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Racial Traits
• Abilities: +30 Strength, +20 Dexterity, +24 Constitution, +12 Intelligence, +12 Wisdom, +6 Charisma
• Living Construct: Although metalmorphers are constructs, they are living creatures (well, kind of...).
Unlike most Living Constructs, spells from healing subschool provide full effect to a metalmorpher.
• Metalmorpher base land speed is 300 feet and Spider Climb. Although their true form is made of metal,
it weighs normal for a creature in its size.
• Damage Reduction: 40/—
• Regeneration: 20/—
• Armor Class: The base creature's natural armor bonus improves by +20
• Enhanced Senses: Blindsight 120 feet, Blindsense 600 feet, Advanced Scent (Like Enhanced Scent, but
within 600 feet), Prefect Status Vision, micro vision and telescopic vision up to distance of 2 miles.
• Fluid Physiology: Metalmorphers' body is made of a magical half-liquid platinum-like metal. Thus, they
can reshape it into near-anything, even other materials, including flesh, although their DNA is always
metallic. Regardless of what form they took; they always can reshape any part of their body as they
wish- they even can create clothes to themselves out of their own body. Metalmorphers can even alter
their mass, in some limits; while the original size of most of the metalmorphers is medium, they can
shift it in one size category, whether it is up or down. Their fluid physiology frees them from all the
needs of the living- they don’t require sustenance, rest or oxygen, although they can eat, sleep and
breathe if they want to. They can digest food by temporary creating a functioning digestive System
(while they can assume any form, their inner organs aren't necessarily working). Because of their fluid
physiology, it is very hard to kill metalmorphers. Although epic magical weapons/effects can hurt them,
they cause them no enduring damage. Thus, destroying them is incredibly difficult. The only way to
destroy a metalmorpher for good is to destroy its body completely; if even one little part will remain,
the metalmorpher will completely regenerate in a few hours.
• Liquimetal Weaponry: As a move action, a metalmorpher can transform one of its limbs into a replica
of one of a weapon that it is proficient in or back to its original hands. All weapon properties such as
finesse, versatile, and two-handed apply. In addition, it can take on the hardness of an armor, as if it
were wearing it, as a move action, provided it is proficient in that armor. Although that "armor" is part
of it, it gains all the properties of that armor as if it were wearing it.
• Infusion: As full round action, metalmorphers can “inject” themselves with items proprieties or similar
powers. In 4d10 rounds, this essence will convert to improvements for items “bounded” on the
Metalmorpher. The new metalmorpher item propriety can be applied with a limit realized by the DM.
• Advanced Immunity: Metalmorphers' inherent magic, alongside their fluid physiology, grants them
immunity to energy/ability drain/damage, transmutation, mental effects, all elements, holy/unholy
damage and Spell Immunity/epic. Although their DNA is metallic, they are completely immune to all
corrosive effects.
• Spell-Like Ability: At will- Greater Teleport, and Greater Telekinesis. The save DC is Charisma-based. The
caster level is HD + 12.
• Automatic Languages: Common, Arcane. Bonus Languages: Any
• Favored Class: no favored class.
• Level Adjustment: +16

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