Interpersonal Relationships

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Abdul Wahab

One of the most distinctive aspects of human

beings is that we are social beings.
Interpersonal relationships are & have been the
core of our social system since the dawn of
A strong bond between two or more people
refers to interpersonal relationship. Attraction
between individuals brings them close to each other
and eventually results in a strong interpersonal
relationship. 2
Interpersonal relationships refer to
reciprocal social & emotional interactions
between two or more individuals in an
Interpersonal relationship is defined as
a close association between individuals
who share common interests & goals. 3
I. Interpersonal relationship for an
Personal growth & development
Source of enjoyment
Sense of security
Context of understanding
Interpersonal needs
Establishing personal identity 4
II. Interpersonal relationship for employee
Building a positive functional
multidisciplinary team
Improving intra-and/or inter-team
communication, coordination & cooperation
Building mutual understanding &
Understanding self
Improved decision making & problem
solving 5
III. Interpersonal relationship

Developing a sense of security &

Fostering trust & cooperation
Facilitating communication
Improving socialization
Developing & maintaining positive
feelings 6
Interpersonal relationships are classified based on
relational contexts of interaction & the types of
mutual expectations between communicators.
Some common types of interpersonal relation are

 Friendship  Casual relationships

 Brotherhood &
 Family & kinship
 Professional
 Acquaintances
 (Platonic
 Love
 Marriage 7
 Friendship

Theories of friendship emphasize the concept

as a freely chosen association where
individuals develop a common ground of
thinking & behaving when they enter into the
relationship by including mutual love, trust,
respect & unconditional acceptance for each
Friendship is a relationship with no formalities
& the individuals enjoy each other’s presence. 8
 Family and kinship
Family communication patterns establish
roles & identify & enable personal & social
growth of individuals.
Family relationships can get distorted if there
is an unresolved conflict between members.
Most of the time, a significant family member
senses other family members have significant
emotional difficulties but fails to bring them
out unless the physician or nurse enquires . 9
 Professional Relationship
Individual working for the same
organization are said to share a
professional relationship & are called
Colleagues may or may not like each
other 10
 Love
A informalized intimate relationship
characterized by passion, intimacy,
trust & respect is called love.
Individuals in a romantic relationship
are deeply attached to each other &
share a special bond 11
 Marriage
Marriage is a formalize intimate
relationship or a long-term
relationship where two individuals
decide to enter into wedlock & stay
together life-long after knowing each
other well. 12
 Casual Relationships
In these relationships, the individuals usually
develop a relationship that exclusively lacks
mutual love & consists of sexual behavior only
that does not extend beyond one night.
These individuals may be known as sexual
partners in a wider sense of friends with
benefits who consider sexual intercourse only
in their relationship. 13
 Brotherhood & Sisterhood
Individuals united for a common cause
or a common interest (may involve
formal membership in clubs,
organization, associations, societies,
etc.) may be termed as a brotherhood
or a sisterhood.
In this relationship, individuals are
committed to doing good deeds for
fellow members & people. 14
 Acquaintances
An acquaintance is a relationship where
someone is simply known to someone by
introduction or by a few interaction.
There is an absence of close relationship
& the individuals lack in-depth personal
information about other.
This could also be a beginning of a
future close relationship. 15
 Platonic Relationship
A relationship between two individuals
without feelings of sexual desire for each
other is called a platonic relationship.
In such a relationship, a man & a woman
are just friends & do not mix love with
Platonic relationships might end in a
romantic relationship with partners
developing feelings of love for each
other. 16 17
Personal Barrier 18 19

Language Sociocultural Ethnic

diversity Barriers diversity

diversity 20
Categories Description of Methods of Overcomes
of Barriers Barriers of IPR Barriers of IPR

Personal Gender variation In IPR, gender must to

Barriers given due consideration
Lack of honesty Honesty & trust must be
& trust maintained while
establishing & building
IPRs 21
Categories Description of Methods of Overcomes
of Barriers Barriers of IPR Barriers of IPR
Personal Lack of Compatibility between the
Barriers compatibility individual involved in IPR
must be ensured.
Feeling of A sense of security must be
insecurity ensured between the
people involved in an IPRT

Ineffective Effective communication is

communication a key aspect of efficient
IPRs, therefore, effective
communication must be
Distorted self- Individuals involved in IPRs
concept must have a sound self-
concept & +ve self-esteem 33
Categorie Description of Methods of Overcomes
s of Barriers of IPR Barriers of IPR
Personal Lack of flexibility There must be flexibility in
Barriers ideology & philosophy of
the individuals in a
relationship for an effective
adaptation & success of the
Lack of respect A mutual senses of respect
for others rights must be ensured by the
people involved in personal
& professional relationships
Fear of rejection Fear of rejection must be
eliminated between the
individual involved in a
relationship 23
Categories of Description of Methods of Overcomes
Barriers Barriers of IPR Barriers of IPR

Personal Pre-existing Skilled therapeutic

Barriers psychiatric communication is
problem required to interact with
individuals suffers from
psychiatric or personality

Situational Complex The individuals must try

barriers interaction to make the interaction
setting setting simple & familiar
& must make the other
person feel important. 24
Categories of Description of Methods of Overcomes
Barriers Barriers of IPR Barriers of IPR

Situational • Adverse Special care must be

barriers environmental taken while developing a
situations relationship between
•Lack of individuals of diversified
territoriality territories & high density
•High density or interaction in adverse
of individuals environmental situations.

•Lack of Even in an organization,

distance individuals must spend
•Lack of time quality time with their c o -
workers to strengthen the
bond between them 25
Categories of Description of Methods of Overcomes
Barriers Barriers of IPR Barriers of IPR
Sociocultural • cultural Individual can try to
barriers diversity overcome cultural diversity
•Ethnic to trying to enhance the
diversity four primary factors that
•Social decide interaction patterns
diversity (such as openness, trust,
owing & risk to experiment)
•Language Individuals must try to
diversity enhance interpersonal
communication skills (such
as maintaining good eye
contact, appropriate body
language, listening with
patience, etc.) 26
Factors affecting relationships


Time Communication

Smile affecting Honesty

Forgiving Interest

Stay calm

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