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Reflection on the Challenges Experienced by the Student Teachers of Philippine College Foundation

during Their Practice Teaching

In this professional reading there were several factors and challenges encountered by the
Student Teachers of Philippine College Foundation during their practice teaching. These are time
management, classroom management, lack of instructional materials, and financial problem. The
results of study were obtained from the individual interviews.

As mentioned above the student teachers have difficulties in several areas such as time
management. The student-teacher lacks time preparing the lesson plans and instructional materials.
They end up going to bed late at night to prepare the lesson and instructional materials as a result they
felt tired the following day. As for the classroom management whenever they give seatwork, the class
won’t be able to finish it during the class. The classroom management was the most challenging part
because the student teachers have to reprimand misbehaved students so they are not able to start the
class immediately. The lack of books adds up to this especially if there is no internet connection available
in the area. One of the highlight of their concern is the financial constraint because they have to spend
money to buy the needed materials in making the instructional materials.

In conclusion, student teachers should have a seminar workshop before sending them to their
respective school of assignment, so that they will be fully aware and prepared for the possible scenarios
inside the classroom. Also, it is helpful to have regular meetings for ST so that they are fully aware of
their improvements and areas that need improvement. Lastly, ST should take the cooperating school
and mentor's advice to further improve oneself in the teaching profession.

Reflection on Teaching in the New Normal

In this writing, the center of topic is the teacher who has to continue the learning instruction in
the new normal. The teachers in this new learning setup are required to transfer their face to face
learning techniques to the online setup. This is requires teachers to be resilient even if it’s the hard way.

The challenge in teaching online is to keep the students to be engaged in the class. Even if there
are a lot of distractions surrounding them. By doing that the teachers must master the use of technology
in different platforms like Zoom, Skype, Google Meet and Google Classroom. We understand that each
one of us has its own learning curve when it comes to adapting the use of technology in teaching. One of
the problems encountered is the interrupted service of some of the internet service provider. This is just
the tip of the iceberg and the most challenging aspect in online learning is the assessment where the
teachers do direct objective measurement tools. Test proctoring may seem impractical and ended up
with open everything basis.

Therefore, teaching in an online environment creates a lot of challenges not only for the teacher’s
side but also for the student’s part. This means we all are in the same boat of difficulties, just like not
having enough gadgets, data service to attend the online classes. There are several challenges
encountered along the way but teachers have to create more innovative and meaningful instructional
materials that can be measured while keeping the students to be engaged in the class. The teachers may
have a lot of a hard time these days not only in their job but also in their personal lives. We salute them
as they continue to cope despite having too much on their plate.
Reflection: The Experiences and Challenges Faced of the Public School Teachers amidst the COVID-
19Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study in the Philippines

In this shift to online mode of learning teacher has to be ready for it even if we are still in the
middle of COVID19 pandemic. We consider the teacher as the second mother of the students in the
class. While they aim to provide instruction to all students they are also under stress and burnout.

In relation to this they also encountered several challenges in fulfilling their duties. Some of the
challenges were lack of resources, getting the trust of their students, and difficulties submitting
paperwork. The teachers in public schools do not have the enough necessary equipment and resources
such as books, printers, laptops, computers and internet access. Aside from this they also have a hard
time getting the trust of their students in making them realize that education is important. It’s hard for
them to get the trust and the heart of these learners the importance of education in our lives. The
challenges do not end here but when it comes to submission of workloads these are their set of hump.
Even if they have a lot of paper works that are up for deadline but they still need to conduct the class.

In conclusion of the study it reveals that the teachers are under tremendous amount stress and
burnout. This was due to the workload on their hands that they have to continue teaching even if they
have piles of paper works to do. We can’t imagine that they went through this but still continue to serve
and face the class with a smile.

Reflection on Reshaping Assessment Practices in a Philippine Teacher Education Institution

during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Crisis

In this pedagogical study, it is reiterated that the assessment methods are currently being
revised or reshaped. The Commission on Higher Education is doing this to meet the required hours in
completing a subject. They are now taking another measure to give alternative ways of assessments or
remediation for the students caught in this COVID19 pandemic.

Concerning the above statements, it is stated in this study that the tertiary education
institutions utilized a combination of traditional and authentic strategies. A traditional assessment
involves quizzes and examinations while the alternative assessment includes participation, projects,
demonstrations, and papers works. During the midst of a pandemic, the schools opt-out to consider
attendance from January to March as the basis to give a passing grade for the students. Teachers are
also asked to be lenient in this time of crisis even if this opens to some controversy in the public eye.

Lastly, it is imperative to adopt several assessment practices in education because we are still in
the midst of a worldwide crisis. Since this public health emergency is still going on most of the TEI’s have
decided to tweak their grading system. Also, all teachers were asked to be considerate in giving out
assessments to their students.

Reflection on Joint DEPED and CHED Memorandum Order Series of 2020

The official joint memorandum order of the Department of Education and Commission of Higher
Education entails a new set of rules in the field study and practice teaching courses. They are doing this
to meet the standards and health protocols in this pandemic. We as students of the concerning course
cannot certainly pass without complying with the requirements of the said courses.

It is stated in this memorandum order that pre-service teaching role is still in effect and we have
to abide by it. As we are complying to finish this practice teaching subject we adhere to observing
classes through online instructions. We also have several reflection papers in relation to the current
issues on teaching and student teaching. How we really wished to be exposed to in person classroom
teaching but time does not allow it for now. Also keeping and collecting portfolios to show the student
teacher has records of development experiences in the Philippine professional standard. Although we
had our demo teaching at school with our classmates as our pupils this can help gauge the teacher
education institution to decide whether to pass or fail the ST.

In a nutshell of this joint memorandum order, it shows that DEPED and CHED join hands to give
way for the field study and practice teaching. Though we as the concerned people of this memo must
never stop to learn and improve ourselves in the teaching profession. One must never stop learning as
we should adapt to the new set of learners in this new generation.

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