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1. A. What is Forensic Science?

- Forensic science, sometimes referred to as criminalistics, applies the
knowledge of science to the definition and enforcement of
laws.  Criminalistics is a branch of forensic science that is involved in
the collection, analysis, and interpretation of physical evidence
produced by criminal activity.
- Forensic science is the use of scientific methods or expertise to
investigate crimes or examine evidence that might be presented in a
court of law. Forensic science comprises a diverse array of disciplines,
from fingerprint and DNA analysis to anthropology and wildlife
B. What is Chemistry?
- Chemistry is the study of matter, defined as anything that has mass and
takes up space, and the changes that matter can undergo when it is
subject to different environments and conditions. 
- Chemistry seeks to understand not only the properties of matter, like the
mass or composition of a chemical element, but also how and why matter
undergoes certain changes — whether something transformed because it
combined with another substance, froze because it was left for two weeks
in a freezer, or changed colors because it was exposed to too much
C. What is Forensic Chemistry?
- Forensic Chemistry can be defined as the practice of application of
our knowledge in the field of chemistry to solve crimes
- Is the branch of chemistry which deals with the application of
chemical principles in the solution of problems that arise in connection
with the administration of justice.
2. A. Why Do we have to study Forensic Chemistry?
- It is important because it includes not only the chemical side of criminal
investigation with which it is generally associates with the public mind but also the
analysis of any material the quality of which may give rise to legal proceedings.
- Forensic chemistry is important because without it we wouldn't know the
outcome of a crime. The forensic chemist's job is to examine evidence given to
them from a crime scene, when it happened, and even who committed the crime
at times.
B. Why do we have to study Toxicology?
- Toxicology is the study of adverse effects of chemical substances on living
organisms and their environment. 
- Toxicologists increase public safety by identifying toxic chemicals and helping
the development of safer ones. They provide expertise to guide policy decision
making and setting of guidelines and help inform the public by explaining
complex scientific subjects in simple language.
3. What is the significance of forensic chemistry?
Forensic chemistry and toxicological To a large extent, the research serves to
uncover the use and misuse of illicit substances, medication and anabolic steroids,
as well as mechanisms of action and toxicity.

4. A. What are the branches of Forensic Chemistry?

-Legal medicine
- Ballistics
B. what are the branches of Toxicology?
 Environmental, Economic, Clinical, and Forensic toxicology.

5. Role of a Forensic Chemist

- A forensic chemist is a person who is expected to spend their time and

effort to identify, quantify and evaluate unknown items at a crime
scene. They spend their time in the laboratory and analyze the
evidence from the crime scene. After which the information is handed
over to a detective who puts together all the information from all the
different departments and advertently solves the crime.

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