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John Lawrence Bautista

A day in the country a story about the two orphan children: Fyokla and Danilka. Between eight and nine
in the morning a dark colored mass is creeping over the horizon. Red zigzag of lightning gleam all over.
There's a sound of rumbling far away. In a minute the real storm will start. There's a girl named Fyokla, a
little beggar girl l, running through the village looking for Terenty, the cobbler. She asked everyone she met
"Uncle, where is Ternety?" but none of them answered for they are all pre occupied by the approaching
storm. But one answered "At the kitchen-garden" Silanty, Terenty's friend. There she saw Terenty; a tall
man, poker face, with a very long legs. She said to him about the accident that happened to her brother
Danilka. She told Danilka's condition, his hands stuck into a hole of a tree.
They quickly ran to rescue the trapped boy. But then rain began. Terenty asked Fyokla to lead him the
whereabouts of Danilka. About quarter a mile they reached Danilka who's gazing towards the stormy sky.
He heard some footsteps which turned up to be them. Terenty then got out the boy's hand. The reasons of
this accident is Fyokla wanting to get the nightingale's eggs. The lads goes home with the storm raging.
They kept asking Terenty questions which surprisingly answered all of them. Then learned that there's no
secret in nature that baffled him. And he knew all the secrets nature has. The childrens loved him for that
reason. And after spending a day with Terenty they retire to a deserted barn at night. Terenty does
everything he could to make the childrens love him and put their lives at better.

1.) Describe the setting of the story.

The story a day in a country was set on the countryside where nature and greenery are relevant. On the
story there was an incoming storm so you can say that darkness hovered the sky and can hear rumbling far
2.) Who are the characters in the story? Describe each.
Fyokla- a six year old orphan, a white-haired and pale skin .
Danilka- Fyokla's eight year old brother, with red hair and pale skin.
Terenty- a tall thin old man, pocker face paired with long legs and dark eyes.
3.) Aside from setting and character, what other elements of short story are present in this narrative?
Aside from given above, Plot is also present in this narrative, it has an exposition to resolution.
4.) What approach used in the literary work? Why?
Naturalist, because the story revolve around the characters struggles to endure the storm which is caused

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