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My Moral Development up until now

Upon knowing the moral development in me, I discovered many things about me. Starting from when I was
young, I was very obedient and followed the rules. This also applies especially when my parents are the one who
created the rules. I mainly follow rules to avoid punishments, because my thought process before is that those
punishments hurt me and I do not want to be hurt. So I was afraid of the possible pain that would have been inflicted
to me if ever I disobeyed those rules.

When I was about 10 years old I was still in my pre-conventional level of thinking, but in stage 2. It was
when the pandemic hit where I moved on the next level, which is the conventional level. I was 15 at the time, I can
say that I was at this level, because as my life goes on I develop more friendships and relationships that need to be
maintained as that is what I think. This is where I can say I develop a lot of compassion towards others, maybe mainly
due to the fact of just thinking a lot alone at home. I became more of an understanding person and very seldom to
hastily judge someone. Around this time I also felt a big responsibility is about to come and I must be ready for it.
Though I still follow the rules and laws at this time, my perspective differs from when I was a kid. It is not the fear of
punishment anymore that drives me to be good and obedient, rather I think now for the betterment of my future and
those around me in order to maintain peace. I am still in my adolescent days and I still have a lot to learn. My body is
growing in relation to my mental thinking and I believe it will help me in my future to achieve my goals.

The moral development theory of Kohlberg made me aware of my changes and improvements in regards to
my morality. As I have said I am a very understanding person and barely get triggered. I also think for the betterment
as for the whole and not just for me. I follow these rules to maintain trust and relationships I have made with others.
With all that being said, I believe that the right thing to do is the things that give you benefit as well as others. I also
believe that my moral reasoning is somewhat fair and does not hastily jump to conclusions, but rather deeply
understand both sides of any given situation.

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