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Company concepts

Production concept

Situational analysis


Marketing research (DODCAR)

Porter 5 force (competitive analysis )


1-Competitive strategies (Porter 's strategies)

2-Growth strategies (Ansoff's strategies)




Consumer products
Product life cycle

Branding strategies

Product portfolio

Product portfolio (BCG)

Service Serevice characteristics

Price Factors affecting pricing (4 Cs)

Pricing strategies

Place Distribution channels

Distribution systems

Distribution strategies

Promotional tools

Direct Marketing

Sales promtion (consumer)

Public relations

Personal selling

Promotional tools Types

Promotional objectives AIDA model

Promotional strategies Promotional strategies

Budgeting Methods
Marketing Review

Product concept Selling concept

A-Strength B-Weakness
e.g.Product quality e.g.High price

A-Political B-Economic
Taxation- Pressure groups GDP-GNP-income-inflation-employement

Define the problem Objectives

New entrants Substitute

Specific Measurable
Profit & profit maximization Growth

A- Cost leadership B-Differentiation

High demand -Economy of scale Using competitive advantages

A-Market penetration B-New product development

Convert non user into user Partial or complete
increase the consumption of actual users

A-Demographic factors B-Geographic factors

Age-gender-income-job-religion-ethnicity Region -climate

A-Undifferentiated B-Differentiated
One product to all segemnts Different products to different segments

Positional criteria Feaature-benefit-user category-against competitor-hybrid

A-Convenience products B-Shopping products

e.g.Cigarettes -bread -candy e.g.Clothes

Introduction Growth

A-Line extension B-Brand extension

e.g.Dannon e.g.Honda

Width Depth

Star Question mark

A-Perishability B-Insperability
Can not be stored Can not be seperated from the provider

Cost Customer

A-Skimming B-Penetration
High price for new products Low price for new products

Wholesaler Retailer

A-Conventional B-Vertical
Independent intermediaries Interdependent intermediaries

A-Intensive B-Selective
Huge number of retails Few number of retails

TV Radio

Mail E-mail

Discounts Buy one get one free

Sponsorship Exhibition

Above the line Below the line

Attention Interest

A-Pull B-Push
Targeting end users Targeting intermediaries

Task method Percentage of last year sales

Marketing concept

C-Opportunity D-Threat
e.g.Growing market e.g.New competitor

C-Socio-Cultural D-Technological
Social class-habits ICT

Design Collection

Rivarly Bargaining power of suppliers

Achievable Realistic
Market share ROI (Return on investment)

C-Focus (Niche)
Localized differentiation

C-New market development D-Diverdification

New geographic coverage Related or unrelated
New indication

C-Psychographic factors D-Behavioristic factors

Personality-lifestyle Benefits expected-volume of usage

One product to one segment

y-against competitor-hybrid

C-Speciality products D-Unsought products

e.g.Diamond -Rolex e.g.Life insurance

Maturity Decline

C-Multi-brands D-New brands

e.g.Ariel -Tide-Bounex e.g.Pledge –Glade –Raid


Cashcow Dog

C-Intangability D-Variability
Can not be touched Change from time to time

Competitor Company objectives

C-Cost plus D-Psychological

adding a margin to the total cost Prestige-Odd even

Agent Franchise

Cooperation of 2 intermediaries on the same level of different industries

Very few number of retails

Outdoors Press

Phone Catalog

Gift with purchase Samples

Press release Press conference

Through the line

Desire Action

Promoting company name

Competitve parity Same as last time (SALT)

Created by Dr. Raafat Youssef Shehata
E-Ecological F-Legal
Environmental friendly products Contract law -competition law -patency

Analysis Reporting

Bargaining power of customers

Timed To increase the market share of product x by 10% by the end of 2012
EPS (Earning per share)
E-Family branding F-Generic branding
e.g.Heinz e.g.Cola – Aspirin -Kleenex

E-Captive F-One coin

Printer and Cartridge Same price for all products


Contest Sweepestakes

CSR Events

All you can afford Profit maximization

oussef Shehata
of product x by 10% by the end of 2012

G-Loss leader H-Every Day Low Price (EDLP)

low price for essential products and high price for others Very low price throughout the year

Loyalty cards

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