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Jordan Alston

Dr. Felder

SPM 4601

May 1st, 2023

As I go into detail about what my purpose is in sports, the goal is to give you a

glimpse of the past and how the different experiences I’ve encountered have prepared me for the

future. Before college, I thought that I would be playing either baseball or football at the

collegiate level and nobody could tell me otherwise. The time came, I graduated high school in

2018 and life humbled me fast when the only offers that I had between each sport were out of

state. “What’s the plan now,” I asked myself because time was ticking and a choice had to be


sooner than later. This news put me between a rock and a hard place because going out of state

wasn’t an option because of the costs. I toured the campus of Winston-Salem State University for

the first time with a program I attended in high school called Upward Bound through NC State

University. From the start of the tour, I knew this was the place where I want to start and finish

my four-year education. Sadly playing sports fell out of my interest when I came to Winston,

getting the news that they had to get rid of the baseball team due to financial reasons.

Coming out of high school, education, playing sports, and being an athlete were all I

knew, so to find out that the University was getting rid of one of the top sports programs was

upsetting but wasn’t something that I could just sit and dwell on. My education became the
center focus for me rather than playing sports itself after losing interest. The passion I have for

sports, playing sports, and being around sports all my life is what made me choose the SPM

program at Winston-Salem State.

I knew that no matter what, being involved with sports is what was going to motivate me

the most while attending school over a four-year span. Meeting Dr. Felder for the first time was

quite an experience for me. I came to him to get an alternate pin to register for my classes but I

had headwear on my head. I took one step into his office and before I could take the next step he

shouted “Mr. Alston turn yourself out of my office quickly until you figure out what you have on

your head!”. Most people would get frustrated especially with the tone that Dr. Felder speaks in.

Dr. Felder telling me to step out of his office the way that he did, didn’t make me feel a way

because for one he let it be known that I should look presentable at all times because you never

know who is watching and when. After the first encounter with him, I never wore any headwear

attending his class because during the first speech I knew that he meant business and didn’t have

time to play games. He set the example for all SPM majors and instilled in all of the students that

being professional, respectful, how to network, and keeping a positive attitude are important

attributes to have and keep. Gaining experience doing will-call for Dr. Felder is what gave me

the motivation to want to do more because of how much I enjoyed it. During each home football

game throughout the season, each student working will have different tasks assigned to one

another. For example, one person is in charge of the sign-in for away team will-call tickets,

another person will do the same for the home team, and another person will be in charge of

Coach passes and NCHSAA pass tickets. Doing will-call helped me gain experience with how to

engage with people, how to handle tasks in a proper while in timely manner, and how to be

As a WSSU intern at the Henderson Vance Recreation & Parks Department, I’ve gained

a lot of beneficial knowledge and hands-on experience during this time. Going back to my

hometown to finish off my undergrad career felt amazing inside, especially giving back and

getting experience with the youth. Coming from Henderson I can relate to the youth because this

is the place I grew up and was raised in. So the problems that some of the children open up about

it’s easier to relate because I was once in their exact shoes. Getting experience throughout each

program in the facility was very beneficial to me. Especially the PYO (Project Youth Outreach)

program because most recreation centers don’t have a program where they go out to schools and

do activities with the youth.

Reflecting on my matriculation and journey at WSSU. I’ve gained a multitude of

knowledge and attributes each year that I will use to the best of my abilities in my future

endeavors. Coming into college I was a introvert, but thankful for Dr. Felder and the staff of the

SPM program I was able to break out of my shell becoming an extrovert. Learning how to

communicate with people and showing them how to navigate through different events is a big

the reason why I am getting out of my introverted shell. Accountability is something I’ve learned

to not be afraid of and that more respect is given when a person can admit that they’re wrong

rather than making up excuses. Resilience is another attribute that reflects me well. Being in

school during COVID-19 and having to transition from in-person learning to online learning was

the biggest challenge I faced while in college. Me staying focused and not getting discouraged

because of Covid is why I say that I’m resilient, knowing that half of my class didn’t even come

back after Covid hit was sad news but also understandable because of the drastic change.

As this fun, hard, and tiring journey comes to an end. I wouldn’t trade the experience,
knowledge, making friends, early mornings and late nights, and connections I’ve made while

being here at Winston-Salem State University. Coming from the small town of Henderson NC is

what fuels my hunger to want more in life and to be great in anything I do. I’m always open to

new opportunities because everything isn’t promised, and I know that could take some time to

get where I want to be but that doesn’t discourage me, it only makes me want more and work

harder for the better things in life.

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