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Head office: 79, Panoramica street – 80070 Monte di Procida (Naples)

Self- Monitoring Manual

EC Reg. 852/2004
D. Lgs 193/2007

Review N. 1
Date: 2019/07


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Surname and Name Boarding Date Landing Date Signature

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Surname and Name Boarding Date Landing Date Signature

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Community law about food safety has had major change between 2002 and 2005, on the
thrust of some food crises that have greatly undermined consumer confidence. Recently, in
fact, it was introduced the “hygiene package”, a set of regulation (Reg. CE 852/2004, Reg.
CE 853/2004, Reg. CE 854/2004, Reg. CE 882/2004, Reg. CE 2073/2005, Reg. CE
2074/2005, Reg. CE 2075/2005, Reg. CE 2076/2005), which aims to ensure a
comprehensive and integrated approach to food safety based on risk analysis, with a full
involvement of first production and a strong empowerment of food business operators, as
well as to protect the final consumer health. It becomes of fundamental importance, in fact,
that each operator is aware of necessity to monitor the risk linked to a specific stages of the
productive cycle, starting from the farm to the dealer. It is up, therefore, to food business
operators (OSAs) or feeders to ensure that foods or feeds in the companies controlled by
them meets the food law provisions inherent in their activities at all stages of production,
processing and distribution and, so check that these provisions are met with the aim of
obtaining safe foods.
The tools to achieve this purpose are many; food law provides that operators predispose and
act appropriate operative procedures giving the possibility to avail of specific manuals.
Between the compulsory procedures there are those based on HACCP system (Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Points).
HACCP system has a scientific base and is systematic; it is a means finalized to estimate the
hazard and to realize control system that base on prevention instead of relying mainly on
final products testing. In food sector the risks are:
• Biological: it is due to food contamination by small living beings (bacteria, molds,
virus, parasites);
• Physical: it is due to the presence, in food, of foreign bodies can come from the same
foods or from processing environments;
• Chemical: it is due to the presence of foreign substances in the foods (heavy metals,
Pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, etc.). Those substances may be naturally present in

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the foods and/or making use of chemicals used in farming and/or due the residues
from cleaning treatments.
In addition to detecting the hazard, so in addiction to risk analysis, HACCP system also lets
you identify the development of infectious outbreaks linked to food preparation through
Critical Control Points (CCP) exam.
From the analysis of what has been said it is possible to say that the self-monitoring manual
gives a preventive risk analysis procedure that a food meets during its preparation, keeping
the critical control points under control throughout the process.
The benefits of applying this procedure are many:
• Customer satisfaction and his/her increase in work
• Compliance with consumer protection laws;
• Strong motivation of the staff in achieving qualitative standards;
• Increase in product durability.
HACCP system based on 7 base principles:
1. identifying any hazards that must be prevented, eliminated or reduced to acceptable
2. identifying the critical control points at the step or steps at which control is essential
to prevent or eliminate a hazard or to reduce it to acceptable levels;
3. establishing critical limits at critical control points which separate acceptability from
unacceptability for the prevention, elimination or reduction of identified hazards;
4. establishing and implementing effective monitoring procedures at critical control
5. establishing corrective actions when monitoring indicates that a critical control point
is not under control;
6. establishing procedures, which shall be carried out regularly, to verify that the
measures outlined in subparagraphs (1) to (5) are working effectively;

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7. establishing documents and records commensurate with the nature and size of the
food business to demonstrate the effective application of the measures outlined in
subparagraphs (1) to (6).

This manual has been prepared in according to Regulation EC N. 852/2004 and Regulation
EC N. 178/2002 - art. 18 and 19, establishment of traceability of foods and withdrawal of
not conforming products; so it concerns identification and analysis of all potential hazards,
the valuation of their gravity and appearance and, in the end, identification and application
of procedures about critical control points during all stages of productive activity.
With the implementation of this system, we propose the achievement of this aims:
• Acquisition of better mastery of productive process;
• Reduction of waste (cost reduction);
• Fulfillment of legal obligations;
• Greater competitiveness of the company thanks to better quality;
• Greater safety of the company towards inspection bodies during verification.
Therefore, the manager of self-monitoring will make it available the necessary economic,
human and technologic resources with the aim to achieving the objectives outlined.

The self-monitoring manager, taking knowledge of the specified risks and others not
contemplated in this manual, is committed to take all necessary measures to guarantee foods
hygiene and safety and to keep under control critical points identified and resolve possible
not compliance.
He also ensures that all phases of foods production, processing and distribution under his
control satisfy the relevant hygiene requirements set out in Regulation N. 852/2004/CE,
comply with the general hygiene requirements set out in Annex II to that Regulation and
any specific requirements laid down in Regulation (CE) No. 853/2004, where applicable, as

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well as the obligations of traceability and withdrawal of non-compliant products referred to

in Articles 18 and 19 of Regulation (CE) No. 178/2002.


The company guards this manual. It is forwarded to the food industry manager, also called
manager of self-monitoring later. Another copy of the manual of each boat is guarded at the
office of the company.
The manual is available in Italian and English.

The self-monitoring manual revision must be carried out whenever the working methods
and technologies used are significantly altered, particularly when there are variations
• Business name;
• Adapting regulations;
• Locals and/or equipments;
• Operative procedures;
• Critical points variations;
• Flowchart;
• Verification system;
• Providers.
Therefore, the system itself, the manual and all procedures don’t constitute a static set but
constantly evolving and improving.
The verification and possible revision of the manual must be carried out and implemented
by the company itself but can also be organized or carried out by the control bodies. The
latest revision eliminates the previous year and represents the version of the HACCP plan in
place at the company at that time.
The company preserves this manual and it is forwarded to the self-monitoring manager.

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Holder/legal representative


Head office

Monte di Procida
Province Naples
Postal Code 80070
Address 79, Panoramica street
Aboard the of the ship “MATTEO BR”
Operational site




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Council Directive 98/83/EC On the quality of water intended for human
D.Lgs.31/2001 Implementation of Directive 98/83 / EC on the
quality of water intended for human consumption

Laying down the general principles and requirements

Reg. (EC) 178/2002 of food law, establishes the European Food Safety
Authority and Laying down procedures in the field
of food safety
Directive 2003/89/EC Regards indication of the ingredients present in
Dir. 41/2004/CE Repealing certain Directives on food hygiene and
health provisions for the production and marketing of
certain products of animal origin for human
consumption and amending Council Directives
89/662 / EEC and 92/118 / EEC and Council
Decision 95/408 / EC
Reg. (EC) 852/2004 On the hygiene of foodstuffs
Reg. (EC) 853/2004 Lays down specific hygiene rules for food of animal
origin for food business operators.
Reg. (EC) 1935/2004 On materials and articles intended to come into
contact with food
Reg. (EC) 2073/2005 On Microbiological Criteria for Foodstuffs
Reg. (EC) 2074/2005 Implementing measures for certain products under
Regulation (EC) 853/2004 and the organization of
official controls under Regulations (EC) 854/2004
and (EC) 882/2004, derogating from Regulation
(EC) 852/2004 and amending Reg. (EC) 853/2004
and (EC) 854/2004
Reg. (EC) 2075/2005 Specific rules applicable to official controls on the
presence of Trichinella in meat
Reg. (EC) 2076/2005 Laying down transitional arrangements for the
implementation of Regulations (EC) 853/2004, (EC)
854/2004 and (EC) 882/2004 and amending
Regulations (EC) 853/2004 and (EC) 854/2004
D.Lgs.193/2007 Implementation of Directive 2004/41 / EC on food
safety controls and the application of Community
regulations in the same sector
Reg. (EC) 1441/07 Amending Regulation (EC) No. 2073/2005 on
microbiological criteria for foodstuffs
Reg. (EC) 1331/2008 Establishing a common authorization for the
procedure for food additives, food enzymes and food
Reg. (EC) 1333/2008 on food additives
Reg. (EC) 1334/2008 On flavorings and certain food ingredients with
flavoring properties for use in and on foods and

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amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1601/91,

Regulations (EC) No 2232/96 and (EC) No.
110/2008 and Directive 2000/13 / EC
Reg. (EC) 1162/2009 Laying down transitional provisions for the
implementation of the Regulations of the European
Parliament and of the Council (EC) 853/2004, (EC)
No. 854/2004 and (EC) No. 882/2004
Reg. (EC) 1129/2011 Amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No.
1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the
Council by establishing a Union list of food additives
Reg. (EU) 1169/2011 On the provision of food information to consumers,
amending Regulations (EC) No 1924/2006 and (EC)
No 1925/2006 of the European Parliament and of the
Council, and repealing Commission Directive
87/250/EEC, Council Directive 90/496/EEC,
Commission Directive 1999/10/EC, Directive
2000/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council, Commission Directives 2002/67/EC and
2008/5/EC and Commission Regulation (EC) No
Reg. (UE) 2017/625 on official controls and other official activities
carried out to ensure the application of the legislation
on food and feed, animal health and animal welfare
standards, on plant health and plant protection
products, amending Regulations (EC) n. 999/2001,
(CE) n. 396/2005, (CE) n. 1069/2009, (CE) n.
1107/2009, (EU) n. 1151/2012, (EU) n. 652/2014,
(EU) 2016/429 and (EU) 2016/2031 of the European
Parliament and of the Council, of the Regulations
(EC) No 1/2005 and (CE) n. 1099/2009 of the
Council and of the directives 98/58 / CE, 1999/74 /
EC, 2007/43 / EC, 2008/119 / EC and 2008/120 / EC
and repealing the regulations (CE) n. 854/2004 and
(CE) n. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of
the Council, le Directive 89/608 / EEC, 89/662 /
EEC, 90/425 / EEC, 91/496 / EEC, 96/23 / EC, 96/93
/ EC and 97/78 / EC of Council and Council
Decision 92/438 / EEC (regulation on official

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In this manual, it refers to the following definitions:
“Food” (or «food product», or «foodstuff»): means, any substance or product, whether
processed, partially processed or unprocessed, intended to be, or reasonable expected to be
ingested by humans. It includes drink, chewing gum and any substance, including water,
intentionally incorporated into the food during its manufacture, preparation or treatment. It
includes water after the point of compliance as defined in Article 6 of Directive 98/83/EC
and without prejudice to the requirements of directive 80/778/EC and 98/83/EC;
“Food law”: means, the law, regulations and administrative provisions governing food in
general, and food safety in particular, whether at Community or national level; it covers any
stage of production, processing and distribution of food, and also of feed produced for, or
fed to, food-producing;
"Food business": means any undertaking, whether for profit or not and whether public or
private, carrying out any of the activities related to any stage of production, processing and
distribution of food;
"Food business operator": means the natural or legal persons responsible for ensuring that
requirements of food law are met within the food business under their control;
"Retail": means the handling and/or processing of food and its storage at the point of sale
or delivery to the final consumer, and includes distribution terminals, catering operations,
factory canteens, institutional catering, restaurants and other similar food service operations,
shops, supermarket distribution centers and wholesale outlet;
"Placing on the market": means the holding of food or feed for the purpose of sale,
including offering for sale or any other form of transfer, whether free of charge or not, and
the sale, distribution, and other forms of transfer themselves;
"Risk": means a function of the probability of an adverse health effect and severity of that
effect, consequential to a hazard;
"Risk analysis": means a process consisting of three interconnected components: risk
assessment, risk management and risk communication;

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"Risk assessment": means a scientifically based process consisting of four steps: hazard
identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment and risk characterization;
"Risk management": means the process, distinct in risk assessment, of weighing policy
alternatives in consultation with interested parties, considering risk assessment and other
legitimate factors, and, if need be, selecting appropriate prevention and control;
"Risk communication": means the interactive exchange of information and opinions
throughout the risk analysis process as regards hazards and risks, risk-related factors and
risk perceptions, among risk assessors, risk managers, consumers, feed and food businesses,
the academic community and other interested parties, including the explanation of risk
assessment findings and the basis of risk management decisions;
"Hazard" or "element of hazard": means a biological, chemical or physical agent in, or
condition of, food or feed with the potential to cause an adverse health effect;
“Traceability”: means the ability to trace and follow a food, feed, a food-producing animal
or substance intended to be, or expected to be incorporated into a food or feed, through all
stages of production, processing and distribution;
"Stages of production, processing and distribution”: means any stage, including import,
from and including primary production of food, up to and including its storage, transport,
sale or supply to the final consumer and, where relevant, the importation, production,
manufacture, storage, transport, distribution, sale and supply of feed;
“Primary production”: means the production, rearing or growing of primary products
including harvesting, milking and farmed animal production prior to slaughter. It also
includes hunting, fishing, and the harvesting of wild products;
"Final consumer": means the ultimate consumer of a foodstuff who will not use the food
as part of any food business operation or activities.
"Food hygiene", hereinafter called 'hygiene': means the measures and conditions necessary
to control hazards and to ensure fitness for human consumption of a foodstuff taking into
account its intended use;

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"primary products": means products of primary production including products of the soil,
of stock farming, hunting and fishing;
"Establishment": means any unit of a company a food business;
"Competent authority": means the central authority of a Member State competent to
ensure compliance with the requirements of this Regulation or any other authority to which
that central authority has delegated that competence; it shall also includes, where
appropriate, the corresponding authority of a third country;
"Equivalent": means, in respect of different systems, capable of meeting the same
"Contamination": means the presence or introduction of a hazard;
"Crushed Contamination": a phenomenon that occurs when foods, water or air that are
hygienically safe, undergo contamination by products, materials, tools, water or air from
polluted areas and / or facilities; This can be the result of inadequate separation of the
workings (eg between food and feedstock areas) or the same installations (water, drainage
or ventilation), or for incorrect machining practices by operators.
"Potable water" means water meeting the minimum requirements laid down in Council
Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998 on the quality of water intended for human
"Packaging" means the placing of one or more wrapped foodstuffs in a second container,
and the latter container itself;
"Pack" means the placing of one or more food products packaged in a second container,
and said second container;
"Hermetically sealed container" means a container that is designed and intended to be
secure against the entry of hazards;
"Processing" means any action that substantially alters the initial product, including
heating, smoking, curing, maturing, drying, marinating, extraction, extrusion or a
combination of those processes;

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"Unprocessed products" means foodstuffs that have not undergone processing, and
includes products that have been divided, parted severed, sliced, boned, minced, skinned,
ground, cut, cleaned, trimmed, husked, milled, chilled, frozen, deep-frozen or thawed;
"Processed products" means foodstuffs resulting from the processing of unprocessed
products. These products may contain ingredients that are necessary for their manufacture
or to give them specific characteristics.;
"Corrective Action" means any action to be taken when the monitoring activity and level
of a critical control point demonstrates a loss of process control in order to prevent a product
obtained under uncontrolled conditions from reaching the consumer;
"Preventive action" means any action that needs to be taken to bring the process back
under control when the monitoring activity at a critical control level level demonstrates its
loss of control.
"Flow chart": systematic representation of the sequence of steps of a process of
production, transformation, treatment of a food;
"HACCP Manual": document drawn up in accordance with the principles of HACCP to
ensure control of significant hazards in the course of a specific production process.
"At risk" point: point, step or procedure in which it may occur, increases or persists
endanger the safety and integrity of a food product.
"Monitoring" means the conduct of a specific scheduled sequence of observations or
measurements of one or more control parameters at a CCP level in order to determine
whether the process is under control;
"HACCP Plan": a document prepared in accordance with the principles of the HACCP
system to ensure the control of significant consumer safety hazards;
"Critical control point (CCP)": point, step or procedure in which it is necessary and
possible to bring an action under control in order to prevent, eliminate or reduce to an
acceptable level a danger on the safety and hygienic integrity of a product food.
"Validation" means a process through which the effectiveness of the applied HACCP plan
is demonstrated;

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"Verification" means the application of methods, procedures, tests, and any other
evaluation other than monitoring, in order to determine compliance with the HACCP plan
procedures and the accuracy of the records.

Staff training is an important moment for each food exercise, made mandatory by law itself.
If it is not respected, there is a heavy financial penalty. Training aims to improve insiders’
knowledge and attention where foods are being manipulated. The topic of staff training is a
key point for successful implementation of HACCP system. It is not conceivable to set up
such a procedure without imagine providing the staff working in the production and supply
of foodstuffs with adequate specific information and training.

Personal hygiene
1. Every person working in a food-handling area is to maintain a high degree of personal
cleanliness and is to wear suitable, clean and, where necessary, protective clothing.
2. No person suffering from illness or a carrier of a communicable disease through food or,
for example, with infected wounds, skin infections, sores or diarrhea must be authorized
in any capacity to manipulate food or enter any food-handling area in any capacity if
there is any likelihood of direct or indirect contamination. Any person so affected and
employed in a food business and who is likely to come into contact with food is to report
immediately the illness or symptoms, and if possible their causes, to the food business
Things that are always good to do: Keep your nails short and without nail polish, keep the
hair under the cap and clean; do not wear rings or bracelets; cover any wound or abrasion of
the skin, not touching your eyes, nose, ears and hair; do not sneeze, cough or yawn behind
food; not eating or smoking at the workplace.
In particular, it should be paid attention to the washing of hands, the body part that comes in
contact with food products in any operation. For this reason, always wash your hands before

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and after work and the washing should be frequent especially if you touch different foods, at
risk or crude and, of course, after having touched hair or face after coughing or sneezing
after eating or smoking and after using the toilet.

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There are following typologies of local within the ship:
• Galley
• Kitchen
• Dining room
Galley is the space destined to preserve perishable and non-perishable foods; the main
equipments are:
• Refrigerator for storage at controlled temperature
• Stored shelves for storing products that do not need a temperature control.
Kitchen is used for preparation and cooking foods. It is equipped with the following
• Central kitchen with four burners
• Ovens
• Suction hood
• Washbasin with hot and cold water with suspended cutlery drainer wall unit
• Slicer
• Dishwater
• Domestic refrigerator
• Low cabinet with four doors
• Steel washbasins
• Dispenser cupboards and steel shelves
• Various cookware
• various kitchen utensils
• Containers waste brings
As for the dining room, the main equipment is the tables and chairs / armchairs.
All equipment on board are in compliance with applicable European and equipped with
appropriate instruction booklet and Compliance.

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The types of products processed on board the MATTEO BR can be grouped into six main
1. Perishable foods of animal origin
2. Perishable foods of plant origin
3. Foods subject to expiry
4. Chilled and frozen products
5. Non-food products that come into contact with food
6. Bakery products

Perishable foods of animal origin

This category includes the food more easily attacked by microorganisms and therefore
subject to rapid deterioration if not properly conditioned. It is therefore necessary that they
are stored at controlled temperature, suitably separated and consumed by the expiry date on
the package. Among the product types belonging to this category and used by the structure
in question were found:
• White meat, red meat and poultry
• Meats and sausages
• Fish products
• Derived from milk processing
• Eggs

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Perishable foods of plant origin

This class belongs to an extremely heterogeneous group of foods divided into two major
categories: vegetables and fruits. They do not represent a significant microbiological hazard
because the microorganisms that have contaminated the food can be eliminated by accurate
washing. Only some vegetables such as fennel, celery and salad can preserve in germs that
are harmful to health.

Foods subject to expiry

Animal and vegetable foods are included in this category, which, for their packaging or
conditioning, have a long commercial life. Their transport does not take place at controlled
temperatures and their storage must take place in a cool and dry environment.
To this class belong:
• Spices
• Mineral water, juices, soft drinks
• Cereals and cereal products (pasta, rice, flour, crackers, etc.)
• Canned and packed
• Grocery groceries
• Dried fruits
• UHT milk and dried cheese
• Brioches
The main critical factor for maintaining the product is the integrity of the packaging and
storage conditions.

Chilled and frozen products

This category includes those products of various origins that have undergone a treatment by
which they were brought to temperatures of several degrees below the 0°C.

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These temperatures have some lethal effects on microorganisms without however reaching
sterility conditions. It is therefore necessary, in order to avoid a resumption of microbial
activity, that such foods remain stored at low temperatures (at least -18 ° C); it is also
essential that defrosting be carried out quickly (in the oven) or at controlled temperature
(refrigerator). It should be remembered that frozen products, once thawed, can not be
reconstituted and must be consumed within 24 hours of thawing.

Non-food products that come in contact with foods

This category includes products that are not used for food purposes, but which, however, are
used during the processing stages in order to allow the preservation of hygienic-sanitary
conditions of food. It is therefore necessary to avoid contamination. This category include:
• Plastic Film
• Aluminum foils
• Food containers
• Cooking sticks
• Working Tools

Bakery products
As for baked products such as bread, pizza and bacon, they are produced on board the ship.

With the different types of food described above, MATTEO BR's cuisine is prepared for a
variety of cold and hot course that are difficult to list. However, preset menus provide for
the production of all those food preparations of an exercise for collective catering.

Given the enormous variety of preparations that can be achieved, the workgroup has
subdivided it on the basis of some common characteristics as shown below. For each type,
related products have been grouped and listed.

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Type of Main Course

dry pasta, fresh pasta with any stuffing,
flour, meal, vegetables, meats and
Pasta sausages, fish, eggs, milk and dairy
products, oils and fats, bread, canned
vegetables, spices, salt, minor ingredients
Rice, vegetables, meat, fish, milk and
Risotto dairy products, oils and fats, canned
vegetables, salt, spices, minor ingredients
Broth with meat, vegetables, pasta, rice,
Soup meat, meal and meat, fish, eggs, milk
dairy products, oils, fats, canned
vegetables, spices, salt, minor ingredients

Type of Second Course

Vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, milk and
Cooked preparations dairy products, oils and fats, bread,
canned vegetables, spices, salt, minor
Vegetables, meat and sausages, fish,
Uncooked preparations eggs, milk and dairy products, canned
vegetables, spices, salt, minor ingredients

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Type of Cold Course

Vegetables, meat and sausages, fish,
Previously cooked course and served cold eggs, milk and dairy products, bread,
canned vegetables, spices, salt, minor
ingredients with the addition of raw
prepared sauces with egg
Vegetables, meat and sausages, fish,
Uncooked course prepared eggs, milk and dairy products, bread,
canned vegetables, spices, salt, minor
ingredients with the addition of raw
prepared sauces with egg

Type of Fruit and Vegetables

Vegetables, milk and dairy products,
Cooked preparations fresh and dried fruit, bread, canned
vegetables, spices, salt, minor ingredients
Vegetables, fresh and dried fruit, bread,
Uncooked preparations canned vegetables, spices, salt, minor
ingredients with the addition of raw
prepared sauces with egg

The products are intended, according to a weekly menu, to the following consumer
• Crew in forces at the MATTEO BR’s ship in good health.

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Tasks and objectives of the Plan of self-monitoring
The self-monitoring plan implemented has as its purpose the rule of the risks of chemical,
physical and microbiological nature, in all phases of work related to the preparation,
manipulation, storage and delivery of food.

Basic principles of self-monitoring according to the HACCP system

The basic principles of self-monitoring, according to the HACCP food system considered in
this manual, are as follows (Reg. CE. 852/2004 Art. 5):
Principle 1 - Identify any danger that must be prevented, eliminated or reduced to
acceptable levels.
Principle 2 - Identify critical control points at the stage or stages where control itself is
essential to prevent or eliminate a risk or to reduce it to acceptable levels;
Principle 3 - Establish, at critical control points, critical limits which separate acceptability
from unacceptability for the prevention, elimination or reduction of identified risks;
Principle 4 - Establish and apply effective surveillance procedures at critical control points.;
Principle 5 - Establish the corrective actions to be taken in the event that surveillance shows
that a particular critical point is not under control;
Principle 6 - Establish procedures, which apply regularly, to verify the effective operation
of the measures set out in principles 1) to 5);
Principle 7 - Provide documents and records appropriate to the nature and size of the food
business in order to demonstrate the effective application of all system principles.

Self-monitoring is ultimately a greater responsibility of the food business operator who is

personally called upon to check the efficiency of his working cycle by documenting the
choices made and the measures taken to ensure and improve the hygienic quality of the
Food, while respecting the proper hygiene practice.

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Self-monitoring also represents a tool for protecting and promoting the business both purely
commercial (better image for customers) and as a consumer guarantee.

Data collection system for the HACCP Plan

The survey system adopted (HACCP system) allows to insure foods products hygiene by
prevention of potentially hazards, through the adoption of preventive measures, the
evidence of their effectiveness (monitoring) and planning of remedies (corrective and
preventive actions, internal audit). All this is realized by the Critical Control Points (CCP)
detection and surveillance.
CCP can be identified in relation to a food, an operation, a procedure o a treatment at which
level, you can apply a check for the hazards elimination to food hygiene, for reduce at the
acceptable level or to prevent it. Control is not a control in the sense of analysis, but in the
sense of preventing and maintaining the identified parameters (surveillance).
A site visit was carried out to acquire all the necessary information for the purpose of
drawing up appropriate inspection and verification procedures. As verification of the
correctness and effectiveness of such operations, sampling is carried out by the technical
staff of "C.M.L. Vesuvio S.r.l. "and specific microbiological analyzes will be performed as
described below.

Work phases related to food in question is described by the following flowcharts:

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(to category and temperature storage)







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Raw materials reception

The company's suppliers have been carefully selected to ensure that raw materials consumed
on board comply with the hygiene requirements. Each supplier was invited to provide
appropriate documentation to ensure the quality of raw materials brought on board. In
particular, at the moment of receiving, the raw materials are subjected to a hygienic
suitability verification by the person responsible, who carry out random checks according to
the following specific procedure:
• Check food integrity
• Check the label presence and the presence of the lot number
• Check the expiry date of the foods
• Check the temperature of the means of transport
• Check the presence of molds, larvae, insects, foreign substances inside the packs
• Make sure that various unloading and storing operations take place quickly
Acceptance is handled directly on board. At the arrival of the goods, at the unloading and
subsequent handling, always assists the cook and an Officer.
It is essential that there is a batch number on the goods loaded and stored, so that, if the
supplier finds it for nonconformity, the food can be immediately identified and segregated
until removal.
The transport temperatures to be used are as follows:

Part I: Temperature conditions to be observed during the transport of frozen foodstuffs and frozen

CHILLED AND FROZEN Transport maximum temperature (in ° C) tolerable in the

FOODSTUFFS temperature case of fractionated distribution
(° C)

Chilled or frozen fishery -18 -15


Other frozen food substances -18 -15

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Frozen Meats -10 -7

All other frozen food -10 -7


Part II: List of temperature conditions to be observed during the transport of certain non-frozen or
frozen food substances

CHILLED FOODSTUFFS Transport temperature maximum temperature (in ° C)

(° C) tolerable in the case of fractionated

Pasteurized milk packaging from 0 to +4 +9

Milk- dairy products (fermented from 0 to +4 cream or cream pasteurized: +9

milk, cream or cream, fresh cheese, Ricotta: +9
cottage cheese) Yogurt: +14
cheese fresh pasteurized milk: +14

concentrated butter and butter from 1 to +6 Butter made from pasteurized cream:
(anhydrous) +14

fresh fishery products (always from 0 to +4

transported on ice)

Meats from -1 to +7 +10

Poultry and rabbits from 1 to +4 +8

The control data will be recorded on the attached sheets and kept in the self-monitoring
manual. All non-conforming foods will be returned to the supplier explaining the reason for
the refusal.

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Raw materials storage

The raw materials are stored under conditions complying with regulations and to those of
different manufacturers, in separate environment from the one intended for processing. In
particular, the self-monitoring Manager and/or the officer responsible for managing the
galley shall provide:
• Keep foods on specific shelves divided for product category
• Keep them raised from the ground and not leaning against the wall
• Ensures the presence of the right microclimate
• Periodically defrost the freezers
• Do not overfill refrigerators and freezers
• Periodically check expiry date
• Perform regular cleaning and maintenance of environments and equipment
• Check the temperature of the refrigerators

The products to be stored without temperature control are placed in fresh and ventilated
rooms, raised from floors and protected against the penetration of insects and rodents. All
raw materials are stored according to the criteria First In - First Out, or Last in - Last out
so that the first product entered in stock is the first to be used, or the last-in, the last to be
taken: in this way they minimize waste and the waste of expired products.
Before the withdrawal from the warehouse, the date of use of each raw material is verified.
The perishable foods (milk and derivatives, products based on eggs, delicatessen products
and fresh pastries, meats and poultry, etc.) Are stored in the refrigerator at a temperature
comprised between 0 ° C and 4 ° C; Those frozen at -18 ° C; Once thawed, these products
must be stored in the fridge and consumed within 24 hours.
The Self-Monitoring Manager abides the following rules for storage in the refrigerator:
• daily check the operating temperature of the refrigerator
• fix foods cooked in such a way that they are always separated from those raw

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• closes the food in special containers or wraps them with plastic wrap to prevent
• does not place the hot food in the refrigerator, but it ensures that you have first
reached room temperature
• keeps clean and sanitized the various parts of the same
• verifies the integrity of the seals

Temperature of substances food storage

°C Max °C Min °C Min
pasteurized milk +6
pasteurized cream +6
fermented milk +6 -18
Fresh dairy products See manufacturer
Industrial ice cream -15
Artisan ice cream Temp. freezing
red meat +7
White meat +4 -12 -18
minced meat +2
Offal +3
egg products +4 -12 -18
bivalve molluscs +6 -18 -18
fishing products Melting -18 -18
fresh pasta stuffed +10 -18
Foods with cover or stuffed with +4 -18
gastronomic products, gelatin +4 -18
Products cooked to be eaten hot +60/+65
Products cooked to be eaten cold +10
vegetables +10 -18

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The temperatures of the cells-refrigerators, freezers, etc. are keep under control by probe
thermometers and, in case of non-compliance, the company will arrange for extraordinary
intervention by a maintenance company.

Programming and preparation

The ingredients come into the kitchen without their secondary packaging (wood, cardboard
and / or plastic), after checking the integrity of the packages and the expiry date. For the
processing (cutting etc) of the ingredients, are used separate areas for meat, fish and
vegetables. I When this is not possible due to lack of space, work is carried out at different
times, taking care of each step of cleaning surfaces and equipment.
Some defrost products are cooked without them defrost (i.e. vegetables, legumes, etc), while
meat products generally are defrosting because the heat produced during cooking doesn’t
able to cook the food completely. Defrosting takes place in the refrigerator at max. Of 4 ° C
for the time required (in relation to the initial quantity and temperature of the product). The
food is placed on the grid to help liquid loss and to avoid it is in contact with this. For
necessity defrosting can be carried out under cold water keeping the products in original
pack. Once defrost, the products are subject to cook within next 24h.
During the various phases the Manager and / or the officer in charge
• Avoid cross-contamination, i.e. it prevents a microbe steps to fall or contact from one
food to another food
• Avoid touching the different foods with the same tools
• Works quickly
• Avoid leaving the food for too long at room temperature
Processing waste are removed immediately and placed in a specific container with sack and
lid. Food processing times do not exceed one hour at room temperature.
With regard to open foods but not used completely, it is important to close the package so as
to isolate them from other foods and specially to indicate with the pen on the box the date it
was opened because the previous expiration date, having modified the pre-wound, Is no

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longer valid. In addition, the packaging is always advisable to rewrite the batch present on
the original packaging.

Cooking and possibly Cooling and Warming

The cooking of food is carried out according to the recipe of the dish (in oven, steam, to the
plate, etc.). For meat, poultry and fish, care is taken to reach a temperature at the heart of
the product of + 75 ° C. For fries, the oil temperature should not exceed 180 ° C (Circular of
the Ministry of Health No. 1 of 11/01/1991).
During these operations the Self- Monitoring Manager and/or person in charge shall ensure
• Cooking must be complete in the product core
• Cooking must be uniform
• Keeps the exhaust hood filters clean
• Keeps the hood in operation during the baking phases
• Foods after cooking and before storage in the refrigerator, must be cooled in the
shortest possible time
• The product can be warmed at the temperature only once
• It is possible to make another warming if this is uniform and exceeds the temperature
of + 75 ° C in the heart of the product.
In the event of deferred consumption of cooked foods, they are cooled down in a cooking
room taking care to protect the food from any contamination. Cooling takes place at a first
stage at room temperature and then (when the temperature reaches + 45 ° C) inside the
fridge. These, then, they are warmed thermally doing reach + 75 ° C at the core of the
product and keeping them up to the administration to a temperature of + 60 / + 65 ° C.
Further heating and cooling are avoided.

Serving and Feeding

Foods are portioned and launched in dining room.
When administering the food, the manager and / or the person in charge verifies that:

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• Cooked foods to be consumed hot should be kept at a temperature of + 60 / + 65 ° C,

while for cold preparations the temperature should not exceed + 10 ° C
• Exposed foods must be protected from external contamination
• Storage temperatures during the exposure of perishable foods must be such as to
prevent bacterial development. The maximum exposure time of a food at room
temperature should be two hours
• Foods should not be left unattended

Program of self-monitoring plan

CCPs have been identified using objective and non-subjective criteria, taken from the
Codex Alimentarius, consisting of a logical sequence of questions, said Decision Tree
(reported below) to determine whether a given control point (CP) is a CCP.
Decision Tree

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CCP is a point to focus attention on and exercise the utmost vigilance; Each CCP identified
corresponds to a series of actions, which together form the self-monitoring plan.
Not all the hazards identified by the application of this criterion have been the critical
control points because all identified hazards, for which control measures exist to eliminate
or reduce to acceptable levels, have not been considered as CCP but only control points.
For these phases, it will be used to comply with the good manufacturing practices, defined
as the set of preventive activities required to produce a food in acceptable hygienic
conditions and constitute a prerequisite for the application of an effective HACCP system.
In according to decision tree, have been identified CCP following reported for the various
processing phases.

CCP monitoring sheets are attached.

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Raw material s - Non-conforming - Sensitize YES - Temperature - T ° of - Laboratory - Scrap of non- -Registration of
reception raw materials suppliers conditions transport analysis compliant non-compliance
- Microbial - Informing and - Condition of - Suitability - Temperature materials
contamination Forming Workers packaging and means of controls via - We call the
- Microbial labeling transport thermo meters suppliers
proliferation - Evaluation - Exchange of
and suppliers
of staff
Raw material s - Increase in -Correct Storage T° YES - Storage times - Freezing - Temperature - Request -Registration of
storage to bacterial charge - Food hygiene and temperature controls via external non-compliance
controlled T° - Crushed - Good hygiene temperatures (-18 ° C) thermo meters technical
contamination practices - cleaning of - - visual controls assistance
-Alterations the premises Refrigeration -Refer staff to
- packaging (4 ° C); their
damage responsibilities
- restore T ° to
critical limits
- consume the
product if the
cold chain
exceeds 8
Raw material s - Increase in -Correct Storage T° NO -Registration of
storage at no bacterial charge - Food hygiene non-compliance
controllated T° - Crushed - Good hygiene
contamination practices

Raw material s - Crushed De-freeze and clean YES -T i m e a n d T ° - T° e times - T° controls Scrap of non- - Registration
defrosting contamination the refrigerators defrosting defrosting : via compliant of non-
- Microbial periodically - cleaning of 2-4°C in 24h thermo meters products compliance
proliferation the premises - T° check
and equipment sheets

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Programmi ng - products - Good hygiene NO Business

and Preparation contamination and manufacturing Register
- Informing and
Forming Workers

Cooking - Survival of - Correct cooking YES Time and -T°>75°Cx15’in - Temperature - Inspection of Registration of
microorganisms times and Temperature the heart of controls via equipment and non-compliance
temperature solid product thermo meters s thermostats
- T°>95°C in the - If the
heart of liquid temperature
product deviates from
(Reaching that indicated
boiling point) in the critical
limits, prolong
the heat

Cooling and Microbial - Respect for the YES Time and - Passage from - Temperature - Scrap of Registration of
w armi ng development best hygiene Temperature 65 ° C to 4 ° C controls via products that non-compliance
standards in 3 hours thermo meters have undergone
- Set up an (cooling) prolonged
appropriate -T = 75 ° C at exposure
cooling program the heart of the - Inspection of
product equipment and
Serving and Microbial - - Good hygi ene NO Business
Feeding moltiplication and manufacturing Register
- Follow the
distribution of
meals as little as

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The waste produced at the end of the various processes can be classified into four groups:
• Empty packaging
• Processing waste
• Products that have passed the expiration date
• Oil exhausted
Empty packaging, paper, plastic, glass, etc. are delivered through the appropriate specialized
Processing waste, being similar to domestic waste, are grouped in a special plastic container
with pedal opening lid, placed in such a position as to exclude any risk of contamination of
food and an attraction for insects and rodents; The garbage bag is eliminated at the end of
the food preparation stage.
Even products that have passed the final date for using are eliminated; in that case is made,
no communication to the competent authorities.
About oil exhausted, this is stowed in specific containers and disposed of by an authorized


The sanitization provides all those physical treatments and chemistry that are carried out so
that a surface is clean physically, ie with no visible dirt, chemically free of residues of
substances used in the treatment, and biologically where the number and the first type of
microorganisms present are reduced to an acceptable level. The purpose of sanitization is to
destroy all pathogenic bacteria that may be present and to minimize the general bacterial
Sanitization process consists from following steps:
1. Removal of coarse residues: practiced mainly by mechanical or manual action or
equipment and allows subsequent quicker and more effective cleaning;

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2. Detergent: a chemical and / or physical process capable of removing dirt and food
residues, powders and other detectable materials. Cleaning cleans about 90-99% of
bacteria but thousands may still be present.
3. Rinse
4. Disinfection: a process that results in the reduction or destruction of microorganisms.
It allows to reduce drastically the microbial charge by eliminating almost completely
pathogenic germs on the surface. Sterilization, on the other hand, is a process that
results in total destruction of microorganisms and spores, completely eliminating
pathogenic germs present on the surface
5. Rinse: Equipment and surfaces must be rinsed with drinking water.
6. Drying: Essential as in the residual aqueous film, may occur microbial growth.
On MATTEO BR ship there are sanitizers, detergents and disinfectants accompanied by
safety data sheets.
The operations of cleaning and sanitization are made daily in all public areas including the
local kitchen and dining room, and specifically in the latter two with frequency according to
the attached program.
Workbenches, shelves, cutting boards and utensils are kept in good condition to prevent
microorganisms from getting into the cuts that wear could cause.

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Pests cause both economic and health damage since they are vehicles or carriers of
pathogenic agents, causing infections and illnesses. Insects include insects, rodents, birds,
bats, amphibians and reptiles. In a strict sense the "pest control" refers to the fight against
insects, while the operations against the rats are referred to as "rodent".
The prevention is aimed, therefore, to reduce the possibility of infestations through the
adoption of certain measures both structural and behavioral. Among these, we can mention
the use of detachable pull-in netting meshes to be attached to the windows or doors,
shadows to reduce access space under the doors, installation of air barriers, removal of
holes, cracks or slots on floors and walls, avoiding false ceilings, the disposal of waste in an
appropriate manner, the removal of decortication or equipment in disuse that might offer
refuge. It is indispensable, too, to maintain adequate hygiene in all premises while
respecting the sanitizing procedures and keeping the foods in the open or in any case
sheltered from the pests. The next stage of monitoring is to verify the effectiveness of the
interventions adopted, which must be confirmed by the absence of weeds or their traces.
The monitoring should be performed through the use of traps to capture (UV lamps or
attractants) specific for the pest to be searched, which will be placed in the premises or in
the outer areas in the vicinity of the identified critical points. The arrangement of the
workstations must be reported on planimetric map in order to facilitate the control while the
outcome of the visual monitoring must be noted on a special card bearing the number of
detected catches and any annotations. It would also be advisable to graph graphically the
trend of catches and to document the corrective actions taken as a result of overcoming the
critical limits. Through the monitoring it is not possible to assess the actual infestation
inside the plants and goods through the catch taken with the traps, as there is an exact
correlation between trapped animals, and wild animals present in the environment, however,
is able to provide information on the type and degree of infestation.
The pest control ends with the real fight which takes place through the use of selected
substances and means according to the type of infestation, the pest species, the degree of
infestation and its localization (local internal or external areas, the presence of absorbent

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materials, inaccessible spaces, etc.). We can therefore conclude that the pest control should
not be considered as a sporadic intervention to be carried out following the occurrence of
the infestation, but as the constant application of a set of rules developed with the aim to
reduce or rather eliminate the presence of these fearsome animals.

Water intended for human consumption is bought at the seaports and storage in tanks. This
water is provided with a certificate of potency (valid throughout the European territory) and
analyzed every six months.

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The periodic analyzes have the purpose, in the case no irregularities are detected, to check
the validity of the self-monitoring plan; any adverse analytical findings make it possible to
intervene in time to restore to normal.
From a careful analysis of the production cycle, and examined the actual risks related to it,
has prepared a program of checks "targeted" every six months structured as:
• Check the process of drinking water according to the Legislative Decree 31/2001
• Check the application of the principles of hygiene at the workplace, equipment and
operators in the phases: pre-operational, operational and after cleaning and sanitation
• Verification of the hygienic quality of the intermediate product in the company
processing (semi-SL)
• Verification of the hygienic quality of processed products (FP: finished product)
• Verification of hygiene storage is stable perishable products
The analyzes are entrusted to our accredited laboratory.
Sampling is carried out by competent technical staff C.M.L Vesuvio S.r.l. who can then also
assess the environmental conditions at the time of sampling.
In order to ensure a high degree of accuracy of the results, the samples arrive at the
laboratory and analyze them as soon as possible from sampling, especially in the case of
microbiological controls.

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After the received task from "B.S.C. - BARONE SHIPPING COMPANY S.p.A." was
written this self-monitoring Manual. For all that could verify in situ, for all that those
involved in the processing have prepared and for all what reported, the purpose of work was
those to designate the guidelines within the scope of HACCP in such a way as to ensure
maximum healthiness of food. Therefore, the HACCP turns out to be a system for food
safety based on prevention indispensable to obtain health-promoting products and harmless
to health.
Regarding the sampling carried out, they were carried out by competent technical staff of
C.M.L. Vesuvio S.r.l. in collaboration with the accredited laboratory.

Date: 2019/07

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1. Sanitization Procedures
2. Non-compliance register
3. Temperature Control Register
4. Raw materials Acceptance Sheets
5. Suppliers List
6. Local Cleaning Sheet
7. Cleaning Toilette Sheet
8. Hand Wash
9. Food Allergens
10. Result of Analyzes made


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