquire HyCam data (high resolution digital aerial photography)
at 15 cm ground spatial distance and 1 m digital terrain model. The
HyCam data can provide further context and assist in interpreting the Acknowledgements
HyMap data.
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