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Computer security is becoming very important as the world is seen to be moving at a

faster rate and so security helps them in the back to move faster. Security which can also be

said as protection helps the computer to access the affordable information system which

applies to any kind of objectives and which also satisfies the integrity, availability, and

confidentiality of the systems of the computer (Trahair et al., 2020). While protecting the

employee’s personal identifiable information the triad can help to ensure this in the following

manner. As the CIA triad is a triangular shape object which consists of confidentiality,

integrity, and availability and the main focus of the triad is to protect the data and the services

of the employees.

First, the confidentiality component itself says that it is related to the privacy of the

data that an organization has regarding its employees. This measure usually helps to design

and prevent the attempts of unauthorized access from an unknown person into the data of a

very confidential organization (Copková, 2021). Therefore, it can be said that through the

help of the confidentiality component of the triad, the data cannot fall into the hands of the

wrong persons.

Second is the integrity component of the triad through which maintaining the

consistency and the trust of the employee’s data is of prime importance. It is to be taken good

care that the data must not change or it must not be altered by any unauthorized people. For

example, the alteration might take place as a breach in the confidentiality component of the


And the last component of the triad is the availability component states that the

information that has been put down in the triad and which was secured can be easily and

consistently accessed by authorized parties (Day et al., 2019). The data of the employee’s
personal identifiable information (PII) can only be accessed by the employee and not by any

other people in the organization.


Copková, R. (2021). Burnout Syndrome and Dark Triad at Schools: Engineers as Teachers of

Vocational Technical Subjects. Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education

and Science, 14(3), 195-203. [Accessed by ]

Day, A., Barber, L., & Tonet, J. (2019). Information communication technology and

employee well-being: Understanding the “iParadox Triad” at work. The Cambridge

handbook of technology and employee behavior, 580-607. [Accessed by




Employee-Well-Being-Understanding-the-iParadox-Triad-at-Work.pdf ]

Trahair, C., Baran, L., Flakus, M., Kowalski, C. M., & Rogoza, R. (2020). The structure of

the Dark Triad traits: A network analysis. Personality and individual differences, 167,

110265. [Accessed by

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