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Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University

Department of Statistics

First Year 1st Semister, 1st Tutorial Examination

Course # STAT 1101 Season: 10
Total Marks: 20 Total Time: One hour

a. Define; Statistics, Population and Sample, Variable and Constant, Different scale of measurement.
data represent the number of automobile fatalities in
20 States of USA in 1996 where the speed 1
limitswere raised. Construct a suitable frequency distributiontable and stem and leaf plot.
990 460 85 970 480 405 70 620 690 180 125
205 325 300 875 260 350 705 485 145
Drawa histogram and a cumulative frequency polygon and hence find the number
of fatalities below 3+3

which 50% states lie and comment. 1+1

Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University
Department of Statistics
First Year 1st Semister, 2nd Tutorial Examination
Course # STAT 1101 Season:2020-21
Total Marks: 20 Total Time: One hour

a. Define Arithmetic Mean (AM), Genetic Mean (GM), Harmonic Mean

(HM), Quadratic Mean (QM)and 3.5+2.5
Trimmed Mean (TM). Discuss the advantage and
disadvantages and, the uses of these means.
b. Algebraically prove that AH2GM2HM
C. For a geometric progression a, ar, ar, 2
Show that AHxHM=GM2
d. The following data represent the RBC Cholinesterase Values
exposed to Pesticides
(umol/min/ml) obtained from 35 workers
17 9.8 10.6 11.4 12.3 12.6 13.4 12.3 11.6 10:9 9.9 106 109.
8.6 8.79.9 10.9 1116 12.4 15.2 15.3 12.5 117 110 102 1:7,
10.1 9.0 9.2 10.2 11,0 16.7 12.2 11.3
10:2 9.4
11.8 12.5 12.6
i) Find the median and mode value from the ungrouped data.
D-4, 1
Construct a suitable
frequency distribution
table and hence determine the median and mode 2+3+1 D,)k,
of the cholinesterase values from this grouped data. When median and mode are useful for
measuring central value? 12 6, 12t
12,12-6 ,12 19-1 ,12-5,12h,


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