Problem-Sets-General Chemistry 1-1st

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Grade 11 (STEM): General Chemistry 1

1st Quarter: Matter: Its Properties and Measurement
Group No.: ________Members’ Surname: _______________________________________________________
Grade & Block No.: ________Instructor’s Name: _______________Date Submitted: __________Score: ______

Problem Set 1
Introduction to Chemistry & its Fundamental Concepts

1) Make a matrix table showing the salient events in the history of chemistry along with the key scientists
and their primary contributions to the field. (20 pts)

2) Fill in the missing information in the table below. (10 pts)

Branches of Chemistry Focus

Organic Chemistry Deals with the study of organic compounds. Organic compounds are
compounds which contain carbon-hydrogen bond.
Inorganic Chemistry
The study of living things. Give emphasis on chemical processes that occur
inside the biological system.
Analytical Chemistry
It applies physics to the study of chemistry, which commonly includes the
applications of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics to chemistry.

3) Draw a representation or diagram classifying matter on the basis of atom, element, compound,
substance etc. (10 pts)

4) Fill in the missing words below. It may be the word or part of the meaning that is missing. (20 pts)

Key Words Definition

Atom The____________part or particle of an____________.
Attraction responsible for holding atoms together.
Chemical formula A combination of__________and___________that shows the ratio of the
different kinds of____________that are in a particular compound.
Substance that can be split up into simpler substances. It contains the
elements of two or more atoms joined together.
Element A pure substance that ________ ______ ___________ ________ into
anything simpler by chemical reactions.
A pure substance that are composed of multiple types of elements (2 or
more), _____________________to one another.
Molecule _______ or more atoms ___________ ___________.
Periodic table A table showing all the_______________________.
Mixture Two or more different kinds of ____________that are jumbled up with
each other and not ____________joined to each other.
A single substance that cannot be broken down into simpler matter using
physical methods.
Grade 11 (STEM): General Chemistry 1

Problem Set 2
Atomic Structure and the Development of Periodic Table

1) Match the correct pairs. (6 pts)

1. Niels Bohr a. Protons
2. William Crooks b. Electrons
3. Eugen Goldstein c. Neutrons
4. James Chadwick d. Atomic Nucleus
5. Lord E. Rutherford e. The cathode rays
6. Joseph John Thomson f. Electron orbit/shells

2) Choose the word options and put them into the correct places. (5 pts)

Orbit Protons Electrons Neutrons Nucleus

3) Organizing The Periodic Table (10 pts)

Correctly label the different parts of the periodic table using the words in the word bank.

Word Bank
actinides lanthanides nonmetals
alkali metals metalloids transition metals
alkaline earth metals metals
halogens noble gases
Grade 11 (STEM): General Chemistry 1

Development of Periodic Table

The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements. It is organized in order of
increasing atomic number. There is a recurring pattern called the “periodic law” in their properties, in
which elements in the same column (group) have similar properties. Generally, within one row (period)
the elements are metals to the left, and non-metals to the right, with the elements having similar
chemical behaviors placed in the same column.

Metals, Nonmetals and Metalloids

The periodic table can be divided into metals, nonmetals, and metalloids.
Metals are:
Hard, strong, luster (shiny), malleable, ductile, good conductors of electricity and heat.
Nonmetals are:
Gases or dull, solids, soft, brittle (easy to break), and do not conduct electricity or heat, also known as
good insulators.
Metalloids are:
Have properties of metals and nonmetals.

Groups, Periods and Blocks

Grade 11 (STEM): General Chemistry 1

The periodic table is divided into groups and periods:

 Groups – are vertical columns (blue arrow pointing/going down a column) on the periodic table. Groups
are numbered 1A to 8A from left to right across the periodic table (excluding the transition metals,
lanthanide series metals, and actinide series metals).
Groups are numbered 3B to 12B from left to right across the periodic table for the transition metals only.
 Periods – are horizontal rows on the periodic table. Periods are numbered 1 to 7, top down on the
periodic table. Period 1 begins at Hydrogen (H). Period 7 begins at Francium (Fr).

4) Use the Periodic Table of Elements to answer the following questions.

Part I. Atomic Number. On the line next to the element, write the atomic number of the element. Your
answer should be 1, 2, or 3 digits. No letters. (10 pts)

1. _______Hydrogen
2. _______Oxygen
3. _______Magnesium
4. _______Vanadium
5. _______Krypton
6. _______Cerium
7. _______Iridium
8. _______Bismuth
9. _______Uranium
10. _______Fermium

Part II. Element Identification. Write the chemical symbol for the element at the given location on the
periodic table of elements. The location is written as “Period, Group”. The chemical symbol for an
element may be 1 or 2 letters. If 1 letter, it must be capitalized. If 2 letters, the first letter is capitalized
and the second letter is lower case. (10 pts)

1. Period 1, Group 1A ________

2. Period 1, Group 8A ________
3. Period 3, Group 3A ________
4. Period 5, Group 2A ________
5. Period 4, Group 8A ________
6. Period 3, Group 6A ________
7. Period 5, Group 12B ________
8. Period 4, Group 7B ________
9. Period 5, Group 5B ________
10. Period 4, Group 12B ________

Part III. Which type of Element. On the line next to the element, write the letter of the “class of
element”. The choices are written below. WRITE THE LETTER ONLY. Letters may be used multiple times.
Examples of elements (chemical symbol) that fall into that class of element have been provided to assist
you. (10 pts)

A Alkali metal (Li) F Actinide series metal (Pu)

B Alkali earth metal (Ca) G Metalloid element (Si)
C Transition metal (Fe) H Nonmetal element (O)
D Post-transition metal (Al) I Halogen element (Cl)
E Lanthanide series metal (Ce) J Noble gas element (Kr)

1. _______Magnesium
2. _______Phosphorus
3. _______Titanium
4. _______Arsenic
5. _______Radon
6. _______Osmium
Grade 11 (STEM): General Chemistry 1

7. _______Cesium
8. _______Lead
9. _______Fluorine
10. _______Platinum

Problem Set 3
1) Part I. Problem Solving. Answer the following problems. Include the given, the formula, and the
solution to your answers. Box your final answer.

a) An unknown liquid weighs 38 grams and has a volume of 53 milliliters. What is the
density of the unknown liquid in gram per cubic centimeters? (5 pts)
b) A substance has a density of 4.86 g/ml, its volume is 18 ml. What is the mass of the
substance? (5 pts)
c) Students weigh an object and got 65 grams. Find the volume of the object if the density
is 1.95 g/ml. (5 pts)

2) Part II. Essay. Define and explain briefly the answers to the questions. Use at least 3 sentences for each
boxed words. (10 pts)

a) What is the difference between Accuracy and Precision ?

b) What are significant figures? Why is there a need to include significant digits when
reporting measurements?

1) Part III. Significant Figures. (15 pts)

Determine the number of significant figures for the numbers below.

a) 2 763
b) 5 008
c) 0.7803
d) 0.0809
e) 12.051

Complete the table below by rounding off each number below to the given significant figure.

Number 3 Significant Figures 2 Significant Figures

a) 5.9
b) 20.68
c) 8.598
d) 47 193
e) 0.09184

Cervantes, C., & Dizon, R. (2016). General Chemistry 1. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
Periodic Table of Elements (

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