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It is possible, through sheer force of mind, to negate even the most abominable of
warp-born powers. A psyker whose energies have shattered upon such an indomitable
mind will stagger, shaken by their foe's sheer determination and by the backlash of
their contempt.

This Command Asset can be used when your opponent uses a Command Asset
that is a psychic power, before its effects are resolved. When used, roll one D6; on
1-3, the effects of that Command Asset are resolved as normal, but you can keep
this Command Assetin your hand instead of discarding it (it cannot be used again
this turn). On a 4-6, the effects of that Command Asset are not resolved and this
card is discarded as normal.

Whether through stalwart willpower, belligerent machine spirits or strange metal
compounds, if the armour is -unyielding enough it matters not what weapons the
enemy brings to bear.

This Command Asset can be used.,when resolving damage for one of your units,
before ariy saving throws are made for it. Until the end of the phase, roll D12s when
making saving throws for that unit, irrespective of the size of the blast markers next
to it.


Using battle instincts honed to a razor's edge, some warriors know inherently what to
do even ·when entirely cut offfrom their chain of command.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase or Damage phase. When
used, select one unit from your army that has an Out of Command marker next to
it. Remove that marker from that unit.


By deploying cherubim, automated·drones, illusionary,mind-projections or minor
bio-beasts, a force can maintain possession over an objective even when their military
-assets have moved onwards to accomplish their next mission.

This Command Asset can be used at the end of any turn.,When used, select one
, objective marker that you currently control. Until your opponent controls that
objective marker, you will continue to control it, even if there are no units from
your army within range of it.

'j _,..

'• ~ ~ . .. .
When multiple ,weapons fire a volley as,,one, they can blast apart even the largest
of targets.

_:- This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment to carry out an
-order, before ,a ny units in that Detachment make a Shoot action (excluding free
actions) this phase. When used, select three HEAVY or SUPER-HEAVY units in
that Deta~hment that have the same datasheet (e.g. three Vindicators); those units
combine fire this phase. Then select one enemy unit that is visible to those units
and within range of atJeast one ranged weapon that every unit combining fire has.
Until the end of the phase, the units combining fire can only target that enemy
unit, but for each attack made by those units that successfully wounds, place one
additional blast marker next to that enemy unit.


There are many ways to blunt the effects of a psychic attack - from hexagrammic
wards to mental shields, to the unyielding application of indomitable willpower.

This Command Asset can be used when your opponent uses a Command Asset
that is a psychic power, before its effects are resolved. When used, roll one D6; on a
2+ the effects of that Command Asset are not resolved.

t -- I ~--:A.~ '
/ .
- '
Whether through technology, stealth or psychic powers, the enemies' communications
have been intercepted and compromised. Delivering a single false message at the
~ perfect time can alter the course of a battle.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Action phase. When used,
select one enemy Detachment (excluding Fortification Network Detachments).
Your opponent must replace the order that is currently issued to that Detachment
with a different order.

, .J I•


A .,udden and unexpected strike can wrong•foot a foe und catch them off guard~
,~'lu•n such a ma"oeuvre is deploytd at the right pltict u11d time. such u hummer blow
a.ssault can bre,1k tlie enerny ,-1.rmy.

1111~ Con1m.and Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used~\elc,t one
L1ctadunent f ron1 your army ( Fortification Network DetachmenL~) that
has not yet carried out its order this phase. That Detachment'~order is repl~ed
"r1tJ1 A~s.ault.


To avoid the worst of tlie incoming fire, savvy infantry can quickly make maximum
use of whatever cover is available. This might be hitting the dirt, digging in, blending
with shadows or any number of hastily improvised methods of escaping danger.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one INFANTRY unit from your army that is not in base contact with any
enemy units~ Until the end of the phase, double the result of saving throws made
for that unit.

I j I· ,

Even in theface of death, some warriors refuse to yield. It matters not whether
this stalwart nature is -born of in.domitable faith, dedication to duty, or even fear of
retributionfroni their own side - all that matters is that the battle still rages on.

This Command' Asset can be used when a unit in your army fails a Morale test.
When used, that unit is considered to have passed that Morale test instead.

Ancient and rare, the laserburn defence system is a piece of archeotech left over from
the Dark Age of Technology. Once triggered, its intense but short-lived beam burns
through anything it crosses.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select two
points on the battlefield that are within 12" of each other. Draw an imaginary
straight line, 1mm in thickness, between these two points and roll one D12 for
each unit that this line crosses, subtracting 1 from the result if the unit being rolled
for is a ~LIGHT CHARACTER; on a 7+ place one blast marker next to the unit being
rolled for.


Some leaders are so charismatic that their troops would willingly take incoming fire
intended for their commander in order to protect such an esteemed (or feared) figure.

· This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one LIGHT CHARACTER from your army that has at least one blast marker
next to it and is within 6" of one or more friendly LIGHT unit. You can remove up
to D3 blast markers from that CHARACTER and place them next to one of those
LIGHT units instead.

, I I .
. ,

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A ~ .• .
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Every army in the ~'l's't Millennium hcts sbme ¾faj ofpatching·up wounded warriors
sufficiently enough get them back into lhe a.ction, ..Whether by hastily distributed
medical.supp-Ucs~ ·stimm-dispensers, auto-med systems, healing balms or arcane
·. science, t;t unit can be qt#ckly treated, allowing them to stay in the fight.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Action phase. When used,
select one LlGHT unit from your army that has at least one damage marker next to
it. Remove D3 damage markers from that unit.
- ••OS,.• - - . -~ - -

• - . - ~- • :~ / ;- -- •- - " . ' - ...;;c • ,;:;,. - • / / --

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Watch your step! From crude hopper-mines, exploding bio-spores or magnetic hover-
bombs, all armies of the 41st Millennium know how to plant deadly mines upon
a battlefield.

This Command Asset can be used when your opponent selects one of their
Detachments to carry out an Assault order, before any units in that Detachment
make a Move action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, until the end
of the turn, roll one D6 each time a unit in that Detachment ends a Move action.
On a 1, place one blast marker next to that unit.

Whether by fate, skill' or merely.good fortune, those warriors who stride unscathed out
of the raging explosions of war feel as if they are destined for great deeds.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one unit from your army and remove one blast marker from it.
·, ·• ), ·', A:PDCALYPS;E

' ' --
' , '

Art orbiting~craft or creature unleaslies'a deadly salvo against a specified target.

Tearing through the skie§,,,th,e blast strikes with ground-shaking force.
~ '/N

~-";,~,'.This Comma~d::A sset can be us.e d in the Action. phase. When used, select a point
·-. : .~:on the battlefiel~ that is visible to ~t least one WARLORD from your army. Roll one
P 12 for each,unit within 6" of that point, subtracting 1 from the roll if the unit
being rolled for is a LIGHT CHARACT~R. On a 7-10 place one blast marker next to
;the unit being roiled for; on an 11 + place two blast markers next to the unit being
. rolled fbr. ''·,~


Even the mightiest of psykers .know that the warp is a perilous and fickle place, and
that drawing power from such a hellish landscape is a dangerous business.

~- .:This Co-m mand Asset can be used when your opponent uses a Command Asset that
-is a psychic power, after they select a unit to manifest the power but before its effects
are resolved..When used, roll one D 12; if the result is equal to or greater than the
Leadership characteristic of the unit manifesting the power, place one blast marker
next to it.

I ) I"

A cunning commander always keeps a cadre of warriors in tactical reserve, ready to
reinforce friendly battle lines when most needed.

-· This Command Asset can be used in the Set Up Reinforcements step of the Orders
phase. When used, select one unit from your army that has been destroyed and is
not a CHARACTER, and roll one D12. If the result exceeds the Power Rating of that
unit, it is returned to the battlefield and set up anywhere that is wholly within 9"
of any battlefield edge and more than 9" from any enemy units. That unit is a new,
separate Detachment: If the D 12 roll is not greater than the Power Rating of that
unit, it is not returned, but you can put this Command Asset back into your hand
instead of discarding it (it cannot be used again this turn).


Through boldness dnd sheer audacity a commander can steal a march upon the foe . A
single such well-timed manoeuvre can tip the scales of balance and snatch a glorious
victory from the jaws of defeat.

This Command Asset can be used when your opponent selects one of their
Detachments to carry out an order. When used, select one of your Detachments
that has not yet carried out its order this phase. Carry out your Detachmenfs order
before your opponent's Detachment carries out its order.

- - -
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Only the vigilant' can takefull advantage Dj_targets of opportunity. Those with
lightningjast--:reactions can turn the unplanned and unanticipated moments
into triumph.

" This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army that has not yet carried out its order this phase. That
Detachment's order is replaced with Aimed Fire.


. ,,

When the foe is least expecting it, a well-timed advance can spell the difference
between an ignoble defeat and a glorious triumph. Seize the moment!

. This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army (excluding Fortification Network Detachments) that
has not yet carried out its order this phase. That Detachment's order is replaced
with Advance.

I ,/ I •

The fall of an enemy leader or the destruction of one of their mightiest engines of war
has an inspirational value that can turn the tide across an entire planet.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select either the
enemy Warmaster or one enemy SUPER-HEAVY unit. Until the end of the turn, you
can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by your units that target the selected unit.

. ··} . ~··-' '··•"·:-:_

.,., ,;, ' , .

It takes great strerigth of will to ,carry tke m,ost p,otent man-p-artable weapon in the
galaxy, much less to prime and th·row it. Upon detonation, the·vortex grenade opens a
,- . . _,hole in rea.lspace, destroying anything sucked into its radius.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
enemy unit within 6" of a LIGHT WARLORD from your army. Roll three D 12s; for
each result of 6+ place one blast marker next to that enemy unit.

. .,_.{!
With an omniscifnt gaze, the psyker looks into the twisted strands of the warp to divine
the future, hoping to predict the enemy's plans a.nd dispositions. With such knowledge,
they can direct the deployment of their ownforces and alter the course of the battle.

This Comman·d Asset is a psychic·power. You can only include this Command Asset
in your deck.ifyour army includes at'least one PsYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Orders phase, after all orders have been
issued but before any.have been revealed. When used, select one PsYKER unit from
your army that is on tlie.battlefield to manifest this power. Then select up to three
enemy Detachments; your opponent must reveal those Detachments' orders. You can
then replace the orders issued to any Detachments from your army with new orders.

· • . . t ~ .. ":..~1i..., ••:-:-. 4 - .,
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, . ... . , ··:(":?,. .,
With eno-ughfocus and warp energy, psykers can wield their minds like wrecking
-ba-lls, using mental powers to batter the foe into bloody pulp.
. ,

&>f · • This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army ipcludes at least one PsYKER unit.

This Cornman~ Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
PSYKER unit from your army to manifest this power and roll one Dl2; on a 2+
· -· place one blast mark~F next to the closest enemy unit within 36" of that PsYKER
unit. On a 7+-place two blast markers next to the closest enemy unit within 36" of
that PSYKER unit instead.

I J i ·
... - ..

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~- ' '
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:' ,; ?:!, -.,•-


B.ullets an.d bla-des bounce off thin air, deflected harmlessly away by barriers of
:shim·inering energy thepsyker has erected around his allies.

-. This C_? .mmand Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if yo-u r army includes at least one PsYKER unit.

. This Command Asset can be used at the start of the pamage p-hase. When used,
select one PsYKER. unit from your army to manifest this power, then select one
friendly unit within·· l i.2". of that PsYKER unit. Until the end of the phase, roll D 12s

when making saving throws for that unit, irrespective of the size of the blast
markers next to it.


:~- ..~ . :-· ' ':· , ·~·.:) '

·Tue Order of-the Evon Chalice :is'., the olde~t of tke Orders Militant, and it is said that
they a~bove·all others bear -the blessing of the Emperor's divine grace.
: , '

This Comn1and,As_set can be used at the start of the Orders phase if there is at least
.one ORDER OF THE El;lON CHALIC·E WARLORD from your army on the battlefield.
When used, select -o_ne Adepta Sororitas Command Asset card of your choice from
your discard pile _and add it to your hand.

Alternatively, this c ·o.p imand Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an ADEPTA SoR.O \tITAS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.
, ... · .:,. ~.• ._ _ -ADEPJA;SDRD-RI.TAS.-


Ifis the strO'n~Odlfef of those withih fhe Orde; of the Argent Shroud that oneS
conviction)s ·,best shown through-bold action that smites the Emperor's foes.

~ ~- This Comnian.d Asset can be.used in the Action phase. When used, select up to
three ()RDER OF THE ARGENT SHROUD units. Each of those units makes one free
action (Move, Shoot or Fight).

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
r.oll ADEPTA S_9 RoRITAS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.
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r ./'•·•-, '• ••
DEVOUT SERENITY •· :..:. ~: v -;•.

In the face QJ:911~-rwhelming odds;:,;~he 'Sisteri~of the ·order oJ·the .Sacred Rose reply
·· · · with ·tialm fire dJscipline.
,,,- ..

··. This Com~nd1,Asset can be used' select a Detachment from your army
--_ _led by an 0RDt:R ·QF THE SACRED ·Ros~ Comm,a nder to carry out an order, before
any units· in that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase.
When used, that Iletachment's order is replaced with Aimed Fire and, until the
end of the phase, r~_~roll wound rolls of 1 for attacks made with ranged weapons by
. units
. in that Detachment.
~., _:

Alternatively~ this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an ADEPTA SoROltITAS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.
Ji, ..._'; r-r:,-_••; , Ir Ji ;,• .~..:~ f

' I ,
- ', $..

' I
' '

~ .,

The Sisters of Battle,are not only aided in battle by their lifetime of rigorous martial
-training, but also by the fervour of their faith in the Emperor. With proper aim and
the chanting ofprayers, the Sisters' accuracy reaches supernatural levels, as if each
shot was guided to its target by the Emperor himself.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by an ADEPTA SoRORITAS Commander to carry out an order, before any units
in that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. Until the
end of the phase, roll D 12s instead of D6s for hit rolls for attacks made with ranged
weapons by ADEPTA SoRORITAS units in that Detachment.


The Sisters of Battle are filled with the knowledge that the only thing they need
fear is failing the Emperor of Mankind. Armed with such faith, they are driven to
unprecedented feats of prowess.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When
used, select one Detachment from your army led by an AnEPTA SoRORITAS
Commander. Until the end of the turn, Morale tests taken for ADEPTA SoRORITAS
units in that Detachment are automatically passed.
None prosecute f'ife wars of the idef>tJs Miftistafum with greater fervour than do
those warriors who belong to-the Order of the Bloody Rose.

,: This Command can be used in the Action phase. When used, select up to
# •. ,· •

three ORDER OF THE BLOODY RosE units. U~til the end of the phase, add 1 to the
Attacks characteristic of those units whilst they make Fight actions.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an ADEPTA. S0RORITAS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll. -

c-._: ::.... - • . - . ___ . :, - - . . • - . :s. •.'JIILJZ_
..-!~' ' - .
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The Sisters of Battle are taught that faith is a shield.stronger than any armour. Such is
the power of their belief in the Emperor's protection that they can resist even the most
grievous of blows.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one ADEPTA SoRORITAS unit from your army. Until the end of the phase,
roll D 12s when making saving throws for that unit, irrespective of the size of the
blast markers next to it.

I j 1"

tC-;:-- -~. .. ' ,.., . \

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Drawing upon reserves of strength, the Sisters of Battle refuse to succumb to their
wounds until the Emperor's foes have been slain.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Action phase. When
used, select one Detachment from your army led by an ADEPTA SoRORITAS
Commander. Then roll one D6 for each ADEPTA SORORITAS INFANTRY unit in
that Detachment that has at least one damage marker next to it. On a 5+ remove
one damage marker from the unit being rolled for.

I J I·

Like their patron Saint Lucia) those ·of·the ·order of the Valorous Ifeart are willing to
bear ,any agony in the name of atonement. Such is their willingness to suffer for their
~ cause th.a t th~y can shrug off seemingly.mortal wounds without breaking stride.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select up to three ORDER OF THE VALOROUS HEART units from your army. Until
the end of the battle, those units have the Ignore Damage ( 5+) ability.

Alternatively, this Co~mand Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound

roll for an ADEPTA S<>RORITAS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.


. ,;

Sisters of the Order of O·ur Martyred .Lally fight witli renewed conviction to avenge
, the deaths_of their fallen.

This Command Asset can be used when an ORDER ·o F OUR MARTYRED LADY
WARLORD is destroyed. When used, each ORDER OF OUR MARTYRED LADY unit
in that WARLORD's Detachment makes either one free Shoot action or one free
Fight action (this may result in damage having to be resolved for a unit more than
once in the same phase).

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an ADEPTA SoRORITAS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.
' . -~. ~

The warriors of the.Space Wolves strive to achieve legendary status through bold
deeds of martial prowess.

. This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
enemy CHARACTER, HEAVY or SUPER-HEAVY unit on the battlefield. Until the
end of the phase, add 1 to hit rolls and wound rolls for attacks made by SPACE
WOLVES units from your army when targeting that enemy unit - add 2 instead if
the unit making the attack is a CHARACTER.

Alternatively, this Comma_n d Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

: ,..
, ,, '

The Black Templars' zealous hatred"'~! sorcery steels their minds and bodies
,, · against psychic assaults.

~::~- This Command Asset can be used when your opponent uses a Command Asset
that is a psychic power, after they select a un1t to manifest the power but before its
-effects are resolved, if there is at least one BLACK TEMPLARS unit from your army
within 36" of the unit manifesting the power. When used, roll one D6; on a 2+ the
effects of that Command Asset are not resolved.

Alternatively, this Comma.n d Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an AoEi>TUS ASTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.
Ultramarines are peerless masters .of tactics and-strategy, steeped in the wisdom and
, . tenets laid down in the Codex Astartes.

This Command Asset can be used in any phase if there is an ULTRAMARINES

_ WARLORD from your army on the battlefield. When used, look through your
Command Asset deck, draw one Adeptus Astartes Command Asset card of your
choice and add it to your hand. Then shuffle the Command Asset deck and place
it face down.

Alternatively, this Coillmand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

1.J j -.
1 1 ~::"-:,.- ,- ... .. : \ ' "' ' • ,.. - ·•, ~• , f-.. >• •
I f ' / -

• - -- • ... .. • • 'l • :r " '!>'! ~..•:-~.:.-: ,.

r ( • • • 9

' ·;:,

The Salamanders are born on the·high-gravity world of Nocturne, and they are
respected and renQwned for their incredible feats of strength.

This Command Asset can be used in any phase. When used, select one
SALAMANDERS unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, add 2 to wound
rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by that unit - if the unit you selected
was a SALAMANDERS CHARACTER, add 3 to these wound rolls instead.

Alternatively, this Co"!;llmand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.
tc"~ - ·- ( . - , ._ ,,;:_ -.;. / -
f ( , , <1.~ ·- , .. \ 1 1 ,.~ -,,- \"· ,(,, _, ;
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Sometimes,. the destructive yearning engrained in the Blood Angels' gene-seed
overcomes them .

..~ -.This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
BLOOD ANGELS unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, whenever a hit
roll for an attack made with a melee weapon by that unit is successful, that attack
scores two hits instead of one, or three hits if that unit is DEATH COMPANY (make
a separate wound roll for each hit).
Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

I I I -


Their aim guided by years of marksmanship, the Imperial Fists unleash a
, · devastatingly accurate fusillade of bolter fire.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by an IMPERIAL FISTS Commander. Until the
end of the phase, each time a hit roll for an attack made with a Small Arms weapon
by an IMPERIAL FISTS unit in that Detachment is successful, that attack scores two
hits instead of one (make a separate wo·u nd roll for each hit).
' (;.,

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
i" l :' f; .... -· , ... .--.... . ' ,.- ~"''!1 ✓,,.. ~?-- -✓ I : ,
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:'" ... 5. . ~· ~ ~·

No Chapter has mastered the speed an:d fury of mounted warfare as comprehensively
as the White,Scars.

· This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select up to
three WHITE SCARS BIKER units from your army. Each of those units makes one
free action (Move, Shoot or Fight).

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an AJ?EPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

. ~. . . • . . . . • -. .:. t ~ ''. .:- - ~~ ....: ' " ' : . : --:

/ ' , j / • • '• ~I
~ : , ,- ,__
' \ ,, • • .- '
' \ .
-,. '
./ ·. •

· :·. ·_·. ADE.PT:U:SASTAR'JE:S , . ,

>i . .,,:,,,...~/)·~/ -•. \~: ,;~ ·_ ;. :... ,... ,.,. :,, ,._ • '- •· -. •

Ultramarines hold'flli.i t~'ne:ts ofthe,; Coaex Astartes as sacrosanct, its wisdom guiding
. -... ,. them in battle.
' .

This Command Asset '.can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by an ULTRAMARI:NES Commander to carry out an order, before any units in
that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used,
that Detachmenfs order is replaced with Advance, Aimed Fire or Assault and, until
the end of the phase, ULTRAMARINES units in that Detachment that Fall Back can
still make Shoot or Fight actions.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

:Grey-Knights are implacable.foes of all things daemonic, their doctrines and weapons
-- honed to the slaughter of warp~spawn.
- .,, :

~-;,·_:, This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
:-led by a ·G REY ._KNIGHTS Commander to carry ciut an order, before any units in
that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used,
until the end the turn, you can re-roll hit rolls and wound rolls for attacks made
_· -by GREY KNIGHTS units in that Detachment that target DAEMON units.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
{,~, ' ; '

·The vehement hatred that the Deatliwatck>feetfar.their xertos foes is a potent weapon
. .- . ' - . .. ' . :t
in its own rtgnt.

"),,- This C_o mman,d Asset can be used in the Action-phase. When_used,·select up to
- three DEATHWATCH units from your army. Each of those units makes either one
free Shoot action or one free Fight action. Whilst making these actions, those units
can only target ORKS, AELDARI, TYRANIDS, NECR0NS or T'AU EMPIRE units.

-_ Alternatively, this Coµimand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an

attack made by an ADEPTJJS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.
r", ,I' •
. ~. .. ,
• · .,, .. / -· /

Ihe Blood Angels are masters of aerial assault, leaping with jump packs roaring to
plunge straight into the heart of the fight.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a BLOOD ANGELS Commander to carry out an Assault order, before any
units in that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase.
Until the end of the phase, add 6" to the Move characteristic and 1 to the Attacks
characteristic of each BLOOD ANGELS unit in that Detachment that can FLY.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

·\· • .,,
FLAM EC RAFT ' ~-- ·, ~<'I•, .: ',

The Salamanders have an .innate .understanding.,ofjlamer weaponry, and can direct

stream_s of white-hot.promethium to·creat.e·all-consuming infernos.

- This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a SALAMANDERS Commander. Until the
end of the phase, each time an attack made with a Small Arms weapon by a
SALAMANDEIJS unit in that Detachment targets an enemy unit within half the
· . weapon's maximum range, that attack automatically scores a hit (no hit roll
- is made). \<

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
, ) I,, • I \. \

/' - '\ ' . •,
,.;: .
,II ~ J<.h
~- , I
, /
• - ,. ~ . • • 11 ; _ ..;:- ,,..-,~"i.. .....'.e~~ • . . . . ',


The descenii~~ts,~}Jh;ti;, a;; relown:JJfa~it,iif uhshakeabk resolve and strict fire
. discipline, in battle.·

This Commahd:Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a DARK A~~~Ls Jo carry out' an order, before any units in that
Detachm.ent :make an action (excluding,,free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's.order is replaced with Aimed Fire and, until the end of the turn, add 1
to wound rolls for attacks made with ranged weapons by DARK ANGELS units in that
Detachment and add i "to the Leadership characteristic of DARK ANGELS units in
that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.


Every Chapter hasjorged its own tales of hetoisniand valour, and no battle-brother
would see that noble record besmirched.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. That unit makes one free Fight action.
Whilst making this action, you can re-roll wound rolls for that unifs attacks.

I j t,

. ' ".
~ ..,

There are no lengths the Dark Angels wilt nDt go :td ascertain the whereabouts of
the Fallen.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select up
: :-~=

· to two DARK ANGELS units from your army. Each of those units makes one
free Fight action. Whilst making these actions, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks
·· made by those ·units if the unit making the attack has the DEATHWING or
RAVENWING keyword.

Alternatively, this Comma,n d Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

• ~;~-- '.:•.
)~-:-'/ ., -•·---~·,t·. '

The White Scars qte masters of the hunt..1:neirS-fs thef speed~and fury of the storm. No
~ quarry ,can escape their justice.
'·: >'.' •

~ .: This Command Asset can be us:ed when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a WHI.T E SCARS Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an actio.n (exclu.ding free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's order is replaced with Advance and, until the end of the phase, the
Move characteristic: of WHITE SCARS units in that Detachment is doubled.
Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

.. , . ·,•'. "::~\.,;·'

. Having shed theifniortal flesh and embraced the,.:purity of mital, the Iron Hands can
forge aunique, empathic connection with a ·vehicle's machine spirit.
~ ·:e
:·: · This Command_Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select up to
three IRON HANDS VEHICLE units from your army. Each of those units makes one
free Shoot action .

.Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an A~EPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll. ~,,

... • , . f ' 4 •
I I • , , ,,.. / ~-, \ \ '

/ :- ~
.-; . ,~: -A·DE.PT'U·s ASTARJES

; -~ ~

Thousands :eifyears of collated 1trategic data -and·hard-won combat experience have

provi:d£?d·th'e Deathwatch with battlefield·t~ctics ta com"bat almost any foe.

This C.o mmand Asset can be used in the. Action phase. When used, select one
Detachmentfrom your army led by_a D ·EATHWATCH Commander. Then select one
enemy Detachment; until the end of the phase, add 1 to hit rolls and wound rolls
for attacks made by DEATHWATCH units in that Detachment from your army that
target a unit in that enemy Detachment.

Alternatively, this Corrimand Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

,, .

The guns,and ships of the Imperium unleash hell at the Space
Marines' command.
"> ( •

;,;.~-- · This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
ADEPT.U S As-T ARTES WARLORD from your army, then select one point on the
battlefield that is visible to that WARLORD. Roll one D 12 for each unit within 6ft
of that point, subtracting 1 from the result if the unit being rolled for is a LIGHT
CHARACTER. On a 6+ place one blast marker next to the unit being rolled for; on
an 11 +·place two blast markers next to the unit being rolled for instead.
. ,,
I i
._· •
./ . -...
. '-
\ "
' ,.~ \
1/, •
;.;;.. .
... , f ,
- - ---~ - -- - :t - ... . - -· _-__ :::~:;...J'!:Z...:S:~ C. - ' - - - - •


Zeal:ous believers in the Imperial Creed, .the Black Templars wish for nothing more
than to slaughter the heretic (lnd the xenos in the name of the God-Emperor.
. ,

- · This Command-Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army a BLACK TEMPLARS Commander. Until the
end of the phase, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of BLACK TEMPLARS units in
that Detachment whilst they make Fight actions.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

, I I·

, 1he Grey Knights perform sacred rituals that sevet'the bonds holding Daemons to the
material plane, banishing them from whence they came.

--s-,::This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one G:REY KNIGHTS unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, each
. time an enemy DAEMON unit fails a Morale test whilst it is within 6" of the selected
unit, two damage markers are placed next to it instead of 1.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an

attack made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

/ / •

. '

Taciturn and mysterious,

the Dark Angels operate in ·a clandestine fashion to further

_their own agenda.

- ~ This Command Asset can be used in the Orders phase, after all orders have been
issued but before any have been revealed. When used, select every Detachment
from your army led by a DARK ANGELS Commander. Until the end of the turn,
you do not hav,e to reveal any of those Detachments' orders until you select that
Detachment to carry out an order.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

From the shadows strike the Raven Guard, emerging with dizzying swiftness to gut
the foe bcfore they have a·chance to react.

~, - This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led bya RAVEN GUARD Commander. Until the end
-'of the phase, RAVEN GUARD units in that Detachment are always obscured targets.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTU~ AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll. -
" AD,E

~ .
' '

. No enemy,Jortress is impregnable enough·to offer s'afety from the Imperial Fists.

~-,- This Comn1and Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
., · BUILDING unit or Defensible Terrain feature on the battlefield. Until the end of

the phase, whenever an attack made by an IMPERIAL FISTS unit from your army
successfully hits that BUILDING unit or a unit garrisoning that Defensible Terrain
feature, you can _choose to use the weapons SAP or SAT characteristic, irrespective
of whether the target is LIGHT, HEAVY or SUPER-HEAVY.

Alternatively, this Co~mand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
f. that wound roll.
,,, . ,


, ' .::-;:; -: .-.;i~' ,;,..:;:--~. c~ ". ,· .~; ~--

·.·. · Tlte .D:eathwatcn use a .range ofspecialised bolt shells.

This Comrvaf!d Asset can l?e useq in the Action phase. When used, select one
·Detachment from your army led by a DEATHWATCH Commander. Until the
end of the phase,· each time an .attack made with a Small Arms weapon by a
DEATHWAT<;H LIGHT unit in that Detachment successfully hits an enemy unit,
you can choose to use that weapon's SAP or SAT characteristic, irrespective of
whether the target is LIGHT, HEAVY or SUPER-HEAVY.

Alternatively, this Coffimand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

• • - ,.. -- : p ' t.. _., .4',_,l •

/ / I • ~-:.'Y' '\_,... ~- •·\ \ ' ' '


The sons of Corax emerge from the shadows and fall upon their foes in a swift strike,
slitting the throats of their prey before they even have a chance to react.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select up
to three RAVEN GUARD INFANTRY units from your army. Until the end of the
phase, attacks made with melee weapons by those units automatically score a hit
(no hit roll is rriade) if the attacking unit, or its target, is garrisoning a Defensible
Terrain feature.

Alternatively, this Cori1mand Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

,J l•


The Iron Hands seek transcendence. through the replacement of their mortalflesh with
cybernetics and metal augments. Such extensive m9dification renders them extremely
difficult to kill.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one Detachment from your army led by an IRON HANDS Commander.
Until the end of the phase, IRON HANDS units in that Detachment have the Ignore
Damage (5+) ability.
Alternatively; this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

I j ·/ ·


');.~;;,( :··.

After a long hunt, the.Space Wolves spring forwards, venting their pent-up fury to
. devastating effect.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a SPACE WOLVES Commander. Until the end
of the phase, roll D 12s instead of D6s for hit rolls for attacks made with melee
weapons by SPACE WOLVES units in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Copimand Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

I ) 1~
,: ' .. > ~·-,::, . .(;; ,),"-
"( > • •,

The murderous ferocity of the Blood Angels simmers just beneath the surface of their
thoughts. battle this rage·l~nas ferocious strength to the Blood Angels' blows.
' .

- This ·C ommand -Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a BLoo;p ANGELS Commander to carry out an order, before any units in
that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used,
that Detachm~nt's order is replaced with Assault and, until the end of the phase,
add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by BLOOD ANGELS
units in that Detachment.
. . . . ~,

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

' ,, ' ,, ' ;,,

The psyker augments the strength .ofhislomradesti:J the point where they can crush bone
with.a single blow. ,

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command Asset in
your deck if your army includes at least one GIU:Y KNIGHTS PsYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in.the Action phase. When used, select one GREY
KNIGHTS PSYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then select one friendly
GREY KNIGHTS unit within ,, 12" of that PsYKER unit. Until the end of the turn, add
1 to wound rolls for attitcks made with melee weapons by that unit. In addition, until
the end of the phase, each time an attack made with a melee weapon by that unit
successfully hits an enemy unit, you can choose to use that weapon's SAP or SAT
,characteristic, irrespective of whether the target is LIGHT, HEAVY or SUPER-HEAVY.
. f

' .
• - -.
- I


Sentient electricity crackles amid the brooding skies above as the Rune Priest
calls forth the elements to smite his foes. At the psyker's command, lightning arcs
into the ranks of the enemy, leaving a trail of blackened corpses in the wake of its
brilliant flash.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command i\sset
in your deck if your army includes at least one SPACE WOLVES PsYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
SPACE WOLVES PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this power. Roll une D 12;
on a 2+ place one blast marker next to the closest enemy unit within 36" of that
PsYKER unit. Then roll one D 12 for each other enemy unit within 6" of that eneniv
unit; on a 9+ place one blast marker next to the unit being rolled for.

1he Librarian burrows his consciousness into the screaming victim's brain, ripping
free their secret$ ·in a spray ofgore.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command Asset
in your deck if your army includes at least one DARK ANGELS PSYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Orders phase, after all orders have been
issued but before any have been revealed. When used, select one DARK ANGELS
PsYKER unit from yo.µ r army to manifest this power. Then select one enemy
WARLORD within 24" of that PsYKER unit; that WARLORD's Detachment's order
is revealed. You can then replace the orders issued to any Detachments from your
army. After you have done so, roll one D 12; if the result exceeds the Leadership
characteristic of that WARLORD, place one blast marker next to it.
r.« _.. ... . - 4 • - - • ~~ • .. :2 -· • ,;,:__.:)II.~:... ' ~ '
t ) I• ·· ... f/ 1, , #,·'\ \ ·
/ . . - ::--' --:-:' '\. ,
- - - -

, •
,· , . 'l._ •
/ --
• \
- '- '
\ ".,
~ ~ 1.. /..
- # ~ ( .
~ - . ..,_ .:- + : ' ' - . • .... -.-./:...: ~..~r.- ,( . , - . ..


{::: ....\

1he psyker uhieashes the full might of.liis -mind to cast down his opponent's defences,
both te~hn-ological and mystical, rendering them vulnerable to the retribution of the
Adeptus Astartes.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in yo,u r deck if your army includes at least one ADEPTUS AsTARTES
PSYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one ADEPT US ASI'1'RTES PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this
power. Until the end of the turn, subtract 2 from saving throws made for enemy
units whilst they are within 12" of that PsYKER unit.

I ) I •


1he psyker pits his superhuman w.illpower against that of his enemies in a battle of
mental fortitude, seeking to destroy their minds in a burst ofpsychic fury.
- '

-This Command Asset is a psychic p.ower. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one ADEPTUS AsTARTES
PSYKER unit:,

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
AD,EPT.US AsTARTES_PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then
select one enemy unit within 24" of that PsYKER unit. Roll three D 12s; for each
roll that exceeds the Leadership characteristic of that enemy unit, place one blast
marker next to it.
• ~- - •



11rt" ti/Jrarian conjures a formidable lance of pure energy, i,,jused with his innermost
rage. Hefting this e,npyric projectile, the Libraritin hurls it with all of~his psychokinehc
might, $ending it hurtling through the enemy ranks to maim and impale.

l bis Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this c:ommand Asset
in your deck if your arn1y includes at least one BLOOD ANGELS PsYKER unit.

This Con11nand Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select une
.B LOOD ANGELS PSYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then selt,t
one point on the battlefield within 18" of that P SY1'Ell unit. Draw an imaginary
~tra1ght line) l n1n1 in thickness, from any part of that unit to that point) then roU
one D12 for each unit this line crosses, excluding the BLOOD ANGELS PsYkE&; vn
i b * p h1~c unt' blast marker next to the unit being rolled for.
- - - . - -~--~ ~ , - . •- 1 -- -- - ~--- - -I

,. :
{I ~'
~~ /
.. ,
'\. "
. ',.
- .,. ' . !,
, ,

~ _ -- -~ l •. _ ;-,:,_::z.~:;::::.. - . . _ ..


The psyker pr_ojects his will beyond the regular passage of time, taking in the strands
offate before returning to the present to sway the tide of battle.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one ADEPTUS AsTARTES
PsYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used when your opponent selects one of their
.D.e tachments to carry out an order. When used, select one ADEPTUS AsTARTES
PsYKER unit that is on the battlefield to man ifest this power that is in a
Detachment from your army that has not yet carried out its order this phase.
That PsYKER unit's Detachment carries out its order before your opponent's
Detachment carries out its order.
. t . • -~ . I ' - .iiat ....~ , •
' I I
.,-.. J •
• ' ,....
- \ •

- - -


The psyker tears a rift between realspace and the warp, condemning his foes to
total oblivion.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command Asset
in your deck if your army includes at least one GREY KNIGHTS PsYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
GREY KNIGHTS PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then roll one
D12. On a 5-9 place two blast markers next to the closest enemy unit within 24" of
that PsYKER ·unit; on a 10+ place four blast markers next to the closest enemy unit
within 24" of that PsYKER unit.

- .... ·- • ~--:.= -~ ,.:...~· ~ - - ... ~~ ..1::&l...~..~- ~

/ /
I ) I· ·
lr ••- !.~ •
' ' ✓-
. ,... ~ •, \
\ • ..
- - -~--

. ' - -
- - _.,: :..------~-
' .


- ,
• _!,

- -- - -
-. .
- :~- r-· ·1-:"(- · ,-;~
:.·.,/ - -·, ,.
1 ·
· ' •
' ' '• \-~
· -- ,-\ ,
,,, '
- .,
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•3o,•~'l~~~;it; , .. "::: •'•.,). :·•,· ,_ : .Y · _f_;•:~;:;;;r~~"rt.. ~ -- : __ .· _'..'\'. ~- , ·· ,. _ - _- •

,• -A'D.-EPJU.S cus,oo~
Es . ./

FROM GOLDEN LIGHT THEY COME : ~, ·<::': · X ' y~ .- -J

Through the us¢.ofantient Godstrike:..palterfi:.teJepartariums, tlte Custodians can

, -deploy straight lnto the hJ!;art of pattle.

-This Command Asset can be used in the Action ·p hase. When used, select one
from your army. Remove that unit from the battlefield and set it up anywhere on
the battlefield that is more than 9'' from any enemy units.

Alternatively, this C·Q pimand Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an ·ADEPTUS CYSTODES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.
,... ,
-- --- - ,._ - 'ft - --~....:a- - - - ' -~ "! .__,..~ -- -


\\ J,th every mighty strike and artful parry, the champior1s of the Adeptus Custod,es
prove themselves masters of combat, even agt1inst the most terrible foes.

1hti. Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select ont
A DEPTUS C u sTODES CHARACTER from your army. Until the end of the phase.
add 2 to that unifs Attacks characteristic and 3 to wound rolls for attacks it milis
wu11 melec v.1eapons.

Alternatively, this Con1n1and Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wounJ
roU for an ADEPTUS CUSTODES unit from your army. When used, re-roil that htt
roll or wound roll.

- --
- ~ - -~- .- -- - - ~-- .~ ~ ~c:-.-~:aa-- - ' -- ----- - - - --
~ . - .
-~- r ,, ,..6--_-- ,~- ✓-·-_:,__
r (,-- ~"\, . ., , ' .,\ -\••' . - ,;;.-- ,(-..::;,.- . ~/ -
~~~.;,,~;~~-·... ' - ,.~, '\ -~--=-~ ~~~-tt.r:-~·-
-!·_:-..:..~~~ ~
.. ':': ,<:~-k~~~~.;... t . . ~.-
.. -: . - ~· ---;-- . --
~r ("
--:-:- - - ,. -

The Adeptus Custodes are the guardians of the Emperor himself - and there are no
finer bodyguards in all the Imperium.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one LIGHT ADEPTUS CusTODES unit from your army that is within 6" of a
friendly IMPERIUM CHARACTER that has at least one blast marker next to it. You
can remove up to D3 blast markers from that CHARACTER and place them next to
that ADEPTUS CUSTODES unit instead.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an ADEPTUS CusTODES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.


Those blessed 'enough to compteherid this vox~prayer find their targeting
. . reticules guided by the Omn·isstah's own vigilance.

This Command Asset can be used in the, Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS Commander.
Until the end of the phase, roll D12s instead ofD6s for hit rolls for attacks made
with ranged w~apons by ADEPTUS MECHANICUS units in that Detachment.
--! f

. . .:..,. - . . . . . '


.. '(. ' <. ... -~- ·:0 . . , ; :...._;; • .,;. ·.. ;

In spitting out a sta-ccato chant: ·to,t/a~,Motive Farce~-.thefaithful warriors of the Cult

Mechanicus -are filledw-ith merciless surety as well ~s intent.
.,., .

-This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
" , -

Detachment from your army led by an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS Commander.

Until the end of the phase, roll D 12s instead of D6s for hit rolls for attacks made
with melee weapons by ADEPTUS MECHANICUS units in that Detachment.

. - - • - ' '• -.......a. ...:..!'". f

·-..1• -~,..

" '

- - -
-; ( I


The enhanced blare of the weap-0-nry of Metalica is so intimidating that it causes
entire armies to quail before the auditory assault, fleeing before the oncoming Adeptus
Mechanicus ranks before even striking a blow.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one METALICA unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, that unit has
the Terror Troops ability.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army. When used,
re-roll that wound roll. '

I J I··

Those of Forge Wo-rld nothing lessJhan to completely obliterate their
_ foes. They will let nothing sw~y the·m from their appointed task.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a M -~TA.LICA Commander .to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's order is replaced with Advance and, until the end of the phase, the
_Move characteristic of METALICA units in that Detachment is doubled.

Alternatively, this Com,m and Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.


' _.,-. ·, ;;,

True innovatio-n is rare am_ongst Tech-Priests, but that is not so on Ryza.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
RYZA CHARACTER fro-m your army, then select one enemy unit within 24" of that
unit and roll one D6. If the result is equal to or greater than that CHARACTER,s
Ballistic Skill characteristic, place two blast markers next to that enemy unit.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an A:QEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army. When used,

re-roll that wound rol[

..•,·: :.A.DEPJU;S M,fCH:AN:lCUS
;, -: ' ._. . •._ ...
~ ~ ,. , ~

-~r~:-.<. .-;y;__,: - ,_ - ~ -<; -~:-;:,fnt.,.,:,)·.;~\ ', ,/ --:·:., ,_; .-,...;;_; €°·'<"•:.: ' ' ·--~~. - _, ~'..,,

All fo-rge worlds m_ ake'>'use .o f baitle/se.r:vlt'l!ws, but--tione ate so quick in manufacturing

""":<o', :- ,_ '. :th~m asAgriR(naa. .
This Com~and_Asset-can be used in the SetUp,Reinforceme.iits step of the Orders
phase. When_Jlse-d, select one .t\~IRIPINAA SERVITORS unit from your army that
has been des~royed. That unit is,return-e d to the battlefield and set up anywhere that
~ .

is wholly withjn 6" of a battlefield edge and more than 9" from any enemy units.
That unit is a new, separate Detachment.
./, ''\... ',)'

Alter11atively, this Co~mand Asset can ·b e used after making a wound roll for
an attack made by an Ai>EPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army. When used,
re-roll that wound roll.


There are no forge worlds more holy than Mars. The favour of the Machine God can
be seen in the effects of his most faithful followers' binharic psalms.

This Command Asset can be used in any phase if there is a MARS WARLORD from
your army on the battlefield. When used, look through your Command Asset
deck, draw one Adeptus Mechanicus Command Asset card of your choice and add
it to your hand. Then shuffle the Command Asset deck and place it face down.

Alternatively, this Copimand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army. When used,
re-roll that wound roll.

) J ) •


Raising their voices in binharic praise, the disciples of the Machine God bolster their
spirits with the surety of iron.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one Detachment from your army led by an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS
Commander. Until the end of the phase, Morale tests taken for ADEPTUS
MECHANICUS units in that Detachment are automatically passed.
,) ' ' ,,. '

The ·rech-Pr~est~:ofLucius are m4.~ters.oj?,~be ar~.of liattlefield teleportation, capable of
_ .:::·.,: ... _ -.even sbiftfng Ti-ta,ns (hroitgb ,the warp~
, - ... }" ...

~ This Command Asset can be used in th~ ActiQn phase. When used, select one
-Luc1us ~un:t t-from your army._Re_]llqV,:e that unit from the battlefield and set it up
anywhere on the battle-field that is·m.ore than 9·'' from any enemy units.

Alternatively, thi5,_Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an .A lJEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army. When used,
re-roll that wound roft
""·'•. '-:';• /:_ _.:t;r·· .- "~i- ,.,.· ),t .., -,, - -•·_
(,_ .-.~,... , ..., ~ ., - :· , ._.,:_ ~-- -.

The Tech;.Pri-i!s;#:s:;91fI{yza·p0i.n ffa,'.f!,ggt¢,ssive'.co.tnva:t:doctrines and-zeal'ous training

protoco_ls;· to7exp1atn the -e~Qe.ptiotial,iz.and~,to-hand prowess of their troops.
. '


This C,ommandeAs~et can be u.sed iri the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from YflUr_~rmy led by a RYZA Commander. Until the end of the
_phase, you ·can re-ro11 wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by RYZA
units in that o :e tachment.

Alternatively, this Copimand Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTus'ME~HANICUS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

. I I

.,_ 1 1
. ' ., ..... ~ ..:. .


Steely-minded tenacity is more.than a -character trait of those who serve Graia.
Indeed, such a quality is hardwired into all who bear the forge world's symbol.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one Detachment from your army led by a GRAIA Commander. Until the end
of the phase, GRAIA units in that Detachment have the Ignore Damage (5+) ability.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.



Eve·n the vile energy:surges,oftne ·watp .will ,be .qu-ieted by the faith and undeniable
· logic that emanates-from·,the pure devotees of Graia.
. - '

This Command Asset can be used when yout·opponent uses a Command Asset
that is a psychic power, after they select a unit to manifest the power but before its
effects are resolved, if there is at least one GRAIA unit from your army within 36"
-of the unit manifesting the power. When used, roll one D6; on a 2+ the Command
Asset that your opponent is attempting to resolve has no effect.

Alternatively, this Co~mand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army. When used,
re-roll that wound roll.

♦ • , ., • .....'.iO'..!M~ ' ,
,I J ,... J ' '\, -- '•\ ' \ '
-·~· ·~-·:-·:.
.......... --- -:· ··---

,......__~ - -t a~ ---
/ :;. _- - - '. -,$.. /
, "
, ,. --
,. ,., :-
·, /
~~~ ~ : ; - • •·.- , _, ~. . • , , •,- , -~~a~J.'';;'° < •' ,.- I • • - • '

_· .; .; ,- a:ocE'PJUS M,ECHANlCU:S

.'( -- ,".:,;, . ,~
-:',;._~ , ~ ") -,;, ,... '

Wnen the armiis-'.0fStygies·V1Jlltinar:~lt-- to wa,r, . Jhey -do so beneath stealth-sere.en

- .projictors and afl m'ann,er ·o f target-befouling apparatus.
•- ..

·- This Comman·d ·:·A sset can;be used in .the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a STYGIES VIII Commander. Until the end of
the phase, S'(YGIES VIII units in that Detachment are obscured targets.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTU~ MECHANICUS unit from your army. When used,. re-roll that
hit roll. ·,.

Hardened by constant clashes with Chaos, Agripinaa has learned the lessons of
defensive warfare well.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by an AGRIPINAA Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's order is replaced with Aimed Fire and, until the end of the phase,
you re-roll wound rolls of 1 for attacks made with ranged weapons by AGRIPINA.:\.
units in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an atta(k
made by an ADEPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army. When used) re-roll that
hit roll.
• .. - I • ;_ -~ •

/ ,, . \ '


Lucius is renowned for its use of armour craftedfrom unique solar-blessed ores. Those
clad in' such raiment consider themselves protected by the Omnissiah.

; This Command Asset can be used at the start ·o f the Damage phase. When
used, select one Detachment from your army led by a Lucius Commander.
Until the end of the phase, add 2 to saving throws made for Lucius units in
that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Co~mand Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ADEPTUS -MECHANICUS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

s. ' , ' ' .·' ♦ • '"., ' ; :: . . . . ~ : • '

·,/ ✓ ) / I · -/•/1 ,i.,..- ~ , '\ \\. " , , ,

- . -

.. .'):(:.i;•'' •' .,
~ ' . ,.,. f:".:•< •: ·' ,,

None ·can.: fm{te the blasphemer ·as, can those from Mars, for theirs is the most
righteous of zeal., All praise the glory of the Machine God!

---:---This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a MARS Commander. Until the end of ~he
phase, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with ranged weapons by MARS units
in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Co!]lmand Asset can b.e used after making a hit roll for an attack
made -b y an ADEPTUs,_MEC~ANICUS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
, ,,:,;,. 1

V <., ,-I· D'EPTUS:'· M,ECHANIC,U,S . '

..... ~.>'i'i .,., . :,,,.,;, . - .... ~ _, ~ -. . ··:.;,.,) ._., .\ '.• ;:-'• \ :~.-': .-,,. ,,._.;

One who~~has studied_the

,? . } .
al.iettfbi 'man;:t"lifespanS: knows best how to kill it.
' ' ,· ,i: •, ·: ,·' .· ,. ' ·-~~ ,.., ~.. : '


i This (:onil!lan~-As~et can be used in the ~~tion phase. When used, select up to
: ~ three STYGIEs.VIII units from your army; each makes either one free Shoot action
or one free Fight a~tion. Whilst making these actions, tho$.e units can only target

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an AJ?EPTUS MECHANICUS unit from your army. When used,
re-roll that wound roll.
Armageddon's Steel Legions fiave perfected the att of the mechanised assault.

This Command; Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select up to
three ARMAGEDDON TRANSPORT units from your army. Any ARMAGEDDON
units embarked aboard these tran~ports can disembark and make one free
Shoot action.

.Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an As,,T RA MILITARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

,:; -- --
. '
. J. /
·_ - - _:; - ----::: -
.,. ' •
'\, /
Cadians are raised from birth to fight' the Imperium's endless wars. Decades of
rigorous firing drills have forged them into expert sharpshooters.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a CADIAN Commander. Until the end of the
phase, roll D12s instead of D6s for hit rolls for attacks made with ranged weapons
by CADIAN units in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be u~ed after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ASTRA MILITARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

-· / '
In the deadly jungles .of Catachan, only the strongest survive. The people of this death
world are ferocious warriors, more powerful than typical humans.

; This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a CATACHAN Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, until
the end of the phase, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by
CATACHAN units in that Detachment - add 2 to wound rolls for attacks made by

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ASTRA MILITARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
- - - ; • • • • • • • • ' • < ;i<g:.. . : ~ . : . ' ' . < • •

, • J
I· ·
-,, 1,
' \,.. -
-v \__ \
' ' ,
., ...

- - - -
Driven to repay their home world;'s ancient debt, the Vostroyan Firstborn fight with
prideful defiance, seeing each battle as a chance to reclaim their honour.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select up to
three VosTROYAN INFANTRY units from your army. Each of those units makes one
free action (Move, Shoot or Fight).

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an A&.TRA MILITARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

, ) I ·
Possessed of a grim fatalism regarding the prospect of death, Valhallan Ice Warriors
will march unflinchingly into the most hellish offirestorms.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a VALHALLAN Commander. Until the end of
the turn, VALHALLAN units in that Detachment ignore penalties for being critically
damaged, and you can re-roll Morale tests taken for them.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ASTRA MILITARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

. -
. , I
. \' -
_. _..... _~~--
-\ \

Each and every Vostroyan weapon is..lovingly hand-crafted; these are no artisanal
trinkets, however, as victims of their deadly accurate firepower would attest.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a VosTROYAN Commander. Until the end of
the turn, add 6" to the range characteristic of ranged weapons VosTROYAN units in
that Detachment are equipped with - if that Detachment is carrying out an Aimed
Fire order, add 12 '' instead.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ASTRA M1i1TARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

' ~ • Y ,: ~? • .· '.~(••. )*•i'' 'v !<,} ' "<>',(. .•

To the Steel Legio.ns:·of Armageddoti~ JJiie ma.the.matics of !,ndiJ.strialised slaughter are

, · a-grim fact of life. · ·

~- ~ This Command 1\sset can be used in the Action pha&e. When used, select one
. Detachment from your army led by·:a n ARMAG_E DDON Commander. Until the
end of the turn, ranged weapons ARM.A GEDDON units in that Detachment are
,- . . ,'

· equipped witli·have the Rapid Fire ability.- weapons that already have this ability
instead double.the 11umber of attacks made at up to their maximum range, instead
, -of only·half range. - ~

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ASTRA MILIT~RUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
• - • ,.~ - ."..~::~. . . . .-..:c. '
1 I I ..
'- I '\/
- \ \
' .
_,_, ,. ASTRA MlllTA.RU:M


· .· ~j>\::TiiJtarn forces enlr::ap .the,ene'inyin ~eJhal crossfires. -

••> . .:'•. •'::, • - .> ·,; • <· ' - , .. '.{_ •

~~-; This Corilll}.~d-:-~ sset can be usid in the Ac_tion phase. When used, select one enemy
?_:': Detachme11:t.<Until the end-of tfie,,p;hase, add 2' to,wound.rolls for attacks made
_: _·,:·with ra~g~:~{:Weapons by TALLARN.n&its from yo.u r army that target a unit in that
:~ ~- -Detachme~t4fyou can draw an imaginary straight line, 1mm in thickness, from any
part of the firing unit to any part of another friendly TALLARN unit, and the line
passes through any .p art of the target.
..• ;_

Alternatively, this Comtl?-and Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ASTRA ·M ILITARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.


Cadian .combat doctrfne utilises .an intense concentration offirepower, focused upon
the most dangerous of targets.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
enemy unit. Untjl the end of the phase, you can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made
with ranged-weapons by CADIAN units from your army that target that enemy unit.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an A~TRA MILITARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.
·c• .
. ....... ~
.• k'.i d'8;'··•' ...,",(_--. -\ (,
.. , , ' .
' ., \ \ -\~
. "/ \\
,(--. -,
/ / -
' ,. :t/:"••'-Jt:::._.._., ,_, ·. -_--_- _,.:.... ). .>..~ . _ ...., -.~-.... _"_: ..:~~~~1.,.~; . . ,. < ~ ~ ~ :"--- , -· II> -

V •,.,, . ; • -.; ~. •,;- , : ·• .~

Mordian regiments are proud,, unyielding soldiers~ They fight and die facing the enemy,
standing ta.}l in ordered ranks and unleashing a devastating fusillade of las{lre.

---This Command Asset can be used .w hen you s,e lect a Detachmentfrom your army
led by a MORD'IAN Commander te>·carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment ~ake an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's order is replaced with Aimed. Fire and, until the end of the phase,
add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with ranged weapons by MoRDIAN units in
· that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ASTRA MILITARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
, r ..., ·•
. -·
. •,-
~~~ \-
(R ... , - . \
J~.'.' ~ : ,r' "

-_- ..,..'.. . -~.. ~ ..• ..

(,. ..' '
. - . \ -\• .....,.,,,
.::__., :"% ..~:~~;!".._ ' , ,

- -·~ -
,r,- . ,. (,
, _, -

An Astra assault often _begins with an initial bombardment of the enemy
line, softening up the foe before the mass advance of infan try and armour.

This Command_Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
ASTRA MILITARUM WARLORD from your army, then select one point on the
battlefield that is visible to that WARLORD. Roll one D12 for each unit within 12"
of that point, subtracting 1 from the result if the unit being rolled for is a LIGHT
CHARACTER. On a 9+ place one blast marker next to the unit being rolled for.

· · -' ~ - v · . : t . ,.:.::IL-::l!llt.~ • -
/ .. 1,/ / • _.:>1, •\ ,. :-· ,\ \ , '

- -· -- ~
Valhallan regim.e nts drown the enemy under sheer weight of numbers, wearing them
down with endless infan try assaults.

This Command Asset can be used in the Set Up Reinforcements step of the Orders
phase. When used, select up to three Vl\LHALLAN INFANTRY units (excluding
. CHARACTERS) from your army that have been destroyed. Those units are returned
to the battlefield and set up anywhere wholly within 6" of a battlefield edge, more
than 9" from any enemy units and within 12" of each other. Those units are a new,
separate Detachment;

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ASTRA MILITARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.
- • -· ... , ' - ., • .. 1•& ·~""~ .:.!!£1. ' . "'
. .
• '
/ ·
/ j , • . • ') 'o
. I \ ,., ·
. . • :-. ( I
' .
, '
The warriors of.the Militarum Temp<?stus are the best of the best, merciless killers
trained to·obliterate their fo~s in·a pinpoint fusillade of hot-shot las rounds.

This Command Asset can be used in the :Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a MILITARUM TEMPESTUS Commander. Until
the end of the phase, each time a hit roll for an attack made with a Small Arms
weapon by a MILITARUM TEMPESTUS unit in that Detachment is successful, that
attack scores two hits instead of one (make a separate wound roll for each hit).
Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after_making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ASTRA MILITARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
. -... ·: ......-
.... , •. <r-
. -_..'I:-'. ( --":. :r::..~
J . . .'U ~- --
. /' . ,.•.. ' I -
"- ✓
' -\ \ ,. ~
..: / ~ ✓ ,.,-...
-- - I '
=~ ~ ~ ---:-:._); _·. --- . . ~ - * _" -?'i.'~t~;;.:t . . -~ .. -, ~- -- . - , -

. l
:,: ·s ·r:: ··e.
' .
··1 M
: •M
:.- ,,: ·. , .. ., . ·. ·. ' ... ., ·••·· · ...,' ; . . :,

~ "':•. _.,,, ••
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The Militarurit:,.~Tempestus have;access td~the lafesl operational intelligence, and are

. ·.·:r~qdy to greet e~emx. rei·nforcemi:rits -,iit-h a hail ofshots.
. . . . •·

This C:o mmand.Asset can be u'sed at the .e nd oftbe Set Up Reinforcements step of
the Orders phas_e ..Wh~n used, selec.t orii enemy_·µ n_it that was set up this phase,
then select on;e MILITARUM TEMPESTUS unit from your army. That MILITARUM
TEMPESTUS unit makes one free Shoot action. Whilst making this action, that
MILITARUM TEMP..~ STUS unit can only target that enemy unit.

Alternatively, this Coffima,n d Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ASTRA MILITARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.
-·~- ·1s,JR:A,. MlllJARUM

>-,<. - - ·-.f. ~ -~.;::-; -~,?;·. • :~' '\,, ::.~ ,

.Masters· of the liglitning ambusn;,.,TaJZdr.n _warriors strike with overwhelming force

before ;111iftlyfading into·the: -wilde;1.ess as ·iffhey-were never there at all.
~ .!.;,. ... .·,. ':~ .- , ~ '

~-~~This Comma!?:~ Asset can be used when a Detachment from your army
:.--~ .X .,.- . ·, ·::_, _·,

·· led by a' TALI:ARN Commander to carry o~t an order,·before any units in that
_ Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's order is replaced with Advance and, until the end of the phase, the
Move characteristic ·o f TALLARN units in that Detachment is doubled.
':v . ,


Alternatively, this Corilmand Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ASTRA MILITARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
Catachan Jungle ,Righters lace -th'e gro,und ·with snare mines, razor-shard tripwires and
incendiary charges.

- This Command Asset can be used when your opponent selects one of their
Detachments to carry out an order, before any units in that Detachment make a
Move action (excluding free actions) this phase. Until the end of the phase, roll one
D6 each time a unit in that Detachment ends a Move action within 12" of at least
·one CATACHAN unit from your army. On a 1 or 2, place one blast marker next to
the unit that made th-e Move action.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ASTRA MILITARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.
I _/ I• .

• ; _,· .;~:
--~ >►' · "' ' (-( I ,, , ,·.(;:!:?'• . r

. Mordian' troop~ are trained to hold' tlietr fire> unleashing a single> devastatingly
.. , - . ; ': ,, ·. · " · ·accurat~ volley. . · -:, -. _
, ,

t~::--This Commaild,Ass.e t can be used in the Action,phase. When used, select up to

· three MoRDlAN INFANTRY units from your army, then select one enemy unit
within 12° of all those units. Each of those MORDIAN units makes one free Shoot
action. Whilst making these actions, those MoRDIAN units can only target that
enemy unit.

Alternatively, this Colllma.nd Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ASTRA MILITARUM unit from your army. When used, re-roll
t that wound roll.

• , _,, ;.· . . . . .!:. f

I , •
-. k \ _,
~ ,
:.•~.:.,,'.:,:•._:: ·,;,.; :.;,._.,_,-~i-.:'.\.:.,:1: 'f) • ;· ":'-"( ·-==·.,·~

The psyker weaves an aegis' ofp'itre psycliic energy around their allies, against which
· -enemyfire sparks and spatters harmlessly.
. .
- This Command Asset is a psychic power. -Yo,u can only include this Command
Asset in your _d e,k if your army in~ludes at least one ASTRA MILITARUM
PsYKER unit

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one ASTRA M~~L lsTARUM PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this
power. Until the end ~f th~ phase, add 2 to saving throws made for friendly ASTRA
MILITARUM units whilst they are within 6" of that PsYKER unit.
- .

•• ' , . , \ f ,
, ,
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. · The P~iie~r:=
U~itaSAes':flt~,titifYf;;ijjh(,'ifj;.1i~:ft"'mmtt?':£Uinm~nirtg a roiling psychic
tempe~i- tk~t ~nr,~fops the ~ne,py,_jiftirig-t~;~m,fr<?n;J, th,eground and wrenching them
!- :- ~'

;;:o/ - -- - ._·__ .- about like :lJl,:,ttitg:idoll. ' . :'

.· This COmm<IJd A$set is a psychiE po}¥~;. ¥~u u~n Only include this Command
. ,- .' •' ' : .

-Asset in your ~e:ck if you:r .army iriclµdes at least one ASTRA MILITARUM
, . . :-'

. _P SYKER unit. ~,_ , . '

• ,- -':<.

-- This Command A~'set can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one "k('.

ASTRA MILlTARUM P;s~~ER unit from your army to manifest this power, then
select one enemy unit within 24" of that PsYK:ER unit. Roll two D 12s and three
D6s; for each result of 6+ place one blast marker next to that enemy unit.

The Aspect Warriors of Biel,. Tan have given their souls .to the bloody arts of
destruction. ·Ihe presence of an Avatar of Khaine inspires them to yet greater fury.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
BIEL-TAN ASPECT WARRIOR unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, you
can re-roll hit rolls and wound rolls for attacks made by that unit. In addition, until
the end of the phase, that unit's Attacks characteristic is doubled whilst it is within
12" of a friendly AVATAR OF KHAINE unit.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for
an attack made by an AsURYANI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
wound roll.

--- ,""r 1 , t(•,-~ · , / ·· .. -- . --'- . ,.;;,;: .,,. /
- " '
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- -
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The 13lack-:Guaraians of Ulthwe areprofessional soldiers who have a discipline and
· -skill exceeding th:at of their kin in other craftworlds.

. -.This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used~ select one
Detachment from your army that,-is led by an. ULTHWE Commander. Until the
end of the phase, add 1 to hit rolls and·wound rolls for attacks made by ULTHWE
GUARDIAN units in that Detachment. ·

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for
an attack made by an AsuRYANI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
wound roll. ·
·-I (

A-SU.A:YAlll . '

f •• 1,, •v>
• • • ·: •~• ·• . .>; ••·. ' • ,. •,,; • ' •

- Asuryani psykers aboard orbiting wraith.bone ships manipulate the planet's

atmospll~rics, unleashing a raging energy storm on the surface below.
c' • •

,•.; )

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
AsuRYANI WARLORD from your army, then select one point on the battlefield that
is visible to that·WARLORD. Roll one D 12 for each unit within 2D6" of that point,
subtracting 1 from the roll if the unit being rolled for is a LIGHT CHARACTER. On
a 7+ place one blast marker next to the unit being rolled for.
... ,_·_.:· ·,- - ·ASURYANI

1hroigh a combifuition Of~ealfh,, siipe.i:iGf st;';eports and peerless camouflage,
Alaiio·c warri-ors are able tcr obsc,1;tr~ thems,e,lves upon the battlefield.

~ .. This Command·-.Ass:e t.can be us,eq in the A;tion phase. When used, select one
Detachinent from-your army led ,b y ,1 n ALAITOC Commander. Until the end of the
phase, ALAITOC units in that Detachment are obscured targets.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made b,y an AsuRY:A.~I ,u nit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

' '!'
, .. ., - • '' - • ~ ~ ';;; -=: . .l't .:..!.:'!'"' t. ~ '~ '" •
, I j I"'" , •,,. , , • 1 t ,,,., ... 'i. \ \ ' "
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- _\.' ., '
J ;. ;:., -~

·. All Aeldari are P~rchically attuned,:: buf.n:one. 11:z,;0,:eso than those of Ulthwe. Perhaps
tainted by-their long proximity 'to .theE1e of Terror, their intuition borders well
into presci.ence~

This Comma:~d Asset can be used at the sta;rtof the Damage phase. When used,
select one Detachment from your army led by an ULTHWE Commander. Until
the end of the phase, ULTHWE units in that Detachment have the Ignore Damage
{5+) ability.

Alternatively) this Corilmand Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an AsURYANI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

I J J •
. .
. .

' r i "-~ .
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' J ."'.• \ . :
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When the armies of Craftworld.Iyanden march to battle, the Spirit Hosts are at the
centre. AmorJ,g their ranks walk the Spiritseers, their minds bridging the gap between
the real worl-d and that of the spirit realm.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
IYANDEN SPIRITSEER unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, roll
D12s instead of D6s for hit rolls for attacks made by friendly IYANDEN WRAITH
CONSTRUCT units whilst they are within 12" of that SPIRITSEER unit.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for
an attack made by an AsuRYANI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
wound roll.

, ) I.
Some Alaitoc Rangers lose themselves to their lifestyle and become Pathfinders.
Supernaturally adept at concealment, they are near-invisible assassins who slay their
target without leaving a trace.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
ALAITOC WARLORD from your army, then select one enemy CHARACTER
that is visible to that WARLORD. Roll one D6; on a 2-5 place one blast marker
next to that enemy CHARACTER. On a 6, place two blast markers next to that
enemy 'C HARACTER.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for
an attack made by an ASURYANI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
wound roll.

' ) I
-- - ~I'
. - - ., . "".
'.._ ,. ·-
.... --~......
•. , \

_; .


~ - - - -
,,1, ·• 11sURYINI

BieZ:-Ta.n war~o~ts are famed for the prodigious storms of shurikenfire they unleash
, upon the foe.
· y·,, ·

c:,;: ·._,. ·;: ·'··

. · This Comman,d Asset can be.used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachmenffrom your army led by a BIEL-TAN Commander. Until the end of
the phase, each time a hit roll for an attack made with a Small Arms weapon by a
BIEL-TAN unit in that Detachment is successful, that attack scores two hits instead
of one (make a separate wound roll for each hit).
, C

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an AsURYANI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

· ~,":-rr·-, ~- . • · ~ .--. · .:. -·· .. - :: .. t 4 ~ .1•• ~m:.,.~i..:~.... ' · .:.· ,, -- . .. .. - , ....._

_, 1 ) I· . .;,'>,i'
- ' \""-
. . , \ 1
- '

- - - -


The tenacity of thosefrom Iyanden -is the stuff of legends. Their craftworld has suffered
much, yet the spirits of £,oth its living and dead remain unbowed.

This Command Asset tan be used in the Action phase. When used, select
one Detachment from your army le9 by an IYANDEN Commander. Until the
end of the turn, IYANDEN units in that Detachment ignore penalties for being
critically damaged and you re-roll failed Morale tests taken for IYANDEN units in
that Detachment. ,

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an AsuRYANI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

I _) I~

Like the bloody spear of Khaine, . -the:Wild Rider .clans strike from above, their riders
iind pilots screaming war cries into the raging winds.

This Command .A sset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select up to
three SA1M~HANN BIKER units from yo.u r army. Each of those units makes one
free action (Move, Shoot or Fight).

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for
an attack made by an ..A,suRYANI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
wound roll. .,

. ~ _- • .. -·- . .. . ... • _-: ...c-,«,;;:m,;.~. • .· - . ' ' •

·_ / / ) I
I ~ . >)'
--:. -~-
., \..... ~- .... - '\ \ \ /
,' -, . I \
/' -- '-.

- ~ ,.. _ -

·- -
The warhosts of the Asuryani use the ancient network of webway portals to strike as
iffrom nowhere.
This Command Asset can be used in the Set Up Reinforcements step of the Orders
phase. When used, select one AsuRYANI LIGHT unit from your army that has been
destroyed (excluding CHARACTERS) and roll one D12. If the result exceeds the
Power Rating of that unit, it is returned to the battlefield and set up anywhere that
is more than 9" from any enemy units. That unit is a new, separate Detachment. If
the D 12 roll is not greater than the Power Rating of that unit, it is not returned, but
you can put this Comm~nd Asset back into your hand instead of discarding it (it
cannot be used again this turn).

. J I
. -_ .
.. : ' ) ;
. '
~ \ ..., •
. ::·
._, ~
-,, ¥\ \_ ~
' . -·
. .. '

' •

- - - -
Each member of a Saim-Hann Wild Host longs to be the first into the figh t, the one to
win all the glory; nothing stands between them and their quarry.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a SAIM-HANN Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's order is replaced with Advance and, until the end of the phase, the
Move characteristic of SAIM-HANN units in that Detachment is doubled.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ASURYANI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

- '
. - --- ,.,. - --- • . ~ --· -- --- - . • '! ----· ~ · - • - ·-
/ /
/) I·
'• l ' , , ,,.
... ~
., , •
' '

With a simple manipulation of that ·which is to come, the psyker grants a darkened
fate to a chosen foe. Whilst this shadow rests upon the enemy's soul, death seeks
them out above all others, each blow or shot that comes their way rendered
, inescapably lethal.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command Asset
in your deck if your army includes at least one AsuRYANI PSYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
AsuRYANI PSYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then select
one enemy unit within 24" of that PSYKER unit. Until the end of the phase, you
can re-roll wound rolls for attacks made by friendly AsuRYANI units target that
enemy unit.

The psyker sc~ies possible futures to foresee imminent danger, then aids his allies in
avoiding it. The terrors of the w,arp recoil from the psyker's mind, while shots pass
through thin air where Asuryani warriors stood but a moment before.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command Asset
in your deck if your army includes at least one AsuRYANI PsYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one AsuRYANI PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then
select one friendly AsURY~NI unit within 24" of that PSYKER unit. Until the end
of the phase, roll D 12s when making saving throws for that unit, irrespective of the
size of the blast markers next to it.

The psyker ret1:ches out to attack the mind of an enemy in a desperate mental duel.

j. · This Comrµand Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command Asset
·in your deck if your army includes at least one AsuRYANI PsYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
AsURYANI PsYKER unit from your army to man ifest this power, then select one
enemy unit within 24" of that PSYKER unit. Both players then roll one dice (you
r-oll one D12, whilst ~pur opponent rolls one D6), adding their respective unit's
Leadership characteristic to the score. If your result is equal to or greater than your
opponent's, place one blast marker next to that enemy unit. If your result is at least
double your opponent's, place two blast markers next to that enemy unit instead.

Ihe practice of internecine assassinations that exists amongst the Coven of Twelve
ensures that weapons and wits are kept razor-sharp at all times.

;_ This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
,D etachment from your army led by a COVEN OF TwELVE Commander. Until the
·end of the phase, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by
COVEN OF TWELVE units in that Detachment.

,Alternatively, this Co,p lmand Asset can be used after making a saving throw for a
DRUKHARI unit from"·-your army. When used, re-roll that saving throw.
Chemical stimulants are widely used amongst the Wych Cults of the Drukhari to
heighten combat performance, despite the inherent risks to their life expectancies.

You can onlyinclude this Command Asset in your deck if your army includes at
least one Succt.JBUS.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
SuccuBus from your army. Until the end of the phase, roll D12s instead ofD6s
for hit rolls for attack$ made with melee weapons by units in that SuccuBus'

Detachment that are from the same Wych Cult as that SuccuBus unit (for
example, if that Succusvs unit had the CULT OF STRIFE keyword, roll D 12s
instead of D6s for hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by CULT OF
STRIFE units in that Detachment until the end of the phase).

;:.~-~ _- _
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• _, . ., ., . ·<"·"• •

-1he Prophets'ofFlesh have modifie4Jlieir ow·n bodies so much that few weapons can
inflict damage greater than that they have already endured.
. .

;, ·;· This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When
--used, Detachment fromyour armyJed by a PROPHETS OF FLESH
Commander. Until the end of the phase,_PROPHETS OF FLESH units in that
D-e tachment h~ve the Ignore Damage (5+) ability.

. Alternatively, this CoJ11mand Asset can be used after making a saving throw for a
DRUKHAR1 ·unit from your army. When used, re-roll that saving throw.

The souls ofpsykers tortured unto death are held within a crucible of malediction - when
released, they spew outward, driving insane any nearby whose minds are attuned to
the warp.

You can only include this Command Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one

· This Command Asset can be used when your opponent uses a Command Asset that is
a psych~c power, after they select a unit to manifest the power but before its effects are
resolved, if there is at least one HAEMONCULUS unit from your army on the battlefield.
When used, roll one D6 and. one D 12; if the result of the D6 is a 3+ the Command Asset
that your opponent was attempting to use has no effect; in addition, if the result of the
D12 is a 5+ place one blast marker next to the unit manifesting the power.
~~~. ~

. .
0 •
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, -,,(,1.,;-.. .. :
·-. /
· ·
( ·
,-, ,_ .-- ., \;
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-~- : ~ - ~ ..:.::.. ., . ·. . ' • - ~ . ;4 _::_l!f:..;...~'... • . . • • -

1he Coven of the Dark Creed have perfected every method of inducing terror, to the
extent that their mere presence fills the their enemies with nightmarish dread.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one Detachment from your army led by a DARK CREED Commander. Until
the end of the phase, DARK CREED units in that Detachment have the Terror
Troops ability.

Alternatively, this Co,µimand Asset can be used after making a saving throw for a
DRUKHARI unit fro~',youJ army. When used, re-roll that saving throw.
Every weapon produced by the Kaba[ of the Obsidian Rose is a masterpiece, equal in
accuracy and lethality to the finest armaments of other Kabals.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select
one Detachment from your army led by a KABAL OF THE OBSIDIAN RosE
Commander~ Until the end of the phase, add 6" to the Range characteristic of
ranged weapons KABAL OF THE OBSIDIAN RosE units in that Detachment are
equipped with. If the Detachment is carrying out Aimed Fire order when the attack
is made, add 12" instead.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for
an attack made by a DRUKHARI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
wound roll.
Kabalites of the Black Heart have minds like steel traps. There is no circumstance they
cannot turn to their benefit, no vagary offate that can surprise them.

, This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a KA BAL OF THE BLACK HEART Commander to carry out an order, before
· any units in that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase.
When used, that Detachment's order is replaced with Advance, Aimed Fire or
Assault. Then roll on-e D12; on a 9+ you can put this Command Asset back into
- your hand instead of discarding it (it cannot be used again this turn).

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for
an attack made by a DRUKHARI unit from your army. When used, re- roll that
wound roll.
--.:-;-- i.,.- •.. ... • . . . -
,:;:..":...,..:,,...;. -·
. r.f l'-
~ .....


, .-_- - , ,....
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, -
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. -
.;;;:;- '
- .._,..,,
- - . _-;-- --
/ (•- ·- -1 I ,
-- --
~ .

There is no place for frailty amongst tne Cult of the Cursed Blade, for they teach that
-- ; weakness exists only to be exploited by the strong.

- . -This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a CULT OF THE CURSED BLADE Commander.
- Until the end of the turn, re-roll hit rolls of 1 and wound rolls of 1 for attacks made
by CULT OF THE CURSED BLADE units in that Detachment, and re-roll saving
throws of 1 made for CULT OF THE CURSED BLADE units in that Detachment.

· Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a DRUKHARI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.
Kabalites of the Flayed Skull excel in aerial warfare.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
· led by ·a KABAL OF THE FLAYED SKULL Commander to carry out an order, before
any units in that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase.
When used, that Detachment's order is replaced with Advance and, until the end of
the phase, tl1e Move characteristic of KABAL OF THE FLAYED SKULL units in that
Detachment that can FLY is doubled.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for
an attack made by a DRUKHARI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
wound roll.
DRUKHARI .,......._

THE SERPENT's·-·11ss
The toxin crafters of the Kahal of the Poisoned Tongue tailor their venoms to the
targets of a raid to ensure they'll have the most gruesome effect on their victims.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a KABAL OF THE POISONED TONGUE
Commander. Until the end of the phase, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made
with ranged weapons by KABAL OF THE POISONED TONGUE units in that
Detachment that target LIGHT units.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for
an attack made by a DRUKHARI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
wound roll.
Whether enthralling spectators in the arena or slaughtering their way through an
enemy army, the Cult of Strife have developed a penchant for bombastically violent
opening manoeuvres.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a CULT OF STRIFE Commander. Until the end
of the phase, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of CULT OF STRIFE units in that
Detachment whilst they make Fight actions.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a DRUKHARI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.
There is fterce ·'.~0,mpetition amongsftnelGult-ofthe Red Grief as to who can butcher
-, · :, ~--' , . their~1;~tims the·quickest.
··;¢, . .: . \· . . .

-~--·:~ This Comman,d :'._Asset can be. used whef} you select a Detachment from your army
led by a Cv.tT Ci~ THE RED GRIEf C9m,1.nander to carry out an order, before
·any units inth~t D-e tachment make an:action (excluding free actions) this· phase.
When used, th'a (Detachment's order is replaced with Advance and, until the end
of the phase, the :Mpve characteristic of CULT OF THE RED GRIEF units in that
Detacnment is double,d . . ~

Alternatively, this Comin~nd Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a D ,R UKHARI unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

~ "V • • :~,.,. ~2-. :.:::.;:... ( .

/ / ' J I --:, ... J ,4.,. -- 'I. ' '- ..ol
The Drukhari detonate a weapon that releases an ochre cloud ofphantasmal gas that
eats away at the enemy's psyche, causing foes to die offright in seconds.

You can only include this Command Asset in your deck if your army includes at
least one ARCHON unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
ARCHON from your army, then select one point on the battlefield that is visible to
that ARCHON unit. Roll one D12 for each enemy unit within 6" of that point. If
the result is greater than or equal to the Leadership characteristic of the unit being
rolled for, place one blast marker next to that unit.
-1: ( I

By hurling rune-graven orbs, the Drukhari can tear a route in the webway through
which their kin can pour.

This Command Asset can be used in the Set Up Reinforcements step of the
Orders phase. When used, select one LIGHT DRUKHARI unit from your army
that has been destroyed (excluding CHARACTERS) and roll one D12. If the result
exceeds the Power Rating of that unit, it is returned to the battlefield and set up
anywhere that is more than 9" from any enemy units. That unit is a new, separate
Detachment. If the D-12 roll is not greater than the Power Rating of the unit, it is
not returned, but you can put this Command Asset back into your hand instead of
discarding it (it cannot be used again this turn).


The Cult of the Four-armed Emperor lay plans to counter the foe's every action.

This Command Asset can be used after your opponent has used a Command
i., Asset card, but before resolving its effect, if the Command Asset being used is not
a psychic power and there is at least one CULT OF THE FOUR-ARMED EMPEROR
WARLORD on the battlefield. When used, roll one D12; on a 4+ the Command
Asset your opponent was attempting to use has no effect and is discarded.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a GENESTEALER CULTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

. I
- '- .._

. ~ .,
. ~
' \ ,
' ,

·, •
., '(• f~:·..-, :· ' t··: ·. <,.:.,,(' • ·' -::. •

Well trained by th;{ Astra Mililaium and the -h-ivelords of their home worlds, the
soldiery ·0 f the Hivecult know well how to bring down the largest threats.

~ This Comm~nd Asset can be used in the _Action phase. When used, select one
enemy unit~.Until the end of the turn, roll D 12s instead of D6s for hit rolls made
for attacks made with ranged weapons by HIVECULT units from your army that

target that enemy unit.

Alternatively, this G:ommand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a GENESTJ;:ALER CULTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll. -

~ • • • • ...... "" • 4. . . . . . , ' ~

, . I ,_ ..... , , 'I
/ ·-
; ' ~

' "
. .
' ,
. ..
·- -- ~


The Bladed Cog seek to make man, machine and alien one single, supernaturally
resilient organism.

' This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one Detachment from your army led by a BLADED CoG Commander. Until
the end of the phase, re-roll saving throws of 1 made for BLADED CoG units in
that Detachment, and each time you make an unmodified saving throw of 6+ for a
B LADED CoG unit in that Detachment, that saving throw is successful, irrespective
of the unit's Save char,acteristic.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for a
GENESTEALER CULTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.


Vast caches ofexplosives, stolen from an industriatsije and set up long in advance of
the day of insurrection, are remotely detonated as the enemy grows near.
·~ -

__,¥, This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
GENESTEALER CULTS WARLORD from your army, then select up to D3 points on
the battlefield that are visible to that WARLORD and at least 18" from each other.
· Roll one D6 for.each unit within 6" of any of these points, subtracting 1 from the
·roll if the unit ·b eing rolled for is a LIGHT CHARACTER, and adding 1 to the result
if the unit being rolled_for is either SUPER-HEAVY or is garrisoning a Defensible
Terrain feature. On a 5+ place one blast marker next to the unit being rolled for.

• - " .
,-·, •
,,. ·-, ".!..;,~:m....:::i::i'..
,, \ , . • •
) /.
-, ,- " '
, ' '



The cultists -of_the Pauper Princes are so zealous that they fight like madmen to
slaughter their foes.
I'<?.~ <
~ .~

~;\~This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a PAUPER PRINCES Commander. Until the
end of the phase, you can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by
PAUPER P 'R INCES units in that Detachment. In addition, until the end of the turn,

- you can re-roll Morale tests taken for PAUPER PRINCES units in that Detachment.
Alternatively, this Cotrl:mand Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a GENESTEALER CULTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

The Hivecult are no strangers to war. They fight in.tightly knit, highly disciplined
military un_its.

t .:-~,This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a HIVECULT Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. Whilst carrying
out their Detachment's order this phase, HIVECULT units in that Detachment that
Fall Back can still make Shoot or Fight actions. In addition, until the end of the
· turn, add 2 to the Lea(jership characteristic of HIVECULT units in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a GENESTEALER CULTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

The riders of the Rusted Claw attack with reckless verve, making close-range explosive
attacks against the foe before speeding off in a cloud of swirling dust.

This Command Asset can be used when a RUSTED CLAW BIKER or RUSTED CLAW
VEHICLE unit from your army has finished making a Move action. When used,
select one enemy unit within 6" of that unit and roll one D6; on a 2-4 place one
blast marker next to that enemy unit; on a 5+ place two blast markers next to that

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a GENESTEALER CULTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

I ) I •

The Twisted Helix excels in dark,experimentation, the energies offorbidden bio-
chemical concoctions boiling through their veins to lend them uncanny strength.
-~ { "

~ This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a TWISTED HELIX Commander. Until the
-e nd of the phase, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by
Tw1sTED HELIX units in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Co,p lmand Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a GENESTEALER CULTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

The swollen, 'bulgihgframesoflh~ Twistea Helixs Abertants contain distended
adrenal sacs ·-that, when triggered; can drive·them into a frenzy of bloodletting.

This Comllland Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one

TWISTED lf·i;:LIX ABERRANT unit from your a,rmy. That unit makes two free Fight
actions back-t0-;back.

Alternatively; this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
._attack made by a GE~ESTEALER CULTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll. :·
t . I , (" ;7~-
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, #
. ~- - ,..., - -_ _ - \. ~ . < ~-' - • • • • )i'~ ::- ,...,!['-;:::::'!..·"' t - •

_·'•-., ./ ,, _ _BE:NESTEALE-R CULTS

;.:,-"'¥·vMf-,,•• v \: "°-. < ·Y.<'-~-."

~:-·•:t.f.,_.. ·#),c,_ • .:-.:~•-: • ~\- ::'B. ;:'.(:'.;'_y "<~,;-:"'

-·~◊: The Rusted}Claw believe {/iey need:"but to:endure in order to o,utlast the inequities of
.;:~-~ . . ·; . :- _. .

~:::·,•,,the gal~tY•''ffheya_re toughened in body as well as in philosophy, their skin and chitin
~~·{_ "t ··- - as hara·as oak.
~· .. ,,;,,,-- .
·, __,.

:-This C·olllrµar1d Asset can be used at the "Start of the Damage phase. When used,
:-_· select ontf Detachment from your arrn,:y led by a RUSTED CLAW Commander. Until
-the end of the-phase, RusTED CLAW units in that Detachment have the Ignore
- . . .

-_- ·O.amage (5+) ability.


Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a GENESTEALER CULTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
·b it roll. ·


The deep-seated enmity concealed by the Bladed Cog's outwardly stoic demeanour can
boil up in a heartbeat, when the opportunity arises to combat the leaders of those that
have drawn their ire.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, until the end
-o f the turn, roll D 12s instead of D6s for hit rolls for attacks made by BLADED CoG
units from your army that target CHARACTER units.

Alternatively, this Cqmmand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a GENESTEALER CULTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

The Cult of the Four-armed Emperor lie in wait before launching their long-
planned ambush.

· •' This Command Asset can be used when your opponent selects a Detachment to carry
out an order. When used, select one Detachment from your army led by a CULT OF THE
FouR-ARMED EMPEROR Commander that has not yet carried out its order this phase.
Carry out your Detachment's order before your opponent does so with their Detachment.
In addition, add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by CULT OF THE FouR-ARMED EMPEROR
units in that Detachme~t if they were set up on the battlefield this turn.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack made
by a GENESTEALER CULTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.
• • - >

: ,,, ~":
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- .,. /
, , ,
- "- \ , -,,'.,
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. :,, >~{.. ~

-The "'members of a Genestealer-Cult are so fanatically devoted to their masters that

,~- ·_they would.hurl-themselves in front of blades and bullets to prevent them from coming
~i to harm.

This Command -Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When
used, select one GENESTEALER CULTS CHARACTER from your army that
has at least one blast marker next to it and is within 6" of at least one friendly
GENESTEALER CULTS LIGHT unit. You can remove up to three blast markers
from that _CHARACTE.~ and place them next to one of those GENESTEALER CuLTS
LIGHT units. ·.
. -

r:r ....~ _ ..... / . --·---, -.... "-,.,.. -. ~ ,~ -/ --

- ,, •
, ,,
.. l....'~ -
y !~..._~, -• ',- ,' \ ( , , ,, , ,- --,.,~.
, ,-,,,.,,-
r; -, f, -
. -~~~~~:::--.s.._ t ----:,.:,... ,·~\ ..'.· ,,., . :~ . -• v-'"-~-~'1-lt%,,;.;~ ~~~~.. t- - , • ·-- --~-- - -- • - ' -



Should one of the Pauper Princes' heroes fall, the faithful flock will swarm forwards to
take their revenge.

~ This Command Asset can be used when a PAUPER PRINCES WARLORD from your
army is destroyed. When used, each PAUPER PRINCES unit in that WARLORD's
Detachment makes either one free Shoot action or one free Fight action (this
may result in damage having to be resolved for a unit more than once in the
same phase).

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a GENESTEALER CULTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

! ) I '

Palsied fingers twitch and faciat muscles spasm as the psyker's chosen mark is taken
over completely. Relegated to a mere passenger within their own body, they are forced
·_· , ; · to witness their own traitorous actions as they open fire upon their trusted comrades.

-This Comman·d Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
·-. Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one GENESTEALER CULTS
PsYKER unit.

This Command Asset, can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
GENESTEALER CULTS PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then
select one enemy LIGHT or HEAVY unit within 24" of that PSYKER unit. Make
either one free Shoot action or one free Fight action with that unit as if it were a
unit from your army.

The psykerfocuses the alien hatred of their kind into a blaze ofpallid energies. Where
their gaze falls~ the enemy are consumed - the last thing they hear is a shrill alien
screech of triumph.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command Asset
in your deck if your army includes at least one GENESTEALER CULTS PsYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
GENESTEALER CULT.S PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then

select one enemy unit within 24" _of that PSYKER unit and roll one D 12. If the result
is less than that unit's Leadership characteristic, place one blast marker next to it. If
the result is equal to or greater than that enemy unit's Leadership characteristic, place
two blast markers next to it instead.

The c1:Llts ki-n are drawn from the.hidden places of the world with a psychic summons
heard in the soul as by the ears.

·_ ·- This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one GENESTEALER CULTS
PSYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Set Up Reinforcements step of the Orders
phase. When used,,select
army that is on the battlefield to manifest this power. Then you can add one new
GENESTEALER CULTS LIGHT unit to your army that has a Power Rating of 10 or
less and set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enen1y
units. That unit is considered to be part of that PsYKER unit's Detachn1ent.

To fight the Silent Shroud is to ao battle with your own worst fears, magnified into
a silent storm that smothers sanity and suffocates rational thought until all that
remains is animalistic terror.

·-This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one D-etachment from your army led by a SILENT SHROUD Commander.
Until the end of the phase, SILENT SHROUD units in that Detachment have the
Terror Troops ability.

Alternatively, this Coillmand Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for a HARLEQUINS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll or
wound roll.

' ) I•
. -
~~- .

~~-- -:.·.
~ • - I
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~, ' .
-- .'- · \ \ \>
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~ = : : .• . . .. -~ 1v::_ ~ ~.~ .:...~ _, . . •. , - -('.- ~1---~t,::.~~ , · _ .. . _ -. · -~ _ _ _ _ -- _ _ _ _ ,.


The Masque of Frozen Stars fight with frenetic glee, slaying in a mirthful frenzy that
is terrifying to behold.

~::,_ This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a FROZEN STARS Commander to carry out an order, before any units in
that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used,
that Detachment's order is replaced with Assault, and until the end of the phase,
you add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of FROZEN STARS units in that Detachment
· whilst they make Fight actions.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for a HARLEQUINS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll or
wound roll.
( .. . _r ~- • -• ' ~ '..:; _;-_"1_5';;,:',. .. '
- . ·-

/ , I J I, -;. •-)J ,,.____,,:- , \ \ \ ' ' '



To be possessed of supernatural fortune is a sure sign of Cegorach's favour.

This Command Asset can be used after rolling any D6 or D12 in the Orders, Action
or Damage phase for a HARLEQUINS unit from your army. When used, change the
result of the dice you have just rolled to a result of your choosing.

Harlequins of the Masque of the Veiled Path are tricksters without peer. To meet them
in battle is to encounter hallucinative ruses and misdirection from every quarter.

t _- -This Command -Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a VEILED PATH Commander. Until the end of
the phase, subtract 2 from hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons that target
- V EILED PATH units in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for a HARLEQUINS· unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll or
wound roll.

- The Masque of the Soaring Spite wage war in an almost exclusively airborne fashion,
striking from the skies without warning.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a SOARING SPITE Commander to carry out an order, before any units in
that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used,
that Detachment's order is replaced with Advance and, until the end of the phase,
the Move characteristic of SOARING SPITE units in that Detachment that can FLY
is doubled.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wot1.nd
roll for a HARLEQUINS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll or
wound roll.
I ) I •

1he Harlequins of the Dreaming Shadow are steeped in the grotesque and the ghastly;
-their only fear is that their eternal watch might falter or fail.

: •
This Command..Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When
used, select one Detachment from your army led by a DREAMING SHADOW
Commander. Until the end of the phase, DREAMING SHADOW units in that
Detachment automatically pass Morale tests.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for a HARLEQUINS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll or
wound roll.

I ) /·,

f ..,_ •
' -·~

The warrior acrobats of the Midnight Sorrow mov_e with exceptional purpose upon
the field of battle.

This Command_Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a MIDNIGHT SORROW Commander to carry out an order, before any units
in that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used,
that Detachment's order is replaced with Advance. Whilst carrying out this order,
MIDNIGHT SORROW units in that Detachment add 3" to their Move characteristic
and can make Shoot 'a~_tions or Fight actions even if they Fall Back that turn.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or \Nou11d
roll for a HARLEQUINS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll or
wound roll.

Stealthily slipping from the webway, the Harlequins' reinforcements creep behind
enemy lines.

__ This Command Asset can be used in the Set Up Reinforcements step of the Orders
phase. When used, select one HARLEQUINS LIGHT unit from your army that
has been destroyed (excluding CHARACTERS), and roll one D12. If the result
exceeds the Power Rating of tl1at unit, it is returned to the battlefield and set up
anywhere that is more than 9" from any enemy units. That unit is a new, separate
Detachment. If the D 1.2 roll is not greater than the Power Rating of the unit, it is
not returned, but you can put this Command Asset back into your hand instead of
discarding it (it cannot be used again this turn).

I ) I·

A maddening clash of wills consumes the victim's mind as reality falls away.

;: ~ This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command Asset
in your deck if your army includes at least one HARLEQUINS PsYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
HARLEQUINS PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then select one
enemy unit within 24" of that PsYKER unit and roll 2D12. If the result is greater
than that enemy unit'~ Leadership characteristic, place one blast marker next to
it. If the result is at least double that enemy unifs Leadership characteristic, place
two blast markers next to it instead. If the result is at least triple that enemy unifs
Leadership characteristic, place three blast markers next to it instead.

) I I,_.

Eerie half-lit tunnels blink into existence, opening new paths of manoeuvre
and attack.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command Asset
in your deck if your army includes at least one HARLEQUINS PsYKER unit.

This Gommand Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
HARLEQUINS PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then select up
to three friendly HARLEQUINS units within 12" of that PsYKER unit. Each of the
selected HARLEQUINS units makes one free Move action.

Sketching a gesture in the air, the Shadowseer snatches the image of the Harlequins
from the minds of their foes, hiding them from sight.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command Asset
in your deck if your army includes at least one HARLEQUINS PSYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Action phase. When used,
select one HARLEQUINS PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then
select one friendly HARLEQUINS unit within 12" of that PsYKER unit. Until the
end of the phase, that HARLEQUINS unit can only be the target of attacks 1nade
with ranged weapons if it is the closest enemy unit to the firing unit.

1he Rubric of Ahriman reduced the bodies of all but a handful of the Thousand Sons
to dust. Mortal attacks have little effect against these warriors.

This Command Asset can be used when resolving damage for a unit of RUBRIC
MARINES or SCARAB OCCULT TERMINATORS from your army, before any saving
throws are made for it. Until the end of the phase, roll D12s when making saving
throws for that unit, irrespective of the size of the blast markers next to it.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for a.n
attack made by a HERETIC ASTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.
.....~ - : . : . 4 / ~ ' ' ,,._ --- • / /

~-;:. - ~ ; . _ ~ '.:::~~-- ; ~ ,, ' ·.·- • • . • ... ~;::.;;·:-· ' ' .,, , ,J .• - •


' . ~ ,.:._~:'~-./''
- ' ,, . -.,.-

1nexorable a,n d·.unflJnching, the Black Legion emerge from the Eye of Terror to utterly
, - ~~ili~fe~

.- This Command.Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army led
by a BLACK LEGION Commander to carry out an Advance order, before any units
in that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used,
BLACK LEGIQN units in that Detachment can, after making their Move action, make
both one Fight actiQn and one Shoot action - they can make a Shoot action this
phase even if enemy units are in base contact with them, but can only target one of
those enemy units whilst doing so.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a HERETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

The Sorcerers of the Thousand Sons draw upon each other's psychic vigour to augment
their own spellcraft.

This Command Asset can be used at the end of the Orders phase if there is a
THOUSAND SONS PsYKER unit from your army on the battlefield. When used
look through your Command Asset deck; you can draw either one Heretic Astartes
Command Asset card of your choice that is a psychic power, or the Deny the Witch
or Adamantium Will card. Add the drawn card to your hand, then shuffle the
Command Asset deck and place it face down.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for a11 attack
made by a HERETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.


Snarling incoherently in their rage, Angron's sons hurl themselves towards their foe,
intent on tearing them apart in a brutal whirlwind of violence.

_ This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a WORLD EATERS Commander to carry out an order, before any units in
-that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used,
that Detachment's order is replaced with Assault and, until the end of the phase,
add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of WORLD EATERS units in that Detachment
whilst they make Fight actions.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a HERETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
:.: .:.!,
"' ..... ,
' I •

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Crafted on taintea forge worlds a·na infused with warp energy, Daemon shells release
a mind-sickening scream as they are launched, detonating with terrifying power.

·Tuis Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
HERETIC AsTARTES WARLORD from your army, then select one enemy unit
within 24" of that WARLORD and visible to it. Roll one D6; if the result is greater
than or equal to that WARLORD's Ballistic Skill characteristic, roll one D12; on
a 1-3, place one blast marker next to that enemy unit; on a 4-6, place two blast
markers next to that enemy unit; on a 7-9, place three blast markers next to that
enemy unit; on an 10+ place four blast markers next to that enemy unit.

,. ·• ;>"!'~. •. ::. . • .••

0 4 0
' - •
... --
• .1-• ·•- - .
.. . . . . ~ . 0
~ . .. - . .
,, ./ , , ) , . - ~;,
.., I.
'· ,

.. - - ..

Freed from the constraints of the Imperium, Renegade Astartes indulge their
enhanced capacity for violence.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a RED CORSAIRS Commander (or a Commander with the RENEGADE
CHAPTER keyword) to carry out an order, before any units in that Detachment
make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that Detachment's
order is replaced with Advance and, until the end of the phase, the Move
characteristic of HERETIC AsTARTES units in that Detachment is doubled.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a saving throw for a
HERETIC ASTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that saving thro,v.

. . -, • . t ,a_•:JS.Jt:!'. < "

. ..
J I / ,1 \

/ '



The seething hatred that Chaos Space Marines harbour for the Corpse Emperor and
his weakling Imperium is a weapon unto itself.
l This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
enemy IMPERIUM unit. Until the end of the turn, roll D 12s instead of D6s for hit
rolls for attacks made by HERETIC AsTARTES units from your army that target that
enemy unit.
1-- ( ,, •11.!."'-~-'
~ [ .-
' ' -· .- '\ ,
.., ~ ' '·
I . . '\ \ ·-11~
r1,-::- , ,- r r
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The visceral sensation of every fresh kill causes the warriors of the Emperor's Children
to enter an ecstatic frenzy of butchery and dismemberment.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
EMPEROR'S CHILDREN unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, each time
a hit roll for an attack made by that unit is successful, that attack scores two hits
instead of one (make a separate wound roll for each hit).

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a HERETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

... ....
I J I ·•


The Black Legion have sworn to never rest ln their eternal vendetta against their
hated loyalist foes.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select up to
three BLACK LEGION units from your army. Each of those units makes either one
free Shoot action or one free Fight action. Whilst making these actions, those units
can only target IMPERIUM units.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a HERETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

Inured to everyday sensations by lifetimes of extreme indulgence, the Emperor's
Children find stimulation only in excess, be it shocking acts of violence or gratuitous
displays of martial prowess.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by an EMPEROR'S CHILDREN Commander. Until
the end of the phase, roll D 12s instead of D6s for hit rolls for attacks made by
EMPEROR'S CHILDREN units in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a HERETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
Ihe warriors of the Alpha Legion are masters of duplicity, able to mislead and
misdirect even the most vigilant of enemies before delivering the killing blow.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by an ALPHA LEGION Commander. Until the end
of the phase, ALPHA LEGION units in that Detachment are obscured targets.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a H ERETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
· I- /' I


,;,'<. ' ~

The 'Alpha Legion are experts in the art of deception.

This Command Asset when an ALPHA LEGION WARLORD from your
army is destroyed. When used, select one ALPHA LEGION CHARACTER in that
Detachment to be the new Commander; that unit gains the WARLORD keyword.
If the destroyed unit was your Warmaster, the new Commander becomes your
Warmaster and you generate a Warmaster Trait for them - in this case, your
Warmaster is not considered to have been destroyed until this new Commander is
also destroyed. -

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a HERETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that ·wound roll.
" i • . , ..: _-_u JS. •
J , /, I. .... \.
/ - , '


Having fought countless campaigns:ofterror u·nder the cover of complete darkness, the
Night Lords know how to make an ally of the shadows.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Action phase. When used,
select one NIGHT LORDS unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, that
NIGHT LORDS unit can only be the target of attacks made with ranged weapons if
it is the closest enemy unit to the firing unit.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a HERETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.
-~ - _·_ ~ ~~ ·
~~--- -- - - . . - _--..-, .
- -- ~ --

. -


11w Dca1/1 Gi,ard trudge towards the erietny, guns Jaa,nmtrjng in a st1JCcato rour.
,noi\>ing·down the enemy with a hail offi/th ~rtdcien firepower.

l1u~ C(,mniand Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your armv
lt·d hy a DEATH GUARD Con1n1ander to carry out an order. before any un1ts an
that l >t'tc1ch1n~nt n1ake an al"tion (excluding fret' actions) this pha-.e. \Vh~n us-c,t
l.iun Ilc-t~1l·Junenf~ order is replal'cd with Advan,e and. until the end ot the phast.:.
aouhi<-- tht· Attal k.) ~·har,t(teristh: ot rd.ngcd weapons with tnt Rapid Fir~ .1btJu~
llrA 1"
~lAkO u1Hts in that l)ctal.·hmcnt arc cqu1p~d with.

AJtc&ttrlh \t·h tht:, t 01nn1anJ .;,\~s~t (4J1 ~ u~J aitc-r 1nak1ng a hu roll ~or Jfl atfd\.l

t t ...d.c h\ . 1 Ht kl" l l( A~ t'All'f ES unu trun1 \'OUI arn1~ \\ hen u~J, r e ruU th.le
Jt I J
- - -- -
-~--- -----=-- - - - - - - --- - -- - ~- ~ - ~~~- -- -~ - ~ - - - ~ -


Hardened by the most gruelling theatres of war in the galaxy, the Iron Warriors will
continue to fight long after others of their ilk have fallen.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one Detachment from your army led by an IRON WARRIORS Commander.
Until the end of the phase, IRON WARRIORS units in that Detachment have the
Ignore Damage (5+) ability.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a HERETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

Foul clouds of spores hang like a pall of pollution above the Death Guard, the drifting
. haze bearing that most perfectly hideous of plagues - Nurgle's Rot.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
DEATH GUARD unit from your army. Roll one D12 for each enemy unit within 6"
of that unit; on a 7+ place one blast marker next to the unit being rolled for.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a HERETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

•j ,.
•f ( r


The Word Bearers march to war for the glory of the-Chaos pantheon, stirred into a
rapturous state offanaticism by blasphemous catechisms.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a WORD BEARERS Commander. Until the
end of the phase, you can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by
WORD BEARERS units in that Detachment. In addition, until the end of the turn,
you can re-roll Morale tests taken for WORD BEARERS units in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a HERETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.

- : - ~-.-... ~ -• . . • - _.,-'!:'!.!!I:' • .
' .
• / ,,I I / I -·... ' ) \ ,r. _ • \ I ".._ , '"

Like the god they worship, the warriors of the World Eaters despise psykers and their
trickery. Through the sheer force of their hatred, they undo sorcerous powers.

This Command Asset can be used when your opponent uses a Command Asset
that is a psychic power, after they select a unit to manifest the power but before its
effects are resolved, if there is at least one WORLD EATERS unit from your army
within 36" of the unit manifesting the power. When used, roll one D6; on a 2+ the
Command Asset that your opponent is attempting to resolve has no effect.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a HERETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

I ) / -•

The Iron Warriors have perfected siege warfare, and can gouge out even the most
entrenched enemies.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
B UILDING uriit or Defensible Terrain feature on the battlefield. Until the end of
the phase, whenever an attack made by an IRON WARRIORS unit from your army
successfully hits that BUILDING unit or a unit garrisoning that Defensible Terrain
feature, you can choose to use the weapons SAP or SAT characteristic, irrespective
of whether the target is LIGHT, HEAVY or SuPER-IIEAVY.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a HERETIC ASTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.
I ) 1-

The Night Lords revel in fear, and will take apart an opposing army piecemeal,
dividing and isolating their foes so that their confused cries can be savoured.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one Detachment from your army led by a NIGHT LORDS Commander. Until
the end of the phase, NIGHT LORDS units in that Detachment have the Terror
Troops ability.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a HERETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
( ,(-..._'=:· ,- / ,, ' - . ",. , '\ ,_ -:-·,;,,' ,-,-._,:-:_ •I ( ' /

• . i_ ·- :,_ - , • " . .. - •.;._ ... . - •• ,: _ .t-J-!.~,.'l::f:::."t-:~":.. ... " . ~ . . .. .. • . ~ .. ., .. .. . ~


.,., ~

Ihe warlords of {lie Word Bearers .:speak with .the:.autnority of'lheir Primarch; when
they command, others f allow without que,stion or hesitation. 0

This Command.Asset can be used in the Action.phase. When used, select one
WORD BEARERS CHARACTER from your army~ Until the end of the phase, the
range of all aura abilities that this CHARACTER has on its datasheet are doubled.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a HEI,_tETIC AsTARTES unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

This Sorcerer places a dire hex upon his enemies. Wards and energised shields flicker,
fizzle and then fail, leaving the foe exposed.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in ·your deck if your army includes at least one HERETIC AsTARTES
PSYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
HERETIC AsTARTES PsYKER unit from your army to manifest the power. Until the
end of the turn, subtract 2 from saving throws made for enemy units whilst they
are within 12" of that PsYKER unit.

I ) · .1 --

' <

The psyker manipulates the p1easure centres of its allies' minds, causing even the
greatest ofpain_to- instead register as sheer ecstasy.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one HERETIC AsTARTES

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
HERETIC ASTARTES SLAANESH PSYKER unit from your army to manifest this
power, then select one friendly HERETIC AsTARTES SLAANESH unit within 36" of
that PsYKER unit. Until the end of the turn, that unit ignores penalties for being
critically damaged and you add 1 to its Attacks characteristic for each damage
marker next to it.
--, . f:


Unholy power streams from this psyker's eyes, charring and melting everything caught
in its path.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one HERETIC AsTARTES
PSYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
HERETIC AsTARTES PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then
select one point on the battlefield within 18" of that PsYKER unit. Draw an
imaginary straight line, 1mm in thickness, from any part of that PsYKER unit to
that point, then roll one D6 for each unit this line crosses, excluding the HERETIC
AsTARTES PSYKER; on a 4+ place one blast marker next to the unit being rolled for.

J j I•


The psyker belches.forth a wind offoul disease that,blbws through his foes, choking
them and leaving only diseased, maggot-bloated corpses in its wake.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one DEATH GUARD PsYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
DEATH GUARD PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this power. Roll one
Dl2; on a 2+ place o~e blast marker next to the closest enemy unit within 18" of
that PSYKER unit. Then roll one D 12 for each other enemy unit within 6" of that
enemy unit; on a 7 + place one blast marker next to the unit being rolled for.
1he power of the immaterium bursts from this psyker, warping time and heightening
the speed of his allies.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one HERETIC AsTARTES
PSYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
HERETIC AsTARTES PSYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then
select up to three friendly HERETIC AsTARTES units within 12" of that PsYKER
unit. Each of those units makes one free Move action.

The psyker opens his .mind to the warp to Jrace .tni 'Uatious skeins >
of thefuture, pulling on the
. different strands offate to manipulate the battle to come.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command Asset in your
deck if your army includes at least one HE'RETIC AsTARTES TzEENTCH PSYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Orders phase, before either player generates
Command Assets. When used, select one H .ERETIC AsTARTES TZEENTCH PsYKER unit
from your army that is .on
the battlefield to manifest this power. Then you can look at the
top nine Command Ass~t cards of your opponent's Command Asset deck and rearrange
them in any order before placing them back on top of their deck. If your opponent's
Command Asset deck has less than nine cards, you can only look at and rearrange as n1any
cards as there are in the deck.
The Nobles of House Mortan are hardened and merciless, preferring to finish their
foes with fist and blade.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a HousE MoRTAN Commander to carry out an order, before any units in
that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used,
select one HousE MoRTAN unit in that Detachment; after that unit has made its
actions this phase, it can then make one additional Fight action.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.

The Knights of House Krast are fuelled by rage, which burns hottest when faced by the
most dreadful offoes.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a HousE KRAST Commander. Until the end of
the phase, whenever a hit roll for an attack made with a melee weapon by a HousE
KRAST unit in that Detachment is successful, that attack scores two hits instead
of one, or three hits if the target of the attack is SUPER-HEAVY (make a separate
wound roll for each hit).

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.
House Vulker fight from afar with colaJy methodical logic, eliminating enemies with
steely efficiency.

. This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
=led by a HousE VuLKER Commander to carry out an order, before any units in
that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used,
that Detachment's order is replaced with Aimed Fire and you can select one HousE
VULKER unit in that Detachment; after that unit has made its actions this phase it
can then make one additional Shoot action.
~ .

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.
I ./ ' ,
• I ( {

. . ', •. . . •,- ,;-~.- ' ~ ., '

With the enemy before tliem., thei-:t l<llig:hts spirit snarling and the rush of
battle coursing,,through their v~ins, the Noble pilot pours power into their motive
actuators and thunders into the fight.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS WARLORD. Until the
end of the phase, add 6 to the Move characteristic of IMPERIAL KNIGHTS units in
that Detachment.

♦ I ,.) • .;::..,)%. •
/ ) • -. •• J '~/: , ' \ • '- ' '


Nobles of House Te-~ryn .are hungry far combat, the Knights as eager as the pilots to
take the fight to the foe.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a HousE TERRYN Commander. Until the end
of the phase, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of HousE TERRYN units in that
Detachment and roll D12s instead of D6s for hit rolls for attacks made with melee
weapons by those units.
Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.

Iii' - '. ,:·· . ~ ,_ I • • • t ' 4, _ _._,.., • . ~-- •

/ ,
, I I
-- . ',. J I ,\...
, \ \
' .


Seeking to earn martial glory, the.Nobles of Ho:use''>tJrijfith· slam into the enemy like a
•,c_,, steel avalanche.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a HousE GRIFFITH Commander to carry out an order, before any units in
that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used,
that Detachment's order is replaced with Assault and, until the end of the phase,.
you can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by HousE GRIFFITH
units irt that Detach m~nt.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an IMPERIAL K NIGHTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.
. - - TS"¥:"" ~-: t : . -- -- . .I _. ~ 4 .-:Jl:....:..:W.:....
4 _ •
I ,~ ... '-I I \-I._✓ -
. / ·
-:-::. -~ • ' \
• ' ....

House Cadmus' Knights are accomplished;at wading through hordes of lesser enemies,
culling them without mercy as if they were vermin.

This Command:Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a HousE CADMUS Commander to carry out an order, before any units in
that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used,
until the end of the phase, you can re-roll wound rolls for attacks made with melee
weapons by HousE CADMUS units in that Detachment that target LIGHT units.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.
.··;,",_<; "'IMPERIAL KN~

~ ;~.-~ -·:';.:,":,::,:_:.-~f.{ ·-::..,): ., ... .

..,) ,· -,-· ),? .,.• --\/~ ,_. ·:-~; •

House Hawkshf'oufltnobles up'ftol~·h,ftiour i:t'~tiv.e:/; an;d yield whilst an

,~ oat~ remains·u:nfulfill~d. .. .
-~ . " .,/· ·, :; '.' - ,._, · -;

· This Command ~sset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a HoUS:E HAWKSHROUD Commander, then
select one enemy unit. Until the end of the turn, HousE HAWKSHROUD units in
that Detachment ignore penalties for being critically damaged, and you add 1 to hit
rolls for attacks made by them when targeting the selected enemy unit.

Alternatively, this Coffimand Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.

I j ,1·,
No Noble house is higher in the Omnissiah's favour than Taranis. They enjoy his
singular blessings.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one Detachment from your army led by a HousE TARANIS Commander.
Until the end of the phase, HousE TARANIS units in that Detachment have the
Ignore Damage (5+) ability.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.
The Knights of Ho-use Raven grind inexorably forwards, hammering their enemies
with fire all the while.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a HousE RAVEN Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's order is replaced with Advance and, until the end of the phase, the
Move characteristic of HousE RAVEN units in that Detachment is doubled.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.


~· .:: ' ~·~ ...,. .......,. .· -

Veteran Knight pflots"can s:-wiftly angle/the.i t iort:,~hields- to better deflect incoming fire~
r; , ·-:-:·• -S-.

This Command Asset can be used at the start 0f the Damage phase. When used,
select one I MPERIAL-KNIGHTS unitfrom your army and remove one blast marker
from that unit. ,

i\( - - I' • - • - , _•• , ';;..L4~-- •

/ '
f •

~JI ' ►• ,,.

.. \ '


' ....

Hunter-killer missiles are commonlyjitted to Jmperial vehicles. These single-use
weapon systems allow such vehicles to engage heavily armoured targets that would
otherwise outmatch them.

You can only include this Command Asset in your deck if your army includes at
least one VEHICLE unit.

This Command Asset can be used after an IMPERIUM, CHAOS or GENESTEALER

CULTS VEHICLE unit_from your army has made a Shoot action. When used, select
one enemy unit that visible to that unit and roll one D6. If the result is equal to
or greater than your unit's Ballistic Skill characteristic, place one blast marker next
to that enemy unit - if that enemy unit is HEAVY or SUPER-HEAVY, place two blast
markers next to it instead.
I ) 1 -.


Khorne has nothing-but scorn for witchcraft and sorcery, and has been known to
smite those that employ such powers by te~ring a hole in the fabric of reality, through
which he hurls giant fiamfng skulls.

This Command Asset can be used when your opponent uses a Command Asset
that is a psychic power, after they select a unit to manifest the power but before its
effects are resolved, if there is at least one KHORNE unit from your army on the
battlefield. When used, roll one D12 for the unit manifesting the power, and for
each other unit within 3" of that unit. On an 8+ place two blast markers next to the
unit being rolled for.
Dar~ whisper; spi~k f~-the minds afc thos~ who .~j}pose Slaanesh, promising them all
mann,er.of secret pleasure~ shou[d,Jhey lower their weapons.

This Command-Asset can be.used in the Action phase. When used, select one
LEGIONES DAEMONICA SLAANESH unit from your army. Until the end of the
phase, halve the Attacks characteristic of enemy units whilst they are in base
contact with that unit.

Alternatively, this Copimand Asset can be used after making a wound toll for an
attack made by a LEGI.O N~s DAEMONICA unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.
Lurking beyond the veil, Daemons·will. wait un.t.ittlle barriers between realms thin
befqte entering reafspace.

This C,0:111ffiand,Asset can be used in the Set Up Reinforcements step of the Orders
·phase. When used~ select one LE'-!IONES DAE.MONICA WARLORD from your army,
then select one-friendly LEGION-E S D1'.EMONICA unit that has been destroyed
and roll 2D 12. If the result exceeds the Power Rating of the destroyed unit, it is
returned to the battlefield and set up anywhere that is more than 9" from any
enemy units. That unit is considered to be part of that WARLORD's Detachment. If
the 2D 12 roll is not gre.a ter than the Power Rating of the unit, it is not returned, but
you can put this Command Asset back into your hand instead of discarding it (it
cannot be used again this turn).
,,:,·~- .. . :•··.

. Trie•bloodlust of Khorne"s Daemons is never sated.

This Comma1;1d Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used) select one
LEGIONES DAEMONICA KHORNE unit from your army. That unit makes two free
Fight actions back-to-back.

Alternatively) this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a LEGIONES DAEMONICA unit from your army. When used) re-roll
that wo.und roll.
., /

Daemons of Khor~e are consumed by rage,.and sufge,across the battlefield to spill their
-· victims' blood. ,;

This Command Asset can be used when you select.a Detachment from yo.u r army led
by a LEGIONES DAEMONICA KHORNE Commander to carry out an order, before any
units in that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When
used, that Detachment's order is replaced with Assault. In addition, until the end of
the phase, roll D12s instead of D6s for hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons
by LEGIONES DAEMONICA KHORNE units in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a LEGIONES DAEMONICA ·unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
The Daemons of Slaanesh dance across the battlefield with a grace and speed that
belies belief

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army led by
a LEGIONES DAEMONICA SLAANESH Commander to carry out an order, before any units
in that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's order is replaced with Assault. Whilst carrying out this order, LEGIONES
DAEMONICA SLAANESH units in that Detachment triple their Move characteristic
instead of doubling it, but they cannot end any Move action (excluding Pile-in moves) in
base contact with any enemy units.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an atta( k rnaJ~
by a LEGIONES DAEMONICA unit fron1 your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

.,;'-:. '
' . . ..~-~ ,., " .-...:-,;.,'w;.. ' -~' ·--·~'/-. -~>':.,:.,"

-The Dae-mons of Tzeentch surroun-d thefnselve~ in 'layer upon layer of mind-traps and
illusions, each mirage shifting into the next. The result utterly conjounds those who
would do the Daemons harm. ·-

This Command Asset can be used,jn the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a LEGIONES DAEMONICA TzEENTCH
Commander. Until the end of the phase, LEGIONES DAEMONICA TzEENTCH units
in that Detachment are obscured targets.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a LEGIONES DAEMONICA unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.
.>· ,: • :,·, ; ,., ~

Ihe Daemons of Nurgle are surrounded"by an aura ofpestilence, and their talons and
blades drip with thrice-ripened plagues, the merest touch of which can cause a mortal
to wither and die in seconds.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select
one Detachment from your army led by a LEGI ONES DAEMONICA NuRGLE
Commander. Until the end of the phase, you can re-roll wound rolls for attacks
made by LEGIONES DAEMONICA NuRGLE units in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a LEGIONES DAEMONICA unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
hit roll.


Arcane knowledge and mystical power have ever been the domain of Tzeentch and
his minions.

This Command Asset can be used in any phase if there is a LEGIONES

DAEMONICA TZEENTCH unit from your army on the battlefield. When used, look
through your Command Asset deck; you can draw either one Legiones Daemonica
Command Asset card of your choice that is a psychic power) or the Deny the Witch
or Adamantium Will card. Add the drawn card to your hand, then shuffle the
Command Asset deck and place it face down.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a LEGIONES DAEMONICA unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.
As the sickly tolling of bells echoes through the warp, the plague-encrusted flesh of
Nurgle's Daemons flows like wax to seal gaping wounds.

- This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
LEGIONES DAEMONICA NuRGLE Detachment from your army. Remove up to D3
damage markers from that unit.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by a LEG;IONES DAEMONICA unit from your army. When used, re-roll
that wound roll.

. I.) / ·•.,

, ., ,,

The unnatural winds of the warp blow·strong, their baleful gusts

invigorating daemonkind.

This Command Asset can be used when resolving damage for one of your
LEGIONES DAEMONICA units, before any saving throws are made for it. Until the
end of the phase, roll D 12s when making saving throws for that unit, irrespective of
the size of the blast markers next to it.

The psyker emits an ear-piercing chorus of screams that shatters the sanity of its foes.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one LEGIONES DAEMONICA

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
LEGIONES DAEMONICA SLAANESH PSYKER unit from your army to manifest this
power, then select one enemy unit within 24" of that PsYKER unit and roll one
D12. If the result is less than that enemy unifs Leadership characteristic, place one
blast marker next to it. If the result is equal to or greater than that enemy unit's
Leadership characteristic, place two blast markers next to it.
Nurgle's bountiful energies surge through .his daemon;ic minions, healing their wounds
· beneath scabby new growths of swollen flesh.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one LEGIONES DAEMONICA

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one LEGIONES,,DAEMONICA NURGLE PSYKER unit from your army to
manifest this power. Until the end of the phase, friendly LEGIONES DAEMONICA
NURGLE units have the Ignore Damage (5+) ability whilst they are within 6" of that
PSYKER unit.

A Daemon uses its powers ofprecognition to peer at and unravel the strands of
destiny, and in doing so the wa~p creature discovers all its foes' paths to victory.
· This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command Asset
in your deck if your army includes at least one LEGIONES DAEMONICA TzEENTCH
PSYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used at the end of the Orders phase. When used,
select one LEGIONES,,,D AEMONICA TZEENTCH PSYKER unit from your army that is
on the battlefield to manifest this power. Your opponent must give you their hand
of Command Asset cards - you can read any that you want, before returning the
entire hand back to your opponent.
. ---

./ , \

. . . - '
. ·• .. .- _
I ·~ /', (,
:.. /

. '


The psyker sends out a psychic lash that goads its allies to a fever pitch of violence.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one LEG I ONES DAEMONICA

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
LEG IONES DAEMONICA SLAANESH PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this
power, then select one friendly LEGIONES DAEMONICA SLAANESH unit within 1~ ·
of that PSYKER unit. Until the end of the phase, each time a hit roll for an atta(k
n1ade with a melee weapon by that unit is successful, that attack scores two hits
111stead of one (n1ake a separate wound roll for each hit).
111c psvker opens a portal to the warp, a tear in the fabric 0:f the "'ortul plane thal
sucks foes screaming and pleading into ctrtuirr oblivron.

~1 h1~ l :onimand Asset is a psychic power. You can only in-.:lu<.k this (:ommanJ .-\ s..;c-t
111 VtlUr dt•c.k if your arn1y includes at least one LEG ION ES DAl!MONICA 'fz!e~·rt.H
P~ i h..l.ll unit.

fiH~ < .01n111and Asset can be used in the Action pha~. \Vhen u~d, ~k1..t uuc
Lu.101-1:~ DAt.MONl·C A TZEENTCH PsYKEll unit from vour armv tu man1tc.:~1 rhL,
I '

po , ,~l r tht"n ~ lcl t one point on the battlefield that l) withm l 4 of thdt Ps vk t a

u.tut !lull ont" lJ 12 tor ed(h unit \-v1thin 6 "' of that point. subtra'-t lng t from the
f t':.un tf th, nun bt'tug rollc::J tori.~ a LIGHT CH41lACTlia Un d t),. pta\..t: voe b ~-tl

41 trlw:. , UC':At lu the UIHf bt'1n~ 1ullcJ tor.


. ·'

The psyker spews forth an unrele"nting rot-spray offoul disease upon its enemies.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one LEGIONES DAEMONICA

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
LEGIONES DAEMONICA NURGLE PSYKER unit from your army to manifest this
power, then select on~ enemy unit within 12" of that PsYKER unit and roll one
D12. On a 4-7, place two blast markers next to that enemy unit; on an 8-10, place
three blast markers next to that enemy unit; on an 11 + place four blast markers
next to that enemy unit.

Ihe warriors ofthis proud dynasty will not give,.,an inch ·to their foes. ·_They stand their
ground, unfeashing a hail offire that cleanses the lesser races from their worlds.

. This Comrhan'd Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
__ led by a to ~arry out an order, before any units in that
Detachm-ent _make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's order is replaced with Aimed Fire and, until the end of the phase,
re-roll hit rolls of l for attacks made with ranged weapons by NIHILAKH units in
that Detachment. , '\, ..:. .,
' •:

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a NECRONS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

- 1 . l ' • - ~ ~ ...._ · • . ·-:.-.~.-\,. . __ :-- , :. -.:«.. ~~a~~~~-. ,. ·_.. . :·: ,._ - ~

' - / ./ I I ,., ;;::,,
p,,..">)' '1/···
••~ -"'\ ,., \.. \, · '· .. , ., ..,_. ,
, ,. ,I
. ..


,, ,,..,,.
A C'tan Shar~ gathers an orb of roiling antimatter, before hurling the crackling
projectile to detonate in the very midst of the foe.

You can only include this Command Asset in your deck if your army includes at
least one C'TAN SHARD unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
C,TAN SHARD unit from your army. If that C'TAN SHARD unit is TITANIC, roll one
Dl2, otherwise roll ope D6. In either case, on a 2-4 place one blast marker next to
the closest enemy unit',· on.a 5-7 place two blast markers next to the closest enemy
unit, on an 8-10 place three blast markers next to the closest enemy unit and on a
11 + place four blast markers next to the closest enemy unit.

1he crimson hosts of Novokh remember well the sacred rites of blooding perfarmed by
their warriors in,the ancient times. The dynasty's proud martial heritage awakens a
spark of violent pride·within its legions.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a NovoKH Commander. Until the end of the
phase, you can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by NovoKH
units in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a NECRONS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

I J ( ...
' ~

Novokh's warriors have mastered the arts of close combat warfare, and their deathless
bodies allow them to fight on tirelessly.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select up
to three NovoKH units from your army. Each of those units makes one free
Fight action.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for
an attack made by a~ECRONS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
wound roll.

·; ~-~•"'

At a C'tan Shard's gestured command, a pillar of black fire streaks down from the
heavens to consume the foe.

You can only include this Command Asset in your deck if your army includes at
least one C'TAN SHARD unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
C'TAN SHARD unit from your army. Roll one D6 for each enemy unit within 9"
of this unit, adding 1 ,t o the result if your C'TAN SHARD unit is TITANIC. On a 4+
place one blast marker next to the unit being rolled for.

7' - •

A swarm of armour-devouring microscopic devices are released that can undermine

the structural integrity of the most heavily armoured foes in a matter of seconds.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one enemy unit within 12" of at least one NECRONS unit from your army. For
the rest of the battle, halve the result of all saving throws made for that enemy unit.

., J I·•
,,;., '

The·Sautekh Dy-nasty excel in systematic killing, efficiently obliterating each target

with cold and heartless precision.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
enemy unit on the battlefield. Until the end of the phase, add 1 to hit rolls for
attacks made by SAUTEKH units from your army when targeting the selected unit.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for
an attack made by a ~ECRONS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
wound roll.
-·/ f i

Ihe Nihilakh seek to rule the galaxy, and once they have claimed a domain as their
own it is almost impossible to drive them from it.

This Command Asset can be used in any phase. When used, select one Detachment
from your army led by a NIHILAKH Commander. Until the end of the turn,
NIHILAKH units in that Detachment have the Objective Secured ability.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for
an attack made by a NECRONS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
wound roll. \.

'j f•

... :~
- <
-=...-:- --:;-~ ~ ._
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. ~~."\·-:· ·~~..."' ~; . ~ , . - - . . - ..,.. ♦ . .. ~
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" _ ..

None can halt the inexorable march of the Sautekh. These disdainful conquerors will
stop at nothing to retake their ancient domain, obliterating any who dare defy them
in a storm of death and destruction.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a SAUTEKH Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's order is replaced with Advance and, until the end of the phase, the
Move characteristic of SAUTEKH units in that Detachment is doubled.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a NECRONS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

' ..:. ,. - if!" 1l - .: - - t, - . ::. • - -- . - : '.. . •. . ;_'_' ,;...«. ),:.• .~~ - ' . - : ' .
. .
' .
/ I I I. ,p
1 -V -
•. , \ \
. ' . ' - '

When activated, this device unleashes an intense burst of radiation that overcharges
the reanimatjon protocols of nearby Necrons. In response, the m-etal body enacts
complex self-repair routines, reattaching severed limbs and fusing together shattered
armour plating. ·

You can only include this Command Asset in your deck if your army includes at

. This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
OVERLORD, LORD oi-' DESTROYER LORD unit from your army, then select one
friendly NECRONS LIGHT unit within 6" of that unit. Remove up to D3 damage
markers from the NECRONS LIGHT unit.

I j /••

<;( <,( ,, ~ ,;.

,. ~ ' • • • "'

. ~1hos.e- who gaze upon the golden bodies of the Nepfirekh can become blinded by their
radiant glory.

This Command_Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
DetachffienJ from your army led by ~ NEPHREKH Commander. Until the end of
the phase, NEPHREKH units in that Detachment are obscured targets.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for
an,attack made by a·~ECRONS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
wound roll. ,

I J 1-.
I "
~ ":
.. / , - -.. ' \ , --- . ' ·,
: ·
. -,, ' ,~ ~
,.;::,. .
- ,...... \-~
, ( , ~-- .,_, I . /" -

~ ~ _,-~--- '~- : , I -: i.:. ~- /..:~ . ·_~ - . f . . ::.;.}~-~'\:~w~~:.. ~ · .. · :: "' -- _,,_. -- . . .,.


~. ~ :.;.L V , ,' (} :t

Savagely beautijut orbs of coruscating "light plummet from the cold depths of space,
groi/zngto roaring ball:~Stars as th.ey dpproach closer and closer.

You can only include this Command Asset in your deck if your army includes at
least one ·c 'TAN SHARD unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
C'TAN SHARD unit from your army, then select up to 3 different enemy units
within 24" 9f that unit-If that C'TAN SHARD unit is TITANIC, roll one D6 for each
enemy unit you selected, qtherwise roll one D 12 for each enemy unit you selected.
In either case, if the result of the dice being rolled is less than the number of models
in the unit you are rolling for, place one blast marker next to that unit.

The Mephrit have harnessed the power of captive suns to fuel their weapons. This
raging solar energy can sear through even the thickest armour with ease.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a MEPHRIT Commander. Until the end of the
phase, add l to wound rolls for attacks made with ranged weapons by MEPHRIT
units in that Detachment if the target of the attack is within half the weapon's
maximum range.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a NECRONS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

,,._ ~ •.
;:. .- i: ,::• . '',f".•_ ·-t-· '

The Mephrit seek:not merely to defeat their fifes, bstit to•entirely expunge them from
the face of-the galaxy;· · .

This Comm·apd Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select up
_ to three MEPHRIT units from your army. Each of those units makes one free
Shoot action. ·

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for
.an attack made by ~ECRONS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that
wound roll. ·
Constructed from metagold, the Nephrekh can transform into light and teleport across
the battlefield.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
.led by a NEPHREKH Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used,
that Detachment's order is replaced with Assault. Whilst carrying out this order,
NEPHREKH units in that Detachment triple their Move characteristic instead of
doubling it and move .as if they could FLY, but they cannot end any Move action
(excluding Pile-in moves) in base contact with any enemy units.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a NECRONS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

t~t.t~r:-..:.r. FA~/. ~ .,e ;t!V:,. "': r, •';,: '- -. -,

• ., " ·,

--~2\ ' :JJ-ad Moons-: feef grow with remarkable speed.' .tis·CJrKs use their teeffor currency, this
mear,s that Bad Moons can afford to lay-down a storm of dakk-a that eclipses the
firepower of any other cla-n. -

' .·». ' -
-.--;·This Com~an~ Asset can be used-when you s~lect a Detachment from your army
-:: :-Jed by a ~lt(~QONS Commandet:f~--:'.carry out an order, before any units in that
.· ])etachmentl);}ake an action (ex:clµdifig free actions) this phase. When used, until
·_ -the end of the phas_~, you can te-roll hit rolls for attacks made with ranged weapons
- , . by BAD Mo,ONS uriitsJn that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an 0RKS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

..... ,.

In battle, the Freebooterz' desire to ~be da·best'sees them strive to outdo their
fellow greenskins.

· This C~mma~cLAsset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
.led by_ FRE~BOOTERZ Comma11deI,' to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, until
the end of the phase, if a FREEBOOTERZ unit in that Detachment makes an attack
· against an enemy unit that results in a blast marker being placed next to that enemy
1Xnit, you can re-roll hi,t rolls for attacks made by other FREEBOOTERZ units in that
Detachment that target· that enemy unit.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an 0RKS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.


Bad Moons spare no expense on their gear, and their armour,is no exception,
providing them with substantial protection against the foe.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one BAD MOONS unit from your army. Until the end of the turn, add 4 to
saving throws made for that unit.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an 0RKS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.
·-,· ( (


There is no doubting that Snakebites appear somewhat backwa,:ds to the other Ork
clans. However, the clan's traditional ways breed remarkably resilient warriors.

·· This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one Detachment from your army led by a SNAKEBITE Commander. Until
the end of the phase, SNAKEBITE units in that Detachment have the Ignore
Damage (5+) ability.

Alternatively, this Coplmand Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an 0RKS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

Gretchin are always getting in the way. Handily, Orks use this to their advantage,
often using nearby grot mobs as handy bullet shields.

You can only include this Command Asset in your deck if your army includes at
least one GRETCHIN unit.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one 0RKS LIGHT unit from your army that has at least one blast marker next
to it and is within 6" qf at least one friendly GRETCHIN unit from your army. You
can take D3 of the blast markers from your 0RKS unit and place them next to one
of the GRETCHIN units 'instead.

~·:, {· .
,_,..,., ,,. '· .:;~ ... ·-

Blooil Axes are never short of a kunnin' plan, sometimes even having a strategy that
goes ~eyond simply kicking the·enemies' teeth down their throats.

This C<?mmand,Asset can be used in any phase if there is a BLOOD AXE WARLORD
from your army _on the battlefield. When used, look through your Command Asset
deck, draw a single Orks Command Asset card of your choice and add it to your
hand. Then shuffle the Command Asset deck and place it face down.

Alternatively, this ~o~mand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an 0RK:S unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.
- ..

, f
. .~ '
If"-. ..,. / ' -- -· ·, ··-- ', ~
.,.:_ __ : -- " ., --- ' · . \ \ ·,' -~-,' \1 /r'.:=-.-· •, I /
• - • •• • • • • ~- :. • • ' -_ . .• • $ _ .: .• ; : : : ~ ; . ; ~ . ~ ~ . ~ - • • • . :· - - • • • •

Freebooterz warlords have a fearsome - and well-deserved - reputation for being
stone-cold killers.

This Command Asset can be used in the Damage phase, before your opponent
takes a Morale test. If that unit is within 12" of a FREEBOOTERZ WARLORD from
your army, the test must be taken using one D12 instead of one D6.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an O~KS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.

I/ h • \ \ I
' . t :~-:.::~-:,.,,.:;·..:.<>.··, •

' .OAKS- , _

~~'" ~\:'ft•, .,,. •;t~t-s· . r1,

~ , 5v ,::~~::~{-:://-• .' ·. -•
< "' ' , ~ , ., { • ') ,· ~ ., .,, -: , • ~\

':,~- All 0 1:Rs ,bel-i,eile:. b,lue to be a lucx:y·,celour, Jfut~the -superstitious Deathskulls are fervent
,. · "in that b~lief:t[he 'Clan's members are in the ha-bit of daubing themselves liberally with
!' ' •

· .-,-,~~: ·-,. · :blue warpaint before ·every battle.

- This Cornmanµ Asset can be used .,when you select a Detachment from your army
-- -" led by a DEl\THSKULLS Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, until
the end of the turn~ r.e,..roll hit rolls of 1 and wound rolls of 1 for attacks made by
·DEATHSKULLS units·~i_p that Detachment and re-roll saving throws of 1 made for
. ,

DEATHSKULLS units iri that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an 0RKS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

~ '

Goff Orks are the biggest, meanest and m.ost ferocious of their kind. 1hey put little
stock in cunning or strategy, preferring instead to simply surge across the battlefield in
a roaring green tide.

This ·C ommand Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your
army led by a GoF·F Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's order is replaced with Assault and, until the end of the phase, you
add 1 to hit rolls and·ssw ound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by GoFF
units in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an 0RKs unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.
' -
_* .....:.£...:..~.-.t!l'L
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__ . •
/ '
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_..__. __ .::. _ __
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., .: .
' ~·✓~~
- .
.... I. '
" •
. "' ,, - -
· . \
• "

- Deathskulls are· enough to know'tha.t the best loot can be bashed, blasted and
ripped from the mangled re,riains of the e-n-emy's biggest wagons and bosses.

-_ ·• · This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
-enemy VEHICLE unit or CHAR·ACTER. Until the end of the phase, add 1 to hit rolls
and wound rolls for attacks made by DEATHSKULLS INFANTRY units from your
i army that target that enemy unit.

Alternatively, this Copimand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an ORKS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.

--~ -..·
Goff bosses tire lfle most brutal :<j>f an·. already brutal breed. They are engines of
destru~tion Jvho rampage through the enemy ranks and leave only crushed and
mangled corpses in their wake.

This C6mU1and·Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
GOFF CHARACTER from your army. Until the end of the phase, add 1 to that unit's
Attacks characteristic, and its melee weapons have the Destroyer ability.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made ·-by an ORKS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.

Pulsa rokkits corkscrew across the battlefield land amidst enemy formations;
moments later, ·powerful force-field generators hum to life, the·invisible shock waves of
whi,ch crushes armoured tanks, buildings and bodies alike.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
0RKS WARLORD from your army, then select one point on the battlefield that
is visible to that WARLORD. Roll one D12 for each unit within 6" of that point,
subtracting 1 from the roll if the unit being rolled for is a LIGHT CHARACTER,
and adding 1 to the re$ult if the unit being rolled for is either SUPER- HEAVY or
garrisoning a Defensible Terrain feature. On a 5+ place one blast marker next to
the unit being rolled for.

The Evil Sunz arejtrm believers ·'i n·~ the oJd O:rk adage 'red ones go f asta' and so daub

their vehicles bright red. Bizarrely, the practice actually seems to work.
~?. ·.. . ' '.~,, "
~-- This C~mrrian·cl.Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
·- _- led by an EVIL SuNz Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's order is replaced with Assault. Whilst carrying out this order, EVIL
SUNz units in the ·I)etachment triple their Move characteristic instead of doubling
it, but they cannot e1tq any move made as part of that action (excluding Pile-in

moves) in base contact w!th any enemy units.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an 0RKS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.
- -- .
__.,_. .

... ~..
I f , '
--------.:-_- .
, r • .,_. / ' ---..-, '\

- -:-_ .,.,, .,.·- -~ - . -

,, , •
" --
• •

• ., \

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. ~ -- .
.,...., ..,

. - .- -
, ( ,--- .. , I
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~r:: . ,. ~~"-~t ._,-• · ,· -·~1--- ·., -:~>',,:,:,...·• · ,,:):,, • t

;,. - - ·~·; .(l,;::~ ~~. ·-·~ , ·--~. :<, ~ . ,-f-·, ~- ,, ...

··:'.. The thrill-seekiri~ Ev:U Sunz revetin higft~:veloc'i.ty .r,ices;,· vello-w ing ~ith glee each time
·th.ey ·hurtle at, and then straight through, the enemy lines.

: _·:, This C~mmand Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select up to
: _three EVIL $~z; SPEED FREEKS units from your army. Each of those units makes
-one free Move action.
. . . ,

Alternatively, th'is Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made by an 0&.KS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.
·/ /


~~-.'. ;'i,;.~·.,;r;:,:: _;,· '(: ~ ~ • •_

· :.. ~
,; ,(~;_t.,; ·:::-~• .'-t • ❖:•,~,,, ..., -~ ~ :~ ,, ·.Y '(,..-" . ; .•,-. ' •

- Snakebites ate infamously fout-tempered, entirely lacking in any sense of humour, and
few prospects are more terrifying ihan making them angry in battle.

/;>:~:This Command Ass·et can be us~.d in the Actibn phase. When used, select one
_SNAKEBI-TE,,unit from your arip.y that has at least one damage marker next to
__, ·it Until the .end of the ·phas·e, that unit ignores the penalties for being critically
- .damaged and·you add 2 to that unit's Attacks characteristic.

-Alternatively, this Co,p-imand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for an
attack made ·by an OiiKs unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.

Blood Axes possess an instinctive grasp of battlefield strategy that - while still
undeniably Orky in its application - allows them to surprise even the most seasoned
enemy commanders.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
·1ed by a BLOOD AXE Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's order is replaced with Advance, Aimed Fire or Assault and, whilst
carrying out this orde{, BLOOD AxE units in that Detachment can make Shoot or
Fight actions even if they_made a Fall Back move that phase.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by an ORKS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

The Weirdboy:':eloses his eyes tight and; in a storm-:ofjlashing green light, teleports a
ma$$ of confused greenskins to qnother part of the battlefield.

. . This Command;Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
- Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one ORKS PsYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the A.c tion phase. When used, select one
ORKs PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then select one friendly
0RKS unit within 12"'- of that PsYKER unit. Remove that unit from the battlefield
and set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy units.

. " :
.. ...... ,,- .¥., •: .. - ♦ ~ . _ i -- __ /!.. #;,,.-;...~.:.t:JI: If .. -
' I J 1~ - '/ ' ,\ " · ~, I.. 1 ' , '
/ / ··: - =· '

Green energies erupt from the Weirdboy's eyes and coalesce in a roiling cloud above
the enemy. 1hat cloud then solidifies into the vast green foot of Gork (or Mork)
himself, which commences to repeatedly stamp down on the foe.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one 0RKS PsYKER unit.

This Command-Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
ORKs PsYKER unit from .,
your army to manifest this power, then select one enemy
unit within 24" of that 'PSYKER unit. Roll three D 12s; each time you roll a 5+ place
one blast marker next to that enemy unit.

I ) . / ·•

With a primal shout, the Weirdboy disperses the Waaagh! energy coursing through
his frame into the Ork warriors around him, stoking their already bellicose nature to
a roaring fever pitch.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one 0RKS PsYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
0RKS PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then select up to three
friendly 0RKS LIGHT units within 12" of that PsYKER unit. The selected units each
make one free Fight action.


The directional power of an ion shield can be rotated so that its strongest part is facing
-the enemy, the better to deflect incoming shots.

-~ This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one QUESTOR TRAITORIS unit from your army and remove one blast
marker from that unit.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for a QUESTOR T ,R AITORIS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll. ,

I ) ,- •


Questor Traitoris Knights growl with anticipation of the fight to come, lengthening
their stride to engage the foe as quickly as possible.

This Command.Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a QUESTOR TRAITORIS WARLORD. Up
to three QUESTOR TRAITORIS units in that Detachment each makes one free
Move action.

Alternatively, this CoJ11mand Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for a QUESTOR TR.AITORIS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.

J I , ,


~. The atrocities .committed by this Knight are told across the galaxy, and all know that
to confront such a foe is to face certain death.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one QUESTOR TRAITORIS unit from your army. Until the end of the phase,
that unit has the Terror Troops ability.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for .a QuESTOR -l)lAITORIS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.

I j .J-
. -

I ; /' t.C-1:_ ,~,(. •'~,-\ f .• '' , ', • • \ \ ·,- • "'.~_,.' '\•, ,(.:;:~ • / I! ~/ .
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When Renegade Knights go to,war, -ttiey leave only broken bodies and twisted
wreckage in their wake.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
QuESTO·R TRAITORIS unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, you can
re-roll hit rolls and wound rolls for attacks made by that unit.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll or wound
roll for.,a QUESTOR 1).tAITORIS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit
roll or wound roll.

) / /·•
N , Ihe·Tau of Dal'yth prize victory at any cost, and have mastered the art of sudden
ambushes :and elaborate traps. They utilise adaptive camouflage fields to elude and
: .;.~ ' disorient their foes.

_ ,____ This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
~ . Detachment from your army led by a DAL'YTH SEPT Commander. Until the end of
the phase, DA~'YTH SEPT units in that Detachment are obscured targets.

, Alternatively, this C·o mmand Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a T' AU EMP~,R:E µnit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.
-The Fite Warriors of Sa'cea Sept learn quickly the importance offire discipline and
-:r .
combined arms.
f-~ '
r-- . . -
· ".This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a SA'CEA SEPT Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachm'e nt make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that
· Detachment's prder is replaced with Advance and, until the end of the turn, you
add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with ranged weapons by SA'CEA SEPT units in
that Detachment and., add 2 to the Leadership characteristic of SA'CEA SEPT units
in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a T' AU EMPIRE unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.
--- - .- .. ~ • • . !:. ,h,Z , - ~ ~ ..

J I -
...._ i \ ~

, ,
' ,


~"~-· The Fire Warr'iors of T'au Sept use overlapping fields offire to kill charging enemies in
c·-• a storm ofpulse energy.

•~:~ This Command

. .
Asset can be used at the start of the Action phase. When used,

. ··-select one Detachment from your army led by a T' AU SEPT Commander. Until the
: end of the phase, each time an enemy unit ends a Move action in base contact with
· -a T'AU SEPT unit in that Detachment, that T' AU SEPT unit makes one free Shoot
action. Whilst making this action, that T'AU SEPT unit can only target that enemy
uhlt (even·though it is,in base contact).

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a T'AU EMPIRE unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.
Ihe Farsight Enclaves are experts in the deadly art of engaging the enemy in close-
quarters fighting.

- This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a FARSIGHT ENCLAVES Commander. Until the
end of the phase, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with ranged weapons by
FARSIGHT ENCLAVES units in that Detachment that target enemy units within half
the weapon's maximum range.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a T' AU EMPIRE unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.
I f ! , it( ~
._-,,. ./ --.. . , \ .. , --- '. , - - .,,.~\ -
{, ": . , / /
_ ...-... : . _ ~~ : - • ~ .-::-_ . ;ri • -- . • • ..:r, ,. :?.LJ:f:!/"_ ' - . . - - · - •

O'Shovah's warriors have mastered the art of the drop-zone assault. There are few
more imposivg sights than a cadre of battlesuits raining from low orbit, jump-jets
blazing and cannons spitting death.

- This Command Asset can be used at the end of the Set Up Reinforcements step of
the Orders phase. When used, select up to three FARSIGHT ENCLAVES BATTLESUIT
units from your army that were set up this phase. Each of those units makes one free
Shoot action.

Alternatively, this Corilmand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for a
T' AU EMPIRE unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.
/ ,,,-.'
I t , .rJ.!. •-"\.- _ ,' <. ..- \ " , ·- .,, ..: ,, -. / ~-
~, , · ( - /
__ ..:-...:.·-:~-- -·--,--___ • - __ ; . . • . -'. ;., '. ,. . -., .~ .. z:~ . ~ - - -- .


:,,:,.. }:'' . ' ·<··/ · '.'} ; . ·>;,,r,l ._.·,,:~;-' ' .; ' ·.• >

"-,_:·. · Borkan scientists have distributedthe latest prototype weapons amongst their sept's
${'.- '

i~- -., Fire paste contingents, optim·is-ed to increase weapon range and accuracy.
I(:, .



~: _This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
- BORK'AN $EpT·unit from your army, then select one Heavy weapon it is equipped
·with. Until the -~ nd of the phase, that weapon has the Destroyer ability.

.Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for a
.. T'AU EMPIRE unit 'fr~m your army. When used, -re-roll that wound roll.
.. · "" ----
., .......-': ......
<--· .,.-"::',,-\ ,__ . ;\' ·, . ,;;;-_ :;:.. ( / / - -·

- .. . -~- - -r-1',<::._-::: -- "-.-,

- - - I ( (, ,)/,_..._,~.,..,,•. :, (, , , , , \ 1 -~- --,,,,Y'\ 1(·,-- · ·1 ,
~~ ~--~~~0~i~t: ~ .. .. . ~- - ,-v~"J,-~;;;..;tl;, ,J:l:!~ -._~- - ~:., - ~- ~-=._.i . ~ ~
:,r_~f:::BJ~ ~-,...:::. i1 -- ,. , :_ - _:- - - ~ -.. ~....:..~. • . .- ___ -.--: _ • _ :.

·T'au Sept doctrine heavily emphasises the massed concentration offire upon a single
target at a time, obliterating each component of the enemy force in succession with a

/'fr series of unrelenting volleys.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
enemy unit. Until the end of the turn, you can re-roll wound rolls for attacks
made with ranged weapons by T' AU SEPT units from your army that target that
-enemy unit.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a woun.d roll for a
T' AU EMPiaE unit froni your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.
Ihe daredevil Fire Warriors of Vior'la advance dangerously close to enemy formations
in order to maximise the killing power of their pulse volleys.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
V10R'LA SEPT LIGHT unit from your army. That unit makes two free Shoot actions
back-to-back. Whilst making these actions, that unit can only target the closest
enemy unit.

Alternatively, this Coµimand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for a
T' AU EMPIRE unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.

•' ~ • ~ • * .. • ' • • -••A•~-~ ( • - '

/ '
/ J , ..
-~' i ,t ''i..·". -
..~, " \
' " '
By invoking the elemental truths, :an Ethereal can inspire those.around them to
perform feats above and beyond what is normally considered possible.

::- ~- You can only include this Command Asset in your deck if your army includes at
-least one ETHEREAL unit.

This Commanq. Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one T' AU
EMPIRE ETHEREAL unit from your army. Until the end of the turn, add 1 to hit
rolls and wound rolls,,for attacks made by friendly T'AU EMPIRE units whilst they
are within 6" of that ETHE'1.EAL unit, and add 1 to saving throws made for friendly
T'AU EMPIRE units whilst they are within 6" of that ETHEREAL unit.
A projected holo-beam illuminates a target for all to see, rendering it vulnerable to
pinpoint fusillades from,,supporting units.

· This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
enemy Detachment. Until the end of the turn, re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made
with ranged weapons by T' AU EMPIRE units from your army that target units in
that enemy Detachment.
A kor'vattra cruiser in high orbit unleashes a pulse from an immense ion cannon,
engulfing the target in white-hot energy.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one T'AU
EMPIRE WARLORD from your army. Then select two points on the battlefield that
are visible to that WARLORD and within 12 of each other. Draw an imaginary
straight line, 1mm in thickness, between these two points and roll one D 12 for
each unit that this line crosses, subtracting 1 from the result if the unit being rolled
for is a LIGHT CHARACTER; on a 6+ place one blast marker next to the unit being
rolled for.
.. ),;.' ~ .,,.' '.(.:, /•.\,:-,~ '"·?•~;~:.,_ ~, ; .,

Sa'cea Sept has innovated the -use of markerlight scatter-flares, dropped from
the upper atmosphere by nerworked Recon Drones to illuminate the greatest
--,- _ - concentrations of enemy troops.

T;his Commaµd Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
,e nemy unit. .U ntil the end of the turn, roll D 12s instead of D6s for hit rolls for
attacks made with ranged weapons by SA'CEA. SEPT units from your army that
· target that enemy unit.

Alternatively, this Co~mand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for a
T' AU EMPIRE unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.

The T'au make extensive use ofmachine'intelligences called drones. The T'au revere
technology and do not consider drones to -be expendable, yet these machines are
nonetheless programmed to protect flesh-and-blood T'au at any cost.

You can only include this Command Asset in your deck if your army includes at
least one DRONES unit.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one T'AU EMPIRE
INFANTRY unit from your army that has at least one blast
marker next to it and is within 6" of at least one friendly T' AU EMPIRE DRONES
unit. You can remove up to D3 blast markers from that INFANTRY unit and place
them next to one of those DRONES units instead.
Seeker missiles are one-shot weapons mounted on T'au Empire vehicles. They are
typically guided to their targets by markerlights to deadly, explosive effect.

'9 You can only include this Command Asset in your deck if your army includes at
least one T'AU EMPIRE VEHICLE unit.

This Command Asset can be used after a T'AU EMPIRE VEHICLE unit from your
army has made a Shoot action. When used, select one enemy unit that is visible
to your unit and roll 9n,e D6. On a 2+ place one blast marker next to that enemy
unit - if that enemy unit is HEAVY or SUPER-HEAVY, place two blast markers next
to it instead.

~ ,,,J. .:. ' • ~-: ~.. ,.,. ~ • ' • • ; : ,_,., ""'' . :;L... ' .. ~ '

/ .
I J ✓ •
..,_ / I \\ ,,
\ \ \
" '-


J.,('i,f •, ' . --_.-.;~


The ,Con:fmanders of Vior'la harness their warriors' fiery temperament by embracing

)~ .
a highly mobile and aggressive form· of warfar:e, taking the fight to the foe.

t ,-

;i"" This C_o mmand Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
. .

,-·led by a V10R'LA SEPT Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
-D etachment -m ake an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, that
Detachment's order is replaced with Advance and, until the end of the phase, the
Move characteristic of V10R'LA SEPT units in that Detachment is doubled.

Alternatively, this Comma,nd Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a T' AU EMPIRE unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

Dal'yth T'au are experts at harrying and evading their foes, bleeding them with
accurate bursts offire before fading away into the shadows.

This Command Asset can be used after a DAL'YTH SEPT unit from your army has
finished making either a Shoot action or a Fight action. When used, that DAL'YTH
SEPT unit makes one free Move action. Whilst making this action, that unit's Move
characteristic is increased by 6".

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for a
T' AU EMPIRE unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.

~ ...: ...::.1 .........ic:a..:Et"~. ' ~

- . . , , -- • · -· . . - i ; • , . '
, I ...:. -,_J, • \ ,/ - . ,., \. • , \ .
I .

. ' '

From ·Bork'an Sept's renowned applied science divisions come the most advanced and
ingenious weapon prototypes, field tested by contingents of Fire caste soldiers.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a BORK'AN SEPT Commander. Until the end
of the turn, add 6" to the Range characteristic of ranged weapons BORK' AN SEPT
units in that Detachment are equipped with - if the Detachment is carrying out an
Aimed Fire order, add 12" instead.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for an attack
made by a T'AU EMPIRE unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

Ihe toxins produced by Hive Fleet' Gorgon's swarm creatures adapt with terrifying
speed to any foe, the poisons ravaging the bodies of their victims.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a GORGON Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, until
the end of the phase, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by
GORGON units in that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for a
TYRANID HIVE FLEETS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.


. .,· .
... .: "". -~~--..=:<. \
cl ' . "
' ·-• \

,, : :..:..,,. ,n .. ~:- ~ _ .. .
- - "- .
,' . ,
~'-: ·- ~~~;;'7,'a,....~ ~ -- - t:
', \ ,-
. --- / .\'
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- .I r
__ · ·--
/ ..
. ..


Hive Fleet Kronos obliterates its foes at range by unleashing devastating barrages of
bio-plasma and living missiles.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your army
led by a KRONOS Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachm.e nt make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. That Detachment's
order is replaced with Aimed Fire, and, until the end of the phase, roll D12s instead
of D6s for hit rolls for attacks made with ranged weapons by KRoNos units in
that Detachment.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for a
TYRANID HIVE FLEETS unit from your army. When used, re- roll that hit roll.

• . - . - ' • • . ' -~ .... ,.J!I_. ;i:t. ' . .

/ ) I ·: • J \,r~ • , , '-. ,


Enemy soldiers are horrified to see the severed':- limbs a:nd shattered plates of Hive Fleet
Hydra's monsters regrow before their eyes.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Action phase. When used,
select one HYDRA unit from your army; remove up to D3 damage markers from
that unit.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for a
unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.

. _·•• ,t• ..... •

-I J , .,

The swarms of the Tyranids are numberless. Kill an organism, and another will
always take its place.

1bis Command Asset can be used in the Set Up Reinforcements step of the Orders
phase. When used, select one TYRANID HIVE FLEETS LIGHT unit from your
army (excluding CHARACTERS) that has been destroyed, and roll 2012. If the
result is greater than the Power Rating of that unit, it is returned to the battlefield
and set up anywhere wholly within 6" of a battlefield edge and more than 91' from
any enemy units. That unit is a new, separate Detachment. If the 2D 12 roll is not
greater than the Power Rating of the unit, it is not returned, but you (an put th~
C:orn1nand Asset back into your hand instead of discarding it (it cannot ~ used
a.gain this turn).
•~ ~ I -- - -- - t :. . .& ~ ' - - ~ - -- - -



Driven by affe.~z'.ied hunger, Hive Fle~lBelte:motli uhleaslief the full might of its .
·._- :: . swarms in an overwhe~rrtingjron-tal assault.
'.-;f: . y '

~:-This Command Asset can be used when you select a·Detachment from your army
·· led by ~ BEUEM,O TH Commander to·carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachm.e ntmake an action (exch1di~g free actions) this phase. When used,
that Detachmepfs order is replaced with Assault and, until the end of the phase,
-add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by BEHEMOTH units in
tna:t Detachment. \,\

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for a
TYRANID HIVE FLEETS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

,. '

·The vanguard organisms ofJormungandr have lurked unseen on this world,

developing intimate knowledge of the terrain - there is nowhere for their prey to hide.
I .·

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
JoRMUNGANDR unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, attacks made
with melee weapons by those units automatically score a hit (no hit roll is made) if
the attacking unit, or its target, is garrisoning a Defensible Terrain feature.

Alternatively, this C0t11mand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for a
TYRANID HIVE FLEETS upit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.
. .-,:.(;- . - ·.• -<>-· \ I ·-· . ;\- , , . ~, ,- . -':)-~ ,-1:(-::::: ., ; ( r ,- / - -
.:: ~-•·': -,,:_..;.'..~:~~ ~ - · •' ::.-::.. .. n1t,t.· .. · ::::. ·· . • :..:...•rs;;;;.m·= ,;,;.,.,,..,;:_ ,' - --- . '--~~---_:•:: ,:.______ · • - .. -· ~.- ~- __ __ • _



Unless controlled or coordinated by the,domineering will of the Hive Mind, many

Tyranid organisms will revert to th'eir baser instincts. This is of little comfort to the foe
when a.swarm of ravenous creatures pounces upon them in a feeding frenzy.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase or Damage phase. When
used, select one TYRANID HIVE FLEETS unit from your army that has an Out
of Command marker next to it. Remove that marker from the unit. In addition,
until the end of the phase, add 1 to hit rolls and wound rolls for attacks made by
· that unit. ,_

.. ·. - ---- • . -· - ----·- ·- ., : , ...."...i~~'l:A~~ : -- - - -- _- : - -- . · - '
' - - ,/ • J j I• ->)I '\..,. ,- . •·\ I \ • ' \ ' "-. •
/ . -;:; .:;:- ' ' / -

1he air around the bio-organisms of Hive Fleet Gorgon throngs with microscopic
organisms that invade the bodies of its foes, devouring them from the inside.

· This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
GORGON unit from your army. Roll one D12 for each enemy unit within 6" of that
unit; on a 7+ .pJace one blast marker next to the unit being rolled for.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for a
TYRANID HIVE FLEETS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.

·-· ,

The larg(!st_ warrior-creatures of Hive Fleet Behemoth embody -the Hive Mind's
eterna,l h_unger, tearing great chunks out of their victims in feeding frenzies or even
:. · · "' swallowing them whole.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
BEHEMOTH Mo:N STER unit from your army. Until the end of the phase, that unit's
melee weapons have the Destroyer ability.

Alternatively, this CQpimand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for a
TYRANID HIVE FLEETS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.

I _I .. /·•

;, . ~..:. ,:... ~t~~: -',· (-'~::::- ~,..:\:::·:-•,, .

:_:_,_•-~'.' ~ . ~-':'."? . '-:~ -- ·; . •1,-'-:.;,. •'.,-:--: ·-> {,•._:_· ',. _):;,-,·-· ~ :- -·,-~,- ·; •~'-:-,

.There is no tiiov.e, _ta:cfi-c" or despera/te::nfanoellvte,tliat :tlle"prey,can make that the

7 .:.. ,,.
. !;: ·Jea:der-beasts ·oJ Htve .Fl-eet
have not foreseen.

~-·':>This Com~ahd:Asset can be ·used ·when your opponent selects one of their
Detach-inents'tcr¢a.rry out an ord~r~ When used, select one of your Detachments
led by a KRAK~N Commander that has.not yet carried out its order this phase.
Carry out your Detachment's order before your opponent's Detachment carries out
its order.

Alternatively; this Co~ma_nd Asset can be used after making a wound roll for a
TYRANID HIVE FLEETS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.

' ·-- . ~ ?. ,,,._..,...

PERFECTLY ADAPTED ' ~i ,)"_ :•~~··- '

Ihe warrior-creatures of Hive Fleet Leviathan have bee:n createdfor.o-ne purpose - to

_ ,' . completely eradicate the defende:r:s DJ,
<? ' • i" ;, ,~·

;..,,~. ;_,., :- ' ' ,. -~~-

' This C?mmaqd-Asset can be used in the Action ,p,hase. Whe_n used, select one
, ·L EVIATHA~ ,unit from your army. Until the epµ of the turn, you can re-roll hit rolls
and wou11d-r~lls for attacks made by that unit, and you can re-roll saving throws
and Morale tests for that unit.

Alternatively, this Cotnmand Asset can be used after making a wound roll for a
TYRANID HIVE FLEETS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.

' '
The Kraken harries .its foes with lightningjast flanking attacks, before encircling them
for a bloody massacre.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your
army led by a KRAKEN Commander to carry out an order, before any units in
that Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used,
that Detachment's order is replaced with Assault and, until the end of the phase,
the Move characteristic of KRAKEN units in that Detachment is tripled instead
of doubled, but those~units cannot end a move (excluding Pile-in moves) in base
contact with any enemy units.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for a
TYRANID HIVE FLEETS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.
, 1• , !
{ , ~-~
/ .. /
"-, ~
' l ·, ~
·- .
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~ ~ ~ - - - ~ . -- . - - - -• . ~ - ~- ~:: ~~~ 1Zl.:~:. .' .. ~ .- - . .,,


Loo:ming ever 'cf9.'.s.e~'the unfathontab.le preS:encit of tne.'.Mive -Nfin,d·radiates out from
its synapse creai11res, smothering the ability of any psykers in th·eit: path to draw upon
"" their m11sti'o:;F:6o_
•• ·1
wers.· .' _:_ ~ - - '
- ,.: ..•• '

You can only in·€lude this Command Ass~t in-,your deck if your army includes at
least one SY,NA:PSE unit. ·

This Command Asset can be used when your opponent uses a Command Asset
that is a psychic ·,
. before its effects are resolved, if there is at least one

TYRANID H-1-yE FLEETS SrNAPSE unit from your army on the battlefield. When
used, roll one D6; on a 2+ the effects of that Command Asset are not resolved.

1he leader-beasts of Hive Fleet Kronos have an insatiable hunger for psykers, and can
manipulate the Shadow in the Warp to overwhelm their prey.

This Command Asset can be used when your opponent uses a Command Asset
that is a psychic power, after they select a unit to manifest the power but before its
effects are resolved, if there is at least one KRONOS unit from your army within 36"
of the unit manifesting the power. When used, place one blast marker next to the
unit manifesting the power.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a wound roll for a
TYRANID HIVE FLEETS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that wound roll.

Hive Fleet Hydra's super-swarms overwhelm their prey-with sheer weight of numbers,
drowning them in a living tide of chitin, flesh and slashing claws.

This Command Asset can be used when you select a Detachment from your
army led by a HYDRA Commander to carry out an order, before any units in that
Detachment make an action (excluding free actions) this phase. When used, until
the end of the phase, roll D 12s instead of D6s for hit rolls for attacks made with
melee weapons by LIGHT HYDRA units in that Detachment.


Alternatively, this Coillmand Asset can be used after making a hit roll for a
TYRANID HIVE FLEETS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

, I ,I , .,

Hive Fleet Leviathan's synaptic network is so strong that its organisms can be
compelled by th'e Hive Mind to fight in spite of injuries that should have crippled or
slain them outright.

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one Detachment from your army led by a LEVIATHAN Commander. Until
the end of the phase, LEVIATHAN units in that Detachment have the Ignore
Damage (5+) ability.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for a
TYRANID HIVE FLEETS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.

The warrior-organisms of Hive Fleet Jormungandr attack from subterranean tunnels,
making them extremely difficult to target until it is far too late.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
Detachment from your army led by a JoRMUNGANDR Commander that has not yet
carried out its order this phase. That Detachment's order is replaced with Aimed
Fire or Advance. In addition, until the end of the phase, JORMUNGANDR units in
that Detachment are obscured targets.

Alternatively, this Command Asset can be used after making a hit roll for a
TYRANID HIVE FLEETS unit from your army. When used, re-roll that hit roll.
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Through its,synaptic conduits, the Hive Mind reaches out to infuse the organisms
under its coritrol) invigorating their metabolisms with such unnatural vitality that
they can ignore even the most grievous of wounds.

This Command Asset is a psychic powe~. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one TYRANID HIVE FLEETS
PSYKER unit.

_. This Command Asse.~ can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
select one TYRANID HIVE FLEETS PsYKER unit from your army to manifest
this power, then select one friendly TYRANID HIVE FLEETS unit within 12" of
that PsYKER unit. Until the end of the phase, that unit has the Ignore Damage
(4+) ability.
Through its vassal, the Hive Mind unleashes a piercing shriek of undiluted psychic
energy that shreds the minds of those caught in its wake.

. This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army includes at least one TYRANID HIVE FLEETS
PsYKER unit.

This Command Asset can be used in the Action phase. When used, select one
TYRANID HIVE FLEETS PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this power, then
select up to three enemy units that are within 24" of that PSYKER unit and roll
one D 12 for each of them. If the result is equal to or greater than the Leadership
characteristic of the unit being rolled for, place one blast marker next to that unit.

"· ) -

The terrifying psychic presence of the Hive Mind-radiates from this synapse creature,
flooding the minds of the Tyranids' enemies and causing them to quail and panic.

This Command Asset is a psychic power. You can only include this Command
Asset in your deck if your army,includes at least one TYRANID HIVE FLEETS
PSYKER u·n it

This Command Asset can be used at the start of the Damage phase. When used,
s,elect one TY:R.ANID lIIVE FLEETS PsYKER unit from your army to manifest this
power. Until the end of the phase, subtract 1 from the Leadership characteristic of
enemy units whilst they"are within 12" of that PsYKER unit.

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