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Offloading Decision

Saving Energy
 Energy is a primary constraint for mobile systems.
Smartphone systems having a large number of
functionalities consume more power and shorten the
battery life.
 Offloading can extend the Tbattery life by transferring the
energy-intensive parts of the computation to the cloud.
 The power consumed to perform the task within the
mobile device depends on:
— the computation needed,
the power consumed by the mobile system per unit time, and

 speed of the mobile system

Offloading Decision
Saving Energy
• The total power consumed considering the
transmission and computation depends on:
The power required to send data from the mobile
system over the network and the communication
The power consumed per unit time for executing
instruction inside the server and the computation
time at the server.
Offloading Decision
Saving Energy
 Offloading will save power if heavy computation and
light communication are considered.
 Offloading is beneficial when large amounts of
computation are needed with relatively small amounts
of communication.
 Data should be offloaded only if the amount of
computation is high.
 When computation is high, full offloading should be
 When moderate computation is required, partial
offloading can be done.
Offloading Decision
Never offload computation
Offloading decision depends on
bandwidth, communication, and
computation amount

Always offload computation

Amount of computation -

Decision of offloading based on the amount of data and computation_

Types of Offloading
Offloading can be categorized into two different groups
depending on two different criteria:
Ty pe s of offl oa di ng

D e pe n di n g o n , t h e a p p r o a c h f o r o f f l oa d i n g
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D e pe n di n g o n t h e ma t e r i a l t o b e o f f l oa d e d - ■-••-•''''
Static Dynamic
partitioning partitioning

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Data Coarip uLation Fine-grained Coarse -grained
offloading offloading offloading offloading

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Types of Offloading
Offloading can be categorized into two different groups
depending on two different criteria:
• Depending on Material Being Offloaded
Data offloading: In this scheme, data are migrated from
one congested network to another network.
Computational offloadhig: In this scheme, an expensive
computational process is migrated from the mobile device
to the server with cloud to improve performance and
battery life.
Types of Offloading
• Depending on Approaches to Time Reduction
1. Fine-Grained Offloading or Partial Offloading:
An energy-aware offloading approach sends
mobile code to infrastructure. This is intuitively
pro posed to tra nsmit as lit tle data as possible by
p ar t i ti on in g a p ro g r am an d off loa din g on ly the
power-hungry p arts of the a pplication. This can
be further div id e d int o the fo llo wing:
o Static partitioning offloading scheme.
o Dynamic partitioning offloak:ling scheme
Types of Offloading
a Static partitioning offloading scheme
The communication cost depends on the size of the
transmitted data and network bandwidth.
The computation cost depends on the number of
The offloading program divides the application into
parts (say classes) and interactions among them.
At least one part (class) is unoffiQasia„blg and the other
parts (classes) are offloaded to the cloud.
The communication cost and,the computation time can
be obtained before the execution.
Types of Offloading
Dynamic partitioning offloading scheme:
This scheme models the failure recovery time and
total execution time of pervasive applications
running under the control of the offloading system.
Assuming the application is performed with the
presence of offloading and failure recoveries,
when any failure occurs, the code should be
The state machine is an approach that only re-
offloads the failed subtasks and thus reduces the
execution time.
Types of Offloading
• Depending on Approaches to Time Reduction
2. Coarse-Grained Offloading or Full Qffloading: In
this case the full program is migrated to the cloud, and
then the programmer cannot modify the source code.
o This approach does not require estimating the computation
time prior to the execution.
o Instead, the program is initially executed on the smart device
with a timeout. If the computation is not completed after
the timeout, it is offloaded to the cloud. The timeout is first
set to be the minimum computation time that can benefit
from offloading.

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