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Interview Preparation Top Tips!

As the popular saying goes, preparation is key!

This is particularly true if you are looking to have a successful interview. By properly preparing for your interview,
you are showing valuable skills that increase your odds of shining during the meeting and therefore increasing
your chance of landing the job you want.

Company Research

Find out as much as you can about Europa Worldwide Group through our website and social media! This is one of
the best ways to stand out and show how interested you are in the vacancy you have applied for. LinkedIn is a
useful tool to find out about current employees, recent growth and company news!

Visit for more information!

Meet the Europa Family -

First Impressions Count!

So, be smartly dressed and well presented. If in doubt, be over dressed rather than under dressed. We have a
business - casual dress code across our offices.

Nerves are totally understandable, and our managers understand that. Try to relax as much as possible so you
can unleash your full potential throughout the interview. If you need any help or reassurance beforehand, please
do not hesitate to contact your recruiter who will be happy to help.

All about you:

This is your moment to shine! We want to get to know you better so make sure you let your personality shine.

And finally…Call the Recruitment Team!

After your interview, please call us with your feedback, as we’d love to hear how it went!

We aim to have feedback from the hiring manager for you within 5 working days. This allows enough time for any
other interviews to take place and for us to make an informed decision on how we would like to proceed with
your application.

All the best and good luck – Europa Worldwide Group, Recruitment Team!

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