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A Review of Methods for Harmonic Power

Flow Analyses, Considering Uncertainties
A. A. Romero, H. C. Zini, R. Dib, and G. Ratta

Abstract—Nonlinear devices are increasing in all the power uncertainties.

systems around the world and as a result the level of harmonic Some researchers have proposed to model the uncertainties
distortion in both voltage and current is growing. Computational which affect the input data for the harmonic analysis by means
deterministic analysis methods have been developed for power of the probabilistic theory [4]-[8] and more recently by means
system harmonic prediction and assessment in order to give of the fuzzy set theory [9]. The results of their research efforts
solutions to the harmonic distortion problem. Unfortunately, are known as probabilistic harmonic load flow (PHLF) and Fuzzy
harmonic propagation in power systems usually does not have a
harmonic load flow (FHLF). While the probabilistic approach is
deterministic nature because the behavior in both nonlinear and
linear loads is usually known with uncertainties. This paper is a continuously being improved with different proposals, the
review of two different methodologies for considering fuzzy one is rather new and it is still in a very incipient
uncertainties in the analysis: the probabilistic harmonic load flow research stage. In particular, only uncertainties regarding
(PHLF) and the fuzzy harmonic load flow (FHLF). Both nonlinear loads have been investigated.
methodologies are proven in a small test system and the results However, in spite of these contributions many problems
are compared showing some drawbacks. A new methodology,
regarding this subject still remain unsolved. Some of them are
currently under development, which improves the FHLF, is also
presented. due to the mathematical complexity and computational effort
involved in the probabilistic modeling, whereas others are
Index Terms—Fuzzy sets, Harmonic distortion, Power system related to the kind and quality of the information required that
harmonics, Probability, Statistical analysis, Uncertainty. properly describes the random behavior of loads.
This paper provides a bibliographical review of the
I. INTRODUCTION deterministic, probabilistic and fuzzy methods. A two bus

H ARMONICS exist due to the nonlinear characteristics of

devices and loads on the power system, and cause
different problems to the users of an electric power system (EPS)
system [10] is solved by means of the DHLF, PHLF and
FHLF and qualitative comparisons are made. Also a new
proposal approach, which aims at improving the FHLF by
[1]. means of considering the uncertainties of linear loads in the
Nonlinear devices are increasing in all the EPS around the solution, is presented. Such an approach is currently under
world due to the widespread use of electronic devices. For that development at the Instituto de Energía Eléctrica, Facultad de
reason the level of harmonic distortion in both voltage and Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan, IEE-
current is growing [2]. UNSJ.
Based on the aforementioned, computational deterministic
harmonic load flows (DHLF) have been developed for power II. DETERMINISTIC HARMONIC LOAD FLOW (DHLF)
system harmonic prediction and assessment [3]. The reasons DHLF simulations start from the usual data for a
for predicting and evaluating the harmonic distortion are: conventional AC load flow (CLF) including some parameters
verification of standard compliance, analysis of harmonic that describe the loads and setting of nonlinear devices. From
resonance with capacitors and cable capacitances, design of these data, the fundamental and harmonic voltages in all nodes
harmonic filters, evaluation of harmonic power losses, etc. are calculated, together with the operating point of nonlinear
The harmonic propagation in EPS does not have a devices.
deterministic behavior because the nonlinear devices in a The problem analysis has three fundamental stages:
network are turned on and off and change their operation 1- Modeling of the system components (including linear and
mode in an unpredictable way. Additionally, the level and nonlinear loads),
composition of linear loads (percentage of electrical motors, 2- Formulation of harmonic load flow,
reactive power compensation, etc.) also affects the harmonic 3- Numerical solution of the nonlinear system of equations of
behavior of the network, and are usually known with the harmonic load flow.
The first stage has been studied by many researchers. In
This work was supported in part by the German Academic Exchange
Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst / DAAD). [11]-[14] a complete review of concepts and models for
R. Dib is Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Giessen- different components involved in harmonic power system
Friedberg, Germany (e-mail: analysis is presented. In the second stage, the equations that
G. Ratta, A. A. Romero, and H. C. Zini are with Instituto de Energía
Eléctrica, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Av. Libertador San Martín 1109 mathematically describe the problem are formulated; such
Oeste, San Juan Capital, Argentina (e-mail:; equations are, in general, nonlinear. The third and last stage is; the solution of the stated system of equations. Numerical

methods for solving the equation system are given in [15]- with dominant harmonic sources, where the equations to
[16]. model the relationship between voltage distortion and
Reference [3] and [17] presents a complete revision of the harmonic current injection by a nonlinear load are known.
state of the art regarding deterministic harmonic load flow. However, nowadays an EPS may contain distributed harmonic
The different methodologies can be classified according to the sources of different types and comparable sizes and where the
hypothesis on which their models are based. The two main stated equations are not always available.
assumptions are:
1- Whether or not to consider the influence of harmonics in III. PROBABILISTIC HARMONIC LOAD FLOW (PHLF)
the voltage wave on the nonlinear device behavior, i.e. if there In real power system studies, many parameters are random
is harmonic interaction between the network and the device. variables or they are known with uncertainty, i.e. linear and
2- Whether or not to consider the harmonic components in the nonlinear loads.
power balance equations. • Linear loads: Active and reactive power change with time
The principal formulations will be presented below. in a not completely predictable way. Also, the load
A. Harmonic penetration (HP) composition (resistive, motors, compensation degree, etc.)
This is the simplest methodology. It is based on the first changes, and is seldom well known. Both features
and second stated assumptions. Because of these hypotheses influence the system impedances as a function of the
their results are inaccurate if a high level of voltage distortion frequency and consequently the harmonic load flow.
exists [17], [18]. But experience has shown that this non- • Nonlinear loads: Their active and reactive power varies as
interactive method is sufficient for common harmonic studies. in the case of linear loads. In addition, these changes in
In HP the currents injected by nonlinear devices depend on their operating points modify the harmonic current injected
the fundamental voltage, the kind of device, and its power into the network (both in magnitude and phase). Except for
consumption. Thus, they can be calculated after a CLF. Once large nonlinear devices, the nature of the nonlinear loads
harmonic current injections are computed, these are modeled and their operating points can only be roughly estimated.
as current sources and the linear equations system (1) can be When these uncertainties and the random behavior of the
set for each harmonic frequency (h) and solved by a simple input variables can be properly described through probabilistic
voltage nodes method. functions, the probabilistic theory can be applied to the
[I(h)] = [Y(h)]⋅[V(h)] (1) harmonic analysis.
In (1), [V(h)] is the nodal voltage vector to be solved and A complete review of stochastic modeling techniques for
[Y(h)] is the admittance matrix at the hth harmonic frequency. harmonic load flow in power systems is presented in [8]. In
It is calculated from the results of the CLF and the frequency general two approaches are available for PHLF: analytic
dependent system components models. Fig. 1 summarizes the methods and the Monte Carlo simulation.
HP method. A. Analytic methods, without considering interaction between
nonlinear loads and the network
One of the key issues in analytical methods is the
summation of random harmonic phasors [23]-[26]. A phasor
A can be represented by: A = x + jy (rectangular expression).
Generally, x and y are dependent on one another, therefore,
the random behavior of phasors has to be modeled using a
joint probability density function (JPDF) [27].
Fig. 1. Harmonic penetration method (HP)
∂2PXY (x, y) (2)
B. Iterative harmonic penetration (IHP) pXY (x, y) =
∂x ∂y
This methodology is a modification of the HP, such a where, pXY(x,y) is the JPDF, and PXY(x,y) is the joint
modification considers the voltage harmonic distortion cumulative density function.
influence on nonlinear load behavior by means of an iterative In order to obtain an analytical solution to the sum of
harmonic analysis stage. For more details the reader can refer random phasors, it is necessary to make some assumptions:
to [19] and [20]. • Phasors to be added are statistically independent.
C. Complete harmonic load flow (CHLF) • Harmonic currents flowing through nonlinear devices are
The CHLF methodology was proposed by Heydt in [21] independent of the harmonic distortion in the applied
and [22]. The CHLF formulation has only one set of nonlinear voltage.
equations, which includes the CLF equations together with the With the former assumption, the random behavior of each
equations that describe the models of the nonlinear devices I(h)i harmonic phasor is described by its JPDF (2) and the sum
and their interaction with the network. This set of equations is of the n random phasors is obtained by convoluting their
solved by an iterative numerical method like Newton- marginal density functions pXi (xi) and pY i(yi), respectively, as
Raphson. follows:
The CHLF and the IHP methods are specially used in EPS pX (x) = pX1 (x1) ∗ pX 2 (x2 ) ∗...∗ pXn (xn ) (3)

and similarly for the imaginary component. steps are repeated enough times, and a statistical analysis of
When the number of phasors is large enough and no phasor the results is carried out (the confidence of the results
is dominant, the “Central limit theorem” can be applied, and increases with the number of simulations L).
as a result the sum of marginal probability density functions of Fig. 2 presents the algorithm for the PHLF solution by
each component x - y is approximated by a normal distribution means of the MCS. Unfortunately the MCS requires a great
function, which mean (µ) and standard deviation (σ) are: computational effort because thousands of simulations L are
µ X = ∑ µ X i ; σ X 2 = ∑ σ Xi 2
n n (4) necessary to obtain accurate results [27].
i i
A similar expression applies for y. The JPDF of the sum is
1 η (5)
pXY (x, y) = e
2πσ xσ y 1− ρ 2
with ⎡ 2
⎛ 2ρ(x − µx )( y − µy ) ⎞ ⎛ y − µy ⎞ ⎤
−1 ⎢⎛ x − µx ⎞ − ⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
2(1− ρ ) ⎢⎢⎝ σ x ⎠ ⎝
2 σ xσ y ⎠ ⎝ σ y ⎠ ⎦⎥

With the latter assumption, the JPDF of harmonic voltage
at node i will be the sum of JPDF of independent harmonic
currents amplified in magnitude and phase by Zij(h) (harmonic
transfer impedance between nodes i and j), as follows:
n (6)
(h) (h) (h)
Vi = ∑Zij I j
j=1 Fig. 2. Monte Carlo simulation method

When the conditions for applying the central limit theorem Probabilistic methods provides a complete picture of the
are not achieved, the convolution (3) has to be evaluated, random harmonic behavior of the studied system, However, in
which, in large systems, is very difficult, both analytically and order to exploit its capability, stochastic input variables has to
numerically. be known and properly described in probabilistic terms. This
B. Analytic methods, considering interaction between seldom is the case in many practical situations due to the lack
nonlinear loads and the network of statistical information.
When interaction between the voltage distortion at
nonlinear load terminals and the harmonic current injected IV. FUZZY HARMONIC LOAD FLOW (FHLF)
into the system needs to be modeled, a possibility is to apply In a general sense, uncertainty can be thought of as being
Monte Carlo Simulation (to be explained latter). Unluckily the inverse of information. In the real world information is
this method is computationally very demanding. incomplete, imprecise, unreliable, vague, deficient, and even
As an alternative approach, the First-Order Probabilistic contradictory, (i.e. harmonic information in power systems is a
Harmonic Power Flow (1stO-PHLF) has been proposed in [7]. good example). Although some years ago the theory of
The 1stO-PHLF method essentially relies on a linearization probabilities was the only way to model different kinds of
around an expected point of the nonlinear equation system uncertainties, recently fuzzy sets theory arises as a powerful
established from the CHLF of the deterministic case [21]. tool for these kinds of problems.
From this linearized system and both the mean and covariance In fact, the fuzzy sets theory has begun to be used for
matrix of the input variables, the mean and variance of each solving several problems in electric power systems because
output are calculated. engineers often have imprecise data for describing a
By the other hand, in international standards, i.e. [1], the phenomenon. These data represent a vague knowledge whose
evaluation of percentiles is a topic of interest. information, without fuzzy sets theory, cannot be properly
For the aforementioned the PHLF method for percentile included in any mathematical model [28]-[31].
evaluation (PHLF-PE) has been proposed in [46]. This method There are three general kinds of problems where fuzziness
goes on ahead a step from 1stO-PHLF by calculating also the could be necessary or beneficial:
third and forth moment of the PDF, which is assumed to be a 1- Problems that involve complex systems difficult to model,
Pearson distribution, as it seems to be the best approach for and whose behavior is not completely understood,
current and voltage harmonic percentiles observed in 2- Problems with complex input and output that are naturally
experimental studies. With this complete characterization of vague
the PDF, the percentiles of interest are obtained. 3- Problems, where an approximated but fast solution is
C. Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) [5]
Harmonic analysis problems have some of these
The MCS has three fundamental steps: first, assuming that characteristics and, even though there are few references
the JPDF’s of the input variables are given, random numbers where the fuzzy sets theory is applied to HLF analysis [9], this
are generated from their distributions. Then, a DHLF is solved theory is at present applied to related subjects, such as signal
for the system where the random variables take the values assessment, classification of perturbations, fuzzy conventional
randomly chosen in the previous step. And finally, both stated

load flows (FCLF), etc. [32]-[37]. Friedman’s method [38]. That is: from expression (9) the 4n x
A fuzzy set can be seen as a collection of ordered pairs, in 4n linear system of real number (10) is obtained and solved for
which the first element corresponds to an element x in the a given α-cut set.
universe X, and the second is the corresponding membership ⎡V (reh ) (α ) ⎤ ⎡ I (reh ) (α ) ⎤
or possibility degree. A fuzzy set is defined by (7) in which ⎢ (h) ⎥ ⎢ (h) ⎥
µÛ(x) is the membership function of an element x to Û. A ⎡ψ 11 ψ 12 ⎤ ⎢V img (α ) ⎥ = ⎢ I img (α ) ⎥ (10)
membership function can be thought of as a possibility
⎢⎣ψ 21 ψ 22 ⎦⎥ 4 n×4 n ⎢ −Vre( h ) (α ) ⎥ ⎢ − I re( h ) (α ) ⎥
⎢ (h) ⎥ ⎢ (h) ⎥
⎣⎢ −Vimg (α ) ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ − I img (α ) ⎦⎥
Û= {(x, µÛ(x)) :x ∈X} (7)
where, Ψ11 contains the positive entries of [Ψ (h)], Ψ12 the
Fuzzy numbers (FN) are a special class of fuzzy sets
absolute values of the negative entries of [Ψ (h)], and
defined in \ , they have a convex membership function and at [Ψ (h)] = Ψ11 - Ψ12 , moreover Ψ12 = Ψ21 and Ψ11= Ψ22.
least an element x with 1.0 membership degree. Among them, When each component of the voltage vector meets the
trapezoidal and triangular fuzzy numbers (TFN) are specially
constraint u(α) ≤ u ( α), the solution is called a ‘strong’
used in practical applications due to the fact that arithmetic
solution. Such a solution is in accord with the definition of the
operations on them can be readily performed. A TFN, Û, can
classic solution (CS) given in [42]. However, often the
be described by α-cuts Û(α)=[u(α), u (α)], with α∈[0, 1], that aforementioned constrain is not achieved, and as a
fulfill the following conditions: u(α), is a bounded left consequence the CS fails to exits, in this case, the bounds are
continuous non decreasing function over [0, 1]; u ( α), is a reversed in order to obtain a ‘weak’ solution [38].
bounded right continuous decreasing function over [0, 1]; and
u(α) ≤ u ( α). V. A NEW FUZZY APPROACH
Fig. 3 shows a TFN, which can be described by its α-cuts Hong’s proposal does not permit to model the uncertainties
(44+6α, 56-6α). This FN could mathematically represent the related to the linear loads. The above is, in principle, a severe
statement: “the 5th harmonic of current, injected by the device constraint because the system admittance at harmonic
in the node i, is approximately 50 A (with the major frequencies depends on the nature of the linear loads [13], thus
possibility), but neither less than 44 A, nor greater than 56 A”. these uncertain parameters can significantly affect the
A simpler notation for such a TFN is the triplet (44, 50, 56). harmonic flow in the network. The IEE-UNSJ is currently
carrying out a research project, aimed to include the linear
load uncertainties to the FHLF analysis. To model such
uncertainties, by means of FNs, makes the admittance matrix
[Yˆ ( h) ]i fuzzy, radically changing the mathematical nature of
Fig. 3. Fuzzy number of a harmonic current of 50 A. the problem. Now the linear system of equations (1) changes
to the FLSE:
In Hong’s work, [9], a FHLF is proposed. The FHLF is a
generalization of the deterministic HP method. The proposed [Yˆ ( h) ] ⋅ [Vˆ ( h) ] = [ Iˆ( h) ] (11)
procedure is as follows: Solving this FLSE is possible by means of the vertex
First, the complex n x n matrix equation in (1) is developed method which is based on the α-cut concept and interval
into its classical equivalent 2n x 2n real matrix equation: analysis [39]. In fact, a fuzzy number can be considered as an
⎡Vre( h ) ⎤ ⎡ I re( h ) ⎤ aggregate of confidence intervals with α grade of possibility,
⎡⎣ψ (h)
⎤⎦ ⎢ (h) ⎥ = ⎢ (h) ⎥ (8) so that the FLSE can be reformulated as several (theoretically
2 n× 2 n
⎣⎢Vimg ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ I img ⎦⎥ infinite) interval linear systems of equations (ILSE),
where, re and img indicate the real and imaginary components [Yα][Vα]=[Iα], one for each value of α.
of harmonic voltages and currents respectively. In order to solve each ILSE, it is necessary to find the
Then, in order to model the uncertainty, the harmonic vertex solution set (VSS). The VSS is the set of solutions vα ∈
current injections are modeled by means of TFNs2, and as a \ n of all real systems of equations, whose coefficients are all
consequence also the harmonic voltages become TFNs. In this the possible combinations of the endpoints of the coefficients
way the expression (8) becomes the following fuzzy linear
system of equations (FLSE): of the interval matrix [Yα] and of the interval vector [Iα]. Then
the minimum and maximum values in the VSS are found.
⎡Vˆre( h ) ⎤ ⎡ Iˆre( h ) ⎤
⎡⎣ψ ( h ) ⎤⎦ Such values will be the bounds of the interval vector [Vα].
⎢ (h) ⎥ = ⎢ (h) ⎥ (9)
2 n× 2 n
⎢⎣Vˆimg ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ Iˆimg ⎥⎦ Finally, the [Vα] solutions to each α-cut are composed in
Now, [Ψ(h)] is still a crisp matrix (a classic matrix) but order to obtain the fuzzy vector, [Vˆ ( h) ] , such a fuzzy solution
harmonic voltages and currents in the n nodes are TFNs. is called the joint solution (JS) [41]. In [42] is proved that if
In the Hong’s proposal the FLSE is solved according to the CS exits (the solution Friedman’s method looks for), then
CS(α ) ⊆ JS(α ) .
The notation, ^, over any character is used to indicate a fuzzy value. Clearly computational requirement of vertex method is

very large when a large number of fuzzy variables are TABLE II

considered. However, promising alternative solution methods RESULTS OF THE DIFFERENT METHODOLOGIES (ALL VALUES IN PU)
based on non-linear programming [40], [41] and neuronal Deterministic results (HP)
networks [43] have been recently proposed in order to reduce Volt . Real part Imaginary part Magnitude
this computational burden. In addition, intensive researches VIND1 0.0482 0.0919 0.1038

are being carried out in the area of linear equations involving VIND2 0.0503 0.0969 0.1092
Results considering uncertainties only in the nonlinear load
interval coefficients, which is strongly related with FLSE. At MCS1 (10,000 shots - uniform distribution )
present our research effort is directed to establish which of the Volt. Real part Imaginary part Magnitude
new developed tools is more suitable to solve the FLSE (11) min mean max min mean max min mean max
in order to deal with the solution of the complete FHLF. VIND1 0.0434 0.0482 0.0530 0.0827 0.0919 0.1011 0.0934 0.1038 0.1141
VIND2 0.0453 0.0503 0.0554 0.0872 0.0970 0.1066 0.0983 0.1093 0.1201
VI. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS IN A TWO BUS TEST SYSTEM FHLF (Hong’s proposal, TFNs given by the triplet (v1, v2, v3))
Volt. Real part Imaginary part Magnitude
In what follows, the deterministic HP, the PHLF applying VIND1 (0.0397, 0.0482, 0.0566) (0.0758, 0.0919, 0.1080) (0.0856, 0.1038, 0.1219)
MCS, the Hong’s FHLF and the currently investigated VIND2 (0.0415, 0.0503, 0.0591) (0.0800, 0.0969, 0.1138) (0.0901, 0.1092, 0.1282)
approach (NFHLF) that includes uncertainties in linear load NFHLF 1 (New fuzzy approach, TFNs given by the triplet (v1, v2, v3))
will be applied to the two bus test system presented in [10]3. Volt. Real part Imaginary part Magnitude
Fig. 4 shows the harmonic equivalent circuit of the example VIND1 (0.0433, 0.0482, 0.0530) (0.0827, 0.0919, 0.1011) (0.0933, 0.1038, 0.1141)

test system. The input data for each formulation is presented in VIND2 (0.0453, 0.0503, 0.0554) (0.0872, 0.0969, 0.1066) (0.0982, 0.1092, 0.1201)
Results considering uncertainties in both, linear and nonlinear loads
Table I.
MCS2 assuming uniform distributions (L=10.000)
Volt. Real part Imaginary part Magnitude
min mean max min mean max min mean max
VIND1 0.0358 0.0483 0.0630 0.0752 0.0917 0.1090 0.0836 0.1037 0.1253
VIND2 0.0375 0.0505 0.0657 0.0795 0.0968 0.1149 0.0882 0.1092 0.1317
NFHLF2 (New fuzzy approach, TFNs given by the triplet (v1, v2, v3))
Volt. Real part Imaginary part Magnitude
VIND1 (0.0325, 0.0482, 0.0679) (0.0732, 0.0919, 0.1127) (0.0816, 0.1038, 0.1293)
VIND2 (0.0340, 0.0503, 0.0709) (0.0775, 0.0969, 0.1187) (0.0861, 0.1092, 0.1358)

In order to compare results, 5th harmonic order response

will be examined. Two cases have been considered with MCS
and the investigated fuzzy methodology: MCS1, FHLF and
NFHLF1, where only the uncertainty in the nonlinear load is
modeled, and MCS2 and NFHLF2, where also the
Fig. 4. Equivalent circuit of the two buses test system uncertainties in relation to the linear loads are modeled.
From the results of this simple test system it is possible to
TABLE I make some qualitative comparisons between the different
methodologies. The first conclusion is, as the comparison
Branches data
Element Data deterministic data for all the cases between MCS1 and MCS2 cases shows that uncertainties in
Rst 0.0025 linear loads affect considerably the harmonic performance. It
Transfor. Rpt 3.2000 is clearly very important to consider these uncertainties when
Xt 0.2000 an analysis of this nature is required
Rln 0.0011
By the other hand, results from MSC1 and NFHLF1 as well
Xln 0.0160
PFC1 3.1000
as that from MCS2 and NFHLF2 are similar (the minimum
PFC and maximum values founded are almost the same), showing
PFC2 2.2700
Nonlinear load data that results obtained with both methodologies could have a
Element Data HP MCS1 & MCS2 FHLF, NFHLF1 & NFHLF2 similar qualitative interpretation despite the fact that they have
Nonlinear 5th been developed for to deal with different kinds of
I 0.12 0.12± 0.012 (0.108, 0.12, 0.132)
uncertainties. It should be noted that the triangular shape of
Linear loads data
HP, MCS1, FHLF & MCS2 results (Fig. 5a) is in accordance with the fact that the
Element Data MCS2 NFHLF2
NFHLF1 voltage tends to be normal distributed when there are several
Static Rr1 2.12 2.12 ± 0.212 (1.62, 2.12, 2.62) random variables, even if they are not normal.
Load 1 Xr1 4.50 4.50 ± 0.450 (4.0, 4.5, 5.0)
Finally, comparing FHLF results (Hong’s proposal) with
Motor Rm1 0.02 0.02 ± 0.002 (0.016, 0.021, 0.026)
Load 1 Xm1 0.83 0.83 ± 0.083 (0.785, 0.825, 0.885)
that obtained with the vertex method (NFHLF1) (see Fig. 5b)
Static Rr2 2.70 2.70 ± 0.270 (2.2, 2.7, 3.2) it is possible to notice that the FHLF result contains the
Load 2 Xr2 6.53 6.53 ± 0.653 (6.03, 6.53, 7.03) NFHLF1 result. This is in relation to the fact that the
Friedman’s method, in this case, leads to a weak solution that
A detailed deterministic harmonic load flow solution for this test system can
over-estimate the uncertainty about to the 5th harmonic voltage
be found in [10] at bus IND2. In this sense the NFHLF1 is in better accordance

with the MCS1 result. with fuzzy knowledge regarding to harmonic sources and
linear loads composition. Conceptual advantages of this
approach have been shown. The results show that the
investigated approach gives reasonable results and seem to be
a good tool to deal with the linear and nonlinear load
uncertainties. Even though the simple vertex method
implemented for this test could be more extensive
computationally than the MCS for large numbers of uncertain
variables, there are promising developments in the area, such
as interval analysis techniques, neural networks and nonlinear
programming that could significantly reduce this
computational burden. Current research effort is being
directed to establish which of these tools is more suitable in
order to deal with the solution of the FHLF.
Fig. 5. Results of the fifth-harmonic voltage at bus IND2 considering
uncertainties; (a) PDF results of: the Monte Carlo simulation only considering VIII. REFERENCES
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Another major problem with harmonic studies, when harmonic analysis: document and example cases (ATP and Matlab)”
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information about the random behaviour of non-linear and [11] Task force on harm. Modeling and simulation (S. Ranade, Chair),
“Modeling and Simulation of the Propagation of Harmonics in Electric
linear loads, as well as the uncertainties about their
Power Net-works,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 11, pp. 452-465,
composition. Jan. 1996.
Because the uncertainties in input variables usually are not [12] Task force on harmonics modeling and simulation, “Tutorial on
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[13] Task force on harmonics modeling and simulation (G. Chang, Chair),
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based on the fuzzy sets theory are in principle simpler and Comparison of Common Practice and Analytical Models,” IEEE Trans.
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[14] Wilsun Xu, “Component Modeling Issues for Power Quality
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A methodology that applies Fuzzy set theory to harmonic [15] J. Arrillaga, and C. P. Arnold, Computer Analysis of Power System, T.
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[16] L. Sainz Sapera, “Estudio de la Formulación y Resolución del Problema
models harmonic currents injected by non-linear devices with del Flujo Armónico de Cargas,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. de Ing.
TFNs. However, other uncertainties, perhaps the most Eléctrica, Univ. Politécnica de Cataluña, Barcelona, 1995.
important being the level and composition of linear loads are [17] S. Herraiz Jaramillo, “Aportaciones al estudio del flujo armónico de
cargas,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. de Ing. Eléctrica, Univ. Politécnica de
not considered. Cataluña, Barcelona, Mayo de 2002.
The IEE-UNSJ is currently carrying out a research directed [18] G. T. Heydt, Electric Power Quality, Stars in a Circle Publications,
to the harmonic state calculation in electric power systems Second printing 1994.

[19] J. Arrillaga, and C. Callaghan, “Double-iterative Algorithm for the IX. BIOGRAPHIES
analysis of power and harmonic flows at AC/DC convertor terminals,”
IEE Proc, vol. 136, No. 6, Nov. 1989. Andrés Romero was born in Colombia in 1978. He received the Electrical
[20] J. Arrillaga, B. C. Smith, N. R. Watson, and A. R. Wood, Power System Engineer degree in 2002, from “Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNC)”.
Harmonic Analysis, T. Wiley & Sons, 1997. Currently holds a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service
[21] G. T. Heydt, and D. Xia, “Harmonic Power Flow Studies. Part I. (Deutscher Akademischer AustauschDienst/DAAD) for Ph.D. studies at
Formulation and Solution,” IEEE Trans. PAS-101, No. 6, pp. 1257- “Instituto de Energía Eléctrica, Facultad de Ingenieria de la Universidad
1265, June 1982. Nacional de San Juan (IEE-UNSJ), Argentina”. His research interests are
[22] G. T. Heydt, and D. Xia, “Harmonic Power Flow Studies. Part II. power quality, electromagnetic transients and high voltage test techniques.
Implementation and Practical Application,” IEEE Trans. PAS-101, No. Email:
6, pp. 1266-1270, June 1982. Humberto Zini was born in San Juan, Argentina, on February 4, 1958. He
[23] W. Sherman, “Summation of Harmonics with Random Phase Angles,” received the electrical engineer degree from the Universidad Nacional de San
Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng, vol 19, No. 11, pp. 1643-1648, 1972. Juan (UNSJ), Argentina, in 1985, and its PhD. degree at UNSJ in 2002.
[24] W. Kazibwe, T. Ortmeyer, and M. Hammam, “Summation of Currently, he is a Senior Researcher and Consulting Engineer with the
Probabilistic Harmonic Vectors,” IEEE Trans. vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1989. Instituto de Energía Eléctrica of UNSJ. In 1998, he completed a one-year
[25] Y. Wang, L. Pierrat, and L. Wang, “Summation of Harmonic Currents postgraduate stage at CESI, Milan, Italy, working on electromagnetic transient
Produced by AC/DC Static Power Converters with Randomly calculation. His research interests are electromagnetic transients and power
Fluctuating Loads,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 9, April 1994. quality. Email:
[26] Y. Wang, L. Pierrat, “Vectorial Summation of Probabilistic Current Ramzi Dib was born in Lebanon in 1954. He received his Electrical Engineer
Harmonics in Power Systems: From a Bivariate Distribution Model degree and his PhD from the University of Aachen in Germany. After several
Towards a Univariate Probability Function,” ETEP, vol. 10, Jan. 2000. years in the electrical industry, he joined the University of Applied Sciences
[27] J. Anders George, Probability Concepts in Electric Power Systems, Giessen-Friedberg in Germany as a Professor. His research interests include
Wiley & Sons, Interscience Publication, 1989. power quality. Email:
[28] J. M. Mendel, “Fuzzy Logic Systems for Engineering: A Tutorial,” IEEE Giuseppe Rattá was born in Italy in 1950. He received his Electromechanical
Proceedings, vol. 83, No. 3, March 1995. Engineer degree from Universidad Nacional de Cuyo-Argentina in 1974.
[29] G Morales-Luna, “Introducción a la Lógica Difusa,” Centro de Since 1997 he has been director of the IEE-UNSJ, Argentina.
Investigación y estudios avanzados del IPN, febrero de 2002. Prof. Rattá is currently an Assistant Professor in the UNSJ. He is also member
[30] R. Bansal, “Bibliography on the Fuzzy Set Theory Applications in of the Commission of Postgraduate Evaluation. His research interests include
Power Systems (94–01),” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 18, Nov. 2003. transient behavior of power system components and power quality. Email:
[31] T. Ross, Fuzzy Logic with engineering applications, Second Edition,
John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
[32] W. L. Chan, H. Hon, and T. P. Albert, “Fuzzy Arithmetic Based Power
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on Advances in Power System Control, Hong Kong, December 1993.
[33] V. Miranda, M. Matos, J. Saraiva, “Fuzzy Load Flow – New Algorithms
Incorporating Uncertain Generation and Load Representation”; Instituto
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Univ. Porto – FEUP/DEEC; 1990.
[34] V. Miranda, J. Saraiva, “Fuzzy Modeling of Power System Optimal
Load Flow,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 7, May 1992.
[35] S. Soliman, R. Alammari, M. Hawary, and M. Mostafa, “Frequency and
Harmonics Evaluation in Power Networks Using Fuzzy Regression
Technique,” PPT 2001, IEEE Porto Power Tech Conference, Sept. 2001.
[36] A. Dimitrovski, and K. Tomsovic, “Boundary Load Flow Solutions,”
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[37] J. T. Saraiva, N. Fonseca, and M. Matos, “Fuzzy power flow - an AC
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[38] M. Friedman, M. Ming, and A. Kandel, “Fuzzy Linear Systems,” Fuzzy
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[39] W. Dong, and H. Shah, “Vertex Method for Computing Functions of
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[40] H. Reynaerts, and S. Muzzioli, “Solving Fuzzy Systems of linear
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[41] H. Reynaerts, and S. Muzzioli, “Fuzzy Linear Systems of the form
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[42] J. Bucley, and Y. Qu, “Solving Systems of Linear Fuzzy Equations,”
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[43] J. Bucley, and Y. Hayashi, “Neural Net Approximations to Solutions of
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[44] S. M. Rump, “IntLab, Interval Laboratory,” Developments in Reliable
Computing, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 77-104, 1999.
[45] G. I. Hargreaves, “Interval Analysis in Matlab,” Manchester Ceme for
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[46] T. Esposito, G. Carpinelli, F. Rossi and P. Verde, “Probabilistic
Harmonic Power Flow for Percentile Evaluation,” Conference on
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838, May 2001.

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