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Speakin 1 Digcussfon Look atthe plete. Which job would you most ke to do? Which ob ‘would you lest ie o Go? Why? Compare Your answar wth pares Re 2 Wino shouldbe psi mora? Put heobs a order where 1 =the hight ‘Sstry and 10 = th lowest ary. Compare your anewers wit a parser’. 4. Which ae the definitions? 1 Which are che examples? Vocabulary: character description 4 Language research Look atthe lit faeces Tk he ones you ‘out Loa up the onge you dent Krav serve ntsiastc vetigent confident fenay > eresting consierste happy BEd > decave > honest toys emotions eoptabie pation 5 Work n pars. Choose any tee ofthe professions in Acti 1 on ‘age 6 sing the words tom Acivty 4; describe th deal haracerorther, Ssanpe: Te al st 5 Fy, ptt ool sypatatia Find otros who chose the same potest ands ou core 5 Wo can ge words opposte msnings by ecang a prec tm aos fame: aasony ~ antsy cppar = dope Give meopposte meaning fo cach worn Atty enocing {he coeat rot ero tee a aone or you Peasant ‘ympatytc a i ire wast eens, | wveanident 2 Look again atthe profeeslons in Acti 1. Using the words you rade In Aeay 6, dseerbe poople uno are bad ath occupations. Carle: An unfiinaly, topaton and wayptiete ach ok ny gud oF bar Sb! Reading: questionnaire . © Read he following parsonaity questions and choose an anwar for each question Compare your answers wit a partner's ‘ied laren finer e gland Ae tees smating ery ety ely ey lech, wattn. Dy ye ‘sy ton ee wa yout Ce? 2M ogo in itso 1 dace rent ues agi usd eoteion? goon a chaos rey? bette Sera as ue tar se ar, but fey want to go some rent Yu wachatingeraveaheveinasyos —— famya Boe ‘Erpton Depo “a isa, ep aoa wy? Sey? 5 Sy nett na goa ge ny? Sepmmumscey ai ecacgeahe a) Arcee om aah faneiogote mst itoweeat «gon, cee gsi nod ee ‘hn wether to Gish an rget jab. Do you: sy Fyne Yaad gat Sretseptey sds Tes tgs De muy sao dnd? Sy tla oe bt? SBlecsoreeatin that ‘aye mms) Score te Efpieseab wm aged tit Sar Sumane vst oyu so a Yo ft a gig oe [Boers wl yu ae walang 27 ‘sy wel a ty nih Dojo ‘Bogan yo 2 ean tet an ys lig ee? el tg 2 ae a a? 3 cosas thle wl bata syyjeuaei Beye Goto at roe kum een an RNa i jee ie et oar tee es say tt sok fet a, Do Bed mor me 0 a 2 eet ee OC sp alg? Blas nec tor Dy Saniooa tee? $y wei than you, te lop ing nce oo pa ‘yFmastgseg a? opin ad you eat 1 yn i cu owas xing ey tel tng eat ie imi ae sere? 0 Discusion What Kind of poreon chooses, bor @ wach tne? (Chock your conclusions with he quesonnate Key in Atty Bank 1 on page 151. 10 Fina words in the quetonnsire withthe folowing mearings. The tet of each wor e gen, ‘Someone who is inked ro you by marrage or Hood ic a rane. Bb Ifyou do someshing wih s lor of energy aed passion you do See «Ifyou listen, read or atch very carey, you do ta 4 Ifyou sy something bed bout someone or someching you C—... them ori © Something tat snot Help becase fe wae oe ek f Ifyou do something tothe bert of your ability you to 1 Look tthe questionnaire again an, in groups, write three more qusston to Inveatigate panonalty ‘charset, Intoriew ater members of he Sass using Your Guestons Grammar: present tenses 12 Noting language Look for present once verbs inthe quosonnaire in Atty 8. Wit down ‘ome ofthe examples of hs precanensce you found and eay wha each ene ren. 12 Choose the corct frm (presont simple, 0.9, he uns, or present continue, ee is ‘anning) of ha verb bracket. pect) oadon: He tee up) is arbor se eek ey morning end (c drve) to Work He (@ work) big oom buitse he keds lots of space, Ak work he fewenr) overall, gopules sd big ‘loves: Are moment he [F work) 00 a uo seulpre fora iain Tis sexlpare rom wood When he h are). wosk nse evening he fds) bac torne hes nner wth hi fay and hen ej rag) — ae ‘hen lore choy go to seep the momar they ead) 8 book abot wizard called Harry Porer When the tilde ar alep be (rateh) =~ levision with hs wile, When he feb go) slop he fo dre) of wood ond metal = ll he aaleares he going 0 make {it you hve problems wih thie sot, look a 14-16 inthe Kin-gramer the ooklet st he back, “4 Workin par. Tek about na people in the Normally plturee Use yeur imagination, Aske questions with whan, what, Row een, yl ‘Ask quostons about the pictures al: seis bats Sly ang a tha. fk poe? snr e's big ha en, rade e gina and dle 6 a 15 Choose the comect anes in the folowing sontaness. Lenk at 18-10 in the hintgrammar for help 44 Weare knowing / We ow that you iit (bhi dramstit Petes rnin se tp tothe wicks, Bsting bole be bal wand is ging goes ‘ight zough he bata es Hela, Whar. Pm oa the ain jst. eave ar jst leaving Oh top it You slays ling You Song ell oo dy spy 00m and its aot it ‘Thee’ no doubt about it The weather gts feng warmer a he tine, Global wactlng eal. ‘When Ora leaves ie leaving Sney he ng ies 4 note 0 tind He eli teling her 08 ro open i Ses Be dacs ‘Mary never wea welling upon une 2nd rose ots mises / sing he bus. 0 you fghe is aving aves at 3.45, sand you ind are Ione ala ‘Lampar at 00 am. The minibus aking Fees youre the bee. Pn woking / work hese ‘un 8.00 night, then Trae’ Memes the band a the sep, 18 Use te poset simple ote present coninucus te complte ne foowing asks. Tel your neighbour about something ordinary that happened vo you yesterday ~ at ewan 8 (Eamat try o the plo of sl, 1b Al your neghbour to describe ches peopl they know about =m lif, fim o bls ~ ho have parle babi (ings they se slwaye doing ind ou from: your parmer thee hig they ‘think about excuse, ce things they know for Sure about a sper three people they ike, aed thee things hey dee understand sbout ‘omeapy and the piel word Funetional language: meeting people 1) 17 Before you ston io Trak 1, reed the logue and complete ‘it he following Knee at ah (ht eaa Come on, Polly, cote someone Pl ke ante youro meee POLE (8) pn "anes Andy, ise Plly. Sh’ in edvercising 00. xb: Ob, his Nice wo mt you. POUYE 8) ee ‘ANDv: What do you doin advertising? Ps 1 Pron tate 0 hack 1. Wore you Fite 1 tm each box, mato te words in the two columns to make satoments or questions. "Theres someone in aig andy, this PM ke yous weet Flite you meer you. 4 Pats ‘soll © Nice so meet Andy. Ace you yeude? ‘5 Doyovlike atthe moment? 1k How do you krow our ost? i whac ate you what you doz working on j Whacds a fnend of pli kon coincidence! Pm a ator toa 1 That all? Whar sounds ineresing. Tan's contre A ayo fo wk Hey fot jo Wt aoa you? any: Sore rou (d) ———___ ANDE: Me? Ok wall, Pim working on a TV ‘omer for an Teena Ba = he rou: fe) — soe Yes yes {9 Practe in groups ot tre, ode sch oar {sityau mere ving frie et ine Po ‘ou te poss oceupeton Use mange from aan 1 fang: secon: Sn, ta’ savas A We spo to oh. has ah sre fd, ny. What doy do? mene: Yo shades 2 ol ple You er gong to a party. 1 Chooses name or yoursele b Desde what your cccupaton i that you do in that occupation. whether 0 nt you tke it and why. what you ae working on sing athe © Copy the table in Actvty Bank 2 on page 153 tnd lin your deals {Now go to che pay and tlle 0 a st three people, Compe the ele wich sh dail ar ool Pronunciation 2 Say hose word: sal evays ergo four son more ‘What sound da all he words sacs, like ct fo kell, fis bus? 2st which of the fellowing wer share the came sound a he words shove fal wm doce seem smal sist uGM wa work slow cut sew 1) Now tnt Tok 2 on te tape. Were you covet? Listening: working in a man's world «) 2 ten tora a 4: Apa wods inthe kang im oo wi op Conan etn 1 Thee were many gid nee hang. | {chon she onset 1 Nobody poke to Aplin the nears. Fate 1 Sis easier 28 Chacha musing fhe ol see. i filo nes ¢agan and Ur) he ings at noe . Apt says oe ipoart aro. Pat a oes eee eid th tage at ae desc eon crepe ver eset! ising ‘von eae 4... arrive and leave work on time. 6) 26 tn oak ane bo bea han wotes ower be towing beable commnice ‘questions. 4... be able wo prove yourself, 2 Who ist encouraged Api to belamrenedin, 2” eS ene ToN camer yom om ‘b On the whole, does April think thar being « fw be decisive owen stile contonmest int godin; Becoubook sea hing coger 25 froth folowing sentences Tue o Fal? race ‘wate’ ar Fin tb bracts. 5 be onesie, 2 pais father i ah Co be welded b Alder isan aeroplane without an engine. | | 1» be young and enchsiie © Apa ean ya glider [1 a go tin the evening with colleges 4 Apsilsometimes works at Marshalls athe [ ] a lave your jo, eee mae sue igh Apa work i usually checked by four Tp show indiatve ter poole = Abang i a bg building whee pat (1 aeroplanes. 27 pe used the fotowing expcesslone in Tack ean he amigo te erase passin 4. He's alway ben relly ken om engineering. By Het always working on cats ad Hedi ile bc hime 4 Tot ave we hae ¢Jeal comes down te you, F if you sc thee and jus she inion. fs They al cep 90 eve on what Fm doing. Be find ont how Twat sing om Writing: personal reports 28 Ask your parte what they need to succeed in the occupation ample sears bet co yo sat fo bo 0 goad shale? able te ten yor ooh ~ aad ps ua. Ul a ili 21 tr roading a teachers repos on her students, the college head hs ask the eacher to wre ham {gain bu to be completely postive the time, Vinh stage ithe teacher ing absinthe scone (Gostive) group of reports 2? ost risen Fate of his entiasinctn tnd bricnaty sature, Pctin Cette ta ts anchionad ie onan deas often sme Teac of a lc ta etary pet beans Soe blr becans he is intelligent citon shoes matiatie intatige Salty. rasan Des er ntetige nce, tod rather ineqsharste to tine. She ls offen inpatient wh bor elasoanas bad senepeptiatia fo thar df Bosthog Si Hit Atvwage ln ries his Bast, ne such aot athe das oh som ble fs tain, td bless eat ry dae be 92 naa! Salty i crayon sr menbora oF the td progress. ay aiaanaie ses student, obviously sincere, and a is @ dasisie and intelligent worker, shons considernble initiate nad is is consientions friendly and plansnnt, and « plaastes 4 have in fhe Sf clasonate. Contributions fo lass disexssion frow this shudemt ave alnaps interesting. 28 Lok st how the diferent inking werd inthe reports are followed by afer: grammatical pattems. ia i @ 1 wares athough and because ae falowed by clase consning cube and evr: Aunough John wes his best ©» Because he i not very doce. In spite of, despito and because of ere olowod by & noun or ng form vat In spto of his onthusiaso and trendy nature Despite har noligence ‘because ofthat behaviour 2 Now combine phases and vertances rom Box A wi pases and antec ‘fom Ser C using one ofthe finking wor in Boe 8 a 8 e He ichappy although gutting up sary. ‘Sephan i vary excted Fe nas Just won the ltey. Me played «good game inspite of hos not very big ‘Sho mesod the an she le not or aligont ‘an ig good otha player because ‘is fotey vin. Mar not very popular i hore wed He fled his exam espe 1s tena and enthusiastic manor ‘Sai passed her exam ‘eatng because of {2 write wo reports about Anarow Tegatron using the sperenite information gh in tha Boe Laine Int ret report you shew be haneet, nd © the secand more postive. Follow the patterns ‘rpiined in Act 30, Review: grammar and functional language 58 Chaoee the correct form ofthe wer in bracts, ‘Kim is in er final year of a pychology depres atthe Univesity of East Anglian England, Next week she hes val exams so there ae 10 lasts. ike ll the other stents on hur couse this week she (ererise instead ‘Bor Kim fb aot study) very hard right now: She (coi) in he garden of he house, ead) ——_ er noes, {Elsa benno day. Bids (sng) ——— inte ros. She (¢sinot usally) nthe garden ke this uring erm dime, Nounally he (g take) —_.. she bos 20 the univers at ine ood and (h study) all ay She (baw) hoch about one ‘vith her fends especialy Alc and Gera, But today Ale ( vist) her grandmother and ‘Gemma (lake) pat in an athletes creat. Sil, er brother shome rom his job a8 jar doctor in Scotland She can hea is now. He (lk) 9s gitfriend on the telephow. “The san (get) hott Maybe revising nota ood ies. Pechap se could rng Ale and they coal go fora sin, St Look at the pleturos below. What personal quaties 35 Dlslogue wit Wien two people ng oF ‘So pape need to do hess jobe? ‘den, would you maa tka fo moet tpn? ee cares hich testi oie ‘eta logon ich you as ye et are 1 Make sentences which describe dhe aye in bb What aze sey (probably) doing now? ample se: Ho, ade. Ve ee yo te att Ladegg Van Butt, une fle, Me Bethaan, ia fo nt yoo sso Say? vse Nia frente ya semovee Von Son, | n't hor yo. Vou is af ve: | sid ANCE TO MEET YOU! Review: vocabulary ‘serve confident’ constieatious considerate decisie | 9 ite bt Tobe ieenon Sal” atest cena gen” || mbes ronan pleasant pvimary teacher refuse collector romantic: i pmekes win oe eee 28 ina your re vue wore fomheWerd thus? The pores gn man A pelea 11 ite words tome Mord Ustfrtees we meaning gape. «Raat Tmeoaere poem OE coscouwees Eanes asst Pronun on ‘Score one point for each correct ‘82 cong te ie vin ba tree endicoyitie wera ho) Ea ‘he Word List Wheres the sos la each aaa? 49 Seeakng Workin pas Student three syllables four stables Shan Ser ot hay have been geting on esate, vara Inher obitucles. How nny Wore pu pasos (above) can ya olde in your Eanvereation? «2 ison to ack 6 and check your answer. ib How many oiferent ways isthe ter" pronounced in te ‘ward nthe Word Ust? 9) Listen to Track 6 and check your answer 1 Look at the picture. the garden ste? What ger mht eb ot young i, an cult ween wating? 1/9) Ute wo esc 7 and ane the following questions, 1 How old wae the neeaon? 2 Whached te ncrstor' mathe done? Why? 53 “think know whats coming” Cea yon guest what’ going happen nexe 1 Liston to Track & and answer the folowing questions. 1 Wiy ise naracor pot inthe ron? 2 Whi happeved immediately afer hat and whee did the aerator do? 3 So whar happened?” Can you gues? oe Usten fo Tack 9 and anewar the owing ‘ueatons. 1 What did the arrtoe's riot sudenly realise 2 What did she sex? 3 Whac did she do and how did the sean fee? ee Ses What o ths folowing words, ued a Tacks 8 and 8, mean 5 trapped pti 4 oneoneioer shosked 1 clauroptobie ston to Tasks 7 to 9 agsin and canptete he Sentences Exon ua the misting words. then was an incident nce, wel could Tye endl raged Wa 1 and aloe immediatly go thee that one ‘ofthe rank col be boat, pte sip, at nd of ching though i What do you this? OF course Ton. Prey TW be honest. 4 eonly took era second to ra happened. She —— © she polled me out, halfunconscous, ad fighteed ourof my wie! Pronunciation: "YS. Uston to Tack 10 0 hear the diferent pronunciations ofthe leer‘ Pit the ve words nt th eect columns. {wes raming sound playing, Olds things, So came sound re case rand si hes tee oe Twas trapped gn and apa Soy wht Bay So she my nate, se suit a > e ]@ feteas bat Fol frsmare Ig bore af | etme. a, aay | Es i | {5 Gan you adel any more words 1 the columns? Can you find any other wayeto proncunes the later 8? 7 Have you ever tad anarow escape? Has anyone you know had one? Tl the class about i Vocabulary: stronger adjectives {We someties want to use stronger acces when desing things al was at for work agai this morning 5: Was your boss angry? ‘AcAagay? She was fas! Match te flowing jecives wth tne acjctves in tho tbl ve ([Grdinary adjectives | Stronger adjectives dirty ‘any Fur fptastle bad = a - furious iirering surprising cd —| = ifying Be a 1 Uso tho acctves in Atiy 8h conversations win you parnet, Bare: sna TU ot aba samalig that’s not it hat, ba bag, noo: Khia | ge bing, Von bog aftr @ fa! dra (950 Linton oak 1h Wn ere theming words? ews quite Crews aban awe. a wasn jst qe yoo. Ir 1 Lock at the following disionary snes for abeotute and abeoty, 2" and ance the questo that oon: 4 Whac part of spac (active, adeeb, noun, emus Prepostion, verb, er} teach word? Bice Fe beats ‘buoy 1 Whar follows the word? sbeoite absolutely (2 possibilities) agen erate | wine an When do we ue absolitely natin apeechorin writing? Sarees LE ‘We can use adverbs log fairy, rely) co make the meaning ‘Bat mote: ofan adjective stronger or weaker ‘one usally only abe abately or ae a Completely with eonge adjectives, es fey col Herma col ‘brexampl, we don't uy abecately less man very very more than very __ men but we do say abstely lovely ‘re dona very with sconger ‘airy realy sbsolutly ‘isctres becrase dhe edjcties cute compleialy theady mean very for xa Fis tna vary aarp rater «prams mach mere common in prety Infor speck han in wing. Puts eros [A by the four aver + adjective combinations tat arena! posse 4 ren amazing [1 sbsoonely fering [|i very enormons 2 abeahecly ig [| ery bostng Fj que ascoating € really cexifng (1g rater anny im very ieresting (1b completly neresing 1 18 Practice imagine yeu aren some oF ta te following situations. What Xe? rang: snwearas Yue. about fo gue 2 spuch Yo S00 pup What's tha a? snare: Absloaly frying 1 You have to gte a speech ia font of $00 peopl 1 You are about to das bmg ump lf Sydney Harbour Bid. You ae about to do an exam 4 You'te watching = comely. Functional language: giving opinions 1 18.sten to Tae 12 and complet he conversation Ar Have you ever san the orga lm of Psycho? i Yer a Bie was absolutely teciying (De you sel shink 0? Be a (CN na ell 1 no ay Kid of lm. ‘thooghe was eather boing 15 What phras do the speakers use te: 4. sk ifsomthing has kappened? ‘The ast she fms Lave sen 8 Sk for opinions? pve sn opinion? “The las thee good TV programmes Ihave seen 17 Practice Copy ane anewer te follow. 18 te the ftlowing language used to agree or Ak your partner 20 he fle ae programmes ‘liogree with opinions? Put A gros) or D ‘oy have chosen, (Diese) tho rackets. “ ara ena How yoo san “Core with the 44 Da you really think so? (9) 7 B teomlely agree. 1 ee © Yessy, wasnti® |] somes: Mo. 4G fdonagre stale [ 4 el SHisedioteee st | srs Han yp sm “Cte You're abel ight. [J a Yow Cahowahe soo. eae : sums Wha del yoo thine of #2 Grammar: past tenses 18 Wits eter tho pest simple or past continuous form a the verbo in brackets Fea be) 5... 615. In the Adelphi Thea the errs fb asve) forthe evening prrformance. Ie raining) outside. Jack Leng, he caeakes, (sweep) the Cortdoe when he {e hear). load vice. He (lok) around. On te stage a young ‘women (gd) in the dace, (peak) ey, When he (sie) — the cette, he (9p) ena (eas) off he sage. "What (you fd) he (wm shout). Te i (ns), 5 Mim aoe 10 pass ann the beat 20d the door (ps) open, Fve never ben on & sage befoze and Ivar (q wane) 10 4 Fx Tome wane ro bean ace Look at 28-20 Inthe Mni- grammer inthe book for hlp 19 Road tho flowing story. Undone the past nao verb in each Sentance and le the event that happened rt, + When Doi at ome he se soncon GET fot door open. bb He wondered what had happened € He notin that someone sé made os of footprint in the Hlowerbed, 4H was sure tha he'd locked the dor tha morn. '¢ He wae holed to at tat someone had athe the window, ¥ David psenod shat «burglar had broken in. 13 He wen ino the siting room snd sw hat he clock on the wallhad gone 1k The burglar had aot ha cme ro ake eveything because Devid ine home, {Who he hed looked round the hows he phoned he pie. {Heald dem exacly what she burglar had ssken. 4 The police sald hat he had done the viht ching 1 Hebadnt touched anything Before he called them 1m They hoped tat the damsge bad noc ben to sis 1 After he had fished che phone cll he made himself cup ofa © He was glad they hada’ aken the kee ‘Gheck your answers by looking st ‘22 end 2 inthe Mla-oromme. 21 Locka the pturos, Which picture do the sentences below belong to? ° 2 Arman and 2 woman were walking, exaosted na dese pun But when they gor three had cissppested. le had taken of forey ve minutes eatin 44 Be looked down and is two poop. ¢¢ Hemanaged to land and helped the exbusted couple imc his plane f Thad been a mizage. 6 Later that sme dey, towards evening, pilot was flying hit ight sera lowe cover the dear. Br Lackily the sa” an oasis and hursed towards it. 1 They had finished chee water ihe hours erie 960. i They were collapsing and were clea nar ro death. {tose your bocks and then se if you ean tel the story from memory 171 Role-play in groups of our: one parson fs aroporar andthe cer toe are the pilot and {he two walkers. Conduct press ineraw about tha sory im Atty 20, Reading: overalls, 12 Road the newspaper report below and then anes these questions. 4 Whac saved somesne? 1b Who was saved? f¢ Whar ar hessved from? OVERALLS SAVE ABANDONED SAILOR by Washington correspondent Anthony Dorking Ayoung US marine survived for neasly two days {Hone in the Arabian Sea, thanks to a pair of regulation overalls, according to the latest press release from the Pentagon. Zachary Majo, a 20yearold lance corporal in the US Marines, woke up and couldn't get back fo sleep. His cabin was too hot and stuffy. He 400 off his bunk quietly so as not to wake his shipmates. He put his blue overalls over his shorts and Tshirt he had been sleeping In, and left the eabia. Zachary Mayo went ap onto the deck of the USS America, a huge aircraft carries Ie was two clock on 2 Friday morning. He breathed in the fresh air and looked up atthe stars in the ‘leer night ely. And then, without thinking, he leaned out too far and lost bis footing. Belore hhe knew it, he was in the water, watching the huge ship disappearing into the night. Nobody hnad seen him fall, and for nearly tvo days not fone of tte 4.700 crew realised he had gone. ‘Mayo rurvived because at taining camp to years before, he had been taught hove to make Zrathes into life jackets, He took off his overalls land tied the arms and legs. Then he waved his ‘ifejackee’ over his head and filled ie with air s0 he could stay afloat. He did this many times uring his ordeal ‘After 34 hours, Mayo was sure he would die, ‘He hadn’® seen any seateh planes, and ewice he hhad seen sharks swimming around his. Both nights that he was im the Water he was atacked by smaller fish and he was slowly dying of thirst. Hinally he fll asleep. When be woke up hs overalls were flosting away from him. m a ft of madness he tore off his Pshire and shorts and prepared to die. And theo, half an hour Tater, just before he lost consciousness he saw a small boat ‘Aakistani fisherman, Abdul Aza, was out in his boat that day. He couldn't believe his eyes hen he saw bajo’ aked body, floating in the ‘Arabian Sea, 100 miles from land. 7 thought it ‘yas & ghost he told reporters. But itwas not a host 1c was Zachary Mayo, and he was alive! ‘But only just. "Two marines had 2een to cee Mayo's parents in Orburn, Hdaho, USA, to say that he was ‘missing. His parents were desperately hoping fora micacle but they were almost sure that he ‘was dead. They had to wait three days fornews ‘ofhis incredible rescue. 24 Rea he tet again an anewor the folowing questions in your oun words. 1 Why aid Mayo go enc che deck? 1 How ide fall ro the sa? © How did overale help im to survive? {Why adhe tink he wus ging to die? {Whe talked to Mayo parents and wha happened cree days ae? 2 Find word or phrases in the tnt, Acily 22, wih he ftlowing meanings. 4 publi and/or news given by an oficial organisation 1 the hendguarters of the armed forces in the United Sates of Amecce sides fling shat ei cifiul te breathe {asa bed often built above ot below athe be, found in ships nin childrens bedrooms f the scice thar pou walk on, on a ship ip shat pangs cam ladon ahd tke off rom fs temibl experience Br fantasti ad sssng evens Language in chunk 25 Read the daintlona and ten complete the following plvases om the let in Atv 22. 12 to g0 1 sleep aguin 4 to behave in a cay way for a moment He couldn ge a nae an bb he dn hike «to sop being aware of he word Without fast before be foe - «tobe anabeto wand up, suddenly £ se somthing you can believe (Mayo os his z Ab Ase coun believe 25 Use thes phrase in sentences of your oun 21 Noticing grammer Find 22 mary examples ot had as you can in the ttn Activity 22 Wrich are sxamplos ofthe pst parect? Which are stamps of another coneraslon? Speaking: telling stories 26 Look at th pote and answer the questions, 4 Where are Pere and Tic? 1 How are dey fv? What do you think will happen nese? 25 Workin pala. Student A, ook at Activity Bank 8 on pags #8. Student 8, lok at Activty Bank 18 on page TE. 231 Work in pits. without looking back atthe pictures, use the pltire fon ts page andthe ater petures you have soon fe the story of Pat's and Tablh's nigh out ogatnr Writing: headlines and newspapers £5 Look atthe following Restines. Wht do you ‘ink tha seis wl be about? fied driver sees attack lorritied a ‘Turbulence terrifies Savedby teenager sharp-eyed stewardess Horo gulls nelohbour yet gauge fale from fire ‘traps couple 22 Look tthe heatines again and anawer the {eliotn questions 4 Which kind of word ae corameny lef out? 1b Which kinds of words are ied? £¢ Whar happens he tense ofthe verb? 23 Maton the flowing stoves th the hosdines ftom xctuty 3 1 A teenager fring fom Istanbul ro New Yotk ‘hoe sbeoitely evefled when the plane she was Terveling ia encountered major tarboence over the Ala “ed jst had oar nel whom the pile warn wr abou the weather sad 16-year-old Gilay Mengue A hosed eae owner watched as youth sutscked been wit bricks and s baseball a "Thad just coms out of the haus, when 1s this gang of yous, They were throwing ing [tiny cat and hing swith a Baseball ae How ool is your eyesight? Could you sea Durning ship loos 38,000 fet? That's jst what Jolie did ao today we sy ‘She 3 her Tolle mat working on gh beeween Tap! and Sydney wher she looked ou ofthe widow 4 A couragons villager bated thecugh 2 baring ‘bungalow to cary his neighbour co sie. evo Lawrence Brodercerereued Jes Buiter alice a fire tore eeoagh her bome fs High Seren, Wares, desroying mach of thera | fighteed couple spent the night in thee car in feesngeeperatares alte they an ou of fe, “Te gauge sad we sill had half 2 tank of peta said Je Bakewell fer thee oreal, Fu then the ar sen copped ad {had fovgoten to bring ty mobile phone wih me, 14 Fact check Answar these questions abt he sores 4 Who wasted whee, afer wh? Who asked waar with what? Who sw what, om where? 44 Who wa saved rom wat, by who, where? Who had forgone whaty and what feed it hve? 55 vito neadtnes to go atthe begining of tess ewepaper ate. 1 Awotker a Simpsons, the Californie mest packing company ra locked na eae, Exbiner ll igi en the doce was dosed wil he wae aides 0 old perp ‘edhe sl ‘at Tan atound al igh and ‘hac kape me wan Treo people wereld on Tharsday wh 2 laege loery erased eer the ental sion of the MAO mocoreuy and smashed ine 3 ce Police are investigating the ince. © Fant ofthe band Warmheart wer dsapointed Tne night when thi eoneare was cane “Thay were given eke for the next concert cour is Jane "We rere very srry sad Warsheses manager bet rue ofthe band membes, Ronnie and Ch, were very are They just olde’ pay ney soto t exp 4 Abra young i zanning speci ‘marathon ease in Bangkok rmorsow to ise ‘ony fr eancer research, "Sip mother hel ees aid Eom. “She's beset ow bor Lvaned todo someting for prope in he Fae nam, who 13 yeas ol, has ben teinng for to vee, Tm nerve abou he race she said "ts wey long But im pig Tait aloof mony hom ay sponsor” Review: grammar and functional language 138 Road he flowing story and complet the tasks blow, ‘Aigon dies to go hit waking She ent tl anyone where she Planned o go, Vien she reached the too of th Fret il she loked for her map. She tought she ed packed inher Jacket pooket, but was theo. Suddenly a thick fg cama down over he hil, ard she ‘cout 368 anything. She tied to ha her way home, but sho kept ‘Soming back tothe same pace. She was bognning t gat ry ‘ightenec:As she was sting slong fn he fog her foot werk Sou ‘2 Role I hurt teed gh farts, She had broken het ane Back at heme Algor datmata, Serena, was geting worn. was {dak ané Alison silnadnt come nome. Serena was shld something hac happened to her tend Aton otock Seen ang fe mount reseus sari, ‘When Alson woke up twas light and sha was rezing cot. She ‘realised sha Rad bean tore a night. She hearé a helcopter an she waved and shouted fr help, but was ussioss "Me search party id Kiow where Alison had been. They had searched the whole area snd they wore exhste. sit when they had decided a give up and go heme, ae af them sew a hand ‘waving. twas Afson. She had craved out of her nls nd she was Shouting for elp. And the moral ofthe story? Don forget your map ‘when you go out slone and avaye tal eomenne where you ae gong 4 Undedine al dhe pase se ver i the or 1 How many pas sine verb ae these? How many pas contnaous verb ae there? 44 How many pase perfect verb are there? 37 Cover tha text of ne story n Act 35 tte Alsons Story in your own words without looking back tho at 58 Complete the eaiogue wih one oF more word foreach gap. ‘A: Heve you (a) thar lm Gladiator? ‘Yu know, the one they made years ago Be Yes. ewes () television the eter day As What (2) Be Ke was prey good, A: Did you (8) —— 1: Yeu. Why? Did youl ‘A: Nox ely _-caly upd — men vnning round killing cach other He eae B: Ohwel Idon' Tonjoyd ie [A That ine, Kast ny hind (g) — uc the one thats on atthe ABC sbsolely(h) 1 2B: You're joking surely! Think [A Teribl? Now you's joking! oF? > von that al, ‘hace a loved it i Review: vocabulary [sisoitely sro corer” ematog angry bod” big boing | {"Tanow ecpe bunk austrophabic. eld deck dy enormous tity || (mud belle fy js | feetaslefosiating Athy fesng ightening nny | | a te af madness | feious ceren shed goad” hiariavs hot intresting adder | | eget bak to seep [fawn mower) id mizace plate petty (a) quite ther | tele consiounes. [rey shocked -sufty suns terible tering tapped | alse yur one, Trunk unconcious very water tak | mot lating $8 Which words and phrases Inthe Word List do you akaady know? {Gcle any new words and ook them pt ona \Weto some sentences using them. Pronunciation Compote tho fotiowing taste, 4 Lis the word fom the Word List he you find easy to pronounce 1 Now bis wor rom the Word Li nat you find te mo diel 0 pronounce Ipok a dictionary to se how they should be sid and practising the. ind al dhe words in che Word Lit with he lners™ Whats the mot common promuncaion of he tee" he wn 419 nano Tack 9 ond check he pronieison of he wes inc. {£1 Fittheofelee below wth saver and alec kor the Wid Ls. ‘ives adjectios absolutely ewveaig Work in pales. Mako sentences using an adver and an adocive fom the crs. Bre they corec? Your parr decides! Speaking: comparing opinions 4 iscusion which o he folowing paces to shop is bes? Which fe wast? Why 2 tn pairs eure the fotowing sorte to tatit aye what you both want fo say Men hae shopping bar wore love i Vocabulary: shopping collocations 4 Look the slclenary entry fo shopping and answor ‘hose questions. 2s chopping couazable or unconnsable? How do you know? ¢-Whac dos can Bere? {5 The wore in the box canbe used together with stopping. (Can you put hem in the ight place it tne ae? comp 9° tog sin Shopping + moan {to rate «new compound nous) shopping tela scive web 3 Wat about ou? Do you tke shopping? Choose the appropri verb and comple tha sorters, (Compare wha you nave writen witha paraet ove dna hate hoping aus | Use the hopin phrases rom Aetvty to complet whst you tink hase 2eopte ae saying. 4 How do you fey realy good Baca mes ahee id you et his ——? « Tprferto do all my shopping 3¢2 because everyting you need there, and there's = usualy somewhere to have cafes hes © youve Bibed 1°) Now ston to Tack 14. Were you orect? 1 Discussion Ask your partner to tl you bout the ast tne ey went shopping. nd out where they wert, how thay ft abou! Wand what they wont to buy. Dis they enjoy #2 Reading: at the supermarket 1 Creative tak Work apis. On tho supermarket plen choose the bas place fo: ite inthe name of he products where ‘you tink thoy shoul be, “Tink about what sort of colours, set, Uigntng and nol there might be inte ‘upormariat ke a noo of your ideas ow et cnee 27 eae the test blow. your supermarket plan, a Atty 8, sna to is? fot of everthing, How do thay oo ms? (0 Thane is areal lone si ard ett ti har so tal stopawes wa down al ses bere og. (© Fruita vegeebies ae nama cae a Bente, ‘is aes ppl hin te gong ind an oper ar rare! ard mais te fo poste. (ke and sh coun ae usualy iced one back wal ‘Sugemates do ot war ok pug ol te cates ying meat canates ough eShop. (Same she paces bate anaes The iil shales onthe ae conse tebe pare Supplies Sometimes pay summaries fhe best lacs (© Vacancies fh oo lea an odes ‘When ou by you lamb tags ua inng of comnelencs ant arity caer an 2 ah ne la © Stes ar usualy daa I xu mks pense tel eater agp. Al the supers belong to te carga have same cious io mae eal eat heme ‘OA petsn ks an aye of 32 nes amie US teeth as oval ean pe fn can rece 14 nes rine. Ts cn ke estas alley. and they en by moe ones. 18 Fact check Arete folowing facts Tie o False according te the eet? Give feasons for Your 1 People goto supermarkas witha clea ides of ‘what thy ae going wo buy 1 Shopper ke the sight of fesh feu nb veges «Meet counters are usualy near the front of 2 supermarker 4 The goods on the cop shelves always sll the bere, < Sinem i don't cle £ Sleepy people buy les than people who see senha i People are influenced by wha hey can sel, Bt Shoppes ike silence Faw shoppers go tote supermaro wih sts, 50 supernates want to encourage hem to buy 2 (0 Gonds laced athe nto dl oi et fe ties rte un ase acd ite mide o eae. Ses fen move good at hy para wa sel, sch as Base engi ely da, ese ses, (Seperate yo cna sels Unplese ors, such 3 thc ole ile yb a aa, Fah sol, suchas bang ea, nay be pumped au he Sb eae ance "re (© Was! shapes tye, oh ary cei is ted 3 ar avy om he eatance spss. isons wi. have owl gst of oer poo each © Drinks ae sult rales ner bee. Supers hope tha cistomars wl buy bears ae nego oad 2 ns hs supine (Silence mates stopper el uonvobie uoerarls Ineo make sia hr qu aot lest ‘ashrnd i, such srs oe Pa oes, (0 Senay cars rt ust or cating titers Supermaris aa oli af shops ash the shop sot ey can ohare wht ues pple Tis} biomaion nage i earange te puis soit ple buy mare | 11 Vocabulary Find words fn the tot wih the foting meanings. Theft eta ofeach wors le given « passagewsrbecwoon wo cows of shelves () b ouside (08) the rms of dead enimal (c) {in seeing container wih he sie removed frp) to open and Shue your ees vey auc (b) the as day on which you can buy someting wd) ss sconinaoe sound which snot very ld iba be watchs (0) Language in chunk 12 neti Ate 9, Sd eet reas fe sha maeraoar) el amet 19 Fd et rom yur dessa nhs th n) neous poste rlecd sey ep se bt. fil ae? . ar Lads of tgs ts fd, Fd, sy dog txt best? Tact you alghbout “1 ion ot thee eortencos summaries (Gan you wite a beter summary? 2 Supermarkets ty co trek customers into buying products thatthe don wane. This ta bad ing. 1 Supermarkets uy to make shopping passant for their artomer. Thi «good thing. What do you think othe intrmaton you have reed? Compare your restons with parnee Grammar: quantifiers 18 Putte folowing quanitors inthe ight place onthe scale Rew aiitie atof ery many mest notch mary several some om a 16 Chooee the corac quantita ite following sentences. 4. Some / Mach shops open 0 a Sunday 1 Tdoet ger much / many pleasure fom shopping — inf, That 2 Tally ext so sever fie for fe 44 Thave a we all every lanchtioe, Lelie ep foe fli foots afer lanch F Alor of Every people eat our at earn. fg He abwaye pots. Tor of! mony supa ini col. Br Wien Igo to the supermarket, Fafways buy ite ey chess Look st 3A-SF inthe Min gremmert check your answrs 17 Look a he flowing sentences about shopping in Brn & ‘Ads aqui tom the lraions above sarong othe bpp pnp Ped ‘quant inetd onthe iat Tom ast people sop in apermasios. led ~ apods are sold chespy to make sure people opto co fas go shopping on Sundays 4 peopl bay tings nal viage stops eo 18 Work im pake. Change these statements using 1 Girt aesnrctcd ia fashion. ‘quanters so ha they fet Your pelt oven ‘Yung people like Sse : Young pop don ike school aol: Bays i, Ft 4 People fn los are more inteesting thn 1's toe ta a lot of bas ft plays athe sheaee. fetta, bi a al of tre oe «Did peoge watch television eer evening A fd oat ined a al Functional language: going shopping 19 Before you Histon to Trac 16, pute folloning ines (1-4 inte gt paces tn he conversasons below 1 Do you knoe whe I could find some? 2 They igh be able wo bel. 5 Theyre over thereby show shies 4 Lecie know iT ean help you with anything, ‘aKa: Can Thep you? ano Excuse me FOUN Excuse me Do yon YUE: No dls Tn just Cats Yeu lw can 1 have soy tele? ooking around, help your? ‘oan Yerwede, cana: OX. axows Pm looking for on a “Taker jeans came Fm afi we don't sl ——— mms ‘Taker, rout: Oh yes, sothey ae vevuts Thanks, saves Oh, thet a pi ‘Then ‘cates No problem. ee i ‘any: Wel, you could ey the shop onthe core oo axon: Thanks Now Btn fo tak 15. Wore ‘aK Youre welome you coment? 2 Look a the fowing sto clothes. Tk ho words you know. bel) fans [| seater [ewes 1 dees { ] shire (| (apni sousers { } sandal a gloves [ ] skie () Tahir T 1 shows u1 hae [] socks] cap (1 fopsirof shes |] Find ou ths earing of the words you di tok by using a dtonay, Pronunciation: same 2 lad words which share = wore goun on thee ‘Sressed aylable. doin tem loge Ba cap diese avary fleece glows hat Rely jeans mary much sever shit ake seme awe ) inten Trak 16 to check your anawers welcome lees 22 Who's wosring what? Ask your pariner about the slethee andthe people, arlene: Wba’s wing shots? nce &: Gadi Comite thes setances, a Barbara wating, 2a, setatte sad boos. And. she’s got ban fon. Charlene wearing — 3) onl Weiag en n 4 Phoebel westng 1 Mangas wening — Ashley weaeiag — 25 Roleplay Workin pale. One of you works in clothes shop, the eerie 2 customer Flea conversations using language fem Atlee 18nd 20 Listening: radio commercials 2 2 ttn tothe aco commornls on ack 7h ie od ono (2.9 0 Wy? 25 Matoh te commarcils 1-4 with these pies 1) 25 Uston to Tack 17 agin. Anewer these questions. 4 $00 wba? 1 Were ere ro help you with what? 400 what for whe 14350 what for wha? One im hee whee? £ Doct kid who? Kil what? f Hac whee 1 Rook your hoideys from where? 27 Wine the best commis? Why? Dees everyone agree? 28 Complete te fotowing phases tram tho rado commercial, 2 Helps 1 Just one of the —— a sy banc weve got be you. 4 Announcing the pret Furnitere eafere - fe Weve gor everthing ne apres iatheclck of a moves The place everyone 29 Creative task You are gong to write radio comarca fora product 4 Choose one of he flowing producs a think of your own: cat chocolate ar mobilephone pir oftsiners compu game fzy sof din ' Complete the folowing table ‘Whar is he produc? ‘Whar ae es ain sling points (pice, wha's special abourl, convenience, et)? ected character and sation fr the commercial (og. ovo me in ali, ro sromen i a et) ‘What isthe punchline (eg. Weve hore fo belp ou with all hase numbers? ‘What mesic and/or sound ells wil you tc inthe ermal? «© Now write your commer. You can ws language fom Activity 28 0 from the Audiosrp for Track 17 inte booket the back RReand your commercial onto a tape. Does ound good? 50 Rac the parsaraph What information ie ghien about some peopl? 3 Soro digs? 2 the majority of people? many peone? Some pl st he Intear has sags “they tat people nich counties shop. Tee ‘tn posible o buy a foto bins now — Jnam groceries o books - without leaving the “owes or her commentron eink atthe ‘ajdt oF people Would sul rather go wo 3 shop Fsupcemathet with el peopl in thar og 08 {Ga tebe. Ther isn doabe, however chat “compere have halen ienpac an the shopping. | Fabs farany poole 151 Discusion Have you aver bought anything en the Intamot? Tet beter than going to a shop? Wy? {2 Tine about the seeture of paragraph tke he pe above. ti ten made yp a he fling ‘pes of sentence: 4 an inodecrory senses ban exrmpe or explanation sentence a exception or question sentence (43 concaion Wnt typ of sentence (-nhe Is above}: 1 closes he paragraph? 3 7 omurnt with the ineodctory sentence? 4 follows on from the ineeducrory senence, Spaning onthe nfrmasion int «4 graces the subject mater ofthe paragraph? {8 Can you deny the ctfernt types of sentence in tha paragraph in Acivy 80? paragraph construction 14 Pat te followingsentances in oror tomate paragraph. 4 Ine she supa thc buying things lps the ‘orks economy and allows us al trate part irae be 1 Point of Parca, anew book by Shion “akin, shows he inerele impact at ‘hopping hae hed om moder if Polat of Parchase na fcsnating rnd which tela fanaa ry of ow human bag ery to make tei lie Bete 41 She doen conden oar conser sony, a8 some weer do, but ated she ‘explores the reasoas why shopping 50 Importar in ou ives, 18 Virtng Waa fou-sentance paragraph bout ne othe folowing, The lero i hea o mdtonl shopping. 1 Shoplifting is nocsoch a serous crime © Shopping cencesate lng of snl os hope 4 Adversng shoul be banned rammar and functional language {35 Look st he reals of «survey bout what prople have fr breast Compete th sentences sing te norman nthe uve. Same Net ove pape die nl for bait ihe people deine int people cat ‘tee 5 corel (cores, ue) renee Divtoat tt jie 1s coked eats Ud co, ge susa99) 3% it 7 no beak ‘water > bale eas nating 27 What do psople have for breaks in your county? Mak amt: oF mary people di ea at basis! im my cunt 58 Complato the folowing sentences in any way yu want. 4 Some people think that J spend most of my fc ime Very Few of my fends 44 There Bee chonce of 6 Seonly kes few mint t0| Before Tea one in an adverieoment, Thad neve 55 Workin pair. Wet a new conversation in which a customer goes Into a cothes shop and other ake for hap ors oflered help by te shop aseisiant Men your conversation forthe las. Can toy Workout what your ‘ginal conversation wna? Review: vocabulary [Sie Tacigroond nase bet ink cap” crease | eatoeatie prices Fcommercit flece gloves st it takes Intemet shopping jane lstinateshopsing ite-night shopping | ip vat hand J market otsewe open-sir sandals sel date serous Sopp || tue fy shop | aire shopping be shopping ene shopsing complex eens sipping expedition shopping lt shopping mal shoppra spree | | SOOM 17 sopping ley sbors sk sacks» Sunday sopping [amt ered ony ete, | | supemortet sweater tights tasers Thiet veownepacked |r gectaay | indoor sogging © 49 Group the words in the Word Lit nto lent mang groups (auch as elthng, place, et). How many masning groups are there? Are rs any wordt on ry groupe? {Gompare your ite wits a pare @ Pronunciation 11 Wits down pars of word rom the Werd Lic withthe same vows sound (2.9. e9p Jha. WD Liston te Tack 18 and check, ib Which worden theft have the sme sound 8 shopping? (9 stn to Track 19 and check {2 Wt tvesertncet wth gaps to et your partner’ knowldge of words and phraset ‘tom the Word List and Word Plus. Than ave Your pair the sentences ie cama. fm: | sly co sop on Sahay wore ely ds ey Seppe on Saey oni.) 45 Writing Wen aks. ant a str on ane the ftoning op. My worst eer shopping experience 1b My best ever shopping expecence © The cme I went shopping and met {5 Tim never going shopping agua Besase 41 Dizcussion Chooss ane tte flowing letra Tal pariner why the Dost ype of hoy goon “Oa Ber yu tent Sok 0, leak ete ve poplin these tures Who tkoe win ype Stay shown ay oyou ti ‘Now listen to Tack 20. Were you corre? 3 Look atthe ectionary entries fr holy, Holdeymate and vacation. Answer the questions whch fon. 4 Which words can be bot ¢ noun anda verb ins ey cotmmetins o ‘American Enel? ia ee - Aoetens Eagle iy eye i dg aie Fow do you know? by In American al, which word canbe used foc the ime en sents te not yg? How de you know? Which speakers use the word bolder? ‘Which speakers use the word sncationer? ‘oor eens How do you nom? 4 Using your own dctonary finds leat 80 wa game ot ‘more exatiples vere American and Bee SaaS PTS e English have diferene words forthe same ching. 2g eel Fat cheek Listen fo Tack 20 agin. Who: doesn like tourist rors) haved water sing? faves bit of lay? “has cilden who go swimming and boating? doean sunbathe? ne bro Scotland? kes nightie end clubbing? Tikes places of the Beaten teach? “ike lees and enoseume? Vocabulary Use the cagram asa str for your own holiday ‘worsap Use words rr Aetviioe Iu, You can sie lola the Audios for Track 20 0 find move otday wor. How many more words an you othe ‘words? sua sia pedcage balay ati. tebdoy camping carps tut Reading: welcome to Backpackerland! © Read the report on ‘Backpackorand” Wich of ‘he toloeng calements best sums up? 4 Backpockrland sin Aust 1 ackpackrland «name for any pce where « cata kind of evel goss Bsckpackerland ete name of a kind of clothing, 4 Backpackerland is «spe of eybecae ‘Once you've et the srport you tind yourtt a ‘cheap Hostal and seep beely bocause I's hot, ‘uh hater than was When you eR Rome, and you haven" paid enough for an alrcondkoned rom. Besides, there's the noise of tho Busy Street and some eazy tourist paying a harmonica all ight. Gn top ofthat you're je: lagged bacause youve croseed two time zones atleast. All your worst nightmares have come ‘bus, but you don’ care, because this Is an ldvanture and you aren! at home any more. In the momig you fet exhausted but mare lve than you nave for years. You go out on to the ete! ans have your fet Gup of cates. Evoryuhore thor are foreign vohices, range ‘salls, feren! colours ane people wearing liforent alothes. As you ook up and down the ‘Sreet you see more end mere people ust Eke Yyoursol, ravers ~ but they've been her for at least nee daye, Theyre much more intresting Tooling than you, arc aesm completely at hom as they vi the shops and market stl, o: hury Inka the eybercatée to see Irthelr mums have ‘ent them aa emall. Weloome to Backpackerand. Baciptckeriand isa new word of possibilty, not quite real You go into ae ated year ‘economics student for Liverpool @ young {ewyer from Seale, a nearctay from Melbourne fr student teacher fom Turin. A few dollars Inter you era cross between 8 1eh-century ventures, @ 20%r-oentuny cubber and 2 21st Canty philosopher reacing travel guides and weling poetry by the roadsie. ‘Backpackerlana hes eeoagnlsee meeting points ike Ke San Road in Bangkor. the Kings Cross area of Syeney, and ihe Colaba Causeway in nda, ents because travels cheaper than ‘ver befor. Each year mare and mare young ‘people crocs the word irom gest to wae, rom orth fo south, sting clothes, notebooks and oat a wi cameras io ne Peter Hedley on the acacia to expetionoe modern way!0 the camour st Noico travel for some! Gey mo resorine ‘Aaceme desert or the nowy altudes of Nepal “Tavoling hae changed out ofa recogntion a ‘he lst 20 yeas. nthe old days you walled for sronths for a etter rom your granny and ifyou ‘ver dic manage to phone homo it ost the earth ‘ne you coule't ser eszh other properly. wae only the bravest who risked cuting temeevae Of ke that. Now you're almost never out of ‘ouch, The oyberoaté computers in Kethrnanc Phnom Pert and La Paz are a8 fest ee anything you in in Toy, Weshington or Bal, So the ‘moment you get of th plane you can ema the Wand you hada dik with the day bole your let home ‘When Iwas tt in Thaand burped ino Col, the manwha'd dane the elect wiring ny litle fat in Loncton, Back home he'd slvaye ‘Seemed miserble and cad, but now Coll ho hee ust bosn excoring la tho jungle) wa tanned and ft and ne was smiling 2 lt. Tats the kind thing that happens in Backpzckeriand, You canbe anyone you want to be and iis fu of surprises, 1 Fact check Read te text egaln and ancwor the Foiowing quesbene. 44 How old ae most backpackers? 1 hoc occupations do ckpackers have? © Are they zh of poot? 4 Why docs Backpackerind exist now? How can holidaymakers eommunicae with cach other and with people a home when they Srewaveling? 1 Vocabulary Pd Words or prasesin te test wan the following meanings. seal cheap hot parageph 1) Imecbascally cole (paragraph 1) trad because you'e raved across the would ‘ona plane (paregrph 1) places with compoters which anyone can pay to See iparapeaph 2) lees where you con buy things ~ he places Ere often stale than a shop, snd usualy ‘he open ai (paragraph 2) 1 iol el cles pane) ‘ois and bustle (paragraph #) poe withthe mone courage (paraaraph$) 4 Noticing fanguage How many exsmpes of Competitive end superlative acces can you Fndin to tee? Create sentences using meee sojotves. anguage in chu 19 Compt thse pases ror etx ug ne worse nthe Boe vette Kod) oc be compleedy ——— 1 Wh mobile phone you're aver bb Lever thought Pd vn aly agai. «She relate for when se ge hee ‘She feels 4 I dow’ know what looks ike abicyle and seat Hes engagement ring had vreehage diamonds. be 1 Discussion Work pas. Aak an anever the ‘elowing questions 4 Have you ever een «backpacker? your pacer answer eye ind ot 28 mh Information ns 04 can) bb Would you tke 'a bes backpacker? Why? Why noe Where wo you mow ike to go backpacker? Speaking: a debate 19 Creative task You are gong to nave TV abate fon ho folowing te ‘Tourism: # good thing for us al? Work in groups. Group A: how many reasons an you thnk of why torn might be bad ‘thing? Look ar Aetity Bank 9 on page 153 for ‘more srpament Group Be how many rezone an yon think of hy ture mig be s good ‘hing? Look at Betty Bank 15 on page 438 for more argument. Ele « memitecaf the clas o be the TY how. “The host wil bein charge of the dest. Everyone elt: one one ofthe following rok foe yourlf inthe TV debate and be prepared toarge ether fr or apsina ours fram that rear iewpoct ‘lie execute tte employee ove iter——fshernan tevccorenttst olan alieymaker ave! agent «© Have he debate. The bos etre he programe Grammar: comparative and superlative adjectives “4 Look athe pltues ofthe thee tol and compare them, using comparative and sporative forms of to adjeca n tne bax lve anyother acjecoves You can tino. srvectve esol ig Tenge ety cheap comfotable cnzy cowed eitop expesve ntti Tarrious modem nisy OM ltsloned peste que rlsng ‘Shook your anewors by looking st 4A and 4 nthe Minera, 18 Complete the folowing exchangse wth the phases inte bo. bitmorealiffeut endmoreexciog ashe ls hottersed tote: se muchas Imuch more intezing the beter the bigger the aise thn Why ae you going inde?” 4 ‘How did you get on in dhe ena? “te eng hl and fact cate acandit?) “Great. rene = ane ofl of “You sem tobe enjoying tar book." ten Yes ee than Thad j. ‘Why ae you so ken on tht tein expected eopeaio?™ © “When are yow going to fnsh puting up those "Bessa geting Oe enn shelves? ‘Cheek your ansivers by looking a in the "As son ae Lean, fey than | Minegramynsn expec "You ca ear yours speak in here “Geet The niser "You don’ wane colle? I ough yo liked celles” "Noe aa Led a? (hy done you wan eo play cde with your brother?" “Pont an good at cade — : 15 “The meal ere are absolelyenocmou Great the beuet I snc all 00 expen “Oh no, You can ge a ight for nas 16 Proctice Use language trom Actas 14 and 15. te compare ene ate fllowing. 1 Two holidey destinations in your cant which sxe ery diferent. bb Two hoidy destinations inthe werd dae you ow abo, have eon pitres Oot have iste. «¢ Holidsying today compared to holidaying 50 yeas a0. Functional language: recommendations 7) 47 Before you teton to Track 21, ut tha rave agents _guetione and recommen (ne bo) it he correct gaps to eomplat te conversation, RAVE AGENT (3) : 7 BEN We'd kev boak x hoiay DUNCAN: Yes can you recommend anything? TRAVEL AGENT: (8) ———— Se DUNCAN: Oh you know sn, sea sand, de usu TRAVEL AGENT (freemen nex! Well we've been to Spain once lead. (ea ee Italy? That» great de, but actualy wed prefer somewhere a bit mote, well ote — don hike we could afford hat. o "Yen boris ir worth 2 oo — (Can have «look athe brochure? (9) ne Thanks Now ston to Tack 2, Were you core? 18 Look at how wo can ask fr and give rocommendations. ASKING FOR AND GING RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Wecan ase for recommendations like this {Gon yon seconiend somentbore tiny nou thers? Gow you mugest goed place fora okay? “Have jou got any ideas abou good boxe ating Welingront tsitworth | ong action via? fe Pare wer (2H 2 We com make recommendations ike thie: What about (going to) Alaska? ows about tbe Hotel Selle Have you thst of goin 0) Lowdant Why don't yon ry somewhere Poewglt LH itwge mis go comeobarecesper Why don't you gv ira iy? 3 We cameeply to recommendations ke thie ‘htcomd es ete ‘Thats exacty whet | we loki Toto Thats on eit what ae saking of © Aerualy ies probably tegen 15 you ink, (OA sigh then, can sige a de Janeioe (0 OK, what abone sameeren Spa, say Sitges near Bareclone? 0 Sure Take your time, © Well is defintely worth coming (© Wal, what ind of ly wan (O-Wel the how about Soper nti? 2 Yes cant help you? 18 nate new ueson an rience by replace ue ‘orem, n acy 6am words {Syocr ow: Nore recone atic Gin ps etre wth ly ge spats fats? IF ws ey C4 onthe. Saf “That's great eo, but Vd rather go sombre sore comfortable, ibid prefer soma a bit os expose. 20 Work ops. Use the language tom Aci 18 to ask for and ‘due recommendations ves of te following stusons 4 You gow a wavelagec to atk about ow 19 wave om one place to another bb Ona tip abroad you ak the hotel receptionist about which plays an oe returns to goto, ¢ Reustomer doen know which dh choose in 9 sestucat, {1A Tend docs’ know what to buy glitnd / boyiiend for Valentines Day preset. «Reamer ina shop doesn know which dress shir to buy @ Pronunciation: pites aud intonati +7) 21 Usten to people accepting recommendations on Track 22 Arete ‘aalyertusleatie or na 4 That sounds fantastic, 1 That sounds ke reat ides © Thats exacly what wart. 4 Thats jon igh. fe Thaeslncredte, Thats a great soggstion, 2 say he: speakers. tenes ubing the seme pitch an intonation as he 19 Role-play Workin par. Imagine you are travel agent. Think bout tn Kn of hetidaye you have fooler Copy nd comple ‘he tabi n Act BBank 4 on page 152. ow find a ditecent print, One of you wants o go an hosay. ‘The oor tha travel agen, The haliseymaterenoud ak he travel agent for aces and ten tothe Inrmsion carefuly betre ‘ocising where to go. Once you have Rrishos, swap rots Writing: coherence and cohesion 2 Choose a publ hotday in your coury ake nates to show how {you would expiant to a foreign vitor Explain: when ei, bat is foe hat speci customs or evens happen on that ay ‘what ou url don hat dy. 2 Look athe pictures. Do you Kcow what the fest ce? Prt te paragraphs on the ght Inthe coweat ones (Tne ft paragraph isd). > ny ness bi tae re, oes oe ‘os nme ganda ra ty ‘pea This aie eas Toss ter Pato a, eee Taya cuted yo ay port Oe Bush us tg ogg cupped nt a ‘agence a hans a enter et wih is nr ong Th gp ‘og errr scr he tognpes de cast es ‘esi Bans pu Oe ie ag Arte, ee gue rete eo spss ‘Seon ies na ot ny 15: Panesar bape, ‘poe hems ere lcs tm 28 pom lou be beer een re astm Fpl goat antago oa (omnes “ca ~ah r apod bic hoist ae nr pt ea i Thy ge oer a eo ua Soyo alsin et cu Sane yo 8 aco Hay teens, oneness (Gann. eas re (he is’ Do retains eal sas, Dal, tne way ba i Paik Oy (7 Ba ih ‘eles el ha Stes Bp ali titi sil ae Fe ti yal rd Me gone ‘ce wh smack athe lade clo Bx te ka ane oe Ihsan 2 cera of alain, acid, Neto, te et, “oo fel eee a en tae fe es, Suns Ngior 25 ny, he eae Sats ott ans (15095, eazy our tie, ot ‘Sttand bull oa fen Ne Ye jy tom Te, 25 Fact check Who or whats: a Robert Burns? a haggis the Ode to the Hari SePanck? Sehamrock? * a fa good cre? 27 Leo athe neta you made for Act 24 Use them to wits an arco based on he pian on the nit 18 Mateh ne questions and answers, ‘2 Can you recommend geod holiday destination? 5 Do you lke going on erases? Do you want to come pony-ekking with 2 44 Have you thought of going to the Coss del Sol? ‘¢ Whats the mast exciting thing you've ever done? £ Whaes your favourite fond of holiday resort? rammar and functional language 4 Neier ally There bh a boring seach thee, 2. No, thanks, Ar int years old im not cnvestie as wes 3 Ob, dtlny th nes he bee 44 That a great des, but chink Pd pfs somewherea bit more exo ‘The parachice jump I did fast yea, nk, Wal, have you thought of going to South America? "Yes, bentie dhe sips are geing Bene and beer ‘Ask your pane the same question. Bo they gv feet answers? 23 Have a gulz In teans of about our people, wits ‘questions about worl geography and ond tanemarce ante th & the lag rir in tha wo? “Toke iin tums to ask the ater tears) qusatins. ‘our team gots one point for ging w eoract. 530 Writing Look at he picture maine you ae encouraging someone {ps ya diamond in a ewelery store 1h nok st he inside of tr ee engine. © do bungee ump. 4 ea tid a fake’ ig ona rolerconse, ake sentences forthe dtferentstustions. Uso ‘the wor inthe Box and the pattem Don worry. [snot a. 201 looks seems sounds. cere Fghtening_conplestee tad dangerous ering ousting tefiog unconforatie st 48 Review: vocabulary roe aca Pie osc FSbod camping | camour uthing ruse epereaté environmentalist acai between 00 and excursion Festal galley holiday. holiaymsker hostel || off the beaten tach Fetlagsed market lls museum rightfe package holdsy || fa be completely shame pony-velingpubbehaisy resort sightseeing anbsthe || tobe outa tauch fares touret travel gue vacation ates) [| eesti esr 3 Imagine you are going o be svanded on 3 desert land and you ‘an-oly tke ve word hom the Word Lit with you. Wh ones ‘you taken wy? capi UH tle ‘powy-trdeng” base Ws the sacl of 1h = and | eal gor arand He. lad ce easly @ Pronunciation 12 How many words can you find inthe Word It whlch have the sound faa oa? ster to Track 28 enone, Fi the oddone ot the fotewing tt ‘Thin sbout sounds 1 package vacation backpacking camping fanantic 2 Gubbing Grube publ surbatke fon “Think about syables. 3 backpscking —_bosting excursion aliday water ‘camping cuore hese! abeoad museum ‘abate “Think about sree, Spiller nighife smnbache recort imag holiday "gallery “excuslon aghmeing ary 69) taser Wack 24 ae eck 1 Speaking imagine that you se a ours who works fo a elelion| "revel programme, Wrta ax questions you woud avaye ak about ny bavel dealin. Ask about local ste, actos, stooge, the weathor, te. In pe, cale-pley # convarastion bebveen te out ana focal risen The urna starts by aati ons ofthe prepared (uestors, UNUET 5 Speaking: where: live (game) 1 Look atthese words Into ba botew and find pars of word with ‘posta meanings. ere colt camped cuted Hare uteyaedos ey 2 Choose one othe homes inthe pcre. atng words tom Actvty 1 and fy thar worda you know tho ivontages and disadvantages ‘tthe home you have chosen. Foe ican exarple: Ns sdvantagos and leadrariages Te class has to guess which Nom is, 4 Rad tho text on ths net page. Some sentences are missing. Where do the {alloning sntsnces af go nthe tat on page 467 Tho fst one fs done for you. 2 Since Isard ling in ny van, Pve had feelings have expevieneed Sloce Twas child, 4 bb Tova trying to decide what ro do when I saw the advertisement ‘Converted ambulance forse, £1,600 «= Now Ibesin to appreciate rhe travels ave oan eng ws all shee years 4 One peobiem Pee hd ie what to do shor power For my computer f Parking can be most diffeat. Ae eset wos nervons. No job. No worries. {it ate up one smoming ad sy to smal think go and Wein ayn vas more ancien tan hat First of al ost ny fet and then athe same tine {scored aed anew engine foc ry ca. That meant tat would hao to spend £1,000 get te ‘exh on he oa. suddenly ound tha reded, it, Somewhere fo ve ad, second, sometig ia tavel aaundin 50 | ang he mumba in he a ad ranged to 92 and oe tas lov a rst sight! made my decison aight. To days later was the proud omer of 2 ‘wort Ford Yani converted ra campervan, (Ewa sure cou ani here wold ‘47 How wold I wast? Wal woul | do inthe erenings? Im he sr of person win ead people ‘sound, bul you cr give big pats in van, And how would | ope anyay wih eon the oa? But need ave wore, Well, not much. I's ot easier han out 5 Fact chece Anower the folowing questions. Whats C Stones job? 1 Where doce he lire? © Whae doer e think of? a the tt again and ample the along ‘ontencas 15 Cf Stone desde to Five a he dos eceuse 1 Gl Stone worried about his decfon because GJ Stone has parked in anyplace, such os 4 CJ Stone lover hit ew is boca ‘© Cl Stone solved his comptes problems by f The ge of living om he road are (3s tr ve slept in several ca pats and ays, neo to fest sites end —once or we — st by the roads. Raven yl od te port pac. spent ao ol ine poring over maps ore sits | ‘astound arg i tvalles. Ad ve n0 doubt il find sie mx optimist — al my le ve ates tle have pac inte word : Ai suppose i's the extent waking up in ‘hy moming, ane, fr hn fst fw seconds, not mowing £ here you a. Then you lookout ofthe window, nt some om sight ares you: sume te youve neve seen boo, some bea scenery tl mates you hear aap Living natn the cy ised a tha. (Ea, marr. To start wih stayed on casi hl had eecicty when Ian to wot, Butt cost mene ad could coenial because everyone nas on ho an playing ames it outs my windows. Ad the found the saluten sola pnels. Tat meant could slay aya. New 'm not oly relirg wir, m ologely ‘soi too. hing in aan is ceap. Norn. No obigaons. ‘dan topo tet tes the soso of Feo andthe ‘ppines that ny net ese hes gen me, Freedom, canbe ait. ioe being able ogo vere Ivan, won wan 's wonder o fee tha te wot ward is your hom, No onder so mary people a leaving their fuss and gong on he oa. i 17 Vocsbulary What’ the erence betwoon 1 am aecdont and something thie accidental? Ta pant and a ar park? © astend sight) (4 youd sign and the roadsidet fc poring seer aad ponring? fete and camper en? cng larguage Rea the lao four pargranhs ofthe tet epin How many corrcone {fev trv, etc) can you te? What doos ‘ho use of contacto al you abot the ele ofthe to? {plan the meaning ofthe fosowing pirates rom the ot. aa sent of freedom, 1 tocope with € to eve po duke tha) to makes decison ta spend le of te (doing something) “1 Complete tho folowing sentencos using the pases In Acivy 8. You may need lo change the frm of he wero. a Lean computers. just don understand ther. bie. —— writing toe on his computer He never seme top Tim nt suse whether to buy a camper ren, but [im ging 0 on oer. <4 Waking in the countryside gives me : He wants to marry her He. She the oe for him, 1 Discusion What your reaction te © Stone's way of He? Would you do what he oes? Why? Why not? Grammar: the present perfect “2 Speoking in ete, talk abou! things you've never done, but which you wal keto do one Use tne prosentperiect Look at Sa+SC Inthe Min-grammar. Remember say what the rowous students have sal. are: ase Vana bun fo Ae Yate sue Ban's tr Satn fo How Yo. a, aoer bad a camper so car: Bea's ear ban ta at Yor S's nein 6 cap sa Va rane ridden phant owing sentneas with the cook = Arley (ive) Aes. ina campervan 18 comple the | fon of he vr in brackets and ether ince fe che vo. orto, b eee ite. cra 1999, Hl wife, Sel, wel) ‘on an organic farm —_____ Alley gave wp bis jos 1d They (not eat) any eae vo ye. Adley (peak) French he was acid They (be) seared tn years 1 Hoots) shen lost fh He have) a shaved esd ‘May lst year Check your answer by oon t 5D i the ain grommer 2 “Just and yet Complete the dlafoguo with ust (a ‘how me ago) ar yt (up un new), spe: Why see you so bapey? ATE: Pre fa) —-—-_—-— beard hac Te Won @ milion pound That's caste What ae you going eo do with That decided (b) JANE: Bue you must ave deamed ofthis &: Well yes, but i only fe} happened. I'm sll ia shock poses Have you told your husband ye? No. Te only) Found ost snyslt sis: But you ae going to, arnt you? aves Lhavet made a decsion about that @ Hey wus mie Pe bad an es Yow could lend me some Mom Check your answers by foking st SC inthe Hinegremmer 15 Preset perfect and past simple Choose he past ‘nple ef present peoc fom for the verbs in brackets + lg ror nal a ied te a havsabect for ste ors end | sill de bb Tact (be 0 Bangladesh © When (eae) school two yeas ago, 1 ee a reat sense of freedom, 6 He aways be) a pesmi, snc the moment he Gis born, She couldn cope with his behav eo ehe (leave hie. That (be) wo yeses 480. £ Tgeve ive in bloc of fla, but my patents ive n'a Bat when they (be) fret imacied. 1 She (haves rattoo forse mont She (go) oa place in town > ge Jone bs When (be) younger my erandparens (pea ‘Ruslan so (pick) up a few words, but Team speak propedy 18 Copy the tate (but nt the handwting). Tink ot four qusetons you'd lke fe ask pple abou! {halle expences Wito tem Your bo co round th class aking your questions. When amgone says 'ee'eak thom or dae ae you vane Kin pies Sys op BF olen one mo Ha yu ate ean ofp Pal? sr: swe Ho yo ote balan & by, Kaw? srw Yes swt hes dl yp drs #2 son Abu fie yas ep. muon Haw del yoo doo? snare: | us ding my hese a8 arnig and | fl off Hr ws oy pail : homes and houses ‘Match the word nthe box wt the numbers inthe pictures. tsement lock of fats bingslan cotiage nee fat fear garage arden “gate ground for Femndetached house tered Paine sti ‘Suamples 4 blade of flats 18 Dicucson Which ofthe pores e most ke where you ve? Wet ferences are there beeen your home and the enon he pra? 4 le gard an adjcive, adver, noan,prepston or ver? ease iow do yoo know? Ss, = bb How int prosouncad? Whe equialeat word ls therein American English? 16 How many dfeene meanings ae given? 1 PrcticeWnieh of the homes above wou yout en? Which would you rat kt nein Why? ange VA le to ie the college bunt #75 ey pty. 1 tla la fo Ms of. Bade of lls eau ta ems oy sal 21 Mako now words by eing home tothe along words, Ube the ne words Inthe nenepoper headlines Delon sick coming Jess _-prown work made Aowtgeon ler elle bast con an wins latter, buys house cake poison ese vlage —— couple ezcn afer only 72 hour aseay ers in one schools exibition cancelled when reaming son mises rena ight Listening: Making myself homeless 12 Think about yourhome, Wie fhe adjectives 2 what lok fk, 1b whit et kes 23 Match the phrases on the lt wth thelr meanings fontheigh 4 timo nom soon in isk hing wb et ba eampee vin feeliog tha you ae fee © twhitthe road van that you can ee in 4 Hane i wher he hearts. i you do not have any rend tobe homeles te noc have 2 home £ tobe lonely oeone wha thinks everthing wil be wonder anoptniee anyone that you fel comforate is hoese ha pessimist vo go caveling 28 You are going to hea a song cle Making 15 hich ol theca surmaries(e-) bet erbes ‘mys Domes, Hor ae the fst athe ee the cong? ‘ores, What ore saul tha fee go in? Wits eee tal ee en 4 Te singe i apy eae cae en it old and erp and ei ning. He want 0 Firs verse: ttavel to the roads end °C [don't ie staying bb Thesnpere unhappy because i elriend has 1B [Tsing here wihoue you lefebune He lever home and waves in 8 @ | | eveold snd itr empey ‘Samper vn, He hopes be il et bie 1 1 Thelighe peng cm billend again and that they wil go Back home togetber Las yr: «The singers unhappy bees i houses cold sd empry so he dade to go on hero. ‘nea fo but cs looking fend tos day ven fl eeu gain, e'{_] And my ravling dae wil be done F [| Andwell have ove new dey in the son [| Aad well go hock home one foe morning E [| And youl come sunsing towards me 1°) Usten to the song on Track 25. Did you get the frat and helt varesa gh? 28 Campte thee ines ram the song 1 For what wi stalin 21 gss 1 ene make ne esc for bs Fi noes 08 {tthe re ts His ned eo have — AF nd ee igh scthe mals 27 Listen track 28 agin and follow they the Ausloseip.Compiae this seience «end 11 faqger about sou if ike fon ike the song base F Amb nd seches — " i Ton le whee Functional language: welcoming people 28 Lock at he picture. What er hey saying to wach ther? 1) listen to tack 28. Were you caret? 29 Match the pasa in the two columns fe compte the welcoming Can st 08 fining 2 Con as tr te ing ce Did seve amy euble sesh ek Doser want /ncad tase vod! Goon te ea your Rats shen up? ve wie fae comin Thanks your cot 1) Listen to Tack 27 and repeat the phrases $0 Put the pvases trom Astivy 29 the corect gaps Gan gp ys, te del?” “Ys phase ike 09 » : Nie was gute shard, sls Than you trough rc you. e Ye, thar would e ice Whar the bathroom ‘wl hanks Fo ning co a. es wrest @ Pronunciation; stress in phrases Gs {5 fle-pay Werk in grauoe, One of (9)31 Look tthe eps in Act 30, Listen Tack 28 and wie a ino YH ha Not. YoU nave id hae he wor the att ft word where fe spenkers place” _—peopte rund for = cin Wieame temaneress " {tem fo your house! a sin tho Prasos Iam Rey 28 the ret ike urge nie. ery ete gusts Reporaio Your ost using phrases For {5 Repeat the phrase slr the spears on Tack 28. Keay 30 Writing: letters ‘Study the eter snd make notes about the folowing questions 4 Where ie Brenda writing rom? 1 How did she and Mail ge thre? How did she el when she fe asived? How docs se fel now? 4 Whar dierences are cere berwsenBrendat sed Maral’ chcncert Whats Brenda's job? What is Mave? E Whoie Devil? '§ How floral isthe le? Hlow do you know? 25 Would you use the fotowing in ater whch ere Formal) onto (ho Moura (rho oa oe ite (7? 2 Hi Rosemazy B Dear Mes Forrest Dear James 4 Dear Ms Foneet f Dear Si or Madam eich ea wishes § Les of love fr Yours sicaely Yours efally ke Tanks for your leer 1 Thank you very mach for your letter, 'm Please give my love vo David and the kid. 1 Tool forward to hearing fom you [8 You ae going o wre a eta. Make notes onthe folowing. 1 Choose somewhere inthe wold you ike che sound of Imagine that you age now vag thers 1b How did you pet these? € Whatkind of ob do you noemally do? Have you found someting snr in yor ne place? 44 Where ae yeu ling ia your ew eoutey? What kind of place fe What English-speaking fiend o slave ee ‘or imaginary) could you wt to? Using your notes, wt a ete to your Engh peaking end ox rlstve. Use the language rom Brenda eter o alp you tats as ‘Se conte timber radia (sth, Soe Baar Rosemary he jot rained aise to hese from Jo Ht, wole been hare for tree weeks alre still cant bellow it. But things have definitely proved since the bas left as ot the randside om Hat First dap. Fora mints Z wasted ty fen round and ge hone again. You kay me; Zhen great pessiish Bu Maviel slang thinks evrything is ging to be Fine. En fs than n dag she had fond ue. lat and here we re Bie found myself 0 job giving priate comersttion asses. Wot gute want he wed fe but is shill tenshing and wp students are oot. Mavsh hasn't got a job yo, bat see's made contact with wrious people im the film industry hare nad hopes she'll got wrk son. ‘Se the big vems is; wee made ow decison. Weve decided 10 say. Ths is ow hone. ease ge my owe 40 Did and te sds, wy set cone wal visit 42 sion? fatter ~thaseie. ot wae Lote of tow, Brenda Review: grammar and functional language 57 Complete the omaraton wih the comet present pret or pat singe mre hbase ALAN: How nce 0 98 yout fanaa fee nies be hee CLARE: (a you have} any rouble finding ast BAN: Ob no, We (bbe) -——— here before, you know ALAN! Oh real? Bot we only lie) eve fot cece weak, anata: Yer. Bat we lew the people who (dive) here before you. cans: You mein Sots and Jef? ans Yes: They (el enierety. sca How lneeting, Wel anyway, can Ttake your coas? wanaanas ‘Thanks "ceans: Go on trough to the ssing room. Lexpect yo know eens of our inet we met hem 28 Compete the flowing sentancoe i they Epp to you live in 1 nd Eglah fem ——— 1 have peed ats ett /a beard a mowstache wear gees / contact fens / fot of well 1 play do (sport, mesic instrament, hobby) 1 wor in 828 1am engaged / marie singe Cave your sentences fo your partner 18 Interiw your parinersbout the sentoncss in roto you. few long =? aml: How long hae gos Wad i Londen Rona? Write short paragraph shout your parne’s answers using snes and fo. Review: vocabulary ‘cide’ sedenal” Gare” Besoment” bid of ats” banaaow compte campervan carpark cttered cold extage ‘camped dark fence frst flor fat garage garden gate ‘quest ground Noor homecening hameless home-made homesick homewerk hast hauseboat ight mobile Rome © optimist pak pessimist roadsign roadside Semi-eetached house Sght spacious sudo Nat cent terraced house tty tidy warm Think aboot whieh ax words nthe Word List wil be most wef to youn te itu, Why? 1 Copy and complete the table wth werd trom the Word Lit. Words wih a positive fing Words with «negative fsing @ Pronunciation {2.2 What sound do ale totovng woes hae in comm? Wengen cls cape Andes rae one sao 1 sion to Tek 29 nc ack Can you tins ether word inthe Word List which nlude the ‘ame sound? Latent Track 30 and oheck. © Wich worl in the Word ist star wth he folowing sounds: Bas Dt ‘at Bp D Leto to Wack 39 and chek, Which sound do you fa the most teu to say? © Ust some other worde that tart with these sounds: a et fea ap Pens f teen to cope with {o goon the road | | tehave no doubt at) “to make a decison | to spend abt of tne (doing somethin 4 Using 2 many wards as posable rom the Wor Us, pane tho folowing sentence Who can make tages Eenience which sill males onee? ‘The woman ff se exe day. +4 Writing in groups of es, you sr going owes poor ald On te rae, 1 Bach tke a diferent phrase from Word Ps. » Esch ase the pte to write @ shor Sentence ost lie onthe rod AES group aroge the seetetcen ts he best way you {ab wo make your poem, INA COURT OF LAW HIGH ABVENTURE WAR AND PEACE | ower son | sentence 2 Docerencennn stealing £250,000, 4 Mad Joba, the. defeated roned elects | conquered the g Tenyearslrdhe igh The people. cin prone inten, F When ke 04D BE me RE hima og bose WE | Theirs Lord Mountebank "Ten yen eter someone When he dein ee is ton with tif 1 The font wat by jaa lovee i sre 1 She was athe best She was by her use, school n Americ, ee is © She 38 milion She a8 enn tb et an ‘when her uncle de got ve ine foo, 2 Copy and complete the abl wth he flowing verbs sccrse bing ve conqler com defeat le deuce ore edueate eect ‘seape eseeutenpevon inher mumy oon entence shot ae a > © Yorb gnnnttive) Verb (past pertiiple) Noun iss - ais ation 4 Play the aapot game’. Wie sentences using the wor teapot instead of one ofthe wotde tom Actas 1 434.2, The ole sudo hve fo uss ne Wor rami: reir: UA Wee fo Se a apt bzost than | cold fixht fr ony cout sneer Solder? snes Yay can tll semaine by gag the sis. tng sree: Pasn? rom: Ye 4 Look atthe aetonary etry to ecm eae acer onn ce 1 How any dies mesning ave gen gnu mana a for the noun? {26 iar ot ver re seasons wes 'b If'S3" means that crower ie one of the Seine nen ie mom 4 te sai of 5,00 mmo comma rssh SES seapiciamiet Egy wha ous 3" mean Epica tema < Waedou fC} mean? etharsbesime —— Fgiiopaee scones as‘usually singular? i fants Metis in hoy ws bom Landen i 1690, Ha foher Sod when she wos yung avd Marys mother red her eBoy: Only mae encod her money fo tory wor Saglved or 9 boy #9 thet she would Inher her grenemothars money ‘Wine Mary wos 13 she Jed sin sil dosed cz armen. Aw yeas later she ore the Bish fry (ar an) and wos sett gt the Fens Fellow seliiars and had to evel Na ere, muh "ier her hasbnd dod, Moy put on mans thes egan end jnad 9 ship gang to tha es Indes. Bt th ip agoare by Engh poe, ed by Joe Ras ord ane ‘anne Many decid to bocome © amber of he pote cree Sha falinleveapcn thir me wth solder Uy hod copare, ond wos mares. But their honeymoon oes bcaare Mary tnd hur fellow plots, ack and Arne, war salen prone net Seca and were sentenced to deat, Mary wor saved From eo because se was pregnant UE se ded prison in 1720. Cent ane was erone of he American V8 We, foes for er rover. hf wos ads con ern 953, ing Doris Day ‘olomiy Jena reat nome we Mort ene Conny ond he es Bors 1852 fe Noes USA Hor parame mae fomers As young a ‘he could dea ares and shot o gn os wal oF ‘ony man, nthe 18705 dened oe mn, he foughe with theory aginst Nate ‘American. During eee bat, de eapesin ‘woe tat end fl from hie horas Sh ie Mm ecotred he eptin si," nome yo elem ame the hraine of the pine” In 1876 Colony ane met Wid BAL Hickok on ‘hey ste inthe tum of Deodwood, Dako. The some ear We BE wos shot nthe Bod oF he Rood wile peng cord clean bo Celomiy Jone et Deadwood. Fora tine she rlsad cattle ond at on nm Then rhe moved to Calor, ond ater wo EL Pse Taos “sere sh mame Cnt Bae, They hed doug bate uage war not asc, Clomity Jone never fad mh money {hl ede poor woman 1903. She wor bred in Deotnand nt 2 Wid Bl Hidode or he ho regu Cisne § neha wor te at ely fence ‘alah or ‘motor, of modem ies She wor freed to sop ging bls ecnse ot cin meny people Soop ‘or baightng wes on for en ‘ren in Sain hove Foust bale sinc the 1B cent ato nw 4808 bomed thr one grounds oF “decency and pubic mori. The ben swe ied bey n She 19208 When ‘Spain became opal bot os pt oskogln by the daar rand ron. The bone ed egcn or Fenest dont n 1976 but even hen rece women aly fought on hsebad, [in ous on et. (Ces was ar adel, poi. n 1972 She stored for blir freer in Soth Amer wan she os ‘ont 20, She stroced lot oF ttuanson nd san bec 0 andor ‘beak in Span. Howave Crtine Wes FRequenty esa by male ‘anger, ‘women tp Beng were nl "sesh ben the, bsg up men summa or ‘he ah aid Sern de Urges, «plea cre Many mo bulighiss ‘efod to opponr i er. ‘ring $ nden rte in 1999 econ he ose pth he ide ofthe other msndor n See of he publ Br almost eran she wont be be ast femele Name ‘2 Dates bith ent <4 Main evens in hei bb Notionley: « Importnepeope-m he fe Whac wae special about her flowy her earsr ended: | Find to members of he clase who read about the ther women, Intro them and compote your table vath the latoration they ve you arte: snes: When wes May Rane bam? seo: Be wes bem ta S610. anguac 7 Complete the senences wth he phrases fom the box. You might have to change the lense of ‘somo verbe) Hed Fat inlet sete ie ‘tory suis on fort anhoncback the ban My gresr-grandlather wa a village carpenter Hi Family was very poor As ¢ boy he had wo go 0 school b He my great gtandaodher when be saw her ata dance © My grest-granather wanted ro liven the capital iy, but in those day you ‘were aot allowed to move away fom your own wie. Howenen

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