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Alkifah Academy Schools - International Section

First Semester – Academic Year 2022/2023

Subject /English Language Arts - Grade 7

Student Name / _____________________________________________ Seat Number/

Number of Ques- Marks Corrected by Revised by Audited by
Question 1
Literature Skills
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Exam Total / 40

School Principal Subject Teacher

Mr. Ziad AlShammari Mr. Jamar Melton

Question 1: Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question
Garbage Can Teach Us a Lot About Food Waste
Magazine article by Whitney Pipkin 10
One man’s trash is another man’s data.
The nonprofit Natural Resources Defense Council is going to dig through trash bins. The trash will belong to both
residents and businesses. It will be done in three American cities. Why? Because it turns out we don’t actually know
that much about food waste.
We know that Americans waste about 36 million tons of food a year. But we don’t know the nitty-gritty details. We
don’t know about individual behavior. How much of that “waste” is bones and peels that can’t be reused? And how
much is food that could have been eaten? And how could not wasting some of that food help communities provide
for the 48 million Americans who aren’t sure where they’ll get their next meal?
It is new, slightly gross research. But it will help us to understand the truth behind our communal food waste habits.
Researchers from the NRDC want to know how much food we throw away in a given week. They also want to
know how much of it could have been eaten if we had planned better. They want to know if we could have ignored
an expiration date that wasn’t needed. …

1. The main purpose of the author in writing this article is likely to:
A. inform
B. persuade
C. express thoughts
2. Which of the following is a fact that shows the article will be informative?
A. …How much of that “waste” is bones and peels that can’t be reused?
B. …We know that Americans waste about 36 million tons of food a year.
C. … It is new, slightly gross…

3. Read the following abstract and choose the author’s purpose in writing it; ‘You are only one step
away from taking a flight to the best universities in the world. Call us today and let our profession-

als guide you towards a bright future. We will open the world of knowledge for you | Study
A. To inform
B. To persuade
C. To entertain
4. Read the following abstract and choose the author’s purpose in writing it; ‘Sir Isaac Newton died
in 1727 aged 85. He was buried along with English kings and queens in Westminster Abbey in
London. He was one of the greatest scientists and mathematicians who has ever lived.’
A. To persuade
B. To entertain
C. To inform
5. Read the following abstract and choose the author’s purpose in writing it; ‘What kind of room
doesn’t have doors? A mushroom! Hahaha’
A. To inform
B. To entertain
C. To persuade
6. Read the following abstract and choose the author’s purpose in writing it ‘To start off, I could barely
sleep last night because of the hard bed we slept on (can’t say I don’t miss my own bed from home!)
and because of my excitement at touring London for the first time!  I’ve always wanted to visit Lon-
don, and I’m finally here!’
A. To inform
B. To persuade
C. To express thoughts

7. ‘Grass grows greener in the graveyard.’ is an example of which sound device.

A. Poet

B. theme
C. Tone
D. Alliteration
8. ‘Though I’m Old, I’m so very bold’ is an example of which sound device
A. Alliteration
B. Assonance
C. Consonance
9. The boxes of texts (usually found under a graphic) that narrate a story is a
A. speech balloon.
B. caption.
C. thought bubble.
10.A cloud-shaped graphic that shows a character’s thoughts is called a
A. thought bubble
B. image panel
C. caption


Question 2 Vocabulary: Choose the correct answer
1. My teacher had a huge grimace on his face after eating the lemon.
A. He felt happy.
B. The lemon was disquieting.
C. It tasted very sour.
2.The jets flying over my neighborhood last night were extremely disquieting.
A. I did not have a good night’s rest.
B. I slept very comfortably.
C. I celebrated all night.
3. Mr. Ziyad was mesmerized by the architecture of ‘The Line’. 
A. He was disturbed by it.
B. He was fascinated by it.
C. He was bored from it.
4. “The human mind is incredibly adaptable.”  This statement means that:
A. Our minds always think the same way.
B. Our minds cannot adjust.
C. Our minds can change according to the situation.

5.  A prickly feeling means:

A. A hot feeling
B. A tingling feeling
C. A vibrating feeling

6. The suspect was being held in ___________ until his trial began.
A. detention
B. suppress
C. collaborate
7. Steve was told to ___________ his mother in court, but not to speak to his friends.
A. voice-over

B. relevant
C. acknowledge
8. We are expected to honor a _______ person, like our grandparents, with respect.
A. dignified
B. upright
C. scurry
9. Read the dictionary entrance below:
want \wônt\ n 1. the condition or quality of lacking something usual or necessary 2. pressing need
3. something desired 4. a defect of character
Which definition best matches the meaning of want in the following sentence?
He opened a window and called out, “Who is there? What do you want?”
A. definition 1
B. definition 4
C. definition 3
10. People’s behaviour is changeable because life experiences can influence thoughts, feelings,
and actions. When we add the suffix -able to change in this sentence it means that people…
A. will always change
B. can change their lives

C. cannot ever change

Question 3 (Grammar/Conventions) 2 points each: Choose the correct answer


Choose the sentence that uses the correct punctuation in the underlined sections of the sentence below.

1. “This is the first time anyone’s trying to really track and get a better understanding of food
waste in U.S. cities,” says Dana Gunders. 

A. U.S. cities”,says
B. U.S. cities says,”
C. U.S. cities says”,
D. Correct as is

2. What kind of food was it? Was it edible? Or was it just bones and peels? Why did it hap-
pen? And it doesn’t give you any information on how to address it,” Gunders says.

A. “What
B. what”
C. what
D. Correct as is

3. Choose the correlative conjunction that corrects the underlined section of the sentence below.
Either the heartbeat or breathing further slow.
E. Both
F. Neither
G. Whether

H. correct as is
4. Choose the introductory phrase that correctly punctuates the underlined section of the sen-
tence below.
Next, the body experiences the third and final stage of non-REM sleep.
I. Next the body
J. Next the body,
K. Next the, body
L. correct as it is
5. Choose the subordinating conjunction that corrects the underlined section of the sentence be-
People fall into an especially deep sleep at this stage, but it is especially difficult to wake them up.
Q. but
R. because
S. so
T. correct as is

Question 4: Apply the plot parts (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolu -
tion) in a story



Topic (2) Spelling (2) Vocabulary (2) Grammar (2) Punctuation (2) Total (10)

10 | P a g e

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