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Trizia Mae S.

Magallano BSCE – 3B


I. Enumerate the following:

1. Senator Jose P. Laurel

2. Cong. Jacobo Gonzales
3. Sen. Claro Recto
4. To rededicate the lives of the youth to the ideals of freedom and nationalism, for which our
heroes lived and died
5. To pay tribute to our national hero devoting his life and works in shaping Filipino character
6. To gain an inspiring source of patriotism through the study of Jose Rizal’s life, works and writings
7. Engineer
8. Architect
9. Painter

II. Essay.

What is the significance of the Rizal Law to our present day society?

In the advent of technology, mass communication has become easily accessible through television
networks, social media, news outlets, radio stations, newspapers, and the likes. While most of them are
thoroughly verified to deliver relevant trusted information, some are not. This goes for the most
accessible, most used, and most widespread form of it all, the social media, a by-product of the internet.
Over a quick search, 3.96 billion of people use social media today. The mechanism by which this
operates allows for people to easily share their thoughts and views, in clicks and likes away. By its rapid
interface, fact-checking becomes less inaccessible. The danger of it lies on how quickly and freely we
absorb new information, where sometimes we fail to distinguish if it’s real or not.

With this widespread phenomena of historical revisionism and fake news, made more possible by social
media, may we not forget that once, there was someone, along with more courageous Filipinos, who
stood up against the status quo to combat oppression, our national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. Through this
Rizal Law, we are made to understand the pressing societal issues of our country, still relevant to this
day, in the hopes to awaken our nationalism and patriotism. As what our national hero instilled in us,
“ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan,” the Rizal law enables us, youth, to dig deeper and introspect in
his life experiences and works, to bring about a better and brighter tomorrow for our country, the

2. Choose one of the any given definitions of a hero which you think is best suited for Dr. Jose Rizal.
Explain why.

Bravery – this is the characteristic people would always link to being a hero, undeniably possessed by
Rizal. However, what Jose P. Rizal was more than that, a visionary better defined with the characteristic
of being – idealistic. This characteristic of being a hero relies in the idea that there is a future, a certain
tomorrow not only for himself, but also for the people. In other words, he emitted hope for the
Philippines to see amidst hazy times. He strongly believed that his present, during the time of colonizers
invading our lands, was not the future he wants for our countrymen to experience and what better way
to change the system was stand up and voice out the change you want to achieve. Through his life and
works, his conviction for the betterment of the nation was catalyzed by pointing out the flaws hindering
progress in those times. This is where I see that his idealism were not in vain, as it was rewarded with his
fellowmen’s awakening in patterns with the vision he set.

3. Make your own definition of a hero and identify the person who suits your definition. Why?

Heroes are usually defined by their boldness, their strong personalities, and courageous stances, but I
would define one to be empathic. My mom would be my epitome of a hero. In her subtleness and being,
she cares for us in ways suitable. As for me, she always reminds me to change when I get too sweaty, to
eat my meals, to take breaks, to not forget vitamins and all those little things that in its minuteness are
just as essential. I forgot to say that my Mama is a teacher for over decades now. She’s the kind who
loves interacting with her students most of the time, made less possible by the pandemic. She would
really find it hard to conduct online classes due to her lack of technological skills, but her love for her
students fuels her to learn new things. As most teachers did, she tried using Messenger and Facebook to
deliver her lessons, due to its accessibility to the masses. I can see her passion in everything she does, as
she gives it her best, if not her all. She’s really proud that in her profession and her efforts, she gets to
see the students she taught growing and reaching their dreams. It is then that being a hero doesn’t just
equate to loud selflessness, but also in quiet compassion, both defined by the fulfilment on the lives you
positively touch.

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