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The Teacher’s Language: Giving Instructions

Task: In this task, observe the language of instructions. Listen carefully to the teacher’s
instructions and record at least 5 instances in the chart below. Try to notice whether there
was any visual support, modeling or concept-checking and whether the teacher had to
repeat instructions. Note also whether the instructions were understood.

Transcribed Instructions Supports/ ICQs used in Comments & students’

explanation/instruction? response

1. What patterns do you notice in the teacher’s language while giving instructions?

2. Was the purpose of the teacher’s instructions immediately obvious to the students?

3. How could the teacher have expressed the same instructions but with different
language choices?

4. Did the teacher use any other supports to help make the explanations clear?
(gestures, clarifying, board, handouts.) If yes, how did they help? If no, what could
have been used?

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