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Course Code: PHA 078 (Legal Pharmacy and Ethics)

SAS Module 5

Name: Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:
________________________________________ ________________

Lesson title: Republic Act No. 8172, Republic Act No. 9211 and Materials:
Republic Act No. 10643 Pen and SAS

Lesson Objectives: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to: References:
1. know and discuss the different sections and  https://www.officialgazett
provisions of Republic Act nos. 8172, 9211 &
10643 blic-act-no-8172/
2. know the penalties in violating Republic Act  https://www.officialgazett
Nos. 8172, 9211 and 10643.
 https://www.officialgazett

Productivity Tip:

After finishing this module, explain quickly what you’ve learned to your parents and Friends.


Introduction (2 mins)

Republic Act no. 8172 is an act promoting salt iodization nationwide and for related purposes. Republic
Act no. 9211 is an Act regulating the packaging, use, sale distribution and advertisements of tobacco products
and for other purposes, and Republic Act no. 10643, is an Act to effectively instil health consciousness through
graphic health warnings on tobacco products.

Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (5 mins)

Instructions: In this chart, reflect on what you know. Do not worry if you are sure or not sure of your answers.
This activity simply serves to get you started on thinking about our topic. Answer only the first column, ‘What I
Know”. Leave the third column “What I Learned “blank at this time.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

1. What is iodized salt?

2. What is a graphic health


This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: PHA 078 (Legal Pharmacy and Ethics)
SAS Module 5

Name: Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:
________________________________________ ________________

3. What is tobacco grower?


Activity 2: Content Notes (30 mins.)

Republic Act No. 8172

Section 1: Title. This act shall be known as “An Act for Salt Iodization Nationwide (ASIN)
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared the policy of the State to protect and promote the health
of the people, to maintain an effective food regulatory system, and to provide the entire population especially
women and children with proper nutrition. For this purpose the state shall promote the nutritional fortification of
food to combat micronutrient as a priority health program for the nation.

Section 3. The purposes of this Act are to:

a. contribute to the elimination of micronutrient in the country, particularly iodine deficiency

disorders, through the cost-effective preventive measure of salt iodization.
b. require all the producers manufacturers of food-grade salt to iodize the salt that they produce,
manufacture import, trade or distribute.
c. require the Department of Health (DOH) to undertake the salt iodization program and for its
Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD), to set and enforce standards for foods-grade iodized salt
and to monitor compliance thereof by the food-grade salt manufacturers;
d. require the Local Government Units (LGUs), through their health officers and
nutritionists/dieticians, or in their absence through their sanitary inspectors, to check and
monitor the quality of food-grade salt being sold in their market in order to ascertain that such
salt is properly iodized.
e. require the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to regulate and monitor trading of iodized salt.
f. direct the Department of Science and Technology and Livelihood Resource Center (TLRC), to
initiate, promote, and cause the transfer of technology for salt iodization:
g. authorize the National Nutrition Council (NNC), the policy-making and coordinating body on
nutrition, to serve as the advisory board on salt iodization.
h. provide mechanisms and incentives for the local salt industry in the production, marketing and
distribution of iodized salt, and
i. ensure the sustainability of the iodization program.

Section 5. Application.
a. Thus act apply to the entire salt industry, including salt producers/manufacturers imports, traders and
distributors as well as government and non-government agencies involved in salt iodization activities.
b. Iodized salt that conforms to the standards set by the BFAD to meet national nutritional needs shall
be made available to consumers, Provided That the implementation of this Act shall be enforced over a

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: PHA 078 (Legal Pharmacy and Ethics)
SAS Module 5

Name: Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:
________________________________________ ________________

staggered period of one (1) year for large and medium producers manufacturers, two (2) years for small
producers/manufacturers and five (5) years for subsistence producers/manufacturers.
c. All food outlets, restaurants, and stores are hereby required to make available to customers only
iodized salt in their establishment upon effectivity of this Act. These establishments shall be monitored with the
help of the LGUs through its health officers and nutritionists/dieticians, or in their absence, the sanitary
inspectors to check and monitor the quality of food-grade salt being sold or served in such establishments.
d. In areas endemic to iodine deficiency disorders, iodized salt shall be made available Local
government officials at the provincial and municipal levels shall provide mechanisms to ensure enforcement of
this provision through ordinances and public information campaigns.
e. All food manufacturers’ processors using food-grade salt are also required to use iodized salt in the
processing of their products and must comply with the provisions of this Act not later than one (1) year from its
effectivity. Provided, that the use of iodized salt shall not prejudice the quality and safety of their food products:
provided, however, that the burden of proof and testing for any prejudicial effects due to iodized salt fortification
lies on the said food manufacturers/processor.
f. salt producers/manufacturers shall register with the BFAD, which shall maintain updated registry of
salt producers/manufacturers and shall monitor compliance with the salt iodization program.
g. All food-grade salt shall be labelled in a manner that is true and accurate, not likely to mislead
purchasers and in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the BFAD.
h. For a period of three (3) years from the effectivity of this Act, the DOH shall provide free iodized salt
to indigents residing in sixth class municipalities as may be allowed by their annual appropriations.

Section 6. Support to the Salt Industry – the following agencies and institutions shall support the salt iodization
program through their respective internal programs.

a.the DTI is hereby required to assist and support local salt producers/manufacturers in upgrading their
production technologies to include iodization by helping them obtain soft loans and financial assistance for the
procurement of salt iodization machines, packaging equipment and technology and fortificant and by ensuring
the systematic distribution of the iodized salt in the market.
b. the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) shall assist the formation of cooperatives of local salt
producers/manufacturers in order that they can economically engage in salt iodization and distribution of
iodized salt:
c. the DOST in collaboration with the TLRC, shall develop and implement comprehensive programs for
the acquisition of design and manufacture of salt iodization machines and transfer of salt iodization technology
to small and subsistence local salt producers/manufacturers; and
d. the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and other appropriate government
agencies shall identify areas that are sustainable for use as salt farms with the purpose of protecting such
areas from environmental risks to ensure sustainability of iodized salt production.

Section 8. The Salt Iodization Board – The National Nutrition Council (NNC), as presently composed, including
representations of the:
1. DENR,
2. The medical profession
3. And the salt manufacturers shall serve as the salt iodization advisory board and shall function as

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: PHA 078 (Legal Pharmacy and Ethics)
SAS Module 5

Name: Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:
________________________________________ ________________

the policy and coordinating body on salt iodization programs and activities.

Section 9. Sanctions – The procedures for imposing sanctions under this Act and for inspecting and
investigating the premises where any salt is received, held, manufactured, labelled, stored, displayed,
delivered, distributed, sold, or located, or where it is reasonably believed these activities are being carried out
or where salt is located, shall be in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 3720, otherwise known
as the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, as amended: Provided, that any person, whether natural or juridical, who
violates any of the provisions of this Act or any of the rules and regulations promulgated for its effective
implementation shall be punished by a fine of not less than One thousand pesos (P1,000) nor more than One
hundred pesos (P100,000): Provided however; that if the violation is committed by any officer, director or
member of business and juridical entity acting beyond the scope of his authority, such offer, director or
member responsible therefore shall be personally liable for the fine: Provided further, That such violator shall
suffer a revocation of its business permit and/or a ban of its product from the market: Provided finally, That the
BFAD, in coordination with the LGUs concerned, shall be authorized to impose nd collect the fines from the
violators, and such collections shall accrue to the BFAD for its use in the implementation of this Act.

Section 11. Implementing Rules and Regulations – The DOH in cooperation with the agencies concerned shall
formulate the necessary rules and regulates for the effective implementation of this Act within sixty (60) days
from its approval.

Section 12. Separability Clause. – If any portion of this Act is declared invalid, the reminder of this Act shall not
be affected by such declaration and shall remain valid and enforceable.

Section 13. Efffectivity Clause. – This Act shll take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official
Gazette or in two (2) national newspaper of general circulation, whichever is earlier.

(Sgd.) Jose de Venecia Jr. (Sgd.) Neptali A. Gonzales
Speaker of the House of Representative President of the Senate

This Act which is consolidation of Senate Bill No. 1122 and House Bill No. 45 was finally passed by the
senate and House of Representative on November 16, 1995 and November 15, 1995respectively.

(Sgd.) Camilo L. Sabio (Sgd.) Hezel P. Gacutan

Secretary General Secretary of the Senate
House of Representative

Approved: December 20, 1995

(Sgd.) Fidel V. Ramos

President of the Philippines

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: PHA 078 (Legal Pharmacy and Ethics)
SAS Module 5

Name: Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:
________________________________________ ________________


Section 1. Short Title – This Act shall be known as the “Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003”.

Section 2. Policy it is the policy of the State to protect the populace from hazardous products and promote the
right to health consciousness among them. It is also the policy of the state, consistent with the Constitutional
ideal to promote the general welfare, to safeguard the Interests of the workers and other stakeholders in the
tobacco industry. For these purposes, the government shall institute a balanced policy whereby the use, sale,
and advertisements of tobacco products shall be regulated in order to promote a healthful environment and
protect the citizens from the hazards of tobacco smoke, and at the same time ensure that the interest of
tobacco farmers, growers, workers and stakeholders are not adversely compromised.

Section 3. Purpose – It is the main thrust of this Act to:

a. Promote healthful environment.

b. Inform the public of the health risks associated with cigarette smoking and tobacco use;
c. Regulate and subsequently ban all tobacco advertisements and sponsorships;
d. regulate the labelling of tobacco products;
e. protect the youth from being initiated to cigarette smoking and tobacco use by prohibiting the sale of
tobacco products to minors.
f. Assists and encourage Filipino tobacco farmers to cultivate alternative agricultural crops to prevent
economic dislocation and;
g. Create an Inter-Agency Committee on Tobacco (IAC_Tobacco) to oversee the implementation of the
provision of this Act.

Section 4. Definitions of Terms.

Section 5. Smoking in Public Places.

Section 6. Designated Smoking and Non-smoking Areas.

Section 7. Vending Machines, Self-Service Facilities.

Section 8. Retailer Compliance With Respect to Self Service Facilities.

Section 9. Minimum Age Sales.

Section 10. Sale of tobacco Products within School Perimeters.

Section 11. Signage

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: PHA 078 (Legal Pharmacy and Ethics)
SAS Module 5

Name: Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:
________________________________________ ________________

Section 12. Proof of Age Verification.

Section 13. Warning on Cigarettes Packages.

Section 14. Warning on Advertising

Section 15. Restrictions on Advertising

Section 16. Restrictions on Print Media advertising.

Section 17. Restrictions on Outdoor Advertising

Section 18. Restrictions on Advertising in Cinemas.

Section 19. Restrictions on Television

Section 20. Restrictions on advertising in Audio, Video and Computer Cassettes/discs And Similar Medium.

Section 21. Restrictions on Advertising on the Internet and Similar Medium

Section 22. Ban on Advertisements.

Section 23. Restrictions on Tobacco Promotions.

Section 24. Naming Rights

Section 25. Restrictions on Sponsorships

Section 26. Ban on Sponsorships

Section 27. Restrictions on Sampling

Section 28. Legal Action

Section 29. Implementing Agency

Section 30. Application to Tobacco Products

Section 31. Compliance Monitoring

Section 32. Penalties

Section 33. Programs and Assistance Program

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Course Code: PHA 078 (Legal Pharmacy and Ethics)
SAS Module 5

Name: Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:
________________________________________ ________________

Section 34. Informative Drive

Section 35. Instructions on the Hazardous Effect of Smoking as Part of School Curricula

Section 36. Congressional Oversight Committee on Tobacco

Section 37. Implementing Rules

Section 38. Appropriations

Section 39. Repealing Clause

Section 40. Separability Clause

Section 41. Effectivity.

President of the Senate Speaker of the House of Representative

This Act, which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 1859 and House Bill No. 5960 was finally passed by the
Senate and the House of Representative on June 3, 2003 and June 2, 2003, respectively.


Secretary of Senate Secretary General
House of Representatives

Approved: June 23, 2003


President of the Philippines


Section 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be known as “The Graphic Health Warnings Law”

Section 2. Declaration of Principles – The State shall protect and promote the right to health of the people and
instill health consciousness among them.

Section 3. Purposes. – The purposes of this Act re:

a. to have Graphic Health Warnings that effectively warn of the devastating effects of tobacco use and
exposure to second hand smoke;
b. to remove misleading or deceptive numbers or descriptors like “ low tar”, “ light”, “ultra lights” or “

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: PHA 078 (Legal Pharmacy and Ethics)
SAS Module 5

Name: Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:
________________________________________ ________________

mild” which convey or tend to convey that a product or variant is healthier, less harmful or safer; and
c. to further promote the right to health nd information of the people.

Section 5. Coverage. – This Act is only applicable to tobacco products that are locally manufactured or
imported and introduced in the Philippine market.

Section 6. Graphic Health Warnings - one (1) year after the issuance of the templates by the Department of
Health (DOH), cigarette packages and other tobacco product packages, including package inserts and onsets,
and any outside packaging and labeling, withdrawn from the manufacturing facilities, or imported into the
Philippine customs territory shall bear the prescribed highly visible full-color Graphic Health Warnings, that
shall have two (2) components: a photographic picture warning and an accompanying textual warning that is
relted to the picture.
a. The Graphic Health Warnings shall be printed on fifty percent (50%) of the principal display surfaces
of any tobacco package; it shall occupy fifty percent (50%) of the front and fifty percent (50%) of the
back panel of the packaging, as described in section 4.
b. The Graphic Health Warnings shall be located at the lower portions of the said panels or Principal
Display Areas.
c. Nothing shall be printed or applied on a location where it is likely to obscure or cover, in part or in
whole, the Graphic Health Warnings or the Location where the internal revenue strip stamp is to be
affixed as may be required by the BIR.
d. No part of the Warning may be obliterated, obscured, folded severed or become unreadable when
the tobacco package is opened or closed or when wrapper on the package is removed.
e.The Graphic Health Warnings shall be printed in four colors /-cmyk-/screen 133 lines per inch based
on source file of 300dpi.
f. The Graphic Health Warnings shall be done using current available technology for purposes of
providing vivid and realistic pictures, without the use of any border, frame or any other design that will
effectively lessen the size of the warning; The Graphic Health Warnings shall be printed or inscribed
on the package in a color which contrasts conspicuously with the background of the package or its
g. A maximum of twelve (12) templates of Graphic Health Warnings shall be printed simultaneously and
these shall be rotated periodically for each brand family and also for each variant, so that every twenty-four
(24) months, the variations of the warnings shall appear in the market with approximately equal frequency and
equal display of health warnings and messages on retail packages; and
h. Graphic Health Warnings Specifications:
1. The text warning accompanying the photographic picture warning shall be worded
2. The text warning shall be placed on areas of the photograph where it will not obscure the
picture itself but will be prominently displayed.
3. The text shall use more than twenty percent(20%) of the entire area of the Graphic Health
Warnings and shall appear in clearly legible type and in contrast by typography, layout and color, without the
use of any border, frame or any other design that will effectively lessen the size of the textual warning; and
4. The accompanying text shall be printed in Filipino on the front panel and English on the back
panel. In the case of other containers where there is only one (1) external surface area, the accompanying text
will alternately be in English or Filipino.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: PHA 078 (Legal Pharmacy and Ethics)
SAS Module 5

Name: Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:
________________________________________ ________________

Section 10. Prohibition on Sales
Section 13. Liability of Retailers and Sellers
Section 14. Penalties for Noncompliance.
Section 15. Graphic Health Warnings Templates and Timeline
Section 16. Implementing agencies. – For the Purposes of the implementation of this Act, the following
government agencies re given these mandates.
1. DOH – shall issue the templates as required under section 6, 7 and 15.
2. BIR – shall ensure that cigarette stamps re not affixed on noncompliant packages and shall certify
under oath that the products withdrawn re compliant with this Act.
3. Inter-Agency Committee on Tobacco (IAC-T) created under Republic Act no. 9211 or the Tobacco
Regulation Act of 2003 shall monitor compliance with the law, and motu propio or upon any sworn written
complaint, institute the appropriate action for any violation of this Act as provided under section 14 and this
4. DTI – shall hear complaints filed by the IACT_T or any private citizen, corporation or organization, for
any violation of this Act, and after notice and hearing, impose administrative fines of not more than Two million
pesos (2,000,000.00) for any violation of this Act, the proceeds of which will be used for helth promotion
campaigns on tobacco control of the DOH and the Department of Education (DepED). The imposition of the
administrative fines shall take into consideration the annual gross sales, capital investment and employee size
of the manufacturers, importers and distributors, and the case of retailers and sellers, their total assets.
5. The DepED shall use Graphic Health Warnings templates to educate children on the ill effects of
tobacco and shall ensure that these are included in relevant subjects under the K-12 curriculum.

Within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Act, the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) Committee
led by the DOH and the DTI, and to be composed of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department of
Finance (DOF), the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the Department of Science
and Technology (DOST), the DepED, and Natural Resources (DENR), the Department of Agriculture (DA)
shall draft and issue the IRR for its effective implementation, after public consultations with stakeholders such
as NGOs, farmers; and industry representative; Provided, That the non-issuance of the IRR shall not prevent
the coming into force of this Act.

Section 19. Separability Clause. – If any clause, provisions, paragraph or part thereof shall be declared
unconstitutional or invalid, such judgments shall not affect, invalidate or impair any other part hereof but such
judgment shall be merely confined to the clause, provision, paragraph or part directly involved in the
controversy in which such judgment has been rendered.

Section 20. Repealing Clause. – Section 13 on Warning Cigarette Packages of Republic Act No. 9211, DOH
Administrative Order No. 2010-0013 and BIR Revenue Regulations No. 3, 2006, Section 18(e) and 23(a)1(b)
are hereby repealed. All other laws, decrees, executive orders and other administrative issuances and parts
thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby modified, superseded or repealed

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: PHA 078 (Legal Pharmacy and Ethics)
SAS Module 5

Name: Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:
________________________________________ ________________

Section 22. Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days following its publication in the Official
Gazette or in a major daily newspaper of national circulation in the Philippines.



Speaker of the House of Representative President of the Senate

This Act is a consolidation of the Senate Bill No. 27 and House Bill No. 4590 was finally passed by the
Senate and the House of Representative on June 11, 2014.


Secretary General House of Representative Secretary of Senate

(Sgd) Benigno, S. Aquino III

President of the Philippines

Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (30 mins + 5 mins checking)

I: Define the following terms:

1. Micronutrient malnutrition
2. Iodine deficiency
3. Food fortification
4. Salt iodization
5. Food grade salt
6. Regulatory requirements
7. Industrial salt
8. Manufacturer
9. Subsistence producer manufacturer
10. Small producer/manufacturer
11. Medium producer manufacturer
12. Large producer manufacturer

Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (3 mins)

Instruction: To review what was learned from this session, please go back to Activity 1 and answer the “What I
Learned” column. Notice and reflect any changes in your answers.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: PHA 078 (Legal Pharmacy and Ethics)
SAS Module 5

Name: Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:
________________________________________ ________________

Activity 5: Check for Understanding (35 mins)

Test I: Multiple Choice: Write the letter only before the no.

1. Regulate and monitor trading of salt iodized salt.

a. DOH b. BFAR c. DTI d. FDA
2. Initiate, promote, and cause the transfer of technology for salt iodization.
a. DOST b. TLRC c. DTI d. Both A and B
3. The policy –making and coordinating body on nutrition, to serve as the advisory board on salt iodization.
a. TLRC b. DTI c. NNC d. DOST
4. A disorder resulting from deficiencies vitamin A, iron, iodine and other micronutrients which the body needs
in minute quantities everyday.
a. micronutrient malnutrition b. iodine deficiency c. goiter
5. The addition of nutrients to processed foods at levels above the natural state.
a. salt iodization b. food fortification c. food grade salt
6. government agency that is required to assist and support local salt producers/manufacturers in upgrading
their production technologies to include iodization by helping them obtain soft loans and financial assistance for
the procurement of salt iodization machines, packaging equipment and technology and fortificant and by
ensuring the systematic distribution of the iodized salt in the market.
7. Develop and implement comprehensive programs for the acquisition of design and manufacture of salt
iodization machines and transfer of salt iodization technology and subsistence local salt
a. DOST b. TLRC c. DTI d. Both A and B
8. Refers to an individual, partnership, corporations or any other business or legal entity.
a. person b. retailer c. distributor d. Trader
9. Refers to any location at which an individual can purchase or otherwise obtain tobcco products.
a. point of sale b. retailer b. distributor d. Trader
10. Refers to any person who or entity that sells tobacco products to individuals for personal consumptions.
a. retailer b. persons c. distributor d. Trader
11. The health warning shall be on the bottom portion of one front panel of every tobacco product pckage nd
occupy not less than:
a. 30 percent b. 50 percent c. 25 percent d. 10 percent
12. For print and outdoor advertisement, the warning frame shall be centered across the bottom of the
advertisement and occupy a total area of not less than ___.
a. 10 percent b. 15 percent c. 25 perccent d. 30 percent
13. For television and cinema advertisements, the warning shall be clearly shown and voiced over in the last
____seconds of the advertisement.
a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 5
14. For radio advertisement, the warnings stated after the advertisement shall be clearly and audibly voiced
over in the last ____seconds of the advertisement.
a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 5

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: PHA 078 (Legal Pharmacy and Ethics)
SAS Module 5

Name: Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:
________________________________________ ________________

15. Advertisement shall not be placed in any printed publication unless there is a reasonable basis to believe
that at least _____ percent.
a. 75 b. 50 c. 30 d. 80
16. The name, logo or other indicia of a cigarette brand may appear on cigarette lighters, ashtrays of other
smoking related items. If such logo name or other indicia of the cigarette brnd is larger than ______sq. Meter.
a. 50 b. 75 c. 25 d. 10
17. Shall hear complaints filed by the IAC-T or any private citizen, corporation or orgnizationfor any violation of
republic act no. 10643.
a. DOH b. DTI c. DOST d. Office of the President
18. A maximum of ____ templates of graphic health warnings shall be printed simultaneously.
a. 12 b. 10 c. 15 d. 5
19. The graphic health warnings shall be printed on ____ percent of the principal display surfaces of any
tobacco package.
a. 50 b. 25 c. 10 d. 75
20. The graphic health warnings shall be located at the _____ portions of the said panels or principal display
a. upper b. lower c. side d. Both and b


Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

A. Work Tracker: You are done with this session! Let’s track your progress. Shade the session
number you just completed.
Reminder: Instructor/facilitator. Please direct the students to mark their place in the work tracker
which is simply a visual to help students track how much work they have accomplished and how
much work there is left to do.

P1 P2 P3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

B. Think about your Learning: What part of the module that you think I need to elaborate further
and why?


1. What is the purpose of the government, why they promote the nutritional fortification of food?
Ans. The purpose of the government is to combat micronutrient as a priority health program for the nation.
2. Why there warning picture on cigarette packs?
Ans. The picture is intended to warn about the real impact of smoking on a person’s health. Pictures are more
noticeable, and they affect people more powerfully than the text warnings that are currently displayed on
cigarette packets.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: PHA 078 (Legal Pharmacy and Ethics)
SAS Module 5

Name: Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: Date:
________________________________________ ________________

Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (30 mins + 5 mins checking)

1. Micronutrient malnutrition - disorder resulting from deficiencies vitamin A, iron, iodine and other
micronutrients which the body needs in minute quantities everyday.
2. Iodine deficiency disorder’s - a broad spectrum of deficiencies resulting from lack of iodine in the diet which
leads to the reduction of intellectual and physical capacity affecting everyone who is iodine-deficiency and may
manifest s goiter, mental retardation, physical and mental defects, and cretinism.
3. Food fortification – the addition of nutrients to processed foods at levels above the natural state.
4. Salt iodization – the addition of iodine to salt intended for human or animal consumption in accordance with
specifications as to form, fortificant, method, manner and composition as may be prescribed by the BFAD.
5. Food grade salt – salt for human and animal consumption as distinguished from industrial salt.
6. Regulatory requirements. – the provisions of all the applicable laws, regulations, executive orders, and other
enactments related to food quality and safety, purity, nutritional composition, and other aspects of food
regulation or control.
7. Industrial salt – salt used in the treatment, processing and/or manufacture of non-food commercial products.
8. Manufacturer – one who products imports trades in and distributes salt.
9. Subsistence producer manufacturer – one who produces, trades in or distributes salt not exceeding two
metric tons (2 m. t.) of salt per year;
10. Small producer/manufacturer – one who produces, imports trades in, or distributes salt ranging from more
than two metric tons ( 2 m.t.) to three hundred metric tons ( 300 m.t.) per year.
11. Medium producer manufacturer – one who products, imports, trade in, or distributes salt ranging from
more than three hundred metric tons (300 m.t.) to two thousand metric tons (2,000 m.t.) per year.
12. Large producer manufacturer – one who produces, imports trade in, or distributes salt exceeding two
thousand metric tons (2,000 m.t.) per year.


This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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