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Let x1= the # of batches (10 gal) of Apple Butter, x2= the # of batches (10 gal) of Apple Sauce,

x3= the # of batches (10 gal) of Apple Jelly

Now we construct the linear program from the given information for price, resources, materials, etc.:

maximize profit Z = 190x1+ 170x2+ 155x3subject to the following constraints

3.5x1+ 5.2x2+ 2.8x3≤ 500 (cooking time each product ≤ max available hours)

1.2x1+ 0.8x2+1.5x3≤ 240 (labor time each product ≤max available labor hrs)

40x1+ 55x2+ 20x3≤ 6,500 (required apples to use ≤ max available apples)


x1= 41.27 (≈ 42), x2= 0, x3= 126.98 (≈ 127), Profit Z = $190(42) + $170(0) + $155(127) = $27,665

The computer solution suggests that the maximum profit occurs with 42 (10 gal) batches of Apple
Butter(rounding up), no Apple Sauce should be made and 127 (10 gal) batches of Apple Jelly. With the
largest Shadow Price, cooking time is the most valuable resource; for each additional hour of cooking
time, profit will increase by $52.38 up to a max of 500 hrs




Only the most profitable route from each warehouse to each terminalis needed,usingall of its trucks
to maximize profit.

Answer: Z = $159,000(10 iterations); x2= 30, x4= 30, x9= 30; (x1, x3, x5, x6, x7, x8)= 0


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