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Writing Workshop

Reporting a meeting
What is a meeting report?

A meeting report is a document that

details all key developments and
decisions discussed at a meeting.
They tell your team what happened
at a meeting.
Meeting reports go deeper than the
surface-level overviews often found
in meeting notes or meeting
A meeting report can come in many different
forms depending on the company guidelines.
Usually it’s composed in two parts:

1. the header

• company’s name, location, date, attendees, etc.

2. the main text

1. Header
The header contains technical
information, such as:

● title page;
● date;
● location;
● attendees;
● etc.
2. Main text
The main text usually contains:

● introduction;
● opening description;
● proposed recommendations;
● discussion
● conclusion/decision.

See the examples in the following pages.

Tips for the main text
4. Use an impersonal, formal style.
Start with the aim of the report and
say where the information comes from. 5.
Use the passive to keep the focus off
individual people:
2. Use subheadings to make the layout clear.
Follow a logical structure, e.g.: • Concerns were raised about...

• Introduction • ... was suggested

• The problem(s) (Give each issue a separate 6.

section) You should also use objective language
for recommendations and conclusions:
• Conclusion and recommendations.
• ... would be the best
3. Assume the person reading the report has • … the university could consider
asked you to write it and needs only a brief
introduction to the situation. • ... is recommended
Source 2
Source 3
Now let's practice!
Imagine you had a meeting about budget cuts in the
company you work for.
To practice, you need to write a meeting report
regarding this meeting containing the two elements

1. a header with at least the

company’s name, location and data;

2. main text with introduction, discussion (what were

the proposals) and final conclusion.

Use around 100 words in total.

Participating in a writing workshop

To participate in the writing workshop,

download this material before class (it will be
available one week in advance), study through it
and complete the exercise.
Come to the workshop with your answers (and
any questions!) for a real-time writing class with
writing feedback and tips!
See you!

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