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Soft lips trailed kisses way along her shoulder until they closed around her earlobe.

Rough fingers brushed along the length of her side, circling a slow hypnotic trail from her high hip up to her shoulder and back again. With each pass a wave of pleasure rolled toward her center, warming her, drawing her out. She tried to fall back into the deep cool darkness as those sensations on her body became lighter and lighter in their touch. Wanting the feel of him to continue, she fought the desire to wake and held tightly to that thin boundary between the worlds. She struggled against the circling current that tempted her to open her eyes. When she could no longer resist, she let go. The sun streamed through her window braking it's way through the curtain with the help of the breeze. Blinking the sleep away, she silently cursed those beams of light and their warmth against her naked skin. Turning her back on the offending fellow, she stretched herself like cat, each muscle pushed outward to elongate her body. Accepting that the day has begun, Lina sat up against the headboard. Each morning she'd felt the same touches waking her from her dreams. Years of being awoken by those sexually tormenting lips and fingers only to find herself alone when she finally opened her eyes. She wanted to wake up one morning and see the man of her dreams laying beside her. The look of pleasure in his eyes as they trailed the same paths his touch did and soaked in the sight of her with eyes full of desire. Lisa laughed at herself. He was a figment of her overly hyper imagination, yet that was the reason she slept naked every night. Lina sought out the same touch in the lovers she'd had over the years. The feelings of being cherished that came from it. Yet none had the same effect. Even when they mimicked those same movements, they didn't compare to what she felt each morning in her dreams. A shiver ran through out her body. If she ever felt that touch from a man, she knew she would be able to surrender herself. No inhibitions, no limits. She would submit to him, treasure him, do any and every thing to please him. That thought alone both frightened and excited her. She'd be more naked then she was at the moment. Glancing toward the clock that was telling her it was now time to get up, she shook those thoughts from her mind as she slid out of bed. As always, she'd have to release the ache while getting ready for the day. She stood at the foot of her bed facing the mirrored doors of her closet. Her legs spread shoulder width apart, her arms relaxed at her sides. Lina looked at her reflection. She wasn't a toothpick, she wasn't thick as some men would say and that was for sure. She had soft curves in all the right places. Her small breasts weighed perfectly above her torso. Her waist thinned slightly before flaring out to nicely shaped hips. Her legs looked longer than normal in this position with her feet pointing outward. She was happy with the size and tone of her body, not too muscular, not too needing. Lina closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and concentrated on the pull of muscles in her back as she slowly lifted her arms above her head in a wide arc, her fingers spread wide. When her palms came together, she exhaled just as slowly, closing her fingers together. After

a silent ten count she began to lower her arms in front of her, breathing in deeply again. With her palms still together, she pressed against them feeling the tightness in her breasts and shoulders as she exhaled. She bent herself at her waist until her head almost touched the floor before lowering her hands to lay at the top of her feet. All while focusing on the muscles being stretched and pressed as she breathed, she twisting her torso to each side of her legs before rising again to look at her reflection. Yeah, she wouldn't change a thing. If she had to say so herself, which she didn't in most cases, she looked damn good. If her health would only follow suit, she'd be damn perfect. With the morning coffee, large lunch, many afternoon snacks, and large dinner she'd be a whale if not for genetics. Gotta love Dad. All the eating wouldn't be a problem if it was healthy, but with the assortment she found near the office, it wasn't exactly full of substance. She slipped on her knit pants and t-shirt before heading out of the room. Katie and Ping sat waiting for her as she opened her door. Meowing for food and attention as they curled in and out of her legs. She could always count on her cat's at least to great her good morning. As the coffee in the press steeped, she jumped in the shower. The warm water felt good and helped to stave off the cold of the morning. As she went through her routine of washing, hair then body, she thought again of her morning dreams. When would they end? Would they ever end? Some mornings she would wake to find her own hands moving slowly along her body, cupping her breasts, pulling her nipples. If it weren't for those lips she might be able to match the touches she dreamed of. The pulsating shower head found her clit and she moaned. She could almost imagine those lips sucking her, pulling on those sensitive nerves until her legs shook and her body bucked with an orgasm that only they could deliver. Her free hand cupped her ass. Her fingers circling the rim of her anus, but it wasn't enough. She wanted to feel what he would feel as she came. Thank the gods she was still covered in soap because her finger slid nicely into that tight hole. She could feel her muscles clench and unclench around her finger. She felt the pull of it drawing her in deeper. Lina begged to cum. She wanted this. She needed this. She pleaded to be allowed to release the pressure building within her. Then she did. Her forehead rested against the shower wall as her body spasmed, her legs grew weak, and the breath she didn't realize she was holding finally came out with an Ohhhh. She stayed in that position, with her knees slightly bent and the shower head still on her clit until her orgasm faded. She opened her eyes, righted herself, and jerked as the water hit another sensitive spot on her pussy. Goodness that was good. If anything it would sate her sexual needs while she was at work. ****

Kelly, please answer Cathy's email. If I have to see one more resend, I'll shoot myself. Lina directed toward her assistant with a smile as she continued to read through her morning emails. It wasn't Kelly's fault they didn't have a comment for Cathy. If only they powers that be would actually look at the submits that were piled on their desks. It was the same thing every week and only Cathy and her I urgently need the comments, everything is on hold. emails seamed to not understand that. It was bad enough to start getting them the day she sent the package, even before the shipment actually arrived in the mail room. At least tell her they arrived this morning and are under review. Flagging the emails she'd have to look into, answering the one's she knew the answers to off the top of her head, and filing the one's that meant nothing more to her than bit's of random information she could use to screw over her vendors later, took an hour out of her day, at least. The rest of the day she'd be interrupted, asked questions, told to pull documents and maybe run things over to other offices within the building. If it wasn't for Kelly handling the packages she doubted she'd get any of her own work done at all. She truly liked her assistant. Kelly was young, hungry to learn all Lina could teach her. There were times when she felt Kelly was like a little sister she was molding into a full grown woman. Kelly looked like a child, her small petite stature and innocence made her seem younger than she was. They'd joke and laugh together during the day, but mostly they worked their asses off and held pride in an accomplished task. Lina, are you going out with us after work? Without looking up from her computer screen, Lina typed her reply to one of the emails while answering Jasmine with a, Huh? She hit send before turning to acknowledge the blond. Jasmine stood six feet tall with legs that would not stop. Her shoulder length hair framed her heart shaped face that held pouty lips and sultry eyes. Lina smiled at the younger woman, with what she hoped conveyed genuine interest. Sorry, what's going on after work today? Well, we were thinking of hitting up that new fusion restaurant slash bar downtown. It just opened this past weekend, and I heard that it's packed full of hot guys. Who's all going? Lina didn't really care. She didn't associate with her co-workers after work hours, and she didn't like being in overly populated venues. It irritated her that this was what was keeping her from getting her work done, but she had to be nice as her friend had told her. Play nice with the children. Well, all the single girls in the office, of course. She smiled at Lina as if grouping her in with the rest of them. Yeah, she defiantly didn't want to associate with these girls. They were all fresh out of college and ready to party their nights away to stave off the intense pressure of working in the real world. Lina stopped partying when she turned 19, just when most girls her age were starting. She had to be the adult, taking care of her mother and brother at a young age just didn't help her social life either. Ummm, it's an option. she said as up-beat as possible. I have so much work today, and depending on how I feel towards the end of the day....we'll see. Thanks for the invite though.

Jasmine smiled before heading back to her desk. Lina didn't want to play nice . She wanted to come to work, get the job done and go home. She was good at what she did, but it didn't make her happy. If she kept busy through out the day, the time would pass quickly and before she knew it the day was over. She was a no nonsense kind of girl at work. Of course office politics played a big part of keeping up false interest. She'd have to ask how their weekends were, how they're families were doing. She'd have to give them something in return too. What did they know of her? She read books, played video games, and watched Korean and Japanese dramas. She refused to participate in office gossip and for that she was the one everyone talked to. Everyone wanted to see if the cool exterior she wore at work would fall away if she was out of the element. Not gonna happen. It was one of the reasons she only drank one glass when she was out in public. If she allowed herself to slip even a little, her walls would come down. She didn't want people to know her, she didn't want them to have even a glimpse into what she really was like when she was left exposed. **** She stifled a moan. His strong hands were working their way down her neck, trailing along her collar bone, and ending at the swell of her breast. His eyes were full of desire, making her feel beautiful and wanted. His gaze stroked her bottom lip, the heat of it caused her to lick her lip in response. Oh, how she wanted his mouth on her. His tongue and teeth nipping and biting her tender nubs. She wished her hands weren't tied above her head, she wanted to spear her fingers into his brown hair, pulling his head to were she needed him this very moment. As if reading her mind, he slowly lowered his lips, circling first the silver ring that held her nipples taught for him. His breath sending waves through out her body, warming her. When his lips closed around her nipple she gasped, arching her back as best she could, pushing herself farther into his mouth. The onslaught of sensations rolled through her. First the softness of his lips, then the heat of his tongue, then the sting of his teeth, then the cooling of his breath. Those contrasting sensations curled within her, bringing her closer to bliss. His thumb stroked the side of her breasts, his fingers curled around her rib cage, holding her still against her body's desire to follow his every pull. She began pulling at the bindings around her wrists, fighting against her need to accept all he gave her and her desire to give him just as much back. Lina cried in her sleep. She knew it was only a dream,. Even in the back of her mind, she knew, when she opened her eyes, he would not be lying beside her. These sensations she felt were not real. When she awoke, her clit would be throbbing, her bed would be soaked with her own juices, and she would be alone.

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