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February 2021

The Yalta Conference 2-5

The Potsdam Conference 6-9
The Tehran Conference 10-13
The Yalta conference
February 1945
Investigative Journalist - An attendee of the conference, Milan Djilas wrote, “In the
hallway (at Yalta) we stopped before a map of the world on
The Yalta Conference which the Soviet Union was colored in red. Stalin waved his
hand over the Soviet Union and exclaimed, ‘They (Roosevelt
Written by Isabelle McLachlan and Churchill) will never accept the idea that so great a space

should be red, never, never!” Soon after the conference,
he USA, Britain and the USSR created a strategic war-time Winston Churchill wrote to Franklin Roosevelt, “The Soviet
alliance to defeat Hitler. However, this alliance was purely Union has become a danger to the free world. A new front must
assembled to defeat Hitler, it not was not created based on be created against her onward sweep. This front should be as
mutual beliefs between the three. On one hand, the USSR had a far east as possible. A settlement must be reached on all major
issues between West and East in Europe before the armies of
history of being communist, whereas Great Britain and the USA
democracy melt.” Looking back at history, from what we have
feared and hated the communist ideals. Britain and the USA learned, it is quite clear that this war-time alliance was destined
believed in capitalism. There was an obvious clash in ideologies to fail as it was only based on uniting against Hitler. Once Hitler
between the ideals of communism and the ideals of capitalism. was defeated, they no longer had a common enemy.
The government of the USA is based on a democracy and free
elections. The style of government in the USA was focused on
citizens having freedom, while the USSR’s government was a
dictatorship. As the two countries (USSR and USA) united, they
each individually wanted to become a world superpower. During
the Yalta conference in February of 1945, the world leaders were
agreeing on specific things such as the creation of the united
nations and how Eastern Europe would be declared a soviet
sphere of influence.
Although, at the same time, behind the scenes, Britain, the USA,
and the USSR were doubting the others’ commitment to the
agreements being made.
8 9
Opinion column Yalta
Written by Zoe Ives
This February a light was seen at the end of the tunnel that is
the dreadful war we have been enduring. The postwar
conference in yalta, a place where churchill roosevelt and
stalin came together to discuss the postwar situation of the
world. There was hope in the air as churchill said “no more
let us alter or falter or palter, from malta to yalta, and yalta to
malta.” The Soviets as we know are communists with a strong
will and as said by our leader Churchill “ A communist is like
a crocodile: when it opens its mouth you cannot tell whether
it is trying to smile or preparing to eat you up.” we didn't
know going into this what would be the result of such strong
opinions and opposing views. With Britain wanting a
democratic government in central and easter europe and The
Soviet Union wanting Control in eastern europe. Why should
Churchill agree to give power and land to the unruly
communists?. However the outcome of this conference was a
Text about this image can relief to our nation despite stalin refusing to return the polish
go here in this text box. corridor the leaders civilly agreed to divide germany into four
Change the color and size zones, Stalin agreed to help the USA in the war against Japan
based on the image as long as they get some japanese territory and The soviet
union agreed to join the united nations and allow free
elections in eastern europe . Hopefully The Soviets can be
4 trusted to keep their promises... 5
The Yalta conference

“To improve is to change, so to be Did You Know?

perfect is to change often” - That in the Yalta Conference the big Three had
Winston Churchill decided that Germany would be divided into
four post-war occupation zones, controlled by
U.S, British, French and Soviet military forces
8 9
Fien Vlasblom
The Potsdam
July 1945
Investigative journalists The Potsdam Conference
Written by Viola Banyai

Secondly, there was a new president in America.
The previous president (President Roosevelt) had passed
away on April 12, 1945. President Roosevelt was replaced by
here were a number of things that happened after the
the former vice-president, Harry Truman. President Truman
Yalta Conference. Just three months after the first conference, has much more anticommunist views and therefore is
Berlin had been reached by the allies and Hitler had
suspicious of Stalin. The new president viewed any action
commited suicide. Germany had surrendered and due to this,
the war had been won in Europe. taken by the Soviets in Easter Europe as a preparation for a
Five months after the Yalta conference, the Potsdam soviet over-take.
Conference was held in July 1945 in the Berlin suburb of Third major change was the testing of Atomic
Potsdam. During the five months since the first conference, Bombs. The Americans tested an atomic bomb successfully
three major changes had taken place. First, Stalin’s troops on July 16, 1945. The atomic bombing was started at the
settled down in most of Europe. The soviet troops had beginning of the Potsdam Conference. President Truman
liberated numerous countries in Eastern Europe. Afraid of a told Stalin about the atomic bomb.
communist rule, there were refugees escaping from the
countries inhabited by soviet supervision. Stalin also set up
communist rule in Poland while ignoring the majority of the
wishes against it, and claimed it was a defense mechanism
from future attacks.

8 9
Opinion column
Written by Zoe Ives
Researched by Phoebe Aris
The third postwar conference took place in potsdam
germany, a completely new atmosphere with a new
leader of the united states and tension between our
great prime minister churchill and the stern leader of
the communist nation the soviet union, joseph stalin.
brought Communism was looming in the air and that
is not what the world needs at this time. At the
Potsdam conference germany's war reparations and
payment was decided. With stalin wanting harsh
punishment and a common want for complete
disarmament of germany, many important decisions
Text about this image can were made with the british strength and resilience of
go here in this text box.
Change the color and size churchill. The nazi part was banned and boarders
based on the image were moved.

4 5
Fien Vlasblom
The Tehran
November 1943
The Tehran Conference
5 minute Documentary

“The farther backward you

Did You Know?
can look, the farther forward The Tehran conference took place between the
second world war (28 November - 1st December
you are likely to see” 1943)
8 9
Opinion column Tehran
The Tehran Conference that took place november 28th to
december 1st and it was a successful conference to say the least as
it showed how great our leader Winston Churchill is. He managed
to make multiple agreements with the President of the USA
Franklin Roosevelt and the stubborn leader of the USSR Joseph
Stalin. These agreements included our caring leader and the US
aiding the unprepared and weak Soviets by putting up a second
front and protecting them from the horrible Nazi’s. As the
wonderful Churchill says “a communist is like a crocodile: when it
opens its mouth you cannot tell whether it is trying to smile or eat
you up” which in this conference they are smiling because they are
selfish and want everyone to try and help them in any situation.
Another thing that our incredible leader made happen was that he
convinced Stalin to help Britain and the US to attack Japan after
Nazi germany is destroyed. Of course this would take a lot of
convincing because the communists are stubborn but like our
Text about this image can Prime Minister says “never,never,never give up” and he did not for
go here in this text box. the good of our country and nation. Winston Churchill also
Change the color and size managed to sway the small mind of Stalin to not hurt germany as
based on the image that is what communists do to people, but instead try and rebuild
it for the better of the people and create a more well rounded
4 5
Fien Vlasblom
References Page
Winston Churchill. Retrieved 26th February 2021, from

Britain in the yalta conference. Retrieved 26th February 2021, from


Winston Churchill speech. Retrieved 1st March 2021, from


Winston Churchill. Retrieved 1st March 2021, from


The Tehran Conference. Retrieved 1st Match 2021, from


The Tehran Conference Iran. Retrieved 1st March 2021, from

References pt.2
Tehran Conference | Facts History, & Significance. (2021). Retrieved 3 March 2021, from
Quotes from Winston Churchill & Milan Djilas during the Yalta conference. Retrieved 1 March 2021, from
Picture from the Yalta conference. Retried 3 March 2021, from
Potsdam Conference. Retrieved 3 Marth 2021, from
Tehran conference. Retrieved 3 March 2021, from

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