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Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Perfect of the verbs ln
1.- My aunt flew to Paris last year. She &,, ne,wv: ~m'!.(never / go) on a
plane before that.
2.- We didn't need to queue because my wife (already I _
buy) the tickets
3.- The thieves had already spent the money when the police
C.Wj r (catch) them.
4... Helen ~cl ~ \ (split up) with John befo~ she ,:net Paul.
5.- We _K~;tw (know) her address because she 4Jd _tned (tell) us.
6.- The children ~ 1-11 r~o\:ev-i(not eat) for days so they ,.__i} eru~ (be)
extremely hungry.
7.-. ~veryo_ne ¼ (hug) each other after they :ra& ,;p',ÙP;r:{(}
(finish) the1r exams. . - ·
8.- She didn't want to go to the cinema because she -&4d &le N?PâJ tJ Y1
(already / see) the film. _,- ,G _r : .:
9.-1 r-- Oust/ buy) a dress when a thief AbJ e (steal) my bag.
1o. - My nieœ -t (go) to London three times by the time she
u)o/J (be) s·
- 11.- My students J\.?+@M (raise) some money after they ¼d pM ti
(see) a documentary on TV about Africa.
12.- lt was half past three and we still fqd.yt t eoJe!'\(not / eat) lunch.
13.- Our teacher W.°"~
e, (give) us extra homework because we
Tu.d~\; -#<xüof4not nish) our essays.
14.- My father ?a~ ~t: (lose) his glasses and he couldn't read the
15.-The car stopped because we AotJ 1\41/\ {run) out of petrol.
16.- He · f efr (feel) very ill because he , 61 4'1<not sleep)
well. r----
17.- By the time I met John, he ¾ (leave) college.
18.-When 1 &è: c®l< td (ask) herto help me, she OJ~tL:feJ (agree).
19.-1 thought 1 h-~M ·(read) that book before, but I hadn't
20.-1 knew 1 ~J W? lA (see) her somewhere before.
21.-1 was sure 1 ~ ,'t ~ed (not Iock) the door.

22.- When we ©g:t (get) home my wife realized she

~@'< (lose) tler purse.
&o4 . Qeft
23.-When we arrived at my parenfs house, they (leave).
24. Afler 1 -R.o
(buy) my new computer, 1cliacovered th!li 1
&fê4.h' '( (not ave) enough money.
25.~ The Vikings /)Q;.;ted_ (sail) to North America a thousand yeara ago.

. ,_
Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous Choose the past perfect. or
the .past perfect continuous

(start).,' \ .
1. When we arrived the film ~d !S\;)CJJt \;e

2. She ¼~
be.,e,~ vJcsu~.,An.~ (work) in that company
for twenty years wflenA,she was made redundant.
3. 1felt ill because 1_;~
~ .;_----_d _K_cu_'-K
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (dri~k) six
cups of coffee.

4. 1 - ~V1 0'\iu.o+Ye (study) all day, so I was

tired. '
5. How long ~cl t9U W!'.3 ..t..Jt~ (you / live) in
London when your daughter was bom?
6. When I arrived at the airport I realized 1
, dkd tt.Q, V) (forget) my passport. 7. 1
Lff 'clV\<eV) (break) my ankle, so I cou,dn't
go skiing last year. à. She ::¼ci W 'O · 6),,, du-,P.i
(study) English for three years when she took the e m.
9. 1 ~cj_ç,\ &ee u <tu>-~l'\.l"'-D (run), so I was hot and tired.
1o. 1didn't go to the class because 1
t ---'c~<i~M
~ ~- - - - (not / do) my homework.


RII in NCh blanlc wlth the correct words to change each p,esent continuous
tense sentence lnto a future perfect tense sentence:

EX: I am reading a book -> By this time tomorrow, I wi/1 have read the
1. 1am writing a boOk. By this time next monthj 1
wltf .?:(À Jt .\J)lù-J~I" the bOok.
2. Maria is preparing a report. By this time tomorrow, Maria
uJ"'Q,Q Tu\JQ.. 1 (\.Q. ~-c,P--<L the report.
3. Martha is teaming German. By this time next year, Martha
~0\,, ~ ~ Q., ,-Q:~YV\ Ç German.
4. They are inviting ail their friends. By this t1me tomorrowj they
vd l QQ Tu J~ d "'-\J 1.,~~d all their friends.
5. We are bringing our stuff to our new apartment. By this time tomorrow,
we w \~ J~ 'lllreu~ all our stuff to our new apartment.
6. 1am fixing my computer. By this time next week, 1
wttO ~ 64- Je. f!, xed Q:IY computer.
7. My mother is making dinner. By the time the guests arrive, my mother
~ t VV'\D-.Q? dinner.
8. Peter is reading a magazine. By the time his flight lands, Peter
,J,_Q,Q Mad the magazine.
9. My sister and I are painting our apartment. By this time tomorrow m
sister and I vJtV: ~"' ~t ftl+"'t.-<-8 our apartment. ' y
1o. John is cleaning the house. By the time his parents arrive, John
f?<Yli < Q{Z.a '1\e4 the house.

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