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She couldnt hold it in any longer, her heart was beating out of her chest, and her hand

gripped so tightly to the cold brass handle that it turned red. Water dripped from her long wavy hair onto the marble floor. How could he? She stood in the doorway, her clothes soaked. His eyes were icy, his touch cold, and his words, they all sent chills through her body. What do I do now? Despair and embarrassment flooded over her like the hot scolding sun on a summer day. Her chin fell slowly into her chest, the tears began slowly falling down her flushed cheeks, following the crease of what once use to hold her beautiful smile, tracing her lip down into the sides. These warm tears made their way into her mouth, salty, only adding to the bitter iron taste of her bitten lower lip. She felt her knees buckle and her body grow week. Slumping onto the cold marble floor, like ice on her warm skin. Realizing what she might look like to an onlooker who passed, the tears flowed greater. Im really pathetic. Pathetic to believe a man like him, to be crying over something that was inevitable from the beginning. Her left hand cupped her mouth and moved up her face to her eyes, pushing them slightly with her fingers. Stop the tears. Stop this pain. Stop these feelings. Just stop. Lightning flashed across the picture window of her 15th floor condo in ripples as the rain poured harder. Water droplets trailed down the window echoing the tears streaming down her pale face. Carolyn sat wrapped in her light pink cashmere robe. Her long legs pulled tightly to her chest. Her slender arms hugging her knees, while her delicate fingers wrapped firmly around her favorite mug, as if holding her very being tightly within in her. How long had she been sitting like this? Her tears had dried up so long ago that her eyes felt like they were being scrapped by sand paper when she blinked. Her mind had grown blank; she didnt want to think about anything anymore. When the phone rang, she didnt flinch, and let it ring through the silence ending in a beep or a short voice message from her co-workers and family. The calls had been quite frequent after the first couple days, but as the time passed, they gradually faded back into the silence. Tea and crackers were all she could consume without feeling the need to throw up. Even though she wasnt too weak to move, although it would have been at a snails pace, she had no desire to move from the comfort of her couch that hugged her in its bosom like a loving parent.

It had been almost a week since that night, but to her it felt like an eternity of torturous memories. Every time she opened her eyes, she stared blankly out the window facing her, watching as the night turned to day, and the day turned to night in the a never ending cycle of life. *** It had been only a few months since her rather sudden hiatus from the camera. No one knew where she was or what she was doing in that time of her disappearance. However, just as quickly as she left, she returned at full speed. She was moving into her temporary home and meeting with the photographer, make-up artist and hair stylist who would be working with her. Her agent, Yuuki, repeated over and over again to her the day before how important this job was, Even if you are in bed with a fatal illness, you must be on-time and in your best form. No exemptions what-so-ever. Although she arrived 20 minutes early, she still stood dumbfounded in front of the darkly tinted glass doors of the 5-story studio/apartment building. Her long brown hair and dress fluttered in the breeze. So this is it, my place of captivity? As the driver set the last of her luggage next to her, Carolyn slipped him a five and went to grab the bags when the double glass doors flew opened. A rather petite woman appeared before her. Carolyn. It is Carolyn, right? She waved her hand and quickly helped to carry the luggage into the lobby. Im Rebecca. Its nice to finally meet you. Ill be your assistant. Ill handle your schedule, any shopping, or errands you need and anything else you may desire. This girl couldnt have been older than 18, her auburn hair was cut short in a fashionable bob, lightly applied lip gloss, and thinly framed glasses were all that stood out from first inspection. Yes, its a pleasure. Rebecca, was it? Do I have time to freshen up before the meeting? Carolyn raised her Dior sunglasses up on to her head. You have 18 minutes before you need to meet Marx, Michelle, Berry and the rest of the staff. Your apartment is fully furnished, and I took the liberty of stocking the fridge for you. Yuuki wanted to make sure you felt at home while youre here. Only after entering the elevator, Rebecca continued. Youre staying on the 5th floor, it has two apartments, so it's rather spacious. Marx is your neighbor. You may have heard rumors about him, but hed harmless, nothing like they say. Who's she trying to convince? Herself or me? Carolyn squinted her almond eyes and looked down at Rebecca whose face was flushed. pink Is that right? Upon exiting the elevator, there was a long hallway with two doors facing each other at the end. Rebecca walked quickly down the hall, turning toward the right, pulled out the key and

opened door. Carolyn wasnt well known in the fashion industry, she had been on many other photo shoots before, but this was the first that she had to audition for. She beat out over a hundred other models to be the face of the new Jinx clothing line campaign. The contract stated that she would have to live in one of the apartments. She would have an assistant appointed to her for her needs, and she wasnt to be seen outside of the building until the project was completed. This was all under the strict request of the photographer, Marx Montgomery. She heard from the agencys staff that he was a man that was never without a woman on his arm, although they changed from day to day, he was in endless supply. Was there a man that good looking in this world? She had been next to many male models; shed seen their perfectly etched bodies and felt their warmth pressed closely against her flesh. Any normal woman in that situation would feel embarrassment or lustful, but not Carolyn. This was one of her unfathomable traits that made her the agencys best female model. What would make Marx so tempting that even the staff would warn her beforehand? The room was spacious and bright. Large picture windows framed the wall, red tinted chiffon curtains fell like reverse rainbows across the top, lightly pulled to the sides, and cascaded to the light colored bamboo wooden floors. In the center of the room sat a circular seating area who's table was topped with fresh cut white freesia. Carolyn walked along the long narrow tables lined the walls, her fingers softly trailing behind her. Her long manicured fingers trailed up the cold blue glass of the vase slowly, until they reached the flower. As she rubbed the soft petal between her thumb and forefinger, she surveyed the room. Arched open entryways led into the other rooms of the apartment. The kitchen looked as if it was fit for a gourmet chef with its brushed steel counter tops and iron ceiling fixtures. Fully stocked cabinets and all the cooking needs were positioned perfectly should the need arise to cook. Carolyn walked through the archway which led to the bedroom. Light blues and oranges sprinkled in the overall white room. Soft and inviting brushed silk bedding dressed the large king sized bed, decorated with soft fluffy pillows. The light green and blue decor in the bathroom looked as if it was taken out of an elegant spa. A large glass walls encased the shower which stood next to a large semi circular tub on the blue slate floors. Each room was more spectacular than she could imagine. Itll be like living in a hotel, without the room service. Rebecca called out from the living room. Theres a maid that comes daily to clean up. I can go get anything you dont have in the kitchen for you to cook with. Also, the phone in the living room can only call within the building, and incoming calls from outside are not permitted. You do have your cell phone, right? Rebecca walked toward Carolyn pulled out her cell phone, Ill give you my number if Im not

around; call me at anytime for anything." Carolyns phone rang once before Rebecca hung up only to have her number to register on the caller id. "Well, Ill let you settle in. Please come to the studio on the second floor in 10 minutes, and Ill introduce you to everyone. *** Carolyn rode the elevator back down, and as the doors opened she walked out into a large room. The entire floor was open with pillars dividing what would be rooms if there were walls, where various styles of decor were laid out into room settings. Toward the rear, a tall slender man stood giving orders to the staff. His long black hair was tied tightly into a low pony tail. With his splendidly slender back, long legs which were slightly apart, and one hand on this hip with the other pointing toward various objects and areas of the studio, he looked like a prince from a fairy tale. Rebecca walked quickly toward Carolyn. Your right on time, let me introduce you. Carolyn was escorted toward the make-up station. Carolyn, this is Berry, hell be your hairstylist. Berry stood at the same height as Carolyn, his skin tone was dark and deep like chocolate. He grasped Carolyns hands in his, and kissed her cheeks. Bon-jour Carol-lyn. Youre even more beautiful than Rebecca mentioned. Then he introduced her to his assistants. Rebecca came moments later, hand-in-hand with Michelle. This is Michelle; hell be your make-up artist. Michelle placed one of his slender hands on Carolyns face. Baby, you have the skin any one in my field would kill for. Ill make you even more gorgeous. Carolyn could tell by his look, Michelle was 100% gay. When is Marx arriving? Rebecca stood still silent while both Berry and Michelle looked at each other. Uh, yeah, Rebecca scratched her head. Marx is in a bad mood, but it might lift his spirits to see you now. Carolyn felt the tension and uneasiness radiate from these three. Michelle grabbed Carolyns hand. Lets go meet the man. Michelle walked straight up to guy with the long pony tail with Carolyn in tow. Marx, Marx, dearest Without turning around Marx shouted back, Cant you see Im busy? Why the fuck do I have to deal with incompetent people? Take that shit back over there. He pointed toward a vase and motioned toward another area of the studio. Uh, MarxCarolyn Although Carolyn was standing behind Michelle, she could sense that his face had become sorrowful. Marx put his left foot behind him, toe pointed toward the floor and swung around to face Michelle and Carolyn in one continuous motion. His gray eyes penetrated into Carolyns heart, she was paralyzed, couldnt move, couldnt speak. Screw Rebecca, he is the most

perfect man I have ever met. With his long legs he walked up to Carolyn. His eyes sized her up like a lion would his prey. Extending his slender hand up to her chin, he grasped it between his finger and thumb, and rubbed his thumb over her lips, whispering Carolyn. His lips parted slightly as his face slowing inched closer toward hers Oh my god, hes not really going to do this, is he? Marx smiled slightly as he pulled her chin down some; subconsciously her body followed his orders as her lips parted further in reply. Grasping her lower lip between his own, he slid his tongue softly back and forth. His lips felt soft and warm against hers. His arms wrapped around her, one at her waist, the other around her shoulder as he cupped her head in his large hand pushing her deeper into him. As he pulled his lips away from hers, his lower body pressed closer to her. She felt faint, her knees were weakened, her heart was pounding into his chest and she could barely breathe. Your body responds well to mine. Marx slipped his fingers through her hair. I think well work well together Carolyn. Her name rolled off his tongue seductively. Letting her go, he turned back to his work of ordering people around. Carolyn stood for a few seconds on the last of her strength, before blacking out and falling into a heap onto the ground. Didnt we warn you? Yuuki placed a cold compress on Carolyns forehead. Yuuki is so beautiful. Her long legs are uncommon for Japanese women, but she was almost as tall as me. Her slender body allows all clothes to look good on her. Why is she an agent instead of a model? Either way, Im happy shes my agent. Carolyn sat up in the bed too quickly and felt the room spinning. Ah, I remember what happened. Why couldnt I move? He paralyzed me somehow, I couldnt move, I couldnt think, I couldnt reject him. His gray eyes captivated me. Well I guess Marx is like that. He can change in a bat of an eyelid; one moment hes yelling and cussing up a storm, and in the next hes delicate and gentle. Please dont let him wrap you around his finger again. Yuuki stood up from the side of the bed. Are you feeling better though? Carolyn placed her hand to her lips. I can still feel the warmth of his lips and I can still taste him. Im alright, but all the gorgeous men Ive seen, touched, been kissed by, all of them didnt make me feel this way. Carolyn felt as if she was a child who had been kissed for the first time. "Lets just hope we get good pictures out of this. Yuuki lit a cigarette and placed it in Carolyns mouth. They say the best pictures are ones where the photographer and his subject share a strong connection. Maybe this is why hes such a brilliant photographer.

Just dont let it get to your head, remember youre not the first model hes photographed, and if this is his way of working, youre not the first hes kissed. Remember hes a womanizer. Youve been good so far not to allow your emotions to interfere with work, keep it that way. Yuuki grabbed her purse, Im going back to the agency. If anything happens call me. Rebecca has been warned not to allow Marx and you to be alone. I hope at least that she will protect you from him. Turning towards the entrance, she called back, Carolyn, please be careful. Carolyn took long drags of her cigarette. Im curious after that kiss what else he can make me feel. Just thinking of Marxs hands made her body warm. How would it feel to be touched by those hands, caressing my body, fingering me to the point of ecstasy? Why can I picture it so vividly in my mind? *** Marx will finish setting up the studio for the first days shoot in a little while. Michelle and Barry are ready for you in the make-up room. Ive set out all the clothes in the dressing room Rebecca is a cute girl. After a long nights sleep I feel 100% better. Even the mention of that mans name isnt bothering me. But Rebecca, sorry, but please stop talking. I like to think to myself before the shoot. Just walk me to where I need to be when I need to be there. Before any job I need to concentrate on the job and nothing else. Oh, sure. No problem. As Barry and Michelle worked their magic on Carolyn, she repeated her mantra in her head. This is work, Im working and nothing can deter me from completing what I need to do. Men are everywhere in this world. Nudity is the most natural state. Breath in, breath out. Rebecca helped her change into the first look, and escorted her to the set. Men are everywhere Marx placed his hand on the arch of her back and moved her into position in front of the camera. Nothing can deter me from His fingers positioned her hair before sliding softly down her cheek. Nudity is the most natural Her body responded to Marxs commands, her face showed the emotions he wanted from her, as her mind concentrated on being the character needed for the shoot. Hours passed while she was in her self induced trance. It wasnt until she heard the words, Great job everyone, its a wrap, that she was brought back into the real world.

Oh my god Carolyn, that was amazing. It was like you were someone else. Rebeccas excitement flooded over Carolyn. Well, thank you. Carolyn was undressing when the door opened. Carolyn turned, holding the dress up around her breasts. Marx stood in the doorway, and leaned against the frame. His gray eyes held hers for what seemed like minutes. Who are you? Marx walked casually up to her and brushed a loose strand of hair out of her eyes. I cant move away from him. Im frozen again. No matter how much I looked at you, no matter where I touched you, it didnt have the same effect as now. Marx wrapped his arms around her and buried his face into her neck. Rebecca, leave. Oh, Rebeccas still here. Dont leave me alone with him. Yuuki said you wont leave me alone. Rebecca stepped forward, Uh, umbut sirIm to st-. Marx raised his voice as he said, LEAVE! Rebecca jumped. Hesitantly she walked toward the door. Carolyn, if you need me Ill be right outside, she said as she closed the door behind her. You dont know how long Ive waited. Your personality changes in front of the camera. You become different people, just by the setting, or the emotions that you need to convey in the photo. At this moment, which of those personalities is before me? Marx moved Carolyns hair away exposing her neck. Everywhere he touched her left trails of warmth on her skin. Who are you now? He licked her neck. His tongue moving along her vain up behind her ear. Who were you then? His tongue wrapped around her ear before his lips closed around her earlobe. Im feeling faint. She closed her eyes, she felt herself growing weaker by the second, and her hand was in danger of letting the dress fall to the floor. Uhnm. He moved his hands to her waist and leaned her back against the counter. She felt the cold mirror on the back of her neck. Why cant I resist? Why cant I move? His hand cupped hers and slowly released the dress. His lips kissed her chest, his tongue flicked across her nipples. You cant resist me can you? Youre an interesting woman. His hand pulled up the skirt of the dress, opened her legs and allowed him to get closer into her. Hes as hard as a rock. I have to snap out of this. He rubbed himself against her. Why is he playing with me like this? Aahh.

Marx watched Carolyns face change as he touched her. Her body responded to each touch, responded to each word from his lips. I could take you right now couldnt I? Would you like it if I did? What face would you show me in that moment? He put his middle finger in her mouth. Would you suck me off if I wanted you to? She licked his finger; her saliva ran down the palm of his hand. Who are you right now? Who am I? I dont even know. Even when you ask me, I dont know. I cant move but where you want me to. I cant speak and the only sounds that come out are those of pleasure. Youre looking at me like that, with those eyes. Youre touching me with those hands. Whoever I am at this moment, its definitely not me. I wont do more than this today. I wont take you until you come to me wanting it. He moved back away from her. Sitting back in the chair behind him, he pulled out his cigarettes. As he lit the cigarette and stared at Carolyn who was still frozen where he left her, Youre truly an interesting girl. Am I really? His long delicate fingers parted for a second before wrapping themselves around the cigarette. As the smoke escaped his beautiful lips he said, I know that you put yourself into a trance when youre working. Shivers ran through out her body at those words. You knew? I wondered if you took the job because you were curious about me, if I was an obstacle for you to overcome, or if you just wanted to fuck me like all the others. Who would want someone like you after hearing those rumors? You cant reject me even if you wanted to, can you? I cant but I wish I could slap that smug face of yours. Marx's eyes narrowed, Are my eyes that captivating to you? Is my touch paralyzing? They are. Like I said, Ill wait for you to want me. Marx stood up and walked to the door. Carolyn, you will be mine. He opened the door, Rebecca, help her get dressed. She wont be able to do anything on her own for a couple more minutes. Turning back toward Carolyn, Dont forget what I said. *** Carolyn. Carolyn, are you OK now? Rebecca placed a cup of tea on the coffee table. Im better now, thank you. Rebecca looked worried. She wants to ask what happened. That look on her face says it all.

Nothing happened. I was just teased a little by Marx. Rebeccas expression changed slightly. Hes never been like this before. I was scared for you. Carolyn sipped her tea. How did he know about my trances? How is he able to put me in a trance? Its his eyes. Those gray eyes. Whenever I look into his eyes I feel so relaxed that I cant move or speak No need to be scared. Maybe I just bring out the worst in him. Laugh it off and make her feel better. So, will you have dinner with me Rebecca? Im making spaghetti. Carolyn stood up from her seat and walked into the kitchen. Food always tastes better when you have someone to eat with, you know. I wonder if Marx is eating alone. Does he cook? She began to fill a pot with water. Sure, sounds good. Thank you Carolyn. Why am I wondering about him? Hes probably out with someone. Carolyn, whats it like to be a model? Rebecca was almost finished preparing the salad. What is it like? Its like any other job I suppose. You get dressed, put on your make-up and go to work, dont you? Ah, but the difference with being a model, I guess, is that not everyone is watching you work, and not everyone knows your name. I use to think that all you had to do was just stand in front of a camera and make some cute faces and movements and that was all. It wasnt until I started working that I realized all the pressure it puts on your body to do just that. People who arent models wish to be famous, and models all wish to go back to those carefree days of being able to walk down the street without being harassed by paparazzi and fans. I always have to watch what I say or what I do when Im outside. I cant be myself, so its kind of lonely even though Im surrounded by lots of people. She finished dicing the tomatoes and threw them in the pan with the chicken. Pulling a couple spices out of the cabinet, she sprinkled them generously over the meat mixture. Dont you have friends that arent in the industry? Like people you use to hang out with in school or something before becoming a model? I dont know you very well, but just this much I can tell youre a really nice person. Even in school I was alone. The girls thought I was stuck up and the guys thought I was too demanding. All I did was study in the library and go home to help my mother cook. During college when I first started working, I would go out with the people I worked with, but we were never close enough to become friends. Rebecca watched intensely as Carolyn added onions and green bell pepper to the sauce. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK

Ill get it. Rebecca dashed over to the door and opened it without questioning who it may be. Must be nice not to worry if theres a stalker on the other side of the door, or some crazy person whos dying to meet you in person. So you can cook! Marx stood in the doorway of the kitchen, his long legs crossed slightly at his ankles. His delicate arms crossed in front of his chest. I thought Id stop by and apologize for earlier. I was a little out of line, so, Im sorry if I caused you discomfort. Just dont look in his direction and he cant place you under his spell. It was nothing, but thank you for your apology though. Carolyn took out the strainer and placed it in the sink, as she reached over to the pot of pasta she noticed he entered the kitchen and was standing closer to her. Her heart began to beat quicker and she felt her anxiety rise. What is he plotting? She took the pot and dumped the pasta in to the strainer. Its quite good. Although it smells good all the way down the hall, I didnt expect you to be cooking, and the taste isnt as bad as I expected once I saw it was you. Marx put the spoon down beside the stove, and went back to the doorway. Leaning against it, he stood watching Carolyn as she continued her preparations. He really didnt come to apologize; he wanted to be invited to eat. Im not going to offer, no matter how long he stands there. Was it really nothing? You wont look at me. Are you upset with me? Marx turned his head out of the kitchen, Rebecca, do you mind if I stay with you two tonight? I promise I wont pull anythingwhile youre here. Bastard. You know she cant refuse you. I dont mind at all Marx. You shouldnt have to ask, after all it is you. Rebecca said from the dinning table. You know this is my apartment, and Im the one cooking. Youre arrogant so you think that you can invite yourself. Asking Rebecca is just your way of dodging the fact that I wont ask you to stay. Im not upset about today. Im not looking at you because of that reason. Just because youre good looking doesnt mean that every woman will fall in love with you and give in to your every whim. If I have to avoid looking directly at you in order to be me, then Ill do that without a problem. Marx chuckled. Who am I? Do you know? No matter who it is," he stood behind Carolyn, close enough for her to feel the warmth radiate off his chest. "Whatever I want, you of all people should give to me. Carolyn pretended to ignore the closeness of him and reached up pulling 3 plates out and began to portion out the pasta. She began to feel her blood boiling, she was getting upset

towards his back handed actions. Yeah, if its him. He doesnt have to ask for anything. If thats the case, Ill take these to the table. Marx opened a drawer and pulled out three forks and a couple napkins. Youre still not looking at me? Marx took them and went out of the kitchen. Like hell Id give you another chance. Carolyn turned off the fire. Taking a plate in her hand, placing another on her arm, and grabbing the third in her other hand, and went to the table. Rebecca and Marx were sitting across from one another. Carolyns setting was at the end of the table. She put the first plate in front of Rebecca and then placed the second in front of Marx. Rebeccas salad was set in the center of the table, as Carolyn reached over to grab it when she noticed Marx had his hands together and his eyes closed. Is he praying? Amen. When he opened his eyes, they met with Carolyns. Carolyn flinched. His eyestheyre brown? He smiled slightly. *** The other night, as we ate dinner, I was able to talk to Marx without freezing up or falling into my trance. Even after Rebecca called it a night, Marx and I sat drinking tea and talking for hours. I found myself wanting to know more about him. Marx was raised in the country by his father, a nature photographer. His mother died when he was really young, so his father would take him along on jobs. Hed traveled the world and was home schooled for most of his life. It wasnt until he was 15 that he attended a real school. His high school experience is what made him who he is today. He was shy, but quickly became popular with the girls. They would follow him around school, and ask for him to take their pictures. He became really good at taking pictures of people, that he decided to part-time for a fashion magazine photographer. After he graduated from college, the agency his boss was a part of offered him a full-time job as a professional photographer. Hes been doing this job for five years, and has become one of the best fashion photographers in the industry. Because of this, hes been the center of many rumors. A good looking guy like himself, always surrounded by beautiful women, who wouldnt think hes a player? However, if I believe what he says, all the women who have rumored to be his lovers came on to him first, and were all just too drunk to leave so they spent the night in his room while he slept on the couch. Can I really believe the things he says? Didnt he come on to me first? After we nearly fell asleep talking, all he did was stand up and wash both of our mugs in the sink before saying good night and leaving. He didnt touch me, or say something perverted, but was a very respectable guy. Which is why right now, I dont know how last nights brown

eyed Marx and that gray eyed Marx are the same person. Dont give me that bull shit! I told you yesterday, the lighting needed to be amber and natural like were outside. How can you idiots fuck that up? Marx was yelling so loudly the whole building should have heard him. Carol-lyn, were almost done. Berry was putting roses in her hair while Michelle finished applying her lip gloss. Rebecca was running around pulling clothes and accessories together for the next look. I cant even concentrate. Carolyn was so per-occupied with thoughts and of watching these three work that she completely forgot about saying her manta. When she was escorted to the set, she wondered if Marx's eye's were gray or brown? Unconsciously, her gaze was fixed on him, as she passed him, she watched as his long hair flew in the breeze when he moved his head. Slowly his face was visible. Glasses? Marx had aviators on, they were dark and she couldnt see his eyes. Disappointed, she stood in front of the camera on her mark, and looked into his face. Who are you today? Marx shot out to her from behind the lens. Who do you want me to be? Carolyn replied. Marx looked up from the camera, and walked over to stand in front of her.You youre not No, Im not in my trance. I didnt prepare myself. Youre wearing sunglasses. Marx put his hands to his eyes. As to not interfere, but I see theres no need for that now. He slowly pulled the glasses off his face, his eyes closed. Are you sure you can work like this? Does he really think I need to be under a spell to work well? Ahwe talked last night about him. You dont know me at all do you? Carolyn couldnt believe it herself, although she didnt need to be in a trance all the time, she still wasnt sure if her words just now were true. You know what will happen when I open my eyes. Are you sure? His last statement was soft, and warm. Carolyn put her hand up to his cheek. I want to know. I need to know how he does this. Opening his eyes, the deepness of the gray pulled Carolyn in. She felt her body growing warm from the inside out. Her heart began to pound in her chest. She was drawn so far in, Are you ready Carolyn? that he didnt need words to tell her what to do. Yes, where do you want me to stand? She could read his mind. Hours had passed in silence. It was unlike anything she had experienced before. The slightest movement of his hand, the barely audible sounds that came from his mouth, all of it was like she knew where to go, what to do, and how to do it. Although his eyes were hidden

behind the camera, she was still one with his mind. Like this? Carolyn lay on the bearskin rug, her legs bent at the knees, with her feet lazily crossed at the ankle. Her arms were stretched out in front of her, rubbing the soft fur. Uh Like that. Bring in your armyeah, under your hair on your necklook at your hand now look up at me slowly The crew watched in silence. Occasionally Marx would request another prop, or ask for a touch up to make-up or hair, but the words between him and Carolyn were non-existent. Good work everyone, thats a wrap. Carolyn stood still as Marx approached her. Do you know? his thoughts were still connected to her. Do you understand? Carolyn looked into his soft eyes, tears began to fill her lower lids, and as he held her in his arms, they fell down her face onto his shirt. Rebecca, please take her to her room. Ill finish up here, and be up in a little bit. Was it my imagination? Were those words in my head really him? When I look into his eyes Im trapped. I feel like Im being pulled down into the ocean by strings attached to my heart. Im cold and warm. Im suffocating but able to breathe. His eyes, they tell me what he wants and Im powerless to reject him, but today was different. What does he think I know? What does he think I understand? Do I have to say it? Marx entered her bedroom and sat on the edge of her bed beside her. His eyes were brown again. Contacts? Carolyn clutched the blanket to her chest. And? He brushed her hair off of her forehead, and kissed it tenderly. And? She replied back. You really are a moron arent you? Think you dumb nut. I know about your trances when you work. Im able to put you into a trance by looking at you with my eyes. We know what the other is thinking without speaking. Yet, you still dont understand, you still dont know. Marx looked like he was about to blow from frustration. He grabbed her hands, pushing her on her back. Look at me now, Im wearing contacts, so we can actually talk to each other. You dont think this is strange that I know something this intimate about you? Carolyn was thinking hard, trying to put the pieces of this puzzle together in her mind. I was nervous when I first started working as a model. I couldnt focus on what the camera man wanted of me. I took really bad pictures, but I wanted to become better. It wasnt until I met Yuuki and signed up with her agency that I was able to concentrate on the job. Carolyn, seriously think back to when this all started.

Yuuki, she was the one who took me to the psychiatrist who put me under hypnosis. That day, she called someone to pick us up and he drove us to the office. Although it was dark, and my mind felt hazy I was captivated by his eyes. You drove us there that day. I remember looking at your eyes in the mirror on the way back, those beautiful gray eyes. But something is missing. Yeah, I drove you there. No, not only that. You dont remember do you? Marx put his head into her chest. His grip lessened and his body grew heavier on her. Carolyn instinctively put her hands on his head. The sun shine pierced into the creases of her eyes. Its heat tickled her skin. Slowly she opened her eyes. Carolyns head lay on Marxs chest. His long hair intertwined with hers, his skin on hers. When did he crawl into bed with me? It doesnt feel wrong though. She put her hand on his stomach, and slid it slowly up his chest. His skin is so smooth. She repositioned her head so she could see his face. His long eyelashes glistened in the sunlight. I dont remember anything after holding his head. Marx held her tighter in his arms for a second, then relaxed. As his arm fell behind her, she took the opportunity to escape and got out from under the covers. Although by bra is off, my underwear is still on, so its safe to assume we didnt do everything last night. Quietly she pulled some clothes out of the closet and went into the bathroom to shower. The warm water splashed onto her skin. She began to wash her hair. The steam rose from her shoulders as the water cascaded down her breasts. Ill ask him when hes awakes. Ask me what? Marx stood naked in the doorway taking in the sight of Carolyn in the shower. The glass doors were fogged up slightly, but her silhouette was very visible. Did I say that out loud just now? Carolyn continued without skipping a beat. Marx walked over to the tub, and started the water. Hey, the water cant you wait until Im done at least? Marx looked at her smiling. Well we both have to get to work, would it be better if I join you? As you wish, pervert. Marx turned off the water, and opened the shower door. Hey, did I say you could? Carolyn put her hands over her breast. You said as you wish and you even called me a pervert, Marx closed the door behind him, that kind of hurt. He reached over her to get the soap. Why do you have this anyway, you dont use soap.

Carolyn was perplexed. Is he are you reading my mind? She stood still looking at him as his hands moved across his body, the lather from the soap leaving trails along his skin. He opened his eyes and looked at her. Yes. But your eyes are brown. Hey wait so all this time you knew what I was thinking" She felt her heart sink into her stomach. Turn around Ill wash your back. Marx put a quarter sized amount of shampoo onto the wash cloth and rubbed it along Carolyns body. You should know by now Carolyn, after yesterday, after last night. You should know the type of connection we have. Its a shame that I have to hold back like this. Carolyn, do I really have to say everything for you to accept it? Carolyn turned around to face him. Say it or think it out loud because I dont understand. Her breasts were inches away from his ribcage. She looked down his body as he washed her neck, shoulders, and arms. His penis was throbbing toward her. Youre very intimate with me right now, and I dont hate it, but Did we last night? Either way I want you right now. Carolyn moved slightly allowing the water to splash against his chest. She watched as the water dripped down following the outlines of his muscles. Marx bent down, placed her foot on his thigh, and then he rubbed the cloth up and down her leg. I said we wouldnt do anything until you wanted me. Last night you didnt want me, and I was so frustrated with you that I didnt want to leave, so you lent me the right side of your bed. I sleep naked, but I didnt force myself on you. Give me your other leg. I thought you might have remembered, but you dont. Its OK, I can wait. The water droplets fell down his hair. Marx, can you really wait? You put it into my contract that I had to live here during the shooting. You made it so that our apartments are the only two on the floor. I cant call outside the building, and you knew that the only one outside that I can talk to is Yuuki, and she wont feel sympathy for me on the job. Is this what you call waiting? I call it capturing. Marx placed his hand on her butt. Is this OK? He looked up at Carolyn. I dont want you to stop. Its OK, you have to finish what you start, right? Marx smiled. You want me dont you? He rubbed the cloth up her legs, carefully and slowly where they meet. Its a good virtue thats all. But I do want you. I want you to bend me over and take me right now. You know that, dont you? If you can really read my mind, you know now. Marx stood up, and moved closer to the water. Repayment for ones kindness is also a good virtue. Marx placed the soap in her hand. Although we can read each others thoughts, youre still not honest with yourself. I captured you, I dont deny it. I also dont deny that I too want to bend you over so badly that it hurts to touch you. The difference between you and I is I can say what I think out loud if needed. You say the opposite or run around what you are really thinking. Stop staring at me and wash me or well both be late.

*** Its been too normal. He hasnt seen me other than when were shooting. I hear him entering and leaving his apartment, but he doesnt come by. Although he was so forceful before, hes being just professional lately. Carolyn slouched further into the couch. Sweetie, you have to be truthful with your feelings. You cant expect him to always be hot. Even fire will burn itself out. She looked up at the ceiling. I know, I know. Hey Yuuki, he took us to the psychologist right? Did anything weird happen after that? I have a feeling that he knew me before this job. He knew that I dont use soap. I only bought it because the smell was familiar. Carolyn, you have to remember that. Im not at liberty to say anything that may jeopardize your work. All I can say is that he isnt a stranger. Look concentrate on getting this job done with and come home. OK. Ill call you later. I have to remember, he says the same things. What is it that I have to remember? Getting up from the couch, she walked into the kitchen to re-heat dinner. As she reached for the refrigerator door, she heard Marx entering his apartment. I have to come to him? She pulled the lasagna from the refrigerator, put it on a plate and warmed it up in the microwave. Grabbing two smaller plates, she carried them over to his apartment. Will he welcome me in? Marx, are you home? Carolyn kicked the door and waited a few seconds. She heard noise from the other side. Marx, I brought dinner, will you eat with me? The door opened, and slowly he appeared from behind. His white dress shirt was unbuttoned exposing his bare chest. His pants were unbuttoned. Were you busy with someone, or just undressing for the day? Oh, dinner, sure. Come in. Marx put his hand up on the door frame allowing room for Carolyn to enter. Are you really alone? Carolyn walked past him, half expecting another woman to appear from the bedroom like in one of the movies. Im alone, alone. God, dont you ever believe what I say. His apartment was identical to hers in reverse. The layout was the same, but it seemed darker than hers. The light was dim, the colors muted. Do you want to finish changing? I can wait, and set up while you do. Marx stood behind her, his body very close. Can you stop this? Cant you speak with words when theres no one but us around. All week youve been using your thoughts to talk to me. Im getting a headache. He put his head on her shoulder. Just talk normally, say what youre thinking. Be straight with me. Marx turned away and disappeared into what might be his bedroom.

Im giving you a headache? Im sorry. Its just amazing that I can hear your thoughts, and you can hear mine. I still dont understand it, but I like that we can be so open in front of everyone without them knowing. Is this why you havent seen me outside of the photo shooting? Marx sat down at the table adjacent to Carolyn. You just never shut up. Carolyn chuckled. Now youre doing it. Marx held her hand. So, have you come to me for real? His hand felt warm, she missed his touch.You should eat first. Here Carolyn placed the plate in front of him. Pouring a glass of wine, she placed that beside him as well. "Even though you can be different people all the time, you really are wife material huh? *** Marx waited at a hotel bar, drinking vodka and looking at his watch. Carolyn watched him as he looked around, and then took another sip of his drink. She leaned against the wall out of sight. Will he wait forever? She chuckled to herself. His beautiful long black hair fell over his eyes as he packed up the camera equipment. After waiting for her to finish changing he asked her to join him for drinks. It was her first job with the agency. What was he thinking? I was thinking of celebrating your birthday. Carolyn opened her eyes to see Marx towering over her. Youre doing it again. Stop reading my mind. She wrapped her arms around him. Well if your mind wasnt attached to mine, I wouldnt have to. I knew you were here. I could hear you but couldnt see you. It was driving me mad. He kissed her lips softly. Together they went into the bar. They talked for hours. Before the closing of the bar, Marx pulled out a small blue velvet box and placed it on the counter-top Dont think one thing and say another. I promise that I will only look at you, that I will always do what you wish, and that I will do my best to make you happy every day of your life. Carolyn, will you give me your all? Carolyn burst into tears. Yes, I give you all of me. Marx kissed her passionately before placing the three karat diamond platinum ring on her finger. That night they made love until the sun came up. *** How could you do that? Hes my co-worker. If you had a problem with me being a model, you shouldnt have asked me to marry you. This is my job! You dont see me fighting every female model who grabs on to you, do you? Carolyn was yelling at the top of her voice.

Weeks passed after their engagement, both of them were working long hours. Their time together was brief. Carolyn was working on a campaign with a well known male model, Charles LeCrew. Charles made every session an opportunity to feel up Carolyn. As they were shooting the last scene, the photographers assistant was non-other than Marx. Charles gave Carolyn a deep kiss and grabbed her in an unforgivable way. Marx went off and almost killed Charles. How can I just stand there while he fondles my fiance? I know he was doing that shit because I was there. Fuck him; I hope he never works in this industry again. I dont want to talk to you anymore, you make me so mad. She turned to walk away. Marx grabbed her arm strongly. Dont fuck with me and say you dont want to talk anymore. You know that fucking pisses me off. Carolyn pulled away from him, unsuccessfully. Dont cuss at me. I should have known it was impossible for you and me. Let go of me. Marx didnt come home that night. Carolyn called the hotels he might have stayed at. In the end she couldnt find him, but remained at his house waiting. Around 2am she heard the door open. Fuck Im too drunk. Carolyn got out of bed and went to the door. Marx stood barely holding on to some other woman. Upon seeing Carolyn he straightened up. What are you doing here? His gray eyes peering through her. What are you doing bring another woman home? Who the fuck are you? Carolyn grabbed the woman and pushed her out into the hall. Carolyn closed the door and walked into the living room where Marx lay passed out, she thought, on the couch. What the fuck? I get harassed at work, he almost makes it so that I dont work anymore and now hes out looking for someone else. She began to pull his shoes off. Marx reached down and grabbed her. Pushing her onto the floor. Marxs grip grew stronger. With one hand he held her arms above her head. The nauseating smell of alcohol on his warm breath flooded over Carolyn. He ripped off her underwear and trusted three of his fingers into her. You dont mind another man touching you. He said coldly. Tears began to form in her eyes. Stop.

His gray eyes staring into her eyes like daggers. Your nothing but a slut, yet your suppose to be mine. Ill make you never want another man to touch you again. Marxs lips attacked hers. His teeth grabbed her lower lip, pressing down slowly until she cried out in pain. She struggled and quickly kicked him in his groin. As she turned over to crawl away, he grabbed her ankle and pulled her under him. Stop, let me go. She struggled to get free, elbowing him in the chest. Half crawling, half standing, she quickly made it into the bedroom, closed the door and locked it. Youre crazy. Calm down some and well talk. Marx banged on the door. Let me in you bitch. You fucking slut, fuck me like you fuck Charles. Carolyns heart was pounding so hard inside her chest, feeling relieved that he wasnt able to enter she slid to the floor. I havent slept with anyone since weve been together. Why are you like this? Did you ever love me? Marx grew quiet. Ah, the bathroomshit. Looking up to see Marx coming through the doorway and quickly moving toward her. Just as she was unlocking the door to get out. He almost caught her, but she was too quick, and he caught his arm in the door as it closed. She ran out of the apartment and down the stairs. He didnt follow her. She kept her calm until she reached her condo. Her heart still beating out of her chest. Her hand gripped tightly to the cold brass handle so much that it turned red. How could he? His eyes, his touch, and his words, they all sent chills through her body. What do I do now? *** Carolyn, are you OK? Sweetie, wake up. Are you alright? Marx sounded worried. His voice was trembling. Rebecca, I think shes waking. Get her a glass of water. Marx placed a wet towel on Carolyns forehead. Please be OK Please wake up. Im sorry, Im so sorry. Marx held her hand. Youre sorry you sick son of a bitch. He looked up to see Carolyn glaring angrily at him. This is how you apologize for almost fucking up my life. I spent almost a month in seclusion over the shit that you did to me. I forced myself to forget everything and succeeded until you came back into my life. Carolyn began to cry. You really love me or you really hate me. I wish I knew which it was.

Marx held her hand tighter. I love you more than I thought I did back then. Every day I wanted to apologize. I even called Yuuki so I could see you. Im so sorry, I was wrong. Damn right. How could you talk to me like that, look at me like that? Those beautiful eyes I loved so much became the scariest things I could ever see. Those eyes haunted me in my dreams for weeks. Rebecca appeared in the doorway. Is she OK? Marx looked up at Rebecca, his eyes full of tears. Shes back to normal. He said as he gave her a weak smile. Carolyn, Yuuki said you can rest for a couple more days after you woke up. Ill call her to let her know youre alright. Youve been out of it for almost a week, are you really OK? Carolyn flashed her best smile, Im great. I didnt realize I was working too hard. Sorry to worry you. Tell Yuuki I understand now, shell know what Im talking about. You fucking asshole. Carolyn was staring straight at Marx, who lowered his head. Although Rebecca didnt know what was going on, she left without questioning. Carolyns anger subsided enough to allowed Marx to sleep next to her. His thoughts kept apologizing and confessing his love for her all night until she gave in. She missed the feel of him next to her. After sleeping so much, she couldnt bring herself to sleep anymore. She lay there in his arms watching his chest rise and fall. His eyelashes move slightly from the breeze. She watched his face go through various looks. What are you dreaming about to make that face? She fell in love with him because of his caring nature, but hated him for his rude, evil nature. Have you changed? Are you able to love me and trust me now? Although I still love you, I dont want to make the same mistakes. Neither do I. Marx opened his eyes and repositioned his head to see Carolyn. How long have you been awake? Carolyn diverted her gaze from his. Long enough. You really are back arent you? I dont have to wear those brown contacts in order for us to talk normally? I thought Id be wearing them for the rest of my life. He chuckled. Im still mad at you, and dont know if I can forgive you. I just want your body. Carolyn reached her hand down under the covers and grabbed his dick. Are you serious? Marx took her hand away, and placed it on her stomach. Im serious. I came here the other night for only two reasons. First was to make sure you ate something. Second was to fuck you all night. Marx rolled over on his side to face her. You are serious. Shit and I had to mess everything up with saying something like that.

Carolyn rolled on her side as well. It was that stupid wife material comment that sent me over the edge. You were pulling all the tricks you could to bring back my memories. That one comment was said at the wrong time. You could have waited until after. Marx looked under the covers. Your naked you know? So are you, and stop talking to me without words. Its annoying when were alone. Marx laughed so loudly it rang in Carolyns ears. Marx brushed a strand of hair out of Carolyns face. I love you. Ive been reflecting on what happen then, and realized I was too immature at that time. I was selfish and stupid. What can I do to gain your trust again? Ill do anything. Carolyn smiled slyly. Castrate yourself Huh? Marx sat up quickly. if you ever sleep with any woman other than me. Marx held her hand. So does that mean youll be mine again? Carolyn pulled away. No, it just means you cant sleep with anyone other than me for the rest of your life. Im not going to go easy on you. Carolyn turned around, her back towards him. And well live together, no more living apart. I need to keep an eye on you at all times. Turning over slightly she reached for the cigarettes. I want you to tell me where you are always so if I want I can stop by and find you there. She pulled a cigarette out of the box, lit it with her lighter, and blew the smoke in his face. If I have a sex scene, you have to watch and not say anything, even if I really fuck him. Can you do all that? Marx was smiling. I can, and I will do all of that if youll take me back. Carolyns eyes sparkled as tears began to take form again. Marx leaned forward and lightly kissed her forehead knowing she didn't mean a word of it.

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