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Parents could adopt the following methods to prevent or lessen the TV.

addiction in children:

First of all, Parents should not allow TV in every room. There should be only one room in the

home to watch TV. Moreover, parents should make a schedule for watching TV. Everybody in

the home should strictly follow this time schedule. In addition to this following more steps could

be taken. These are:

Parents should tell the children the demerits of TV. Parents should tell the children that TV

addiction is a bad thing. Like any other addictions, TV addiction is also harmful to everybody. It


harmful to health. It weakens the eye-sight. It disturbs the digestive system and produces

weakness in the body. Parents should tell the children that the TV addiction wastes time.

Everybody has a limited time. You either can watch TV or do some productive work. You either

can do your home work or can watch TV. However, it is not possible to do the both. You can't

have your cake and eat it. Parents could advise the children that they should develop a sense of

purpose in their life. Life without a purpose and goal is just like animals. Parents should make

the awareness among the children that TV. watching shortens their life. In other words, TV

steals your life.

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