Operator'S Manual: Cat Accugrade Uts System For Asphalt Pavers

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Cat AccuGrade UTS System

for Asphalt Pavers

Version 1.00
Revision A
Part Number xxxxx-00-ENG
June 2009
Copyright and Trademarks 1.2 Other Rights and Limitations. (1) The Software contains valuable
© 2000–2009, Caterpillar Trimble Control Technologies LLC. All trade secrets proprietary to CTCT and its suppliers. To the extent
rights reserved. permitted by relevant law, you shall not, nor allow any third party to
Caterpillar and AccuGrade are registered trademarks of Caterpillar copy, decompile, disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer the
Limited, registered in the United States and other countries. Software, or attempt to do so, provided, however, that to the extent any
applicable mandatory laws (such as, for example, national laws
Trimble, the Globe & Triangle logo, and SiteVision are trademarks of implementing EC Directive 91/250 on the Legal Protection of
Trimble Navigation Limited, registered in the United States and other Computer Programs) give you the right to perform any of the
countries. PROTECTED UNDER U.S. PATENTS: 5,107,932; aforementioned activities without CTCT's consent in order to gain
5,375,663; 6,691,437; 7,307,710; 7,246,456; 7,139,662; 5,987,379; certain information about the Software for purposes specified in the
6,324,455; 6,253,160; 4,888,890; 5,235,511; 4,924,374. respective statutes (i.e., interoperability), you hereby agree that, before
SiteNet, CMR and CMR+ are trademarks of Trimble Navigation exercising any such rights, you shall first request such information from
Limited. CTCT in writing detailing the purpose for which you need the
For STL support, the software uses the STLPort adaptation of the information. Only if and after CTCT, at its sole discretion, partly or
Moscow Center for SPARC Technology Standard Template Library. completely denies your request, may you exercise such statutory rights.
Copyright © 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company, Copyright © 1996, 97 (2) This Software is licensed as a single product. You may not separate
Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc., Copyright © 1997 Moscow its component parts for use on more than one computer. (3) You may
Center for SPARC Technology, Copyright © 1999, 2000 Boris not rent, lease, or lend, the Software unless you are a reseller of CTCT
Fomitchev. products under separate written agreement with CTCT and authorized
Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks or registered by CTCT to do so. (4) No service bureau work, multiple-user license or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other time-sharing arrangement is permitted. For purposes of this Agreement
countries. "service bureau work" shall be deemed to include, without limitation,
Portions of the software are copyright © 2003 Open Design Alliance. use of the Software to process or to generate output data for the benefit
All rights reserved. of, or for purposes of rendering services to any third party over the
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Internet or other communications network. (5) You may permanently
transfer all of your rights under this Agreement, provided you retain no
Release Notice copies, you transfer all of the Software (including all component parts,
This is the June 2009 release (Revision A) of the AccuGrade UTS the media and printed materials, any upgrades, and this Agreement) and
System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual, part number xxxxx-00- the recipient agrees to the terms of this Agreement. If the Software
ENG. It applies to version 1.00 of the AccuGrade UTS System software portion is an upgrade, any transfer must include all prior versions of the
for Asphalt Pavers. Software. (6) You may not export the Software or underlying
The following limited warranties give you specific legal rights. You technology in contravention of applicable U.S. and foreign export laws.
may have others, which vary from state/jurisdiction to (7) Without prejudice as to any other rights, CTCT may terminate this
state/jurisdiction. Agreement without notice if you fail to comply with the terms and
conditions of this Agreement. In such event, you must destroy all
CATERPILLAR TRIMBLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES LLC copies of the Software and all of its component parts, and provide an
END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT affidavit to CTCT stating that you have done the same.
AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT") IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT 2.1 All title and copyrights in and to the Software (including but not
BETWEEN YOU AND CATERPILLAR TRIMBLE CONTROL limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music,
TECHNOLOGIES LLC (CTCT) and applies to the computer software and text incorporated into the Software), the accompanying printed
provided with the CTCT product purchased by you (whether built into materials, and any copies of the Software are owned by CTCT and its
hardware circuitry as firmware, embedded in flash memory or a suppliers. You shall not remove, cover or alter any of CTCT's patent,
PCMICIA card, or stored on magnetic or other media), or provided as a copyright or trademark notices placed upon, embedded in or displayed
stand-alone computer software product, and includes any by the Software or on its packaging and related materials. You may,
accompanying printed materials and any "online" or electronic however, either (1) make one copy of the Software solely for backup or
documentation ("Software"). The Software also includes any software, archival purposes, or (2) install the Software on a single computer
(including, without limitation, upgrades and updates), that you provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes.
download from Caterpillar's Web site. BY CLICKING "YES" IN THE You may not copy the accompanying printed materials.
ACCEPTANCE BOX, OR BY INSTALLING, COPYING OR 2.2 U.S. Government Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure
OTHERWISE USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO BE by the United States Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in
BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO this Agreement, and as provided in DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and
NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, 227.7202-3(a) (1995), DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) (OCT 1988),
PROMPTLY RETURN THE UNUSED SOFTWARE AND FAR 12.212(a) (1995), FAR 52.227-19, or FAR 52.227-14(ALT III), as
WHICH YOU OBTAINED THEM FOR A FULL REFUND. 2.3 Microsoft Corporation has contractually obligated CTCT to include
This Software is protected by copyright laws and international the following disclaimers in this Agreement:
copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and Not Fault Tolerant. The MS Windows CE is not fault tolerant. CTCT
treaties. The Software is licensed, not sold. has independently determined how to use MS Windows CE in the
CTCT hardware product purchased by you, and Microsoft has relied
The following third party software is included with the CTCT product upon CTCT to conduct sufficient testing to determine that MS
and is subject to this Agreement: Microsoft Windows CE, copyright Windows CE is suitable for such use.
1995-2001 © Microsoft Corporation, Inc. All rights reserved. ("MS Note on Java Support. The Software may contain support for programs
Windows CE") written in Java. Java technology is not fault tolerant and is not designed,
1. SOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSE manufactured, or intended for use or resale as online control equipment
1.1 License Grant. This Agreement grants you a limited, non-exclusive, in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe performance, such as in
non-sublicensable right to use one (1) copy of the Software in a the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication
machine-readable form on any computer system. Such use is limited to systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines, or weapons
use with CTCT products on any computer hardware and operating systems in which the failure of Java technology could lead directly to
system for which it was intended. You may move the Software from death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage.
one computer to another but may only use the Software on one Sun Microsystems, Inc. has contractually obligated Microsoft to make
computer at any time. If you are a business rather than an individual, this disclaimer.
you may authorize the personnel associated with your business to use 3 LIMITED WARRANTY
the Software, but only one person at one time, on one computer at one 3.1 Limited Warranty. CTCT warrants that the Software will perform
time. You may also store or install a copy of the Software on a storage substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials
device, such as a network server, used only to install or run the for a period of one (1) year from the date of receipt. This limited
Software on your other computers over an internal network; but in such warranty gives you specific legal rights, you may have others, which
case you must acquire and dedicate a license for each separate vary from state/jurisdiction to state/jurisdiction.
computer on which the Software is installed or run from the storage
device. A license for the Software may not be shared or used
concurrently on different computers.

2 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

3.2 Customer Remedies. CTCT's and its suppliers' entire liability, and Notices
your sole remedy, with respect to the Software shall be either, at Class B Statement – Notice to Users. This equipment has been tested
CTCT's option, (a) repair or replacement of the Software, or (b) return and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
of the license fee paid for any Software that does not meet CTCT's pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to
limited warranty. This limited warranty is void if failure of the Software provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. Any replacement residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
Software will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer. the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
3.3 NO OTHER WARRANTIES. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT communication. However, there is no guarantee that interference will
PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CTCT AND ITS SUPPLIERS not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
DISCLAIM ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged
LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NONINFRINGE-MENT WITH REGARD – Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
TO THE SOFTWARE AND THE PROVISION OF OR FAILURE TO – Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
PROVIDE SUPPORT SERVICES. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED – Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
BY APPLICABLE LAW, IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND to which the receiver is connected.
CONDITIONS ON THE SOFTWARE ARE LIMITED TO ONE (1) – Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
YEAR. Y0U MAY HAVE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS WHICH VARY Changes and modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer
FROM STATE/JURISDICTION TO STATE/JURISDICTION. or registrant of this equipment can void your authority to operate this
3.4 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. CTCT'S ENTIRE LIABILITY equipment under Federal Communications Commission rules.
FOR THE SOFTWARE LICENSE OR U.S.$25.00. TO THE This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise
MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the radio interference
EVENT SHALL CTCT OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques
DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de Classe B
LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, prescrites dans le règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par
BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS le Ministère des Communications du Canada.
THE PROVISION OF OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SUPPORT This product has been tested and found to comply with the
SERVICES, EVEN IF CTCT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE requirements for a Class B device pursuant to European
POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME STATES Council Directive 89/336/EEC on EMC, thereby satisfying the
AND JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR requirements for CE Marking and sale within the European Economic
3.4 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR Area (EEA). Contains Infineon radio module ROK 104001. These
INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT requirements are designed to provide reasonable protection against
APPLY TO YOU. harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a residential or
4 GENERAL commercial environment.
4.1 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Ohio Australia and New Zealand
and applicable United States Federal law without reference to "conflict This product conforms with the regulatory requirements of the
of laws" principles or provisions. The United Nations Convention on Australian Communications Authority (ACA) EMC
Contracts for the International Sale of Goods will not apply to this framework, thus satisfying the requirements for C-Tick
Agreement. Jurisdiction and venue of any dispute or court action Marking and sale within Australia and New Zealand.
arising from or related to this Agreement or the Software shall lie
exclusively in or be transferred to the courts the Montgomery County, Taiwan – Battery Recycling Requirements
Ohio, and/or the United States District Court for Ohio. You hereby The product contains a removable Lithium-ion battery.
consent and agree not to contest, such jurisdiction, venue and governing Taiwanese regulations require that waste batteries are recycled.
4.2 Section 4.1 notwithstanding, if you acquired this product in Notice to Our European Union Customers
Canada, this Agreement is governed by the laws of the Province of For product recycling instructions and more information, please go to
Ontario, Canada. In such case each of the parties to this Agreement www.trimble.com/environment/summary.html.
irrevocably attorns to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Recycling in Europe: To recycle Trimble WEEE (Waste
Ontario and further agrees to commence any litigation that may arise Electrical and Electronic Equipment, products that run on
under this Agreement in the courts located in the Judicial District of electrical power.), Call +31 497 53 24 30, and ask for the
York, Province of Ontario. "WEEE Associate". Or, mail a request for recycling
4.3 CTCT reserves all rights not expressly granted by this Agreement. instructions to:
Trimble Europe BV
c/o Menlo Worldwide Logistics
Meerheide 45
5521 DZ Eersel, NL

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 3

4 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual
Safety Information
Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by
failure to observe basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided
by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an accident occurs. A person
must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary
training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be
dangerous and could result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product,
until you have read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If
these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to
other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal
Word” such as “DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert
“WARNING” label is shown below.

C WARNING – This alert warns of a potential hazard which, if not avoided, can cause severe

The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either
written or pictorially presented.
Operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on the
product and in this publication.

Trimble® cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential
hazard. The warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all
inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating technique that is not
specifically recommended by Cat is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for
you and for others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or be
made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair procedures that you
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of
information that was available at the time that the publication was written. The
specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other
items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service that is given to the
product. Obtain the complete and most current information before you start any job.
Cat dealers have the most current information available.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 5

C WARNING – When replacement parts are required for this product Cat recommends using Cat
replacement parts or parts with equivalent specifications including, but not limited to, physical
dimensions, type, strength and material.

Failure to heed this warning can lead to premature failures, product damage, personal injury or

6 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1 Using the Control Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.1 Control box basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.1.1 Power key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.1.2 The data card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2 Working with control box information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.2.1 Working with menus and dialogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2.2 Working with guidance screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.3 Beeper patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2 Preparing to Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1 Pre-power up checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.1.1 Power up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.1.2 Control box power up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.2 Work preparation checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2.1 Restore machine settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2.2 Display brightness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.2.3 Mast extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.2.4 Benching the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.3 2D machine control considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.3.1 AccuGrade 2D system icons are missing or grayed out . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.3.2 Machine control procedure for 2D systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3 Using 3D Guidance in the Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.1 Prepare 3D sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.1.1 UTS set up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.1.2 Start UTS machine positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.1.3 Connect to a different UTS instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.1.4 Two mast systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.2 Load a design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2.1 Insert a data card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2.2 Load a design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.3 Offsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.3.1 Vertical offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.3.2 Horizontal offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.4 Turn off UTS guidance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4 Troubleshooting in the Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.1 System troubleshooting techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.1.1 General troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.1.2 Troubleshooting UTS systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.2 Troubleshooting flashing warning messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.2.1 General warning messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 7

Conte nts

4.2.2 UTS warning messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.3 Troubleshooting error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.3.1 Software support option errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.3.2 Other selected error messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.4 Troubleshooting system components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.4.1 CR2400 data radio status indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.4.2 MT900 machine target status indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.4.3 UTS instrument status indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.5 Running system diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.5.1 Device connections diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.5.2 UTS diagnostics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.5.3 Sensors diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.5.4 Controller outputs diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.5.5 About diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.6 Before you contact your dealer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

8 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual


Using the Control Box 1

In this chapter: As you work with the AccuGradeTM UTS

System, you need to set up and control the
Q Control box basics guidance system and understand the guidance
Q Working with control box information the system provides.
You control the guidance system with and are
Q Beeper patterns given guidance information by the CD700
control box, which includes an integrated
audible alarm, or beeper.
This chapter describes, in general terms, how the
control box is used.
For more information on these components,
refer to the AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt
Pavers Reference Manual.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 9

1 Using the Control Box

1.1 Control box basics

The CD700 control box is a computer that runs the system software. The control box
has a color LCD screen to display guidance and other information, and push button
controls to operate the system. In addition, the control box has a data card slot for
loading and saving machine configuration data, and for loading designs. See
Figure 1.1, and Table 1.1 that describe the items in the figure.

Softkey label area

LCD screen

Escape key
Next key Zoom-in

Data card
Menu key OK key
Arrow keys

Figure 1.1 The CD700 control box

Table 1.1 CD700 control box functions

Description Hardkey Function

LCD screen —

Softkey labels See Softkeys and softkey labels, page 13

Softkeys See Softkeys and softkey labels, page 13

Zoom-in key + Zoom in on the machine

Zoom-out key - Zoom out from the machine

Next key N View the next guidance screen or select the next field in a dialog.

Menu key M View the Setup Menu – Configuration menu.

Data card slot See 1.1.2 The data card

10 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Using the Control Box 1

Table 1.1 CD700 control box functions (Continued)

Description Hardkey Function

Arrow keys ( Pan a guidance view, select an item in a list, or enter data in a
OK key \ Save changes made in a dialog, and exit the dialog.

Escape key = Exit from a dialog without saving changes, or exit from a menu.

Power key P See 1.1.1 Power key

Beeper See 1.3 Beeper patterns

1.1.1 Power key

The P key turns the control box on and off.
To turn on the control box and the system, press P. After a brief pause, an opening
screen appears.
Note – If the system reports that there are upgrade files or other system files on the
data card, or that the operating system is out of date, contact your site supervisor
To turn off the control box and the system, press and hold P for two to three
seconds, until the control box shuts down. (This delay reduces the risk of you turning
off the power accidentally.) You can turn off the system from any screen or dialog.

1.1.2 The data card

C CAUTION – The contents of a data card, or the data card itself, may be damaged if the card is
removed from the card slot immediately after the card slot door is opened. When there is a data
card in the card slot, and the card slot door is opened, a full screen warning message on a red
background appears. Wait until the warning message disappears before you remove the card.

A data card is a microchip that can store large amounts of data without the need for a
permanent power supply. Figure 1.2 shows a typical data card used in the system.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 11

1 Using the Control Box

Use data cards to transfer designs between the office, where the designs are created,
and the system in the field, where the designs are used to generate guidance

Figure 1.2 Typical data card

You can use SiteVision® Office software to view and retrieve the files on a data card.
Data cards also store the following configuration files:
• Machine configuration
• Control box settings
• Log files and *.zsnap (system snapshot) files
Note – You cannot write to or read from a data card when the data card slot door is
open. For example, if a design is loaded from a data card and the slot door is opened,
then the design will be unloaded.
Because of the rugged environments in which the system operates, data cards are
exposed to shock, vibration, and wide temperature variations. Most data cards will
work in the system but may not survive for long periods in such a rugged
Cat recommends the following data cards as suitable for operation in the system:
• ST Micro SMC128BFD6E
• White Electronics W7P128CFA70P0330

1.2 Working with control box information

When you work with the control box, you use a mix of keys, softkeys, menus,
dialogs, and guidance screens. The availability of many of these items is determined
by the following factors:
• The sensors installed on the machine. For example, some configuration screens
are only available when particular sensors are installed.
• The guidance configuration of the system. Your selection of guidance method
affects the guidance information available on the control box screen and the
guidance configuration options you get.

12 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Using the Control Box 1

• The operator configuration of the system. The menus and screens selected for
you by your site supervisor affect the setup information you can view and
modify. This manual only covers the menu options that are available to
operators by default. Any configuration and guidance options not covered in
this manual are described in the AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers
Site Supervisor’s Manual.

1.2.1 Working with menus and dialogs

Before you can begin work, you must enter configuration and set-up information into
the system, and view the current system state, by using screens called menus and
dialogs. Menus let you select a dialog. Dialogs let you specify set-up and
configuration information, or view information about the state of system components.

Softkeys and softkey labels

Softkeys are the six physical keys immediately to the right of the CD700 control box
screen. The function of these physical keys depends on the information displayed on
the CD700 control box, and is identified by the softkey label beside the key. See
Figure 1.3 for an example.
Softkey labels are graphical “keys” that appear down the side of the screen.
The text on a softkey label can show a description of the operation that is performed
when you press the softkey once. For example, Offsets opens the Select Offset Type
menu, allowing you to set the vertical and horizontal offsets.

Softkey labels
Figure 1.3 Example softkey labels on a guidance screen

Some softkey labels appear in more than one screen, in which case the function of the
softkey they identify is always the same.
As a softkey’s function relates to particular screens or dialogs, that functionality is
only available when the appropriate screen or dialog appears.
If a softkey has no function in a screen or dialog, the softkey label is blank.
By convention, this manual refers to a softkey/function combination by softkey label.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 13

1 Using the Control Box

Menus let you choose another menu or a dialog from a list. To move up or down the
list of menu items use the ] or [ keys. Once you highlight the item you want to
view, press \ to select it. See Figure 1.4 for an example.
To leave a menu without making a selection, press =.

Highlighted menu

Figure 1.4 Example menu

Dialogs let you enter data into the system. Dialogs can contain any of the following
• Text fields. Text fields let you enter text information, such as the name of a
machine. Once you select a field, you can enter data into it. A selected field
appears as white text on a blue background.
• Number fields. Number fields let you enter numerical values, such as the
height of a mast extension. Once you select a field, you can enter data into it. A
selected field appears as white text on a blue background. See Figure 1.5.
• Lists. Lists let you select a single item from a list of items, such as a list of 3D
• Check lists. Check lists let you select one or more items, or no items, from a list
of items, such as a list of sensors.
• Information to help you make your selection.
To move between fields in a dialog, press the N key.

Highlighted number field

Press the N key
to move to this field

Figure 1.5 Dialog showing number fields and how to move between fields.

14 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Using the Control Box 1

To enter data into a text or number field, use the arrow keys as follows:
• To scroll through the alphabet (upper case A through Z), numbers (0 through
9), the decimal point (.), a space ( ), and back to A, press [ or ].
Note – Available values depend on the type of field that is selected. For
example, the only values available for number fields are 0 through 9 and the
decimal point (.).
When you change a character in a field, the keys ] and [ start stepping
from the existing character.
• ) steps to the next character to the right.
In fields that allow spaces, press ) twice to insert a space.
• ( steps back one character to the left. This deletes the character in the space to
the left.
To select an item from a list, press [ or ], and press \. See Figure 1.6.

When you press

\, this item
is selected

Figure 1.6 An example of a list in a dialog

To leave the dialog without saving the new data or selection, press =. If you have
made changes to a dialog setting, and you choose to exit without saving those
changes, the following warning appears:

To confirm that you really do want to abandon the changes you have made to the
dialog, press \.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 15

1 Using the Control Box

1.2.2 Working with guidance screens

While you work, you read guidance information from the system using guidance
screens. Guidance screens display a mix of text and graphics that give you
information such as the slope or elevation of the screed, or the position of the
Depending on the configuration of the system you are using, you can view up to four
different guidance screens:
• Plan View
• Cross-section View
• Text View 1
• Text View 2
To move between guidance screens, press the N key.
The availability of each screen, and the information the screen contains, changes with
the following configuration items:
• The sensors installed on the machine
• The guidance configuration of the system
• The operator configuration of the system
• The type of design currently loaded

Guidance screen components

Figure 1.7 shows the main components of the guidance screens.

Optional text
information area

view area

settings area
Softkey label area
Figure 1.7 Guidance screen components

The three main areas of a guidance screen are:

• The optional text information area. The text information area lets you view
user-selectable information. In the text screen guidance views, the text
information area uses the guidance view area.
If there are more than three text items selected for display, then the text
information area appears down the right side of the screen.

16 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Using the Control Box 1

If there is no text information configured for that view, the text information
does not appear.
• The guidance view area. The guidance view area displays the machine relative
to the surface being worked. There is no guidance view area in the text screens.
• The guidance settings area. The guidance settings area displays the vertical and
horizontal offsets. For more information, see Guidance settings, page 17.

Machine icons
The system uses icons to identify the machine in the plan and cross-section views.
The screed edge in an icon corresponds exactly to the screed edge of the machine.
As you move the machine, the icon mimics the movements on the screen.
The red square on the screed icon indicates the side being used for 3D positioning.
The green line on the screed cross-section view icon indicates the vertical guidance
point, which is at the bottom of the mast at screed height.
Table 1.2 Machine type and icon

Machine type Plan View icon Cross-section View icon

Asphalt paver

Guidance settings
To display guidance settings, the system uses icons to identify the vertical and
horizontal offsets, and text to display numerical values. See Figure 1.8 and Table 1.3.

Vertical offset Horizontal offset

Vertical offset icon No horizontal offset icon

Figure 1.8 Example guidance setting area for an asphalt paver system

Table 1.3 Guidance setting icons used by the system

Guidance icon Meaning

Positive vertical offset

Negative vertical offset

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 17

1 Using the Control Box

Table 1.3 Guidance setting icons used by the system (Continued)

Guidance icon Meaning

Positive (right of alignment) horizontal offset

Negative (left of alignment) horizontal offset

No vertical offset

No horizontal offset

1.3 Beeper patterns

In addition to the control box display screen, the system also uses an audible alarm, or
beeper, to alert you to status changes and other events.
Table 1.4 lists the pattern of sounds generated by the beeper, and the events that cause
them. By default, the beeper will sound for all the events listed in Table 1.4, but alerts
for some events may be turned off by your site supervisor.
Table 1.4 Beeper patterns

Event Sounds when ... Pattern

Warning Message a warning message appears. Once only:

Appears • 200 msec on,
200 msec off,
200 msec on.

Warning Message a warning message automatically disappears. Once only:

Disappears • 200 msec on.

UTS Tracking the UTS loses lock on the machine target. Once only:
• 200 msec on.

Key/Switch Beeps a key or a switch is pressed. Once only:

• 200 msec on.

18 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual


Preparing to Work 2

In this chapter: Before you begin work with the AccuGrade

UTS System, you need to check the state of the
Q Pre-power up checks machine and the system components on it, to
Q Work preparation checks make sure that the system will provide accurate
Q 2D machine control considerations
This chapter describes how to check the machine
before you turn on the system, what to look for
as the system powers up, and how to check the
general system setup once the system is running.
2D machine control considerations are also

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 19

2 Preparing to Work

2.1 Pre-power up checks

Before you power up the system, observe the state of the machine to make sure that it
is configured to function correctly.

2.1.1 Power up

ATTENTION – When working in cold environments, when you start the machine to warm it up,
C turn on the paving control system as well.

When you power up the control box to begin work, observe the system’s start-up
sequence to make sure that all components function correctly. See the following list
of basic checks.

2.1.2 Control box power up

Observe the control box after the system has powered up. The following items should
• A guidance screen.
• The asphalt paver machine icon.
• Optional text items (if configured).
• A site plan, if a data card is inserted and the data card contains a site plan file.
• A design, if a data card is inserted, and the data card contains the design that
was loaded when the system was last powered down.
Table 2.1 shows some of the situations that may occur when you power up the control
Table 2.1 Control box power up
Problem Action
Control box does not start-up Check that the master disconnect switch and machine
power switch are on.
Start-up is interrupted by a request to Your data card has a firmware upgrade file on it. Consult
select a firmware upgrade file your site supervisor.
Start-up completes but the error A device specified during system configuration is missing
message “Some of the required or not connected. See 4.5 Running system diagnostics.
devices are not responding” appears

20 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Preparing to Work 2

2.2 Work preparation checks

As you get ready to begin work, you need to prepare the system for the job. Perform
the following work preparation tasks as described in the following table:

Check and set ... When To learn how, see ...

Machine settings As instructed by your site supervisor, or 2.2.1 Restore machine settings
if an error in machine dimensions is
Display brightness Every power-up 2.2.2 Display brightness
Mast extensions Every power-up (manual masts only) 2.2.3 Mast extensions

2.2.1 Restore machine settings

To ensure accurate guidance, you must use the correct machine settings. Machine
settings are typically saved in a machine settings file.
To restore a machine settings file:
1. Make sure that there is a data card inserted in the control box.
2. From any guidance screen, press M.
3. Select Restore Settings. A dialog similar to the following appears:

4. Select the correct settings file for your machine.

5. To confirm the settings, press \; to exit without saving the changes, press
Changes take effect immediately.
Table 2.2 shows some of the situations that may occur when you restore machine
Table 2.2 Restore machine settings
Problem Action
Invalid machine settings file The machine settings file on your data card is corrupt, or is for
the wrong machine type. Consult your site supervisor.
No settings suitable for your You have the wrong machine settings data on your data card.
machine Consult your site supervisor.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 21

2 Preparing to Work

2.2.2 Display brightness

Use the following key combinations to adjust the brightness of the control box
display for your working conditions:
• To increase the display brightness, hold down M and press + .
• To decrease the display brightness, hold down M and press -.

2.2.3 Mast extensions

Note – Mast extensions are only used with manual masts.
When using a manual mast, the mast height (extension) can be changed as required by
the operator, using the Mast Extension dialog.
Note – When using a system with two masts, only one mast and one machine target
can be used at any one time. However, both masts and both machine targets can be
installed and configured, which then allows the operator to select the required mast
and target using the UTS dialog. See 3.1.1 UTS set up.
The following table details the options available for mast extensions:

Mast type Options

Manual Mast – English/Imperial Single manual mast mounted on left or right – (English/Imperial
or Manual Mast – Metric or Metric), page 22
Two manual masts mounted on both left and right –
(English/Imperial or Metric), page 23

Single manual mast mounted on left or right – (English/Imperial or Metric)

1. From any guidance screen, press M.
2. Highlight Mast Extension, and press \.

Notes – 1. If the system is configured for an English/Imperial manual mast,

the dialog will show the mast extension field units in “ft” instead of
2. If the system is configured for a right manual mast, the dialog will
display the field label “Right mast extension”.

22 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Preparing to Work 2

3. Enter a value, as read from the measurement scale on the mast, in the Left/Right
mast extension field.
4. To confirm the settings, press \; to exit without saving the changes, press

Two manual masts mounted on both left and right – (English/Imperial or Metric)
1. From any guidance screen, press M.
2. Highlight Mast Extension, and press \:

Note – If the system is configured for English/Imperial manual masts, the

dialog will show the mast extension field units in “ft” instead of “cm”.
3. Enter a value, as read from the measurement scale on the mast, in the Left mast
extension field.
4. Enter a value, as read from the measurement scale on the mast, in the Right
mast extension field.
5. To confirm the settings, press \; to exit without saving the changes, press

2.2.4 Benching the system

Benching the UTS allows for any changes in the height (elevation) of the UTS
instrument since the last time it was used.
Note – This procedure benches the UTS to the left MT900 machine target. If the
system is configured for a right mast and target or two masts and two targets,
references to “Left” may change to “Right”.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 23

2 Preparing to Work

To bench the system:

1. From any guidance screen, press M.
2. Highlight Bench and press \:

To clear an existing bench, press Clear Bench. The Setup Menu – Configuration
menu appears.
3. Before benching, return the screed crown angle and extensions to the same
positions they were in when the machine measurements were taken.

ATTENTION – Ensure the screed controls are in manual and the machine is stationary during
C the benching process. Tow point movement and an inaccurate bench may result if the screed
controls are in auto.

4. If required, edit the Left/Right screed tip elevation value.

5. Press Bench Left/Right to bench the UTS. The Setup Menu – Configuration
menu appears.
6. To exit without saving the changes, press =.

24 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Preparing to Work 2

2.3 2D machine control considerations

When using the 3D system to control elevation:
• Some 2D guidance functions may not be available. See 2.3.1 AccuGrade 2D
system icons are missing or grayed out.
• A different procedure is required depending on the type of 2D machine control
system selected by your site supervisor. See 2.3.2 Machine control procedure
for 2D systems.

2.3.1 AccuGrade 2D system icons are missing or grayed out

When using the 3D system to control elevation, some 2D system buttons and icons
are not available or not displayed on the 2D system control box:
• The Bench (Null) button is not available, as benching (nulling) is controlled by
the 3D system.

Elevation controlled by 3D system

Bench (Null) button not available

Figure 2.1 AccuGrade 2D system – grayed out bench (null) button

• Measure mode is not supported, as elevation is controlled by the 3D system.

2.3.2 Machine control procedure for 2D systems

When setting up the system for its first paving run, the type of 2D machine control
system must be taken into consideration. The 2D machine control system set up by
your site supervisor could be one of the following:
• AccuGrade 2D machine control. See AccuGrade 2D machine control, page 26.
• MOBA-matic 2D machine control. See MOBA-matic 2D machine control,
page 26.
Depending on the 2D machine control system, a slightly different procedure needs to
be carried out when preparing the asphalt paver for its first paving run.
The 3D system operation is the same no matter which type of 2D system is being

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 25

2 Preparing to Work

The 3D system calculates and uses two different sets of positioning/deviation

numbers, being:
• The control position, which is calculated as a point directly below the MT900
machine target.
The difference between the control position and the design (deviation) is sent
to the underlying 2D control system and fundamentally controls the whole
• The display position is calculated relative to the screed tip. This position is
displayed on the CD700 control box as the elevation and raise/lower text items.

ATTENTION – Due to subtle changes in the screed’s operating angle between a stationary
C measure up position and a working/floating position, the operator will occasionally need to
adjust the system to ensure the mat is laid on-grade. To make this adjustment, enter a control
system offset into the 2D control box. The head of material, mix change, or other parameters
can also cause the 2D system to be on-grade, but the 3D system to be off grade.

For example, after paving for 10 meters a grade check may show that the mat is 3 mm
too low. Based on this, the operator should enter a 3 mm increment control system
offset into the 2D system (a CD625 control box on an AccuGrade 2D system or a
DLSII display on a MOBA-matic 2D system). This 3 mm control system offset will
force the screed to raise by 3 mm. Subsequent grade checks should show the screed to
now be on-grade (on design).

AccuGrade 2D machine control

Use the increment or decrement buttons on the CD625 control box to enter the control
offset while the 2D system is in Auto.

Increment button

Decrement button

Figure 2.2 AccuGrade runtime screen showing a 3 mm increment offset

MOBA-matic 2D machine control

Use the increment or decrement buttons on the DLSII display to enter the control
system offset while the 2D system is in Auto.
For the above example, this will be displayed as 0.3 on the DLSII runtime screen.

26 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual


Using 3D Guidance in the Field 3

In this chapter: The AccuGrade UTS System stores a

3-dimensional (3D) digital map of the design
Q Prepare 3D sensors surface in the control box. Using 3D sensors, the
Q Load a design system fixes the location and elevation of the
machine and its screed on this surface. The
system then calculates the difference between
the screed elevation and the design elevation.
Systems that have this capability are called 3D
guidance systems.
The system supports a UTS (Universal Total
Station), a type of robotic total station.
This chapter describes how to set up the 3D
guidance system and use it in the field.
For more information about the sensors and 3D
guidance systems, refer to the AccuGrade UTS
System for Asphalt Pavers Reference Manual.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 27

3 Using 3D Guidance in the Field

3.1 Prepare 3D sensors

Common tasks that you must perform before you can use a UTS system are as

Task When To learn how, see ...

Set up the UTS instrument Every time you need to use 3.1.1 UTS set up
the system
Start UTS positioning When you need to use UTS 3.1.2 Start UTS machine
position information for positioning
Select a machine target When you need to change 3.1.4 Two mast systems
the machine target

3.1.1 UTS set up

Start the UTS using the SCS900 system, and set it up for Machine Control.
To learn how to set up your UTS instrument for Machine Control, talk to your site
supervisor or refer to the Trimble SCS900 Getting Started Guide.

3.1.2 Start UTS machine positioning

To initiate communication with the UTS instrument from the system:
1. From any guidance screen, press UTS:

UTS status

Battery charge

Figure 3.1 UTS instrument machine positioning dialog

Note – The Target ID softkey is only available when the UTS is stopped.

28 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Using 3D Guidance in the Field 3

2. To set the target ID:

a. Press the Target ID softkey:

Note – For systems with two masts, see 3.1.4 Two mast systems.
b. Enter the selected target ID into the Target ID: field. By convention, target
IDs of 9 through 16 are used for machine control applications, with IDs of
1 through 8 reserved for surveying applications. Ask your site supervisor
which target ID you should use. To set the default value of 9, press Default.
c. To confirm the settings, press\; to exit without saving changes,
press=. The UTS start-up dialog appears.
3. Press Start. The UTS system starts and the UTS instrument automatically
searches for the target in the area bounded by the search window defined
during UTS set up.
When the target is acquired, the UTS dialog changes to its “Tracking” layout,
shown below:

Tip – If the UTS takes too long to find the target, press = to stop the search and the UTS
B start-up.

4. To confirm the settings, press\; to exit without saving changes,

press=. A guidance screen appears.

B Tip – The state of an SPSx30 instrument’s power supply is automatically measured and
displayed in the Battery: field. If an external battery is used to power the UTS instrument, the
UTS battery status is not available.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 29

3 Using 3D Guidance in the Field

Some common UTS set up problems are:

Problem Action
No Start softkey in the UTS The machine data radio has not synchronized with the UTS instrument data radio.
dialog To check that the UTS components are connected and running, see 4.5 Running
system diagnostics.
Check that the UTS instrument data radio is turned on.
Check the instrument battery.
UTS fails to start Ask your site supervisor to check that the system radio channel and network are
compatible with the UTS radio settings. See 3.1.3 Connect to a different UTS
instrument, or to check your current settings, see 4.5 Running system diagnostics.

See Table 4.4 on page 47 for a description of the UTS dialog UTS status: field values.

3.1.3 Connect to a different UTS instrument

Occasionally you may need to connect to a different UTS instrument. When you have
more than one UTS instrument on a job site, each UTS instrument uses a different
radio configuration. In this situation, the machine radio configuration needs to be
changed to match the UTS instrument radio configuration.
To change the machine radio configuration:
1. From any guidance screen, press M.
2. Press Installation.
3. The Machine Radio Configuration menu item appears. Press \.

4. Set the radio channel and network ID to match a different UTS instrument.
Your site supervisor will advise you of the correct settings.
Press N to move between the fields in this dialog.
5. To confirm the settings, press\; to exit without saving changes,
An Updating message is displayed. The Setup Menu – Installation menu
6. Press = again to return to the guidance screen.
7. To continue using 3D guidance, you need to reconnect to the UTS instrument
before you restart paving. See 3.1.2 Start UTS machine positioning.

30 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Using 3D Guidance in the Field 3

3.1.4 Two mast systems

When using two masts with an asphalt paving system, the UTS instrument can be
configured to track either the left side or right side target, depending on your
To change the machine target and set the target ID:
1. From any guidance screen, press UTS:

Note – The Target ID softkey is only available when the UTS is stopped.
2. To toggle between the left and right targets, press Change Target.
3. To set the target ID:
a. Press the Target ID softkey:

b. Enter the selected target ID into the required Left and Right target ID:
fields. By convention, target IDs of 9 through 16 are used for machine
control applications, with IDs of 1 through 8 reserved for surveying
applications. Ask your site supervisor which target ID you should use. To
set the left target default value to 9, or the right target default value to 10,
select the required field and press Default.
c. To confirm the settings, press\; to exit without saving changes,
press=. The UTS start-up dialog appears.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 31

3 Using 3D Guidance in the Field

3.2 Load a design

Before you can receive screed guidance, you must have a design loaded into the
system. You can load a design that has been supplied on a data card by an engineer in
the office.

3.2.1 Insert a data card

To insert a data card:
1. To access the data card slot, depress the catch below the card slot door. The
card slot is in the bottom left corner of the CD700 control box.
2. Insert a data card. The data card can only be fully inserted in one orientation:
– One edge of the data card has two rows of sockets that mate with pins in
the card slot. Insert this edge first.
– Two edges of the data card have longitudinal slots with a notch on one
edge. Insert the card with the notched edge down.
The first three quarters of the card slides easily into the slot. Once you feel
some resistance, continue to press gently to engage the sockets on the card with
the pins in the card slot.
3. Close the card slot door.
Note – You cannot write to or read from the data card when the data card slot door is
open. For example, if a design is loaded from a data card and the slot door is opened,
then the design will be unloaded.

3.2.2 Load a design

Most design types are loaded using a few simple key presses. However, if you are
loading a Lines design file, once the file is loaded, you must select the guidance line
you want to work with.

Load the design file

To select and load a design:
1. From the Setup Menu – Configuration menu, select Select Design:

32 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Using 3D Guidance in the Field 3

2. Highlight the design you want to load.

3. To confirm the settings, press\; to exit without saving changes,
press=. If the loaded design specifies only a single design surface, the plan
view guidance screen appears.

Select a horizontal guidance line

If the only possible alignments in the loaded design are Site Map or Background Plan
features, the select guidance line screen appears. See Select a guidance line, page 34.
To select a horizontal guidance line:
1. Highlight the required option. The following options may be available in the
Select Guidance Line menu, depending on the type of design loaded:

To select ... Choose ...

A road alignment in a road design The alignment by name
The master alignment in a sloping surface design Master Alignment
The design boundary or linework in the Site Map or [Plan Line]
Background Plan
No alignment [None]

2. Highlight the alignment you want to load:

3. To confirm the settings, press\; to exit without saving changes,

press=. If the loaded design specifies only a single design surface, the plan
view guidance screen appears.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 33

3 Using 3D Guidance in the Field

Select a guidance line

If the guidance line is a [Plan Line] design, which may specify multiple design
surfaces, the Select Guidance Line dialog appears:

To select a line for guidance:

1. From the Select Guidance Line dialog, move the cross-hairs to the guidance
line that you require:
– To move the cross-hairs around the screen, use the arrow keys.
– To zoom the current view in and out, press + and -.

B Tip – If several lines are grouped closely, move the cross-hairs to an area where the lines are
more easily seen. To move the cross-hairs large distances across the screen, zoom out and
then hold down an arrow key. This lets you move rapidly across the design.

2. To select the line for horizontal guidance, press Select. The line closest to the
center of the cross-hairs is selected. The selected guidance line appears as a
thick red line:

3. To confirm the settings, press\; to exit without saving changes,


B Tip – To select a different horizontal guidance line on the same design, you need to unload the
current design (by selecting None), reload the same design, and then reselect the required
horizontal guidance line.

34 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Using 3D Guidance in the Field 3

3.3 Offsets
Design offsets are the vertical and horizontal changes applied to the 3D design.
Offsets ensure that the screed height (elevation), and the horizontal alignment both
match the required design.
For example, a negative vertical offset value tells the system to build a subgrade, and
a positive vertical offset value tells the system to allow for compaction.
To set the vertical and/or horizontal offsets:
1. From any of the guidance views, press Offsets:

2. Select Vertical Offset or Horizontal Offset, and press\.

3.3.1 Vertical offset

A vertical offset applied in the system changes the vertical guidance line shown in
Guidance View on the control box.
• The 2D system grade indicator lights initially show “off grade” and then the
screed slowly adjusts to being “on-grade”.
• The 3D system will show the screed slowly adjusting to “on-grade”, but it will
not alter its offset values.
To set the vertical offset:
1. Select Vertical Offset from the Select Offset Type menu:

2. Enter the required vertical offset value. The field label changes from No offset
to Above design.
Press +0.010 to increase or –0.010 to decrease the value in 10 mm increments.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 35

3 Using 3D Guidance in the Field

Press Set 0.000 to set the value to No offset.

3. To set the offset below the design, press Above / Below. This changes the field
label from Above design to Below design.
4. To confirm the settings, press\; to exit without saving changes,

3.3.2 Horizontal offset

The horizontal offset adjusts the horizontal guidance of the screed, by adding a
constant horizontal offset perpendicular to the selected alignment. A positive value
guides the screed to the right of the selected alignment.
Note – The offset is relative to the selected guidance line.
To set the horizontal offset:
1. Select Horizontal Offset from the Select Offset Type menu:

2. Enter the required horizontal offset value. The field label changes from No
offset to Right of guidance line.
Press +0.010 to increase or –0.010 to decrease the value in 10 mm increments.
Press Set 0.000 to set the value to No offset.
3. To set the offset to the left of the guidance line, press Left / Right. This changes
the field label from Right of guidance line to Left of guidance line.
4. To confirm the settings, press\; to exit without saving changes,

3.4 Turn off UTS guidance

Every time you finish using guidance information from a UTS system, you need to
turn off UTS guidance before you turn off the system. To do this:
1. From any guidance screen, press UTS. The UTS dialog appears.
2. Press Stop and then wait for the UTS status to change to Waiting for Start.
Note – Turning off UTS guidance does not turn off the UTS instrument. You must
manually turn off the power at the UTS instrument.

36 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual


Troubleshooting in the Field 4

In this chapter: Occasionally, problems will occur. Good

troubleshooting techniques can significantly
Q System troubleshooting techniques reduce the time it takes to isolate the problem
Q Troubleshooting UTS systems and, ultimately, reduce the length of downtime.
Q Troubleshooting flashing warning
Q UTS warning messages
Q Troubleshooting error messages
Q Troubleshooting system
Q Running system diagnostics
Q Before you contact your dealer

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 37

4 Troubleshooting in the Field

4.1 System troubleshooting techniques

The approach you take to troubleshooting an AccuGrade UTS System depends on the
configuration of the system you are working with.
The following sections outline some basic troubleshooting strategies.

4.1.1 General troubleshooting

Check these items when troubleshooting:
• Is there a warning or error message that indicates a problem? To understand
errors and warnings, use the information in 4.2 Troubleshooting flashing
warning messages, and 4.3 Troubleshooting error messages.
Make a note of any messages that appear on the screen. You can also check the
program log file (LOG_<machine name>_<date>.txt).
• Are all the devices on the system receiving power? To quickly check the status
of the easily accessible devices, use the information in 4.4 Troubleshooting
system components.
• Are all the devices in the system communicating? To make sure all the required
devices have been detected, use the information in 4.5 Running system
• Do the devices have the correct firmware versions loaded? To check current
firmware versions, use the information in 4.5 Running system diagnostics and
the program log file. Contact your site supervisor to get a list of correct
firmware versions.
• Are the machine measurements correct?
• Are all cables and connections secure and undamaged?
• What were the steps that led to the problem occurring?
• Can the problem be repeated?

4.1.2 Troubleshooting UTS systems

To quickly assess the UTS components of a system, check the following:
• Are the yellow MT900 machine target LEDs, located at the top of the target,
flashing? If the LEDs are not flashing, then the UTS instrument will not be able
to lock onto the target.
Note – The red LEDs do not flash and do not indicate target lock.
• Use the information in 4.5 Running system diagnostics, particularly 4.5.2 UTS
diagnostics, to check the following:
– Is the UTS connected?

38 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Troubleshooting in the Field 4

– Does the UTS have the correct firmware loaded? See 4.5 Running system
diagnostics to check that all firmware is correct.
• Check that the correct model of radio is installed. For SPSx30 UTS instrument,
use an CR2400 radio.
• Use the information in 4.4.1 CR2400 data radio status indicators, to check the
– Is the data radio getting power?
– Is the data radio synchronized?
• Use the information in the UTS dialog to check the following:
– Is the UTS tracking?
– Does the UTS have adequate power?
• Is the UTS instrument free from vibrations, caused by passing machinery or the
wind? Complete the following procedure:
a. Stop the machine.
b. Put the automatic controls in Manual.
c. Rest the screed on the ground.
d. To view the Machine Target screen of the Diagnostics – UTS dialog, see
4.5 Running system diagnostics, particularly 4.5.2 UTS diagnostics.
e. Observe the Northing, Easting, and Elevation values. At a distance of
150 m (490 ft) you would not expect to see any variation in the Northing
and Easting values, and no more than ±5 mm (0.2 inches) variation in
• Observe the site and work area, and check the following:
– Is the MT900 machine target between 15 m (50 ft) and 300 m (985 ft)
from the UTS instrument?
– Does the UTS instrument have a continuous line of sight to the MT900
machine target? Check for occasional passing vehicles or dust clouds
which could block the line of sight. Check that the line of sight is
maintained for all machine orientations across the whole work area.
– Is the work area within the search window specified when the UTS was
set up?
– Are the lenses of the UTS instrument clean?

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 39

4 Troubleshooting in the Field

Poor results
It is beyond the scope of this manual to cover troubleshooting poor results in detail.
However, when you talk about the problem with your site supervisor or Cat dealer,
consider that poor results may be caused by poor guidance information. For more
information on adjusting the system to improve results, see 2.3.2 Machine control
procedure for 2D systems.
Noisy or inaccurate guidance information can result in an uneven or inaccurate final
surface. If you suspect poor guidance information, consider the following possible
• Incorrect mast extension data. See 2.2.3 Mast extensions.
• Incorrect guidance from the automatic system.
• Incorrect installation.
• Inaccurate machine measure up.
• Incorrect UTS instrument setup.

4.2 Troubleshooting flashing warning messages

The system generates flashing warning messages in situations where you need to take
some action to ensure that the system continues to provide accurate guidance
information. These warning messages are also written to the program log file
(LOG_<machine name>_<date>.txt).

4.2.1 General warning messages

Table 4.1 lists general system warning messages.
Table 4.1 General warning messages
Message Problem Solution
<location> sensor at The sensor is reporting a value Possibly indicates a damaged sensor. Check
operational limit outside its limit. the sensor for physical damage.
Check <location> The system cannot communicate with Run system diagnostics to check that the
Sensor the sensor. sensor has been detected. Check cables.
Check Machine The set of dimensions that was To restore a suitable machine settings file, see
Dimensions entered is incomplete, or is 2.2.1 Restore machine settings.
inconsistent with a machine dimension Otherwise, ask your site supervisor to enter the
that can be measured by the system. correct machine measurements.
Check Machine Type The stored machine settings are To restore a suitable machine settings file, see
invalid. 2.2.1 Restore machine settings.
Otherwise, ask your site supervisor to correct
the system configuration.
Loading Data The control box is loading the current Wait for the message to stop. It will disappear
design information. after a short period.

40 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Troubleshooting in the Field 4

Table 4.1 General warning messages (Continued)

Message Problem Solution
Option Not Installed You have tried to use a feature that Ask your site supervisor to provide an option
needs a valid option key entered. key for the feature you want to use.
Unknown Status The system has encountered an Take a zsnap snapshot of the system, using the
unexpected error. procedure in 4.6 Before you contact your
dealer, and then contact your Cat dealer.

4.2.2 UTS warning messages

Table 4.2 lists warning messages specific to the UTS instrument.
Table 4.2 UTS specific warning messages
Message Problem Solution
Check UTS Battery The system detected that the UTS Check that the battery is still connected to the
instrument battery is low. instrument or replace the instrument battery
with a fully charged one.
Check UTS Radio The system cannot communicate with Check that the instrument’s radio is powered.
the UTS instrument’s data radio. Check the cable to the radio.
Check Machine Radio The system cannot communicate with To check that the radio is powered, see
the machine’s data radio. 4.4.1 CR2400 data radio status indicators.
Check the cable to the radio.
Check Machine Target The system cannot communicate with Check that the target is powered and that the
the target. visible LEDs are flashing.
Check the cable to the target.

B Tip – To check the MT900 machine

target, use the information in
4.4.2 MT900 machine target status
Check Radio Channel The radio network ID/channel number Contact your site supervisor.
combination set up for your system is
being used by another machine within
radio range.
Level UTS The tilt compensator on the UTS Level the instrument mount.
instrument is out of range.
Level UTS and Check The tilt compensator on the UTS Stop the UTS positioning on the machine.
UTS Setup instrument is out of range. Remove power to the instrument and repeat
the instrument setup, making sure the
instrument is level. Power up the instrument,
and repeat the SCS900 setup.
Multiple UTS Detected The radio network ID/channel number Contact you site supervisor.
combination setup for your machine
and instrument is being used by
another instrument within radio range.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 41

4 Troubleshooting in the Field

Table 4.2 UTS specific warning messages (Continued)

Message Problem Solution
No UTS Data The UTS is not currently operating as To check that the UTS system is running and
part of the system. tracking the machine, see 4.5 Running system
diagnostics, particularly 4.5.2 UTS diagnostics.
Check that the target ID is set correctly.

B Tip – To check the MT900 machine

target ID, see 3.1.2 Start UTS machine
Search For Machine The UTS instrument lost lock on the Check that there is a clear line of sight
Target target, or was unable to acquire the between the instrument and the target.
target after searching. Check that the target is within range of the
Start UTS The UTS system is not providing To start the UTS system, see 3.1.2 Start UTS
guidance data. machine positioning.

4.3 Troubleshooting error messages

The system generates error messages when you need to take some action, or when the
system cannot perform the selected function.
These error messages occupy the full control box display screen and are also written
to the program log file (LOG_<machine name>_<date>.txt).
Many of these errors cannot be resolved by the operator. For example, errors caused
by defects in design files, in which case make a note of the error message and the
actions which caused the message to display, and then contact your site supervisor.
Only errors that can be resolved by the operator or site supervisor are listed in the
following sections.

4.3.1 Software support option errors

When you first start up, the software checks that the correct software option keys are
entered. If the keys are not found, a message appears. If this occurs, talk to your site

4.3.2 Other selected error messages

A system error has occurred. The application has been shut down for safety.
On start-up, one or more of the system’s software components failed to start.
Contact your site supervisor.

Corrupt file or data card

Contact your site supervisor to repair the data card.

42 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Troubleshooting in the Field 4

Data card is full. Contact your Supervisor.

Your data card has less than 400 KB of space left. Insert a new data card, or contact
your site supervisor to clear the data card of unnecessary files.

Machine name has not been set

Machines are given names at the time of installation. This message is displayed if you
restore a machine settings file that does not contain a machine name.
To clear the message, press \.

No Data
The system is not receiving any information from a sensor.
Try one of the following:
• Check the cable connections.
• Inspect the sensor for physical damage.
• To check that all the required components are responding, see 4.5 Running
system diagnostics.
• Switch off the power and then switch it on again.

No data card
The system is attempting to log information to the data card, but there is no data card
inserted. Insert a data card, or make sure that the card is inserted correctly and then
continue with the current task.

No devices were detected on the CAN bus

The system uses a CAN bus to pass data and commands between its components. If
this message is displayed, the components are not responding. You cannot use the
automatic controls until all the required devices respond.
Try one of the following actions:
• Check all cabling.
• To check that all the required components are responding, see 4.5 Running
system diagnostics.
If problems persist, contact your Cat dealer.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 43

4 Troubleshooting in the Field

Not enough memory to load the …

The control box has run out of memory to load the design, Background Map, or Site
Map file. This may occur when using large:
• Designs
• Site Map files
• Background Plan files
As the Site Map and Background Plan files do not contain vertical guidance
information, you can continue working if they fail to load.

Out of memory!
The control box has run out of memory.
Try one of the following actions:
• Shut down the control box and then restart it.
• Ask the design staff to reduce the size of the files.

Parameter Value Error

The value entered in the current field may exceed the recommended limits, or the
value is invalid. Check the value entered.

Radio does not support the required protocol

The on-machine data radio does not support the data transfer protocol used by the
UTS instrument.

Read/write error
Contact your site supervisor to check the program log and data card for errors.

Reverting to factory default settings

This message appears after you update the control box firmware. All the settings in
the control box are reset to the default values.
Try one of the following actions:
• To restore the settings file for your machine, see 2.2.1 Restore machine
• Ask your site supervisor to configure the system for use on your machine. Save
the new settings in a settings file.

44 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Troubleshooting in the Field 4

Some of the required system devices are not responding

The system uses a CAN bus to pass information between its components. In this
situation, some of the components are not responding. You cannot use the system
until all the devices respond.
Try one of the following actions:
• Check the cables.
• To check which devices are not responding, see 4.5 Running system
If problems persist, contact your Cat dealer.

Some of the required system devices have old firmware versions

If the firmware on a required component is too old, this message appears. You cannot
use the system until the firmware is updated.
Press \. The Diagnostics dialog appears. The dialog lists the firmware that needs
to be updated.
Contact your site supervisor to update the component firmware.

Some settings are missing or invalid, and will be reset to factory defaults
On start-up, or after restoring a machine settings file, some of the settings on the
control box are missing or invalid. These will be set to the default values.
Try one of the following actions:
• To restore the settings file for your machine, see 2.2.1 Restore machine
• Ask your site supervisor to configure the system for use on your machine. Save
the new settings in a settings file.

System Startup Error

On start-up, one or more of the system’s software components failed to start.
Contact your site supervisor.

There are no appropriate settings files on the data card. Please insert a data card with settings
You have tried to restore a machine settings file from the data card. There might not
be any settings files on the card for the option you have selected.
Contact your site supervisor and check that you have the correct settings files on your
data card.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 45

4 Troubleshooting in the Field

There is a problem with the data card – please insert a valid card. Check the program log for
The control box cannot read any data from the data card. You cannot load any designs
from the data card.
Remove the data card and then reinsert it correctly into the control box. If this fails,
contact your site supervisor.

Unexpected error
Contact your site supervisor to check the program log and data card for errors.

4.4 Troubleshooting system components

Some system components are installed on the machine in easily accessible locations.
To help you troubleshoot problems, inspect the component’s status indicators
(typically LEDs).

4.4.1 CR2400 data radio status indicators

The CR2400 data radio housing is fitted with an LED indicator light. See Figure 4.1.

indicator LED

Figure 4.1 CR2400 data radio

The LED can flash in a number of different patterns depending on the situation, as
shown in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3 CR2400 data radio flashing LED patterns
LED pattern Status
Off No power to radio
On solid Power is available, but the radio is not synchronized

46 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Troubleshooting in the Field 4

Table 4.3 CR2400 data radio flashing LED patterns (Continued)

LED pattern Status
Irregular flashing Power is available, the radio is synchronized, but the radio is
losing data
Steady flashing at 1 Hz Power is available, the radio is synchronized and is receiving

4.4.2 MT900 machine target status indicators

The status indicators of an MT900 machine target show if the unit is receiving power
and functioning correctly. There are four status indicators visible. Figure 4.2 shows
the location of the target’s status indicators.

Status indicator

Figure 4.2 MT900 machine target status indicators

The indicator patterns showing the machine target’s status are as follows.

Indicator flashing pattern Meaning

Not illuminated No power
Fast flash (0.1 second on, 0.1 second off) Power up (approximately 0.5 seconds),
otherwise low battery (<9 VDC)
Slow flash (0.1 second on, 0.9 second off) Normal operation
Blink (3 seconds on, 0.1 second off) Hardware fault

4.4.3 UTS instrument status indicators

The Status field and UTS Power field meanings are listed in Table 4.4.
Table 4.4 Status and UTS Power fields
Field Meaning
UTS battery is low The UTS instrument battery is too low to operate reliably.
UTS configuration failed UTS instrument configuration failed.
UTS does not support Active Target The UTS instrument does not support the MT900 machine
ID <num> target ID specified.
UTS not level The tilt compensator on the UTS instrument is out of range.
UTS not benched The UTS elevation was not set at the instrument, so the
target must be benched before use.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 47

4 Troubleshooting in the Field

Table 4.4 Status and UTS Power fields (Continued)

Field Meaning
UTS not supported The firmware in the UTS instrument is not interoperable with
the system.
UTS not supported: Cannot The firmware in the UTS instrument is not interoperable with
determine firmware version the system.
UTS not supported: No Positioning The firmware in the UTS instrument is not interoperable with
support the system.
UTS not supported: No Tracker The firmware in the UTS instrument is not interoperable with
support the system.
UTS not supported: Not a The firmware in the UTS instrument is not interoperable with
construction UTS the system.
Auto Searching for Target ... The UTS instrument is searching for the machine target.
Check UTS: Search window not set A search window is not set up on the UTS instrument.
Check UTS: station setup error UTS instrument configuration has failed.
Check machine radio The system cannot communicate with the machine radio.
Check machine target The system cannot communicate with the machine target.
Check radio channel The radio network ID/channel number combination set up for
your system is also being used by another machine within
radio range.
Communication timed out The delay in the response from the UTS instrument was
greater than the maximum allowed.
Configuring UTS The UTS instrument is being configured.
Connecting UTS The system is establishing a radio link with the UTS
Disconnecting UTS The system is dropping the radio link to the UTS instrument.
Full Searching for Target ... The UTS instrument is carrying out a full search for the
machine target.
Machine target search failure System error.
Measuring Error System error.
Multiple UTS detected The radio network ID/channel number combination setup for
your machine and instrument is also being used by another
instrument within radio range.
Quick Searching for Target ... The UTS instrument is carrying out a quick search for the
machine target.
Radio Link Lost: Reconnecting ... Radio contact with the UTS has been lost, and the system is
attempting to re-establish the link.
Search Error System error.
Target Lost The UTS instrument has lost track of the machine target.
Tracking The UTS instrument is correctly tracking the machine target.
Waiting for UTS Occurs when you first start the UTS and when you enter the
UTS dialog. The system is waiting for information from the
UTS instrument.
Waiting for start Waiting for the UTS system to start.

48 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Troubleshooting in the Field 4

4.5 Running system diagnostics

The CD700 control box expects certain components to be connected to the system,
depending on the system configuration. To view a list of expected components and
their status:
1. From any guidance screen, press M. The Setup Menu – Configuration
dialog appears.
2. Press Diagnostics. The Setup Menu – Diagnostics menu appears:

4.5.1 Device connections diagnostics

To view the system devices:
1. Select Device Connections and press \. A dialog similar to the following

The control box lists the devices that are currently connected to the system.
The Diagnostics dialog lists each device and reports the following information:
– the device name
– the status of the device
– the application firmware version number
– the loader firmware version
The application firmware must be the correct version before the device can be
used in the system.
The application firmware version number indicates which devices are detected
and which devices have the correct version of the firmware loaded.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 49

4 Troubleshooting in the Field

Note – When none of the devices display “old version”, you can use the system.
If either the firmware or the loader is too old, the device is detected, but you
cannot use the system until the device firmware is updated. The Status column
displays the minimum firmware required.
If the message Not found appears beside a device, the system is configured to
use the device, but the device was not detected.
You cannot use the system if a device is not found.
2. Press Recheck at any time to refresh the data in this screen.
3. Press = to exit to the Setup Menu – Diagnostics menu.

4.5.2 UTS diagnostics

To view detailed UTS diagnostics:
1. From the Diagnostics menu, select UTS and press \. The Diagnostics –
UTS dialog appears.

The first screen in the Diagnostics – UTS dialog is the Machine Target screen.
This is the screen that appears when you press Machine Target. See Table 4.5
for an explanation of the fields in this screen.
Table 4.5 Machine Target screen fields
Field Explanation
Northing The computed location of the machine target, in terms of
Easting northing, easting, and elevation.
Slope distance The observed location of the machine target relative to the
Horizontal angle UTS, in terms of slope distance, horizontal angle, and vertical
Vertical angle angle.
Tracking status UTS tracking status. See Table 4.6.
Search window The position of the machine target, relative to the search
window specified during UTS set up.

50 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Troubleshooting in the Field 4

The UTS instrument reports its tracking status to the system. UTS tracking
status message are listed in Table 4.6.
Table 4.6 UTS Tracking status messages
Tracking status Meaning
N/A No data being received from the instrument.
No signal No target is being tracked.
Tracking A target is being tracked.

2. From any screen in the Diagnostics – UTS dialog, press UTS. The UTS screen

This screen displays the name of the point at which the UTS instrument was set
up and, if the point has a name, the UTS <name>. For example, UTS South.
See Table 4.7 for an explanation of the fields in this screen.
Table 4.7 UTS screen fields
Field Explanation
Northing The known or measured setup location of the UTS instrument, in terms
Easting of northing, easting, and elevation.
Compensator The instrument’s compensator status.
Inst. height The installed setup height of the instrument.
Scale factor The scale factor.
PPM Parts per million. The instrument’s Electronic Distance Meter (EDM) is
affected by the temperature and pressure at which the instrument is
being operated. Accurate entry of the ambient air temperature and
barometric pressure correctly adjusts the EDM measurements for the
PPM (parts per million) error associated with this effect.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 51

4 Troubleshooting in the Field

3. From any screen in the Diagnostics – UTS dialog, press Backsight. The
Backsight screen appears.

This screen displays information about the backsight taken to establish the
orientation of the UTS instrument. See Table 4.8 for an explanation of the
fields in this screen.
Table 4.8 Backsight screen fields
Field Explanation
Northing The known location of the control point used for the
Easting backsight, in terms of northing, easting, and elevation
Slope distance The observed location of the control point relative to the UTS,
Horizontal angle in terms of slope distance and horizontal angle

4. Press = to exit to the Setup Menu – Diagnostics menu.

4.5.3 Sensors diagnostics

To view the sensors diagnostics:
1. From the Diagnostics menu, select Sensors and press \. The Diagnostics –
Sensors dialog appears:

2. Raise the right hand side of the screed and make sure that the cross slope value
3. Take note of the mast lean field values to make sure they accurately reflect the
lean of the mast(s).
Note – The above dialog shows the mast lean fields for a two mast system.

52 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Troubleshooting in the Field 4

4. Press = to exit to the Setup Menu – Diagnostics menu.

4.5.4 Controller outputs diagnostics

Note – The 2D control system must be in Auto to allow the tow point cylinders to
move the machine.
To view the controller outputs diagnostics:
1. From the Diagnostics menu, select Controller Outputs and press \. The
Diagnostics – Controller Outputs menu appears:

2. Select Left Elevation and press \ to show the following screen:

3. Press and hold ‰ and ´ respectively, and make sure the machine moves
up or down as required. This confirms that the left elevation output controller is
configured for 3D grade control.
4. Press = to exit to the Diagnostics – Controller Outputs menu.
5. Select Right Elevation and press \ to show the following screen:

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 53

4 Troubleshooting in the Field

6. Press and hold ‰ and ´ respectively, and make sure the machine moves
up or down as required. This confirms that the right elevation output controller
is configured for 3D grade control.
7. Press = to exit to the Diagnostics – Controller Outputs menu.
8. Select Slope and press \ to show the following screen.

Softkey 1

Softkey 2

9. Press Softkey 1 and Softkey 2 respectively, and make sure the machine moves in
the correct direction. This confirms that the slope output controller is
configured for 3D slope control.
10. Press = to exit to the Diagnostics – Controller Outputs menu.
11. Press = again to exit to the Setup Menu – Diagnostics menu.

4.5.5 About diagnostics

To view information about the system:
1. From the Setup Menu – Diagnostics menu, select About and press \. The
Diagnostics – About dialog appears.

2. Press = to exit to the Setup Menu – Diagnostics menu.

3. Press = again to exit to the Guidance screen.

54 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

Troubleshooting in the Field 4

4.6 Before you contact your dealer

The more information you can provide for the support personnel, the less time it will
take them to solve your problem. It is essential that you provide the following
• A system state “snapshot”. To generate the system state snapshot files, hold
down M and press the fourth softkey from the top.
Note – The system can only store a few minutes worth of data. Make sure you
take the snapshot as soon as possible after encountering a problem.
The software creates:
– a “snapshot” of the current system state and saves it as a .zsnap file in the
root directory of the data card
– a bitmap file of the current control box screen and saves it as a .gif file in
the root directory of the data card
The names of the files indicate the date and time that the files were created.
You can view the bitmap file in a drawing package on an office computer, such
as Microsoft Paint. You cannot view the system state snapshot file. Your site
supervisor can arrange to access these files.
• The system log. The system log data is written to the program log file
(LOG_<machine name>_<date>.txt) located in the root directory of the data
card. Your site supervisor can arrange to access this file.
• A description of the problem, including the steps that led to the problem.
Make sure that you contact the correct person for support. In the first instance, this is
your site supervisor, then your Cat dealer, and finally Cat support.

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 55

4 Troubleshooting in the Field

56 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual


Numerics keys 10
machine icons 17
2D machine control 25 menus 14
AccuGrade systems 26 power key 11
icons missing or grayed out 25 power up checks 20
MOBA-matic systems 26 problems, see common problems
procedure for 2D systems 25 softkey labels 13
softkeys 13
using 10
A controller outputs diagnostics 53
AccuGrade 2D machine control systems 26
audible alarm, see beeper
data card 11
B data radio status indicators, CR2400 46
battery state, UTS 29 diagnostics
beeper, using 18 controller outputs 53
brightness, control box 22 running 49
sensors 52
UTS 50, 54
C Diagnostics – About dialog 54
Diagnostics – Controller Outputs dialog 53
CD700 control box, see control box Diagnostics – Sensors dialog 52
checks Diagnostics – UTS dialog
control box brightness 22 Backsight 52
control box power up 20 Machine Target 50
machine settings 21 UTS 51
mast extensions 22 Diagnostics dialog 49
power up 20 dialogs
work preparation 21 Bench UTS 24
common problems Diagnostics 49
control box does not start 20 Diagnostics – About 54
control box start up Diagnostics – Controller Outputs 53
device not responding 20 Diagnostics – Sensors 52
machine dimensions 20 Diagnostics – UTS
machine settings, invalid file 21 Backsight 52
machine settings, no suitable settings 21 Machine Target 50
no UTS Start softkey 30 UTS 51
UTS fails to initialize 30 Horizontal Offset 36
control box Machine Radio Configuration 30
brightness 22 Machine Settings 21
dialogs 14 Machine Target ID 29, 31
display brightness 22 Mast Extension 22, 23
display information overview 12 Select Design File 32
guidance icons 17 Select Guidance Line 34
guidance screens 16 Select Offset Type 35
guidance settings 17

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 57

SPSx30 UTS instrument 28, 31 I
using 14
UTS 28, 31 icons
Vertical Offset 35 guidance 17
display machine 17
brightness 22 indicators, status 46
dialogs 14
guidance icons 17
guidance screens 16 K
guidance settings 17 keys
information overview 12 control box 10
machine icons 17 power 11
menus 14
softkey labels 13
softkeys 13 L
loading a design 32
flashing warning messages M
general 40
list of 40 machine
UTS 41 icons 17
settings 21
Machine Radio Configuration dialog 30
G Machine Settings dialog 21
Machine Target ID dialog 29, 31
guidance mast extension checks 22
icons 17 Mast Extension dialog 22, 23
screens, using 16 menus, using 14
settings 17 MOBA-matic 2D machine control systems 26
MT900 Machine Target ID, setting 29, 31

horizontal guidance line, select 33 P
Horizontal Offset dialog 36 power key 11
How To power supply state, UTS 29
change the machine radio configuration 30 power up checks 20
check the UTS instrument power 29 program log 55
connect to a different UTS instrument 30
insert a data card 32
load or create a design 32 S
run diagnostics 49
select a design 32 screen shots 55
select a guidance line 33 select a horizontal guidance line 33
select a guidance line design 34 Select Design File dialog 32
select a horizontal guidance line 33 Select Guidance Line dialog 34
set the SPSx30 UTS target ID 29, 31 Select Offset Type dialog 35
start a UTS 28 sensors
turn off UTS guidance 36 diagnostics 52
prepare 3D sensors 28
set up a UTS system 28

58 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

softkeys V
labels 13
using 13 Vertical Offset dialog 35
SPSx30 UTS instrument dialog 28, 31
SPSx30 UTS instrument see UTS
starting a UTS system 28 W
status indicators work preparation checks 21
data radio, CR2400 46
UTS target 47
system state snapshot 55 Z
zsnap files 55
data radio status indicators, CR2400 46
diagnostics 49
general 38
poor automatic controls results 40
poor results 40
program log 55
screen shots 55
UTS 38
UTS target status indicators 47
zsnap files 55
turn off UTS guidance 36

battery state 29
diagnostics 50, 54
flashing warning messages 41
power supply state 29
setting MT900 machine target ID 29, 31
setting up 28
starting 28
status messages 51
target status indicators 47
troubleshooting 38
turn off guidance 36
UTS dialog 28, 31

AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual 59

60 AccuGrade UTS System for Asphalt Pavers Operator’s Manual

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