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There are things called conductors that conduct and carry electricity, and are most
commonly made of metals such as copper and steel. Other materials sometimes used as
conductors are silver, gold, and aluminum. Copper is still the most popular material for wire
because it is very good conductor of electricity. An electric field at any point in space around
the charge system will occur if placed at that point. Static equilibrium occurs when an object
is not in motion in relation to the relative plane and all forces acting on it are balanced

Electric field inside a conductor there is no electric field at all. The electric field lines
finish or start on charges on the surface of a conductor, just outside of which they are
perpendicular to the surface. Any extra charge only exist on a conductor's or surface.
Creating electric fields is another metric force per unit charge. The electric field can be made
uniform by separating the parallel plates of the capacitors by a very little amount. The gap
between the plates must be extremely small as compared to the size of the parallel plates.
Earth's electric field on the surface of the planet can be as powerful as 100 to 300 V/m. This
means that there could be a few hundred volts between your head and your toes if you are
outside and away from structures or other objects that would interfere with the field.
Electric fields on uneven surfaces, the sharpest points are where extra charges on a non-
uniform conductor are concentrated. Moreover, at the sharpest points, extra charge may
flow onto or off of the conductor.

I have learned in my topic which is conductor's electrostatic equilibrium characteristics

within a conductor, there is no electric field at all. The electric field lines finish or start on
charges on the surface of a conductor, just outside of which they are perpendicular to the
surface. The rearrangement of charges within the conductor takes place such that the net
electric field inside the conductor becomes zero. The purpose of static equilibrium is a
useful analysis tool in classical mechanics. We applied in our daily lives in static equilibrium
such as the houses that we live in, the roads and bridges that we pass by in traffic, dams,
etc. All of these structures are able to maintain their statistical status because they can
actually keep the forces acting on them in equilibrium, in other words, they remain in static

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