My Reflection in Chemistry in The Modern

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My Reflection in Chemistry in the Modern


Whenever I think of chemistry, I always think of some chemical gas, food and chemicals
that could put humanity to danger. However, after learning and studying chemistry I got full
understanding of it and what it could do to human and other beings that are living on earth. Students
like have been teach about the basics chemistry, for example; matter is anything that takes up space
and can be weighed. In other words, matter has volume and mass. All of matter is made up of
substances called elements, which have specific chemical properties and cannot be broken down
into other substances through ordinary chemical reactions. And if you still don’t know matter is,
damn! Me too! Fuck this subject! I hate this! But, I have to study since I’m going to need this for
the future subject. We’re getting far from the topic, okay, I’m going to continue. Since learning
chemistry, I found out that chemistry was just not all about chemical gases or whatsoever. But it
also involves chemicals reaction within us, in our foods, and other occurrence that may involve
chemical reaction such as ice melting, green leaves turning into dried leaves, and you can also see
this occurrence inside your house. We may question ourselves how those things happen and we
may never notice some of them. Since this is a complicated world, trying to understand everything
about chemistry would confuse our thoughts but having enough knowledge about it would be good
for us.

Studying and learning about chemistry could help us understand how things happen. For
example, ice melting by interacting with water and ice to form a liquid brine(high concentration of
salt in water) that in turn generates heat that melts the ice. The brine spreads out on the ice and breaks
the ice with the pavement. And other example, green leaves could turn into brown or dried leaves
when its chlorophyll breaks down. At the same time other chemical changes may occur, which form
additional colors through the development of red anthocyanin pigments.

Since I have learned everything about chemistry, I have a change of heart, I love it! Chemistry
is the best! However chemistry can still be dangerous to humans or other beings that living on earth.
There are many types of chemical reactions that can be dangerous to us such as ignition, explosion,
and corrosion. We are all familiar with this hazardous chemical reaction as we always see them in
news, movie or even social media. But this hazardous chemical reactions can be avoided if we are
careful at what we are doing. Proper disposals of hazardous chemicals in the laboratory and proper
handling and care of laboratory apparatus are examples of how to avoid those hazardous chemical
reactions. There may be dangerous chemical reactions but there is also some chemical reactions that
is beneficial us such as when we cook food, boil water, disinfection and there are some more
chemical reaction that could benefit us.

So in my opinion chemistry can be a good thing if handled properly as it helps us in our daily
activities and can also help in building civilization. But if some evil person with intrusive thought
learned about chemistry, humanity could meet its demise. Cause some people uses them in war not
thinking of the calamity that it would cause. Just like what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
Japan that taken of almost 140,000 human lives and some of them are civilians. Oops we are getting
far away from the topic again. Chemistry is the study of properties and behavior of matter. Oops you
still don’t know what matter is? Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. Chemistry is
essential for meeting our basic needs such as clothing, shelter, and foods. Therefore, chemistry is
still important to our lives even though it can be dangerous sometimes.

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