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Application Letters

Application letters include applying for a position, an appointment, a

course, or others (a visa, an extension on a deadline, a loan, a credit
card, etc.)
What to include
1. Specifically state what it is that you are applying for or
interested in applying for.
2. Identifying the reason that you are applying. Be as specific as
3. Give the reasons for which you feel you merit or qualify for the
position or object/thing you are applying for, if applicable (e.g.,
your goals, experience, qualifications or accomplishments, positive
traits, and so forth).
4. Identifying what you hope to accomplish by sending your letter, and
the action you would like the recipient to take.
5. Indicating the date by which you would like a response to your
letter, or by which you like the action to be taken.
Tips for writing an effective application letter
1. Refer to any other documentation you have enclosed with your
letter, such as application or other forms (letters of
recommendation, résumé, examples of your work, etc.)
2. Include a request for any information you would like to be sent, if
3. Include your contact information, such as your e-mail address or
phone number where you can most easily be reached and the time(s)
when you are available for calls, etc.
4. Close your letter by sincerely thanking the person for his/her time
or for any assistance he/she can give you.
Analyzing this sample letter
1. Below are the main parts of this letter:
a. Stating the purpose of writing: applying for a teaching position
b. Self-introducing and then applying for the job
c. Stating the current job, teaching experience, and accomplishments
d. Expressing hope for an interview
e. Indicating the date by which a response is expected
2. Language analysis
a. perhaps is used for giving an opinion when you want to be polite
and do not seem too certain or definite.
Perhaps there is a teaching position for me in your department.
b. Preposition as (followed by a noun)
as an expert
3. It is my intention to work … is equivalent to My intention is to work

4. The present perfect continuous tense: S + have/has been + V-ing is
used to express an action that started in the past and still goes on
continually up to now.
I have been teaching conversational English to doctoral
5. Reduced participial phrase
I am an Australian currently teaching English as an expert at Ho Chi
Minh City University of Technology.
teaching English as an expert at Ho Chi Minh City University of
Technology is a reduced participial phrase. The complete sentence is
I am an Australian who is currently teaching English as an expert at
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.
Other examples:
This is Mr. Smith speaking. = This is Mr. Smith who is speaking.
Oh, it's the cake burning! = Oh, it's the cake that is burning!
6. It + be + … + to do sth
To do sth is the real subject of the sentence. The structure starting
with It… is often used to avoid a very long subject in a sentence.
It is my intention to work in Vietnam for another year or two.
Other examples:
It's nice not to be dependent on them.
It was my duty to attend to the matter.
It was against my principles to work with them.
7. Adjective clause
An adjective clause starting with a relative pronoun (that/who/which)
modifies the noun right before it.
Apart from classroom teaching, I also coached the school debating
team that won third place in the contest organized by Oxford Language
School, in 2008.
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am applying for the position of chief salesman in your firm.

My name is Le Van Dinh Tu. I am Vietnamese and have worked as the head salesman for
a car company for over ten years. I have sold 6,000 cars ever since I started my career.
Through all these years, I have met thousands of people and have built a connection with
many of them. Therefore, I could get more clients for your firm if I got the position.

My reason for leaving my present job is that my parents have both retired and are
now living in the city where your headquarters is located. I want to get a job in the
town to look after them as the oldest son's responsibility.
I would love to hear from you and wish to have an appointment for an interview. For
your convenience, I enclose my resume. You can contact me by e-mail: at or +84369548462.

I extend to you my sincere thank for giving regard to my application. I look

forward to hearing from you and wish you a happy day.

Le Van Dinh Tu

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