Sl. No. Contents

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Table of Contents

Sl. No. Contents Page No.

1.0 Introduction 1-2

1.1 Objective & scope of the Project 3-5

1.2 Definition of Problem 5-7

1.3 System Analysis & Design via- User Requirements 7-10

1.4 System Planning 10-11

1.5 Hardware & Software requirements 12-13

2.0 Design 14-16

2.1 Context Diagram 16-17

2.2 E-R Diagram 18-22

3.0 Source Code 23-40

4.0 Methodology used for Testing 40-44

4.1 Snapshots of input and output screen 44-57

4.2 System Maintenance & Evaluation 57-60

4.3 Cost and Benefits Analysis 60-62

5.0 Future Scope 62-64

5.1 Conclusion 64-65

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