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Revision Worksheet

Class VIII

Q.1 Fill in the blanks:

i) Rational numbers are not closed under _____________.

ii) ( )
2 [ ( )] ( )
× +
4 −2
5 3
−7 4
× + _________________
iii) Sum of a rational number and its __________inverse is always zero.
iv) x (______) = 1
v) (-5)-3 = _________.
vi) ( 70 + 90 )2 = __________
vii) 3−2 ×3 5 = _________
viii) Multiplicative inverse of (−6 )−2 is ____________.

Q.2 Solve using appropriate property:

−11 1 1 4 1 −4 3 15 −14
(i) × + − × (ii) × × ×
5 6 2 3 6 5 7 16 9
+( )( )( )
3 −5
+ +
7 3 −4 9 3 9
(vi) ×
2 5 3
× + ×
8 5 2

( −12 ) , b= 23 ∧c= 43
Q.3 Verify ( a+ b ) +c=a+ ( b+ c ) for a=

Q.4 Write the following in standard form:

i) 0.45670000mm
ii) 4536.7860001
Q.5 Express the following numbers in usual form:
i) 34.02 x 10-5
ii) 2.0001 x 108
Q.6 Simplify the following:

[( ) ( ) ] ( )
1 −3 1 −3 1 −2
() ()
−3 −5
2 3
i) − ÷ (ii) ×
4 3 4 3 2

Q.7 Simplify :
4 −3 −5
25 ×t 5 ×6 × 81× 4
i) −3 −8 ii) −7 −3
5 ×10 ×t 3 × 10
Q.8. Find the value of x if (-3)3x+1 × (-3)4 = (-3)8

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