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Ex.2 p.

1. He had been driving for several hours.
2. She left her keys on the kitchen counter and didn't realize until she got to her
3. They were having lunch at a cozy cafe in the city center, enjoying each other's
4. He had called several times, but there was no answer, so he left a message.
5. She didn't know what to do next, so she decided to ask for advice from a friend.
6. Jane was heading for the airport at the moment I met her.

Ex.3 p.64
1. She didn't watch a movie last night.
2. He didn't stay at the party until midnight.
3. They hadn't finished the project before the deadline.
4. They didn't travel to Japan three years ago.
5. I haven`t been learning French for two years.

Ex. 3 a p.56
1. devotion
2. Maturity
3. Moral values
4. Empathy
5. Professional prospects

An ideal partner for life should possess several qualities, with devotion being the
most important. A devoted partner will always be there for their significant other
through thick and thin, supporting and encouraging you in every aspect of life.
Along with devotion, maturity is also crucial, as it means that you partner
possesses highly-developed physiological, intellectual, volitional, moral, social
characteristics of a person.
Moral values are another essential quality, as a partner who shares the same
principles and beliefs will create a strong foundation for the relationship. Empathy
is also necessary, as it enables a partner to understand and support your significant
other's emotional needs, fostering a deeper connection and understanding between
a couple of family.
Finally, while professional prospects are important, they should be ranked last as
they aren’t the sole focus. A partner who is passionate about their work and
striving to achieve their goals is admirable. It is important that a partner be able to
develop, provide for his family, be perspective.

Ex. 3 b p.56
spouse – husband or wife
protracted misery – state of prolonged suffering or unhappiness that lasts for an
extended period of time
lifestyle choice – deciding how to live your life
drifting apart – to a gradual process of growing emotional distance between two
people who were previously close
move on – leaving a partner
tied the knot – got married
frowned upon – disapproved of
cohabiting – living together, but not married
marital breakdown – ending a marriage
divorce-prone – more likely to divorce than others
embarked – started
parental divorce – parents have divorced
vulnerable – sensitive

Ex.4 p.64
Mary knew this was a special day as soon as she woke up to the sound of her
phone buzzing incessantly with notifications. As she rubbed her eyes and picked
up her phone, she was greeted with a flood of messages from her friends and
family, all wishing her a happy birthday.
However, what Mary did not know was that her loved ones had been planning a
surprise birthday party for her for weeks. They had carefully coordinated with each
other to ensure that Mary remained unaware of their plans.
As Mary went about her day, she had no idea what was in store for her. She met
with friends for lunch, went shopping, and even stopped by her favorite coffee
shop, all the while completely oblivious to the surprise that awaited her.
It wasn't until she returned home that she began to suspect that something was up.
As she approached her front door, she noticed a trail of rose petals leading up to it.
Confused but intrigued, she followed the trail into her house, where she was
greeted by a chorus of "Surprise!"
Her friends and family had transformed her living room into a festive party space,
complete with balloons, and a giant birthday cake. Tears of joy streamed down
Mary's face as she hugged each of her loved ones in turn, overwhelmed by their
thoughtfulness and generosity.
The rest of the evening was a blur of laughter, hugs, and heartfelt speeches. Mary
felt truly loved and appreciated, and she knew that she would never forget this
incredible surprise birthday party.

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