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The word trust refers to the state of being

responsible for someone or something. But

what will you do if someone breaks the trust Please, don't leave! I'll do anything, but
that you have given to them? People can be please don't leave me and the kids, they're
difficult to understand,
I suppose; one too young!" With a face that can't be used
moment they are on your side, and the next as a painting subject while gripping my
it appears like all of the ties that bind you father's bag full of his stuff.

together have been cut by the sharpest
"I'm leaving, Becca, I can't live in this
As my brother and I watch a drama on the house anymore, I'd rather live with her," he
television, these lines of a certain scene said coldly, as if we didn't exist to him, and
caught my attention, “Please don’t leave me grabbed the baggage that my mother was
and our children, you can have another holding so tightly that you could see her
woman, but please don’t leave us”. It was veins in her hands. These cold words
dinner time; my brother and I are waiting for chilled my joyful memories of my father,
my mom to finish cooking our food. "Reezyl causing them to shatter into fragments.
and Relvin, let's eat!" My Mom said after she
finished the dish. We sat at the table and
talked about hilarious things- -as usual. Surprisingly, I did not cry at that moment
in my life. I didn't feel anything, no grief,
After we ate the food that my Mother and I didn't feel down in the dumps. All I
cooked, I went back to my room and sat on feel is numbness, like if I've been through
the table beside the bed. The lines keep on this many times before. I just stood there,
repeating itself until it took me back to that barely absorbing what was going on; if
memory. The kind of memory that I would blank were a person, it would be me at the
pay for just to forget about it and start over. time.

Everything is wonderful; life is filled with so

many diverse colors that it is difficult to
choose. The kind of life you'd like to live in
forever, like Neverland, where childhood may
M ylearned
Mother, older brother, and I eventually
to accept what had happened and to
last forever. live without the pillar of the home. Is this
new condition natural for us, or are we just
I was awakened one night by a faint voice putting on a show? In any case, it appears
outside my bedroom door. The voice was so that little has changed from what occurred.
full of pain and remorse that it woke me up
from my deep sleep and made me get out of “Zyl.. Zyl..wake up" I awoke from my
bed. As I walked into my parents' room door, mother's poking. I didn't seem to notice that
halfway open, barely seeing what was going I had fallen asleep on my study table.
on inside, I could feel the night cold air on
my skin. And there I saw my older brother,
his tears streaming down his cheeks, not
knowing when they would stop. It was the "It is, after all, a dream," I grumbled. As I was
first time I saw him cried like that. organizing my table and other belongings, I
noticed a traveling bag that reminded me of
Dark four-cornered walls with just enough that dream, or should I say nightmare? It
light to fill the room. With things that can be
seen everywhere - disorganized cabinets as
occurred to me that forgiving someone may
take a long period, much like healing.
one out of six thousand five hundred seventy
if they were rummaged through by a kid who
doesn't know where her clothes are,
unfolded clothes laying on the cold floor, and
a new-to-me traveling bag. I kept wondering
who would pack their belongings at this hour Reezyl B. De leon
of the night, until I watched my Father grab it 12 - HUMSS - APHRODITE
and walk away from me as if it were the end
of the world, and then I heard my Mom
scream the words in agony and despair.
I Family
rhymed poetry
It's knowing where your roots are,
I am imperfect, That sometimes gives you wings.
without a doubt i know it It's knowing there's a place to go
I dont need to hide To escape the awful things.
It's knowing there will always be
At least one person on your side.
Who'll listen to your problems
And go along with you for the ride.

The Sun Will Rise

and So Will You
prose Inside
free verse
If you ever get tired
of being yourself, When everything has become too much,
of seeing the same flaws over and over I find the courage and humility in
again. breathing deeply.
Not understanding why I let the universe hear me inhale and
you are the way you are... exhale.
May you find that Like the sun As a sign that I'm willing to take its
that constantly rises in the east, energies little by little and let them flow
You are beautiful with your unchanging through me.

He Is Listening Like the rain that falls from the sky,

And the stars that shine at night-
limerick We thrive with the things that are constant.

To struggle is to be brave and strong,

To pray won’t keep the battle too long.
For God has open ears,
He’ll take away my fears,
He is listening all along.

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