Metacognitive Reading Report 1 A Handbook of Self and Identity

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Metacognitive Reading Report 1

A Handbook of Self and Identity

1. What are the three (3) things that you significantly learned from the reading? Please start
by saying ' Before reading the article, I used to think that (insert thought). After reading
the article, I now think that (insert thought)'.
Before reading the article, I used to think that the physical characteristics of a person
came from the genes of his/her parents or family. That whether it is the hair, body shape,
complexion, or any physical attributes of a person are only hereditary. After reading the article, I
now think that aside from being hereditary, there are many factors that affect a person’s physical
traits. An example would be a person’s body shape. A person might come from a family that are
composed of slim members. However, he/she was chubbier than them due to his/her own
Before reading the article, I used to think that a person only has one definite trait that is
applied to different kinds of situations. This makes his/her personality to be something he/she is
known for. After reading the article, I now think that people have many distinct characteristics.
This is because there are people who have multiple personalities, wherein each personality is
used depending on their environment. They used it to be able to adapt and fit into their current
surroundings and circle.

Before reading the article, I used to think that I am the only one to decide what I will be,
who make me, “me”. That there are no other people who knows me best other than myself. After
reading the article, I now think that there are other factors that affect our personalities. An
example would be the society, as our characteristics are mostly built-up based on the people we
interact with. Our traits tend to change based on the current trends of the society, to make every
one of us fit in their eyes.

2. What three (3) things about the reading are unclear to you?

In the section of the article ‘Is the Self Stable?’, it was a bit vague on when will a person
be considered himself/herself as unstable. This is due to the topic in the reading, the stability of
people differs based on their self-esteem, which is also associated with their well-being. And if
they are unstable, they will then be placed on the diagnostic criteria for borderline personality

In the section of the article ‘Dual-Processing Models’, it was quite confusing to me on

when reflexive processing will also become reflective processing, or vice-versa. As reflexive
processing is being thought and done by a person spontaneously, when will it turn to be a
reflective reasoning, wherein the person will plan his/her thoughts carefully?

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In the section of the article ‘Identity-Based Motivation’ and its core postulates, the part on
when will the actions of a person be considered as identity-congruent or identity-incongruent
was quite unclear. This is because a person determines whether his/her actions that engages to
relevant behaviors are either of the two, which is being evaluated based on the person’s view.

3. What three (3) questions that you want to ask about the reading?

A person may have an ‘identity crisis’ when he/she consistently change his/her
characteristics. As a person can have multiple personalities, how can he/she make sure what
his/her real traits; that the person is still true to himself/herself, even if he/she change based on
his/her current environment?

The society’s norms tend to have a great influence on how a person acts, speaks, or even
dresses. It made a person to follow what is the current trend, for him/her to feel accepted. Thus,
based on today’s standards set by the society, how can a person be able to make sure that his/her
individuality will remain the same and not be lost?

People tend to want to adapt into the different kinds of environment. In terms of
workplace, a person will usually act differently than his/her usual self, to fit in with the people
he/she interacts with. This is because some people may not be confident if he/she will just be
himself/herself. So, when a person became a professional, will it be more useful to just be
himself/herself or to present another identity?

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