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Formal Assessment Task 1.1
Whole Numbers: Addition, Subtraction,
Properties of numbers, Expanded Notation

NAME: Memorandum

Grade 6: Date:__________________



Question 1 – Properties of numbers [5 marks]

What is the value of X.

a. X + 100 000 = 100 000 + 1 000 000 X = 1 000 000

b. 600 x 150 = X x 150 X = 600
c. 2 000 000 – 0 = X X = 2 000 000
d. 450 760 – X = 0 – 450 760 X=0
e. (150 x 0.5) x 20 = 150 x (0.5 x X ) X = 20

Question 2 – Less Than, Greater than, Equal to [5 marks]

State whether the following are less than (˂), greater than (˃) or equal to (=).

a. 65 x 20 ___˂___ 65 x 22

b. 13 003 ___˂____ 31 003

c. (2 x 10) + 16 ___˃___ 20 + 16

d. 7H + 6U + 7TH ___=____ 7606

e. 6 +15 ___˃___ 9 + 3

Question 3 - Expanded place value notation [5 marks]

Write the following in expanded notation.

Expanded notation
a. 108 970 10 000 + 8 000 + 900 + 70
b. 76 001 70 000 + 1
c. 95 672 90 000 + 5 000 + 600 +70 + 2
d. 4111 4 000 + 100 + 10 + 1
e. 999 999 900 000 + 90 000 + 9 000 + 900 + 90 + 9

Question 4 – Addition and Subtraction [6 marks]

Use any method to solve the following: (Make sure to show ALL calculations)

a. 765 + 987


[2 marks]

b. 5 692 – 4 441


[2 marks]

c. 1 265 + 75 497

76 762

[2 marks]

Question 5- Problem solving [4 marks]

a. Seema got 99 marks in Math, 69 marks in English, and 91 in Science. Another student Rita got 92 marks in
Math, 33 in English and 84 in Science. What are their total marks?


[2 marks]

b. Ramesh ordered 10 cartons of chocolates to distribute among the class. Each carton holds 20 boxes and each
box has 12 chocolates. How many chocolates did Ramesh order altogether?

10 x 20 = 200 cartons
12 x 200 = 2400 chocolates

[2 marks]

Total: 25 marks

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