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Lesson Plans for March 13-17, 2023

Subject: Mathematics

Duration: 1hour × 5 Days

Grade: 5

Topic: Polygons

Sub Topic: Finding area of triangles

Focus Question: How can I describe and measure angles?

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

Key Vocabulary: area, triangles, side, divide, multiply, polygons, shape

Key Skills: observe, calculate, measure, communication
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
 Recall the definition for area based on prior knowledge
 Identify the base and height of a triangle
 Tell the formula for finding area of a triangle after whole group discussion
 Find the area of triangle after guided learning

A triangle is a side closed figure. Area is the amount of space/ surface within a shape. To find the
area of a triangle we multiple the base times the height divided by two. The height of the triangle
is the tallest side of the figure.

Days 1 and 2

 Teacher will ask students, “How was your weekend?”
 Teacher will tell students that today we will be finding the area of a special type of
 Students will be asked “Can you guess what type of polygon that we will be finding
the area of?”
 Students will be asked “What is area?” (Based on previous lessons)
 Students will view PowerPoint
 Teacher will ask students to unscramble the letters presented on the screen
 Students will be asked “What polygon do you come up with when you unscramble
the letters?” (Expected response- triangle)
 Students will be asked “Why it is called a triangle?” (Expected response – because it
has three sides/ it is a three side figure)
 Teacher will say” so today we will be finding the area of triangle?”

 Students will view picture of a triangle in PowerPoint with a girl standing next to the
 Students will be asked “What do you the girl is measuring? ( Expected response- her
 Teacher will prompt students
 Where do you think is the height of the triangle?
 Teacher will ask students “ What if your mother told you to take up the tray of eggs from
base to prevent the eggs from breaking”
 Students will be asked “Where do you think is the base of the tray?”
 Students will be asked “Where is the base of the triangle?”
 Students will be asked to draw and label the triangle in their note book
 Teacher will then ask students “How do we find the area of a rectangle?” based on
previous lesson (Expected response – we multiply the length times width)
 Teacher will ask students “Now, how do you think we find the area of triangle?”
 ( Expected response – multiply the base times height)
 Teacher will encourage students to answer questions in complete sentences
 Teacher will tell students that they are correct but there is an important rule that we must
follow. When we multiply the base and the height we should divide the answer my two.
 Teacher will ask students write the formula for finding area of a triangle in their note
 Teacher will encourage students to always write their formula before working the Math

 Teacher will tell students to find the area of the triangle if the base 2cm and the height is
 Teacher will ask students “when we are finding area of a shape, what unit of
measurement should we use? Base on previous lesson ( Expected response- square units)

 Students will be asked to explain how we find the area of a triangle
 Students will guide teacher in finding the area of a triangle using the Google meet
 Teacher will explain to the students that the height of the triangle is the tallest side of the
 Teacher will reinforce on some key concepts, telling students to always write their
formula first before working the math and to always remember to write their unit of
measurement on their answers

Group 2 – Students will be given activity to complete where they will be finding the area of
Group 1 – Students will draw and find the area of triangles with the following measurements
1. Height = 10cm Base = 5cm
2. Height = 12m Base = 6m
3. Height = 124m Base = 7m
 Teacher will recap what was taught
 Students will be ask what they have learnt in today’s Mathematics class.

Students will complete the following worksheets in their books.


Days 3 and 4


Students will be ask to view the pictures of rectangular shapes fitting into each other on the


Teacher will ask the students, “to tell what they observed”, explained what they have observed.

Teacher will tell students that today we will find the area of shaded portion/part of a figure

Teacher will ask students, “What do you know about rectangles?”


Teacher will tell students that “Imagine that the room within your house is a rectangular shape

and you have decided to place a smaller rectangular room in that same room ” What would have


Teacher will show students the a picture of the kitchen floor within the PowerPoint presentation

“imagine this is the flooring of your kitchen”

Teacher will ask students the following questions

What is the shape of your kitchen floor? (Expected response – rectangle)

How would you know how much tile you need to purchase to tile the floor? (Expected

response – find the measurement)

Where would you find the measurement? (Expected response- inside the shape)

Teacher will prompt students so that they say we will of to find the measurement of the space

within the kitchen (rectangle)

After you found the measurement of inside the kitchen you have purchase your tiles and tile

your kitchen floor this is how it look, teacher will show students a picture of the floor being


Teacher will ask students how many tiles that the kitchen takes to complete?

Teachers will prompt students so that they count the tiles by rows and columns

Teacher will ask students how many tiles did the kitchen floor takes to complete?

Teacher will ask students to identify the length and width after they have labelled the kitchen

floor length and width

In what way could we find the amount of tiles that the kitchen takes to complete?

(expected response- By multiplying length times width)

Teacher will ask students to work the answer

Teacher will tell students that when finding the area they should first write the formula which is

area equal to? (expected response – l ×w )


Teacher will ask students “What is perimeter” (Expected response _ the distance around a shape)

Based on the activity that you have just done, “What is area” (expected response – the space

within a shape

Teacher will ask students “How do we find the area of a rectangle?”

Teacher will tell students that we should always write the formula before finding the area which

is A = l ×w
Teacher will tell students that we use square unit to find the area of an object so the unit of

measurement is squares

Teacher will work an example with students


Students will be given activity to find the area of rectangle in pairs based on their ability


Teacher will recap what was taught

Students will be given activities to complete individually






Day 5

Teacher and students will through worksheets of what have been thought.
Subject: Science
Grade: 5
Duration: 2 Days x 1 hour
Unit Title: Nutrition
Unit Theme: Living Things and Life Processes
Focus Question: How do animals and plants interact?
Topic: How do plant leaves serve the plant

Attainment Target:
 Understand the importance of the life processes in plants and animals, their
interdependence and how lifestyles determine health and well-being.

Skills: Record,observe, communicate, think critically

Materials: The New Integrated Approach Science Workbook 5, green leaf

Vocabulary: sunlight, photosynthesis, chlorophyll, starch, manufacture, root, shoot

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

 Investigate the importance of light energy to plants.
 Recognize the importance of plants as the food source at the start of the food chain.
 Work cooperatively in groups.
 Appreciate the importance of plants in the environment and the need to preserve and
protect them.

Days 1 and 2

Student will
 In groups, be provided with examples of food from plants (e.g. carrot, pea, potato, corn,
lettuce, apple, rice, mango, soya bean, grape, coconut, onion)
 Identify and record which parts of a plant each represents.
 Review the types of food that supply their bodies with energy, and where these foods
originate (Teacher should guide students in tracing food from animals back to plants, e.g.
beef ->cow-> grass; chicken -> corn or chicken -> worm -> cabbage).
 In groups discuss why all food sources can be traced back to plants and share their ideas
with the class.
 In groups, take a picture of a patch of grass and then cover the grass with a cardboard box
and leave undisturbed for about three days. (This will be done on Monday for class on
Wednesday) Take a picture of the grass at the end of the period.

 Describe and offer a simple explanation about what has happened to the grass.
 Participate in discussion on how plants use energy from the sun to make their own food.
The green pigment in the plant leaves, called chlorophyll, traps the light from the sun.
The roots of the plant absorb water and nutrients from the soil and mixes with carbon
dioxide (CO2), which passes through the pores on the back of the leaves. This is how
plants manufacture their food through the process called photosynthesis

 Complete page 130 of their text The New Integrated Approach Science Workbook
5(This will be written on the board or photocopied)


Subject: Science
Grade: 4
Duration: 1x 2 hour
Focus Question: How does the structure of the sense organs relate to their function?
Topic: Sense Organ-The Skin

Attainment Target
 Gain an understanding of some life processes in plants and animals and how
lifestyle choices impact health and well-being in humans.

Key Skills: create, collaborate, communicate, interpret, justify

Materials: textbook, charts of human skin, computer
 Skin is the largest body part. We have hair on our skin, which act as barrier of heat.
 The sweat glands in our skin produce sweat to cool our body. Skin also protect our internal parts
and act as a sense organ for touch.
 The skin1 is one of the largest organs in the body in surface area and weight.
The skin consists of two layers: the epidermis and the dermis. Under the dermis lies the hypodermis
or subcutaneous fatty tissue. The skin has three main functions: protection, regulation and
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
 Identify major parts (Skin ) of human body.
  State functions of major parts (Skin) of the body.
 Identify and name the two layers of the skin.
 Accurately label a diagram of the skin after viewing a picture of the skin.
 Make a model of the skin using materials from the environment after viewing model.

 Students will be asked if they can name different parts of their bicycle. Teacher will write students’
responses on the board.
Students will be told that as the bicycle has many parts, our body is also made of many parts. These
parts are called organs.    Ask the students to name all the organs of body which they can see and
touch. Write students’ responses on board.
 Make them focus that these are the external parts of their body e.g. ear, eye, teeth, and skin.


Students will recall tell what they know about bones. Ask them: Can you see your bones? Why not?
(Expected response: Our skin is covering the bones)
  Organize the students into four groups.
  Arrange four bags and place the following things in them and number them:
       Cotton balls   2. Plant leaves      3. Stones       4. Eraser.
 Tell students that they are to find what is in the bag by using their hands, without looking inside.
Teacher will distribute the bags to the different groups.
    Draw the following table on board and ask the students to copy it on their notebooks and
connect the bag number to the object in the other column.

             Bag Number                  Objects

1                  Stones

2                  Ice cubes

3                 Cotton balls

4                Plant leaves


Students will discuss their finding and answer the following questions:
1.       How did you classify the materials without looking at them?
2.       Can you guess which of our five senses helped us to get the answer?
(Expected response: touch)
Teacher will further explain to students that it is just one of the job our skin performs i. e. it keeps
away dirt, germs and bad stuff. It also controls our body temperature. The skin protects our
internal parts and act as sense organs.


Students will watched a video, entitled the skin. After which they will label the diagram of the
skin with the words provided.

Students will think about skin and answer the questions by looking at diagram and what they
have done in class.

Day 2


The previous lesson will be recapped on the sense organs. After which the lesson will begin with a
treasure hunt activity during which the students will search for strips of paper with information about
the skin, one strip will the three layers that made up the skin and the others with information
about the each layer.

The teacher will explain the information about the skin for the students to get a better
understanding. The students will also be told about the importance of each layer of the skin and
how they help the body.

A video will then be played to on the skin. The students will watch attentively to gather
information. A discussion will then take place during which the teacher will discuss the different
parts of the skin for the students to get a clearer understanding of how the skin works
The different terms will be explained to the students for further clarification example the dermis,
epidermis, pores for the to get a clearer understanding. The students will then be given
information about animals and how they use their skin to detect stimulus in the environment.
After which they will be asked to state the names of some animals and how they use their skin.
The students will be shown a model of the skin made from sponge, after viewing and interacting
with the model the students will be sent to make one at home using suitable materials and take it
to school.
The students will be given an unlabelled diagram of the skin to label and paste in their book.
Before this activity the students will be shown a labelled diagram of the skin.


Subject: Mathematics

Duration: 1hour × 5 Days

Grade: 4

Topic: Polygons

Sub Topic: Finding area of triangles

Focus Question: What are the similariries and difference among ideas?

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

Key Vocabulary: area, triangles, side, divide, multiply, polygons, shape

Key Skills: observe, calculate, measure, communication
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
 Recall the definition for area based on prior knowledge
 Identify the base and height of a triangle
 Tell the formula for finding area of a triangle after whole group discussion
 Find the area of triangle after guided learning

A triangle is a side closed figure. Area is the amount of space/ surface within a shape. To find the
area of a triangle we multiple the base times the height divided by two. The height of the triangle
is the tallest side of the figure.

Days 1 and 2

 Teacher will ask students, “How was your weekend?”
 Teacher will tell students that today we will be finding the area of a special type of
 Students will be asked “Can you guess what type of polygon that we will be finding
the area of?”
 Students will be asked “What is area?” (Based on previous lessons)
 Students will view PowerPoint
 Teacher will ask students to unscramble the letters presented on the screen
 Students will be asked “What polygon do you come up with when you unscramble
the letters?” (Expected response- triangle)
 Students will be asked “Why it is called a triangle?” (Expected response – because it
has three sides/ it is a three side figure)
 Teacher will say” so today we will be finding the area of triangle?”

 Students will view picture of a triangle in PowerPoint with a girl standing next to the
 Students will be asked “What do you the girl is measuring? ( Expected response- her
 Teacher will prompt students
 Where do you think is the height of the triangle?
 Teacher will ask students “ What if your mother told you to take up the tray of eggs from
base to prevent the eggs from breaking”
 Students will be asked “Where do you think is the base of the tray?”
 Students will be asked “Where is the base of the triangle?”
 Students will be asked to draw and label the triangle in their note book
 Teacher will then ask students “How do we find the area of a rectangle?” based on
previous lesson (Expected response – we multiply the length times width)
 Teacher will ask students “Now, how do you think we find the area of triangle?”
( Expected response – multiply the base times height)
 Teacher will encourage students to answer questions in complete sentences
 Teacher will tell students that they are correct but there is an important rule that we must
follow. When we multiply the base and the height we should divide the answer my two.
 Teacher will ask students write the formula for finding area of a triangle in their note
 Teacher will encourage students to always write their formula before working the Math

 Teacher will tell students to find the area of the triangle if the base 2cm and the height is
 Teacher will ask students “when we are finding area of a shape, what unit of
measurement should we use? Base on previous lesson ( Expected response- square units)

 Students will be asked to explain how we find the area of a triangle
 Students will guide teacher in finding the area of a triangle using the Google meet
 Teacher will explain to the students that the height of the triangle is the tallest side of the
 Teacher will reinforce on some key concepts, telling students to always write their
formula first before working the math and to always remember to write their unit of
measurement on their answers

Group 2 – Students will be given activity to complete where they will be finding the area of
Group 1 – Students will draw and find the area of triangles with the following measurements
4. Height = 10cm Base = 5cm
5. Height = 12m Base = 6m
6. Height = 124m Base = 7m

 Teacher will recap what was taught
 Students will be ask what they have learnt in today’s Mathematics class.

Students will complete the following worksheets in their books.


Days 3 and 4


Students will be ask to view the pictures of rectangular shapes fitting into each other on the


Teacher will ask the students, “to tell what they observed”, explained what they have observed.

Teacher will tell students that today we will find the area of shaded portion/part of a figure

Teacher will ask students, “What do you know about rectangles?”


Teacher will tell students that “Imagine that the room within your house is a rectangular shape

and you have decided to place a smaller rectangular room in that same room ” What would have


Teacher will show students the a picture of the kitchen floor within the PowerPoint presentation

“imagine this is the flooring of your kitchen”

Teacher will ask students the following questions

What is the shape of your kitchen floor? (Expected response – rectangle)

How would you know how much tile you need to purchase to tile the floor? (Expected

response – find the measurement)

Where would you find the measurement? (Expected response- inside the shape)

Teacher will prompt students so that they say we will of to find the measurement of the space

within the kitchen (rectangle)

After you found the measurement of inside the kitchen you have purchase your tiles and tile

your kitchen floor this is how it look, teacher will show students a picture of the floor being


Teacher will ask students how many tiles that the kitchen takes to complete?

Teachers will prompt students so that they count the tiles by rows and columns

Teacher will ask students how many tiles did the kitchen floor takes to complete?

Teacher will ask students to identify the length and width after they have labelled the kitchen

floor length and width

In what way could we find the amount of tiles that the kitchen takes to complete?

(expected response- By multiplying length times width)

Teacher will ask students to work the answer

Teacher will tell students that when finding the area they should first write the formula which is

area equal to? (expected response – l ×w )


Teacher will ask students “What is perimeter” (Expected response _ the distance around a shape)

Based on the activity that you have just done, “What is area” (expected response – the space

within a shape

Teacher will ask students “How do we find the area of a rectangle?”

Teacher will tell students that we should always write the formula before finding the area which

is A = l ×w

Teacher will tell students that we use square unit to find the area of an object so the unit of

measurement is squares

Teacher will work an example with students


Students will be given activity to find the area of rectangle in pairs based on their ability


Teacher will recap what was taught

Students will be given activities to complete individually






Day 5

Teacher and students will through worksheets of what have been thought.

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