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WISTERIA by Angela Ahmed Yuuki Iko is a 17-year-old senior, who moves to a new city with her mother and

step-father. She transfers midterm into a prestigious high school in Japan. Unknowingly runs into her childhood love, Johou Oshiro; whom she was promised to marry. However, due to the shock of her birth fathers death, she is unable to remember her childhood, thus doesnt remember him. Just as Yuuki begins to get acquainted with this new life, she learns that she is required to meet and date 3 perspective husbands that her parents have chosen for her. How will she handle the stress of senior year, and these 3 men who want her love? What future lies ahead for her and Johou? Which one will she choose?

This is a work of fiction; any resemblances to real live events or people are purely coincidental.

CHAPTER 1 "I'm off", she yelled back as she ran out the door and down the street. Im already off to a bad start. The clock didn't ring so she woke up 30 minutes late. The water never got warm, so she froze as she took her morning shower. The toothpaste tube lay empty beside the sink, so she was forced to use only baking soda. Her uniform wasn't ironed, and her hair wouldn't lay right. She had managed to tie her hair into a pony-tail and lightly apply her make-up. "I can't be late; I have to make it on time." She thought as she dashes around the corner and crashed into something hard. A bright light flashed before her eyes and she felt immense cold shoot through her body. Is this what happens when you die. Just my luck she thought. As she fell backward a hand wrapped around her waist. "Are you ok?" Tilting her head as far back as she could, she look into his face. She felt small and insignificant, as she would if she was standing in front of Yokohama Tower.[1] His semi-medium golden blond hair fell in front of his deep blue eyes. Her heart began to race, her body temperature rose all of a sudden. She jumped back out of his reach. "S-S-sorry." Without realizing she was eyeing him up and down. Slowly lowering her head as her eyes moved down his slender body. His shoulders were much wider than hers. The outline of his chest barely visible as it tapered slightly into his waist. She noticed the outline of his belt from under his shirt, marking where his hips began. Maybe he looks so skinny due to his height, she thought. As his hand extended toward her, her eyes traveled up his long muscular arms and back down to his delicate slender fingers. "I should have been paying attention." Realizing she was losing time, but not wanting to move away for fear of breaking whatever spell he enchanted her with, "Thank you for catching" she stepped around him "Bye!" and ran off towards the school. Yuuki leaned against the entrance gate, panting, half out of breath face flushed. Her legs weakened and she fell to the ground. "I made it." The other students were slowly making their way to the main building. This is my new school, Yuuki smiled as she admired the modern architecture and pristine garden pathway lined with lilies. Getting back on her feet, she reached out for the first person that passed by, Um, excuse me, but where the administration office is?" "It's straight through the main entrance, 2nd door on the right" answered her back in a soft male voice. Looking up he was no longer in front of her, and all she could see where other students walking away. Who did she ask? Which one was it? Walking through the high arched double doors of the Main building, she was led into a set of stairs that flowed down into a large open space with a high vaulted ceiling, granite floors, and repeating arched openings in the surrounding walls. Sporadically positioned light-colored wood furnishings, where students stood talking in small standing groups and others sitting reading quietly. Just beyond the open archways, doors dotted the outer walls and a long corridor lay straight ahead. Double spiral staircases mirrored each other as they climbed toward the second floor. As she followed the staircases up she saw a large stained glass window depicting a Wisteria trellis hanging elegantly over a large body of water. The purples and blues radiated through the room below casting interesting patterns on the floor.

After her meeting with the Dean and finalizing her admission paperwork, the secretary handed her a map of the campus and pointed out where her class was located. "Do you need a guide?" she had asked, Yuuki rejected politely, it wouldn't be that difficult to find she thought. As she walked through the long corridor, other students passed her quickly talking amongst themselves. The starting bell rang while she makes her way to the secondary building, which surrounded an open air area. Reaching the classroom and siding open the door; she faced someone young enough to be a student. "Welcome, I'm Sakura-sensei" She was no doubt a teacher from the aura of authority that surrounded her. She was fashionable and professional, nothing less than expected of a Prise employee. Turning back towards the class, "Everyone, As I mentioned yesterday; I know its a little awkward, Ill introduce you to the new student. Please welcome her to the class." Almost skipping her way to the podium, "Hello, my name is Ito Yuuki, please take care of me."[2] "Ito-san you can sit in the empty desk next to Oshiro-kun.[3] Please raise your hand" She saw the raised hand and walked through the class to the back. She could feel everyone's eyes on her, and hear faint whispering as she passed. "She's the new transfer we've been expecting?" "So cute!" "Oh, a beauty" "I wonder if she'll join my club, lets talk to her after class" Keep smiling, she thought to herself, make a good first impression. It feels strange to have all eyes on me, but at least Im not being ignored. Im making progress.[4] Oshiro pulled out her chair. She was concentrating so much on the glowing aura surrounding the students in the classroom. Everyone is so shinny and beautiful, she thought, even the guy she saw only just a few hours ago, she giggled silently to herself. Her heart began to race as she envisioned the face of that guy. Was it a dream? Who was he, she thought, I wonder if I'll see him every morning. Her body warmed and she smiled. Im Oshiro Johou,[5] its a pleasure to officially meet you. Glancing to her right, "Jo-Joh-hou?!?" she nearly screamed his name. It was the first time she looked at him. Johou, no waithis name is Johou and he's sitting next to me. Her face blushed at the site of him. He was focused on the front of the classroom, and showed no notice of her staring. He was princely, perfect posture, slender fingers lightly touching the keys of his laptop. "Are you ok, I was worried that I hurt you. he whispered to her without turning his attention from the teacher. "I'm ok, thank you." She pulled out her laptop and acted like she was also taking notes of the lecture. Johou's hand touched her shoulder so much more softly than the strength she felt from his grip earlier in the day. "Did you bring lunch?" He smiled. "If not, I'll show you where the cafe is" he said as he rose from his seat. "Oh". Yuuki was running out the house so quickly that she had forgotten to grab her lunch before leaving. "I didn't bring lunch." "Ok then", he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the classroom. As they walked down the hall she could once again feel the eyes of the students and hear the faint whispers. Oshiro-sama with the transfer student" "Who is she?" "Why is he walking with her?"

"First we'll go to the home ec. wing and fit you for your new uniform, then we'll head down to the cafe. Did you have a chance to walk around the campus? What am I saying, you were running..." he smiled, "late...Haruka!? Haruka!"[6] He called as he slid open the door. Another beautiful person appeared before Yuuki. "Haruka, this is Yuuki, she's the new transfer student. Please fit her for her new uniform." [7] "Oh, this is rare for you to be escorting someone new around Johou, do you two know each other?" asked Haruka with a sarcastic tone. "Huh?! Oh, yeah." Grabbing Yuuki by the waist, Haruka peered deep into her eyes. Like all the other students, Haruka was gorgeous; Yuuki couldn't help but stare at her. Long straight black hair that flowed over her shoulders and cascaded down her torso. Looking at her, you couldn't be entirely sure if she wore make up or if her skin was just that flawless, her lips slightly glossed. Looking back at Johou, Haruka said, "This may take some time. Johou, go get our Hime lunch while I measure her." Turning her bead back to Yuuki, "You don't want him in the room, do you?!? she said half jokingly. Haruka gracefully walked toward Johou, pulling money out of her pocket and handed it to him. "Get her something good, yeah?" She threw him a smile as she closed and locked the door. Pausing for a moment, then swiftly turning around, her hair echoing her movement. "Now, lets get to work. Please strip." Yuuki could feel her face getting red again, "Um...uh...right here?" Haruka's eyes seamed to pierce into Yuuki's soul. "Yes, right here." The warm, soft, and sensual touch of Haruka's fingers as they fluttered across Yuuki's skin, she felt as if she was in a trance, how long was it that she had been standing there? Johou wasn't back yet, so it couldn't have been long. Yuuki's mind wondered. Just then, Haruka's lips brushed Yuuki's ear. "We're done', she said softly. Pulling back from Yuuki, "please put back on your clothes, we'll send these to the tailor, and should get your uniform back in 2 days." she said. "Sorry, you'll have to wear your old one until then. Johou, are you out there?" as she threw her gaze toward the door. "Yes!" he called back. How long had I been standing here? Quickly she got dressed, and followed Johou out of the building. Johou had taken her for a slight tour of the campus although it seemed he was heading in a pre-determined direction. They walked for a while before stopping in the center of a beautiful rose garden. He laid out a blanket and began to place the dishes on top. Lunch was incredibly delicious and consisted of miso soup, teriyaki barbeque chicken, salad, sushi rolls and white rice. Both ate from the same plates. Yuuki felt more at ease around Johou. They discussed her old school, what clubs she attended, and what she hopes to do while at Prise. She learned that Johou himself was from a wealthy family, his father the chairman of a well known company. Anyone can see that Johou is a foreigner; he was born in America and raised in Japan since he was 5. When the final bell rang signaling the end of the lunch hour, they gathered their plates and blanket and returned to class.

CHAPTER 2 Weeks had passed since Yuuki first started. She had settled well into her classes, and even accomplished to join the tennis and tea clubs. Although she made a couple friends in class, her and Johou were inseparable while at school, and shared the same club schedules. Mid terms were coming up so it was no surprise when Johou turned to Yuuki during one of their infamous lunches and asked, "Do you want to come to my house tonight and study for the tests?" His smile could melt her heart. "Sure, Ive never seen you outside of school, and I'd like to see where you live." Yuuki replied happily. "Then it's settled," as he stood up, sun glistening off his golden locks. "The car will be in front at 3pm, trust your tennis practice will be done by then." There was still time before class began, so Yuuki slipped away to the bathroom. As she looked into the mirror, she combed out her hair and re-applied her lip gloss. Yuuki wasn't a beauty in her own eyes; she was more average compared to her classmates. Her hair always pulled back into a pony tail, mascara applied slightly to her eyelashes, blush barely noticeable on her cheeks. She was not too tall and not too thin. She didn't have the most noticeable bust, but it was enough for her. Looking deeper into her reflection she wondered, "Why was Johou so friendly to me?" He was overall the most gorgeous man in school, a star of the track team, and daily girls are confessing their love to him. Yet, he rejects them all politely and remains by Yuuki's side. Walking back to the classroom, Haruka appeared beside her. "How are you settling in?" she asked, with that piercing glare. "I'm fitting in just nicely, thank you. Johou is most helpful," Yuuki replied. "Don't fall in love, K." with that Haruka flew around the corner. Huh? What? Fall in love with Johou? I've never even kissed a guy for me to be falling in love; she whispered to herself and blushed. "Where did you run off to?" Johou stood in the doorway, his right hand resting elegantly on his waist, and left hand in his pocket with the thumb left out. This was one of his signature stances. She smiled to herself; he would fit perfectly in a palace surrounded by maids and servants. "Bathroom...why?" she chirped back. He grabbed her arm as she walked passed him. It wasn't the usual soft and delicate touch she was use to from him, this was more forceful and strong. Shocked she froze in mid-step. He leaned over slowly and whispered almost hauntingly, "Tell me when youre going anywhere!" His breath warm across her neck. She turned to him, his face so close, their lips barely touching. While blushing, "Sorry," she said lightly. With that he let go and pivoted around to walk in front of her back to the desk. The class was all gathered, and witnessed this act. Silently they watched, and it seemed as if they were just as shocked and frozen at his action. BZZZZZZZ Class ended, Johou walked with Yuuki to the lockers. As she disappeared into the changing room, Johou's eyes slit slightly watching her as he walked off. Changing out of her uniform she thought, what was that? Was he worried, was he being over protective? Was Haruka trying to warn me of something? Yuuki's mind wondered through the thoughts of the event, and the words "Don't fall in love, K" echoed in her ears. She couldn't concentrate on tennis practice either; she kept missing balls, and making swings in the air. "Why is this bothering me so much?" she asked as she looked

across the tennis courts to the track field. She could make out Johou in a crowd at any time of day. At that moment he was running, beads of sweat on his brow, hair blowing in the breeze. His long slender legs taking him forward, beautifully. He turned his head towards her, and he flashed that melting smile. Just then a ball flew past her head. "Ito-san! Pay attention, where are you? Get it together." screamed the coach. "Sorry coach." Practice ended at 2:30. After showering and changing back into her uniform Yuuki gathered her bag and headed out of the changing room. Johou as always stood at the entrance of the locker room, bag slung over his shoulder, legs crossed at the ankles with one hand in his pocket with his thumb out. Yuuki smiled heart slightly more upbeat, yet another signature stance from Johou. "Let's go" as he turned to walk with her. The car was as he mentioned parked in front of the school gates. The closer they got to the car, the more she noticed it looked more like a limo than a car. The driver exited and opened the door, "Young master" he said as motioning to Johou to enter. Johou's hand slightly pushed Yuuki into the car at her waist, and then he nodded his head and entered the car as well. Leather seats warm, and soft. This was the first time Yuuki was in anything as comfortable. Even her couch at home wasn't as hugging to her as these seats. "How as practice? Johou asked, in a half sincere tone. "My head was else ware and the coach yelled at me, but I'm sure I'll be ok. You were graceful as always in your practice." Yuuki replied. Johou tilted his head slightly toward her and smiled. Did I have to mention I was watching him run, she thought. The moment his head turned toward her as he ran popped into her head. Well he knew I was watching any way, no harm. Johou opened his phone, dialed some numbers. "Please prepare for a guest," his tone was more masterly than normal. Soon after the car stopped at a large iron gate. Yuuki wasn't paying attention to where she was being driven. She looked out the window and saw a long brick wall. The street itself seamed to go on forever lined in Sakura trees. "Where is this place?" she thought. The gates opened and the car entered into a gravel drive way, minutes seamed to pass until they reached the double stair case and stopped. Johou waited for the driver to open the door before stepping out. Yuuki hadn't noticed he untied his tie, while they were in the car. He looked as cool as he extended his hand to help her out of the car. She felt like a Hime. Her mind flashed back to the first meeting with Haruka. Haruka had called her Hime at that time. Johou held her hand as he led her up the stairs until they reached the large double French doors. The doors opened as if his presence was all that was needed to unlock the massive barrier. Yuuki almost fainted at the enormous forie. Fresh picked flowers decorated the room. The smell of jasmine and lavender filled her lungs. "Welcome to my house." called Johou as he ascended the stairs to the second floor. "Lets go to my room, as he looked over his shoulder at her, smirking. Yuuki felt as if she were dreaming. The sunlight shone through large windows, everything in the house sparkled. Johou's room was an apartment not a room, separated into different rooms. An entryway, a sitting room complete with a piano in the corner, an office lined with book cases, and his bedroom with a large canopy bed at its heart. She blushed. There were no doors in his large room, only arched entry ways to separate each room. Johou had disappeared for a while, Yuuki was in a daze. "Come," he grabbed her hand and pulled her down as he sat on the couch. His books were already laid out on the coffee table along with freshly brewed tea and biscuits. He put his

hand on Yuuki's shoulder and softly said "Shall we start?" And with that they began to study for the test. Every day Yuuki went to study at Johou's house. Even when Johou had to stay longer at practice, he insisted that she go on ahead to his house and wait for him. She became aquatinted with the driver and household workers. She knew her way around the house, and would take it upon herself to make tea and put together the snacks for studying when he was running late. "Oh," she let out a long sigh, "Thank god this is the last study session. I want to do nothing but enjoy myself this weekend." Yuuki stretched her arms above her head, closed her eyes and smiled. When she opened her eyes, Johou was in front of her, staring into her eyes which caused her to freeze. He reached up and grasped her wrists. She jumped back slightly startled. His other hand reached and grabbed her chin, pulling her closer to him, he kissed her. Her body grew warmer, breath quickened. His hand moved to cup the nape of her neck, slowly his fingers softly followed down her spine. His other hand moving from her waist up, brushing slightly the side of her breast, and cupped her shoulder. Pulling her even closer to him and positioning her softly on the floor before him. He stopped, looked into her eyes, and smiled. That smile wasn't the same, it was more sinister, not princely as she was use to she thought. He lent back down to kiss her again, sliding his hand down from her waist this time, grazing her inner thigh. "W-Wh-Wait," sighed Yuuki. "No!" replied Johou into her mouth. Yuuki's eyes opened wide in shock. She half heartedly pushed at him to get up. Circling the words "Wait" and "No" between breaths and gaps in his persistent kissing. His hands held her harder, his body pressed heavier on top of her. Her eyes began to tear. This wasn't what she wanted; this wasn't how she envisioned it. Why is he doing this? "I want you to know only me." His hand went under her bra and circled her nipple, while the other found its place between her legs. She felt as if she was going to pass out any second from the heat of his body. She moaned. Pausing for a second, he looked down at her, seeing the tears trail down her cheek; he bent down licking the trail from her eye to her ear slowly. He held her wrists above her head again more tightly. His hot mouth engulfing her ear, his tongue trailing on her neck. "Please..." she whispered, "...stop." His fingers that had been softly circling her over her underwear pulled them roughly to the side, and trusted deep inside her. "Ahhh..." she exclaimed. I want to runaway...I want this to stop...but I want him to never stop touching me, she thought. He pulled her hair back arching her neck as he looked into her eyes. His eyes slit, his expression scary. "Your my slave." he said hauntingly, "obey your master" he breathed in her chest. Yuuki couldn't handle the sensation of his fingers working her in this way, the tone of his voice, and the look of his face. "Don't stop!" she barely said audibly. With that, he sat up. "Youre my slave," he said as he stood up, looking down at her, liking his fingers "I won't take orders from you." and he walked out of the room. Yuuki laid there, shirt around her neck, skirt around her waist, and soaked underwear, arms still above her head, legs still bent slightly open. "Why?" she sighed.

CHAPTER 3 That day played through her head all weekend, and still as she dressed for school slowly. He never came back to the room after that. She had straightened herself up and went to look for him. Her search ending when the driver told her the young master asked him to take her home. Would he be waiting at the gates when she arrived in front of the school? How is she going to look at him in the eyes? Will he be the prince he portrays or that scary face she saw that day? Her thoughts overwhelmed her, as they went through the motions of walking to school. He didn't greet her at the gates, he wasn't in his chair when she arrived in the class. Yuuki felt so alone, "Where is he?" she thought as she pulled out her laptop. The bell rang, as she looked at his empty chair she thought maybe he's embarrassed to see me. Just then, Johou's hand cupped her neck delicately. "Good morning" he said as he sat down. Tears began to swell in her eyes as she looked at him. "Good morning" she replied softly. Johou actions were as if nothing had happened. Yuuki felt half relieved, but uneasy. Occasionally though, Johou had looked at her softly, smiling which through Yuuki off balance. As the bell rang signaling the ending of class, Yuuki turned to Johou, "I'm off to Tea Club." she said. "I'll be waiting in the library. Get me when youre done." Johou replied as they separated in the hall. Haruka stood outside the washitsu[8] classroom where the Tea Club met regularly and greeted everyone as they entered. Stopping Yuuki she said, "I told you didnt I?" Haruka's eyes seemed to know what happened. Yuuki walked in quietly with only the sound of rustling fabric from her kimono breaking the silence.[9] What does Haruka know that I don't Yuuki asked herself as she watched the delicate movements of the tea ceremony unfold. At the closing of the club, Haruka motioned for Yuuki to join her. "Johou doesn't do well in relationships," Haruka began. "He's never had a girlfriend, although he's had girls." Glancing up at Yuuki. "Every since we were little he's said that he won't become attached until he finds his Hime. The fact that he took a liking to you in the first place was just him lusting for someone new. But I saw the way he looked at you that first day. Now, it seems you two aren't ever without each other and in a way it worries me." Haruka placed her hand on Yuuki's. "Don't fall in love with him. He's not the gentle person you've grown accustomed to. He's dark behind the light." Yuuki looked in to Haruka's eyes as if acknowledging that she knew that already. "If you need to talk about anything, I'm here for you. Anything, ok?" Haruka rose from the floor, cupping Yuuki's hand and pulling her slightly to rise as well. "Ok." Yuuki replied. As Yuuki walked into the library, she scanned the desks for Johou. He wasn't there, where was he. She wove herself through the book cases thinking he may be looking for a book. She had finished the front half of the library when she noticed a small opening in the door in the back. She moved closer to it, and peered inside. Johou was leaned back on the desk, hands behind him supporting his own weight. A girl with wavy hair sat on top of him, legs wrapped around him. Yuuki saw his pants were around his ankles and half wanting to run away, half wanting to watch stood frozen. Who was this girl? "Touch me, please." the girl asked. Johou smiled and motioned no. The girl began to kiss his neck, hands on this chest "Touch me, please" the girl said again almost pleading.

Johou motioned no in response. "I don't want you. Didn't I already say that?" Johou's voice was cold. "I can't help it if you want me, so I agreed to let you do what you want with me." "So cold..." the girl said as she rode him like a horse. "So hot, yet so cold." Yuuki couldn't take this sight, her own body began to heat up, her mouth dry, and she felt moisture between her legs. Turning to walk away she heard, "Yuuki, I'll be done in a second." as he called out to her. Surprised, Yuuki stopped and leaned up against the wall, sliding down on to the floor. Had he known she was standing there all this time. Did he want her to find him like this. Why was her heart beating so fast, why she thought as she laid her face in her hands. Minutes later, the girl walked passed, and Johou stood in front of Yuuki. Hand extended to help her up. Yuuki saw his shoes in front of her, and looked up at him. Johou smiled, "Let's go" as he grabbed her hand and pulled her up. Yuuki couldn't look at him, her eyes focused on the floor as they walked out of the library. "I want you." he said softly. Clutching her side. Yuuki looked in to his eyes. "I want you to want me more than that" he said coldly, slipping his hand away. Yuuki stopped and watched him walk further a few paces before following. Her thoughts over whelmed her again and didn't realize that she had gotten into the limo with him. Are we together Yuuki thought. Am I his girlfriend? "Youre my slave." echoed in her mind. What does it mean to be his slave she thought. He's bright like the sun when people are around him, but once we're alone he changes into something darker. Haruka said he was like this, but what happened between them for her to know. Did he do the same thing to her? Yuuki glanced over to Johou. His eyes were closed, his arms folded, legs extended and crossed at the ankles. "He's never had a girl friend..." Yuuki lay on his couch replaying the scene in the library. Her breath quickened. She looked at Johou who was sitting on the floor in front of her, back facing her. She reached hesitantly out to touch his hair and pulled back. "I want you..." why she thought. Didn't he just have that done to him. Is he playing some sort of twisted game. Yuuki started to get upset. I am not a toy she thought. He initiated this, he over powered her in the past. Now what does he want. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. Johou closed his book, looked over his shoulder and smiled. Picking Yuuki up, he carried her to his bed and began to undress her. Will she wake up? he thought, and if she does what will she do. He smiled. His hands are on my body. His tongue tickling my neck. Where am I? Yuuki opened her eyes to see Johou beside her. His bare chest pressed up against her breasts. She reached her arms around him, holding him closer. Although Johou was still wearing his pants, Yuuki was completely naked under the sheet that separated them. Johou's hands softly moved across her body barely touching her. Yuuki could feel the movement of the sheet over most of her body. She grabbed his head and kissed him. Is this what he wants, she thought. Does he want me or am I just something for now. "What do you want me to do" Yuuki whispered into his ear. Those words seamed to shock him, losing his breath for a second. He yanked the sheet off of her, and looked at her body wanting to consume himself in her. "Undress me" he replied. Yuuki sat up, breasts fully exposed in front of him and began to unbutton his pants. Head bent down close to his lap. HIs pants were getting tighter, making it harder on Yuuki to unbutton. Johou stood up, looked into her flushed face and took off his pants. He watched her expression as she sat on the bed. That pose he'd seen so many times in tea

ceremonies. Laying her down and covering with the sheet he kissed her more softly than he'd done in the past. Their tongues joined and moving in synchronization. "Sleep with me" he said pulling her closer to him as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Yuuki's head was in his chest, and she could feel his breathing, his heart beat, the power of his embraces all slowing. She looked into his face and smiled. Laying her head on this arm, she kissed his chest and closed her eyes. RINGING Yuuki jumped up and grabbed her phone, she quickly answered. "Yuuki! Yuuki! are you ok?" Her mother's voice sounded worried. "Yes, I was studying with Johou and fell asleep on the couch, sorry" Yuuki replied looking over to Johou who was propped up on his elbow watching her. His chest barely exposed from under the sheet that showed the curves of his body. "Yuuki! do you know what time it is? It's past 12. Come home." Her mom sounded upset. "Yes, I'm coming home. Sorry to worry you. I'm leaving now." and with that she hung up the phone. Johou patted the bed beside him. Yuuki realizing she was completely naked walked back to the bed, and sat beside him in a trance. "Your my...." he said as his head went into her back and kissed her. His hands wrapped around her waist. "I'm youre...." as he pulled her back. Yuuki didn't move away, she didn't fight, she let him lead her into him. "My mother is worried, I need to be going." She whispered. "I know." he replied still holding on to her. Seconds seemed like eternity as he held her like this. As if acknowledging reality, he sat her back up, and got out of bed. His slender body covered in dew. Johou tossed Yuuki her clothes, and vanished into another part of the room. Yuuki got dressed slowly. Thinking of how she felt laying next to him. He hadn't tried to force himself on her this time. Turning to walk out, she stopped. Johou fully naked was standing in the archway. His arms crossed over his chest, his long legs crossed at the ankles. His eyes scary, and his smile sinister. He slowly walked over to Yuuki. Wrapping himself around her, "Will you stay with me forever?" "I'm home" Yuuki exclaimed as she walked into her house. Taking off her shoes she thought "...forever?" "Yuuki, a 17 year old should not be out this late!" her mother scolded, placing a cup of tea on the table. "Sit here, we need to talk." "Yes." Yuuki replied. "Your father and I have decided that it's the right time for you to start thinking about your future." Yuuki's mother picked up her tea, placing the cup to her mouth, she blew out softly, then took a small sip. Placing the cup back on the table, "You will have 3 marriage interviews. You must choose one of those men to be your husband. It's not right for you to stay out late like this without a reason." Yuuki stared at her mother in disbelief. "Yuuki, we'll let you think it over. Please think carefully, as your father chose these men for you, and he believes that at least one of them will make you happy." Marriage interview.....husband.....her mind turned towards Johou. If these men were not him, how could she choose any of them. "Yuuki, wake up. Yuuki..." Johou's voice was calling her from a distant place. "Yuuki?" Slowly she awoke to Johou's beautiful blue eyes staring at her. "Huh? Did I fall asleep? I've been so tired lately." Yuuki sat up, clinging on to Johou's shirt. "Yuuki, you were talking in your sleep." Johou's voice softly saying those words as he held her head close to him. "What marriage interview?" Yuuki jumped back out of his reach, fully wake at his last question. "M-M-My parents have scheduled marriage interviews for me." Yuuki moved back into his chest, wrapping her arms around him, "They are making me choose of the three to be my husband. What do I do?" Johou's

hand rubbed Yuuki's head softly. His face bends down to her ear and he whispered. "You should go." Yuuki looked up at him, tears starting to fall. He smiled at her, kissed her forehead, and said "You should go." Johou stood up, brushed off his pants, and turned slowing walking away. Yuuki put her hands on the ground in front of her. I want to be with you, she thought. Johou wasn't waiting at the usual spot after school. "Yuuki?" called Haruka. Yuuki turned, "have you seen Johou?" she asked. "Oh, my, I think he left already. Did he not say goodbye?" Yuuki looked down the street in the direction of his house and saw the back end of his car. He really did leave without saying anything. "You were going home? I'll walk with you" said Haruka. As they walked in silence, Yuuki felt her heart sinking into her stomach. Her vision began to blur. "Are you ok?" Haruka asked. "Yeah, just some problems at home. It's nothing." If Johou told her to go, she'll go. She won't like it, but she'll go only because he told her to. Obviously Haruka was right; he wasn't ready for a girlfriend. "Oh, I'm off this way. Good night." Yuuki said as she turned the corner, waving bye to Haruka as she forced herself to smile.

CHAPTER 4 The weather was beautiful. Yuuki's mother took her to the beauty salon, and to buy some new clothes. It felt nice to do these things with her mom. "You look tired, let's stop and have some tea" her mom motioned over to a small cafe with chairs in front. The atmosphere was nice. "Here, you sit here and I'll be right back." Yuuki's mom disappeared into the next shop. Yuuki put her head down. Even though this was all in preparation for that, she was still enjoying herself. "Excuse me miss," Yuuki looked up. "Oh, I'll have the rose tea please." Yuuki replied. He stood there for a moment in silence. "I'm sorry, I wasn't here to take your order. I'm Rei, Himura Rei.[10] Your father asked me to meet you here today." He extended his hand. Yuuki startled, took his hand. He gently closed his thumb over her hand and kissed her fingers. Looking at her while doing it. Yuuki felt her face growing warm. "I'm sorry, please have a seat." she replied. Rei was as tall and slender like Johou, but his hair black ended the similarities. His hair fell to the sides of his face, outlining his masculine jaw. His eyes seamed gentle as he looked at her. Rei covered his mouth slightly as to not smile so openly in front of Yuuki. "My father and your father are business partners. I've been interning at the company for a year now, and I've learned so much from Iko-sama." "I see." replied Yuuki. I won't fall into this game she thought. "I hear youre a 3rd year at Prise. I remember my years there; tell me do you know about the rose garden?" "Why yes, I eat lunch their daily." "It's great isn't it. My class planted those roses as a going away present to the school. I personally take pride in knowing it's being of great use." Enough with the small talk. Yuuki thought. "Forgive me for being so bold, but how old are you?" Rei couldn't hold it in any longer. This girl was stiff, as if she didn't want to be in this situation, he could fell the hesitation from her. "You didnt agree to this meeting did you?" Rei looked intensely into Yuuki's eyes, "Your cute you know" "I'm not cute, and you didnt answer my question. When did you graduate from Prise, how old are you, and why did you accept to meet with me without knowing me?" Yuuki calmed, picked up her tea and slowly drank from the cup, looking directly into Rei's eyes. "Youre asking more than one question now. Which one would you like me to answer first?" Silence. "I'll answer in the order presented." Rei straighten up in his chair, and leaned forward, towering over Yuuki as they sat. "I graduated 3 years ago, but I'm 19years old, and I've heard about you every day for the past 7 years." He reached his hand across the table, she wasn't budging he thought. "I feel as if I've grown up with you all this time. Your father does nothing but talk about you at work. I've been waiting for the moment when we would meet. Don't get me wrong, I'm not here because I want to marry you, I just wanted to put the face with the name, and see if I could marry you one day." With that he laid his hand delicately on hers. Yuuki's hand went numb, she wanted to pull away, but couldn't move. "If you would allow me the pleasure of spending time with you, I promise you wont regret it." Pulling his hand away, he pulled out a pen from his pocket and wrote on the napkin in front of him. Handing her the napkin he stood and walked away. He's more straight forward than Johou she thought looking at his number. "Yuuki, sorry, I was gone for so long. Look at this kimono. Won't it be great for the new year?" Yuuki turned to see her mother happily coming towards her. "Mom, did you know Rei was going to meet me

here?" Yuuki asked. "Huh? Who's Rei?" her mother looked puzzled. Did Dad not tell mom about who these men were Yuuki thought. "Come, let's go home." Johou was waiting in front of her house as she walked out the door. "Good morning" he said, smiling almost knowingly. "Good morning Yuuki replied. He took her bag, and put his arm around her shoulders. "How was the date?" he asked. Yuuki looked up at him and put her arm around his waist. "I wouldn't call it a was a meeting" Rei couldn't be Johou. She envisioned the napkin she left on her desk, he sure has pretty writing she thought, as she blushed. "Oh," Johou released his hold on her, "so how was the meeting" He was looking into her face. "Nothing special." she replied, grabbing her bag from his hands. In class, she could feel Johou looking at her. Yuuki was captivated by Rei 's physical features. He looked much manlier for his age. He wasn't full Japanese, she could tell by his eyes. "Your thinking about him" Johou whispered. Yuuki blushed. After class, Johou walked out without waiting for Yuuki. She had to run to catch up with him. "Are we going to the rose garden again, can we go somewhere else?" Yuuki asked. "Huh? I thought you liked it there. You said it was our spot." Johou looked upset. "Um, it's just that he planted those roses, I dont want to think about him when I'm with you." "Phuh, whatever." Johou walked faster. He's really upset Yuuki thought. They walked to a maze behind the school building. "Yuuki, if you can find your way through to the center of the maze, I'll forgive you. If not, I will punish you for not making it all the way to me." Johou ran ahead. Yuuki stood in puzzlement. What punishment? She thought about the first time he forced himself on her, then the comfort of his embrace as they slept together the other time. She thought about him ignoring her, acting as if she wasn't sitting next to him. She got scared. What if he ignores me? I have to find him. Yuuki walked thought the maze, one dead end after the other. How am I supposed to get to the center? I get lost as it is just walking in school. She paused. The smell of lavender and jasmine was being carried on the wind. This was his smell. She walked slowly, following the scent until she came to the clearing. A fountain sparkling was in the middle, Johou sat next to it looking into the water. Yuuki walked over to him slowly. "You know, my family built this maze, and the fountain use to be at my house." Johou was still looking into the water. Yuuki put her hand on his head. This is a part of the school that I can never associate with someone else she thought. Johou grabbed the bento boxes from Yuuki and laid out the blanket. They sat and ate without speaking, only the running water to break the silence. Johou put his head in Yuuki's lap. She stroked his hair. Minutes passed as they sat like this. Finally, Johou grabbed Yuuki's hand, bringing it to his mouth "I really wanted to punish you. Why do you make me so jealous?" he licked her fingers. "I'm sorry" Yuuki replied. He turned his head to look at her. She had her head bowed and eyes closed. Kissing her gently, "Don't ever bring up another man in front of me" then he bit her lip so hard it bled. I'll take this pain she thought. I deserve it, I wanted to see if he really cared about me so I said those things on purpose. I know I deserve this.

CHAPTER 5 Days had passed and Johou seamed softer towards Yuuki. He pulled out her chair, carried her books and took her hand at every opportunity. This is what it looked like to onlookers. At lunch and after school, he was mean. He pinched her inner leg, bit her lower breasts, and sucked on her stomach all the time leaving marks. He was cruel and demanding. She wasn't allowed to go anywhere without him. They laid in the shade of the fountain, the mist flowing over them. Yuuki stroked Johou's hair as he slept. Why does he do these things she asked herself. RINNNGGG - Quickly picking it up to stop the ringing. "Hello, Yuuki.....?" it was him. "U-Um, hello." she replied looking down at Johou who seemed to still be sleeping. "Yuuki, I haven't heard from you, so I got your number from your father. Am I calling at a bad time, I know youre in school. I'll call back if...." Rei stopped talking. "Uh, it's ok. I'm at lunch." she replied. Her heart racing. "Oh," he didn't sound as confident as he was that day. "I was wondering if you would like to go with me to the mountain, you have a week holiday coming up right?" Johou's eyes opened and looked at her. His eyes slit slightly. "I haven't had a chance to go in a while, and thought we could get to know each other if we went together." "Uh, um, ok. I'll call you later then." and she hung up. "What was that?" Johou sat up. "My neighbor, she wants me to help her with something after school." Yuuki looked down at her phone. Please she thought, please don't ask any more. "She?!? It sounded like a man's voice." Johou stood up, eyes flaring mad. "I'm yours...forever." Yuuki looked up at him. "I'm yours." "Then dont lie to me. It was him wasn't it?" Johou grabbed her phone, opened it and stared at the number. Handing the phone back to her, "Lets' go. I don't feel like staying here anymore." He pulled out his phone and called the driver to meet him at the gate. "Your coming with me." Yuuki followed Johou in to him room. "Sit" he said coldly. She sat. He took off his shirt, undid his pants and let them fall to the floor. Yuuki stared at the floor in front of her. What was he going to do? She was almost trembling, he was so mad. She's never seen him this mad before. Walking past her, he laid down in his bed. Yuuki sat. Johou started snoring. That's it? He just fell asleep. She was almost disappointed. Walking over to his bedside, she looked down into his face. She undressed and slowly got into bed with him. Wrapping her arm around his waist, she kissed his chest. Looking up to see if he was awake, she gently pushed him on his back. Her hands trailed along his neck, following the lines of his muscles across his shoulders and down his arms. Her breathing became heavy. Her hands moving across his stomach, and down until she found it. His eyes were still closed, "You...." He breathed out. Yuuki moved on top of him, heart pounding so fast, and slowly put him inside her. The slight pain was bearable. "I'm yours." She bent down, licked his ear, and placed her head on his shoulder. "I'm yours." Johou's hands slowly wrapped around her back. "Are you?" he said softly. Quickly he flipped her on her back, never exiting her. He brushed her hair off of her face and kissed her as he moved deeper inside. "Yes." Yuuki let out. Johou backed out then trust himself harder into her. "Your mine?" "YEs" "Who's?" Yours" His pace quickened. He grabbed her nipple with his lips, and encircled it with his tongue. Yuuki felt her heart was going to explode, her body tingled and the pressure from it all building. Johou's hand slowly moved down her leg. Grapping it, he pulled out completely and moved under her leg to get out of the bed. Yuuki lay frozen, out of breath. Johou returned with a glass of water, drips ran down his chest as he drank. Sitting beside Yuuki he passed her the glass. She grasped it as he

helped sit her up in the bed. "Yuuki," he said while looking out the window, "don't forget what you said. Your mine." He stood up, "get dressed, I'll take you home." She couldn't move, how was she suppose to get dressed she thought. Carefully placing the glass on the side table before fainting completely. Her body ached all over. Opening her eyes she saw her bedroom. When did I? she thought. Her hand went in between her legs, so soar. "Yuuki, sweetie, I'm coming in" her mom slid open her door and entered with a tray. "Mom, what happened?" Yuuki looked up at her. "Dear, Johou brought you home yesterday from school. You fainted." Her mom poured the tea and placed the cup on the side table. "Fainted?" Yuuki could remember his body on hers, his touch, his movements. "Johou called me to tell me he was bringing you home, and he carried you up into your room. Here eat something." Her mom got up and walked to the door. "He's a nice boy Yuuki. I see why youre against the marriage interviews. With a prince like that, I wouldn't want to be arranged with someone else either. Thank god I have your father." she closed the door behind her. Yuuki sat up, sipping on the tea and taking a nibble of the biscuit. "I'm going" she opened the door and stopped. Rei was standing there. "Uh? Rei," panic set in. "What are you doing here?" Yuuki looked past him to see Johou's car parked outside. "I wanted to see you, you didn't call me back last night and when I called your house, your mother said you fainted." his face flustered. "Oh" she slowly walked toward him, "I'm on my way to school" she swung her bag toward the car, "my friend is waiting for me." She walked past him. "Yuuki!" she froze still looking at Johou through the darkened car glass. "I'll pick you up after school ok? We're staying for week, but we need to leave early to get there before dark. Well then", he grabbed her hand and placed his lips softly on her fingers, "Have a good day." and walked away. Yuuki stood frozen. RINNNNG She snapped out of it to open her phone. "Hello?" "Yuuki, we're going to be late, get in here already!" Johou's voice said through the phone. "Oh, yeah" she hung up and got into the car. Silent shock. They didn't speak as they drove. When they arrived at the school, Johou helped her get out of the car, took her bag, and held her hand in his as they walked into the school. Still not speaking a word they sat and pulled out their laptops, waiting for class to begin. At lunch, they went to the maze, and ate in silence. Not once did they look at each other. Yuuki ate slowly. Johou finished eating and placed his head in her lap. Yuuki put down her food and began to stoke his hair. "Yuuki" Johou said softly "I can't take this...say something...was that him?" "Yes" "Youre going somewhere with him?" "Yes" "Over night?" "Yes" Johou turned his head to look at her, as a tear fell onto his cheek. He reached up and wiped another away. Softly he pulled her head down to his and kissed her delicately. "It's ok" he said calmly. "I trust you, your mine after all" Yuuki looked to see him smiling. His expression then changed from soft to sinister. He kissed her again harder. "Go have fun. Remember you still have 2 more men to meet after all. It'll be harder on you than on me." he chuckled "besides, now you know what not to do with them. Right?!" Johou pushed Yuuki down under him. His hand between her legs. "You know not to do this don't you" he pushed his fingers inside of her. He bit her ear, licked her neck, and kissed her

chest. "You know not to do this" He unbuttoned his pants and pulled her so he was between her legs. "You know this is defiantly out of the question. No matter how bad you want it." He stopped, pulled her into his arms and hugged her. "This is also not allowed." "Johou....why do you do this to me?" Yuuki was like a doll that he played with, she knew that. "Why have you forced me to love you only to have you treat me like a play thing?" Her arms fell to his side. Was it too late to give a proper confession she thought. "I love you." she looked up at him. His face scared. "So why?" She began crying. Johou sat back, buttoned his pants, straighten his shirt and stood up. "Yuuki....I'm sorry...I...I need you to know what to look out for. I need you to not be so naive around men. This is the only way I know how to prepare you. Don't you understand my feelings? I shouldn't have to say them for you to know. I'm going tonight, to Europe for holiday and won't be here to watch you. I won't be with you, do you know how scared I am that you'll meet the those guys and I'll lose you?" Yuuki looked up at him, this wasn't a tone she'd heard from him. His face wasn't a face shed seen before. He didn't tell her about Europe before now, why? Does she trust that he's finally telling the truth, or is this all a game again. His personality changes like the seasons, who is he really. He's never mentioned his family, and they don't seem to be at home when she's there. He's hiding something, and for that he shouldn't be privileged to have her love. She brushed away her tears and began to pack up the lunch. "Class will start soon, let's get back" "I'll stay behind when you leave school today, so you can be ok going with him." Johou walked away. It's best if I don't walk out with her, I don't know how I'll react, but if I don't walk out with her what will people think. BEEP-BEEP "Oh, a text?" Yuuki pulled out her phone. "I'm outside, your mother gave me your bags so we can leave as soon as class ends. -R." That guy, Yuuki glanced over to Johou, I wonder what he's thinking. Johou's heart had jumped when he saw Yuuki looking at her phone, looking at his watch, it's almost time for him to pick her up, he thought. "Ahh, you still need to pack right?" Johou whispered toward Yuuki. "Mother packed for me, we're leaving straight from school." I can't look at him. "I see...." Johou looked at his watch, only a few minutes left. Johou grabbed Yuuki's arm, pulling her quickly to him. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her. "I wont lose you." he whispered in her ear. Yuuki felt warm in his arms, he let her go, but she still felt his warmth. Looking up, she could only see his back as he walked out the door. She grabbed her bag, and caught up with him. Side-by-side they walked toward out of the building. "Ahhh....who's he?" "Is he someones brother?" "Oh, so cute." Some girls had grouped together at the gates looking toward the street. What's the commotion about, Yuuki looked past the girls to see Rei standing next to his car. "I've been waiting," Rei smiled towards Yuuki. Johou was still walking next to her, "I'm Yuuki's friend, Johou." and both stopped in front of Rei. Rei reached out his hand towards Johou, "Oh, nice to meet you, I'm....." stopping in mid-sentence as Johou kissed Yuuki's cheek, and lingered while his lips touched her soft skin. Warm, so warm Yuuki thought as her face turned red. "Rei, it's been a pleasure. Please take care of my Hime." He glanced at Rei to see what reaction his actions had made. Johou's eyes were like daggers pointed at Rei. Rei hadn't thought until now that Yuuki would have other

suitors, but this guy was making a bold statement. Of course he would know who I am, and why I'm here, but this guy. Whispering into Yuuki's ear, "You belong to me." he took a step back. "I'm off." Johou yelled as he walked toward his limo; hand in the air waving good bye. Rei looked at Yuuki, whose face was looking at the ground, then at Johou, who was entering his limo. "I see... taking a deep breath, he placed his hand on Yuuki's arm., "Let's go." as he opened the door to the car, and helped her into the car. What was that just now, Yuuki thought? She felt that if she moved she would melt into a puddle and wash out into the street. Johou openly challenged Rei, embarrassing me in front of him and the whole school. What will people think? "I'm sorry for that just now." Yuuki was still looking toward the floor, hands crossed over her bag on her lap. "Ah, it's not a problem. I forgot to ask you if you had a boyfrie-" "He's not my boyfriend" Yuuki cut him off sharply. Not a boyfriend? Rei was getting more confused over Johou's recent display of possession. "I let me ask you then, do you have a boyfriend?" Yuuki looked up at Rei whose eyes were on the road ahead, "No, I don't have a boyfriend." "Is it because of Johou?" Yuuki couldn't be so naive; she has to know how Johou feels about her, right? "I don't have time for a boyfriend with school." It's best if I don't mention Johou or always being with him in front of Rei. Changing the subject quickly, "Where are we going? I've been wondering what to expect since you've only mentioned this place as 'the mountain'." Yuuki was beginning to relax. "Have you ever been outside of the city?" "I've lived in other cities, but I've never been outside of the city." Yuuki was getting excited. "Well then, this will be an experience you'll always remember." Rei looked at Yuuki's smiling face. I may not have won at school today, but I can win her over in time. I'm not going to give up that easily Johou.

CHAPTER 6 It was nicer than she expected, although she didn't know what to expect. 'The mountain' was a resort of sorts. The moment they arrived, the hotel staff took their bags to the room, and brought them to a private room. White satin curtains framed a picture like window next to a round table covered with a white cloth. The center piece looked like a bright red flower with a lit yellow candle at its heart. They sat and talked about their interests, it was then that Rei had told her the plans he had arranged for their trip. After being escorted to their rooms, which were next to each other with a connecting door, they wished each other a peaceful night, and separated. Yuuki had cried that night, thinking of Johou and wondering if he was thinking of her, before rejecting that thought and crying more for doing so. The first day consisted of hiking through the forest on an old gravel path which led up to the shrine at the mountains peek. They made it there in time to watch the sunset into a sea of green from a bench conveniently placed in the ideal viewing spot. They sat together but at separate ends of the bench. The second day they had played tennis and golf. Yuuki was surprised at the athleticism of Rei, he was much more competitive with her than she had expected. He didn't let up on her one bit, even though she's a girl. The next day they spent getting couples massages and facials. As Rei enjoyed the mud bath, Yuuki received a salt rub. Afterward they enjoyed a light dinner in an outdoor gazebo. KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK "Yuuki, are you ready?" Rei called from behind the door. "Yeah, I'll be out in a minute." they were going to relax in the open air pools. Opening the connecting door, she saw Rei. He was wearing only a towel around his waist. She couldn't help but feel embarrassed; his bare chest looked so soft, would it be as soft to the touch. Rei was well built, no surprise as he held up well during their tennis match. His muscular arms and legs should have given her a clue as to how the rest of his body would be. Blushing, "Shall we go?" Rei had noticed he was staring at her. The towel wrapped around her waist was closed by a small wooden button exposing her slender thighs through the slit that opened wider as it trailed down her leg. Her slender waist, he held back the urge to hold her. Her hair fell over her shoulders in waves that echoed the curves of her upper body. She was so petite in stature. He started to feel self conscious of his own appearance, although he was wearing shorts under his towel, he must look like he's not wearing underneath it because of the look on Yuuki's face. Rei snatched the towel from around him at that moment, which made Yuuki turn her head suddenly. "Sorry," Rei blushed, "it's just I couldn't help but, it's just your face...." "Uh, um, dont do things so suddenly." Yuuki had covered her eyes with her hand. "No, its ok I have shorts on." Rei put his hand on Yuuki's shoulder and felt her jump slightly. Hesitantly, Yuuki lowered her hand and slowly looked into Rei's face. "Y-y-your wearing shorts," slowly looking down, then quickly looking up as she realized she was actually admiring his body so close to her. "Ok," Rei chuckled, "we have to go." Grabbing Yuuki's hand they left the room. Why does this feel comfortable in an embarrassing way, she thought. If it were Johou, he would have looked at me interested and appeased in the way I looked and would have taken me right there. Rei on the other hand was as embarrassed as I was, he even blushed. He hesitated before

touching me, Johou wouldn't have. "Ehh?" I have to stop comparing them. Rei is not Johou, I know this. Steam appeared before them, as they entered the pool area. Large boulders dwarfed by tall bamboo walls, and a body of water in the center. Yuuki put her towel at the edge and entered slowly. The heat stunning at first, then embarrassing her skin. "It's a special rice that makes the water milky." Rei was shoulder deep in the pool, relaxing his head on a flat looking stone. It looked like his body was covered by a screen of white, only his outline was visible. "Me too." Yuuki put her head on the same stone. "Don't you feel self conscious?" Rei said softly. "Not at all, although we're close to one another, its not like you can openly see me." Yuuki closed her eyes. " Rei...." she paused, if he answered back, she would ask, but if not, she'd just relax and not think about it. Moments passed, "Yuuki, what is it?" "Uh, we've been here for 3 days, and you haven't made any intimate passes at me." Doesnt he like me in that way? I mean, he's my fianc in a way, and if he doesn't find me attractive then what kind of marriage would that be. "I mean like now, you asked me if I feel self conscious, and I replied that I didn't. So I was wondering...." "Do you want me to so soon?" Rei was now looking up at the sky. "I mean, we barely know each other, and for me to do something...I wouldn't want you to hate me. I brought you here so we can get to know each other, they'll be plenty of time to be intimate if you choose to become my wife. I'm not in a hurry." "So you dont think about even kissing me?" "I want to....but why so soon?" Yuuki started to feel light headed, " Rei...I don't have anything else to compare...I mean...I don't know the difference...I've wondered if you thought about...I just...." What was she talking about, Yuuki had nothing to compare with what? Difference to what? Johou's warning kiss popped into his mind. Oh, she's referring to him, her friend. If so, are they really just friends, what have they done together. "Yuuki, what do you mean compare?" No answer. "Yuuki?" Rei tilted his head in her direction. "Yuuki?" Her eyes were closed, and she was sinking deeper into the pool. "YUUKI" Rei got up quickly and grabbed her. Wrapping his arms around her, "Yuuki, are you ok?" Rei carried her back to the room. Sitting by her side he applied cold compress to her forehead. She opened her eyes to see Rei 's worried face. His head in his hands. "That's right, you fainted once before. I guess youre just not good with heat. Yuuki, are you ok?" " Rei?" Yuuki put her hand on his head. "I'm ok." Rei looked as if he was crying, his eyes were red, and his face had beads of water on them. "I can't take my eyes off of you for a second can I?" He was smiling in relief. Rei, about what I said in the pool..." "No, don't think of it right now, just rest. I'll be here when you wake up." "Please sleep with me." Rei's shocked face made Yuuki chuckle weakly. "Not like that, just lay there until I fall asleep." Yuuki scooted over in the bed, and allowed Rei to lie beside her. Wrapping her arms around him she closed her eyes. Rei stared into the ceiling. She feels so comfortable laying there next to me. She's direct, beautiful, smart, and competitive in all she does. I'm glad I asked her to come with me here. But that guy, what has he been doing to her I wonder. She likes me enough to ask me why I'm not intimate with her. She's not the type to ask me to kiss her if she wanted to kiss me she would have without regard. But to ask me if I think about it...of course I'm a guy right. If I weren't restraining myself at this moment, I might have made her mine already. Rei looked down into Yuuki's sleeping face. It feels so comfortable like this. Bringing his head closer to hers he kissed her forehead. I want to be the only one in her eyes, if my delicate embrace can surpass his... But they go to school together, always around each other, there's more than opportunity for him. Feeling himself becoming angrier. What have they been doing? What

does she know already? I know she's not as innocent as our fathers imagine, and it doesn't matter to me what she's done in the past, but he's in her present, which means theres opportunity. "You belong to me." He heard that last part even though Johou whispered it to Yuuki, the whole time looking intently at Rei. How can anyone belong to anyone else, giving oneself freely is another matter, but to belong to someone. Who does this kid think he is?

CHAPTER 7 "I'm home", Yuuki put her bags near the stairs and walked into the living room. "Welcome home" Johou replied. He took a sip from his glass. Yuuki's mother and father were also sitting in the living room with him. "Your back" Yuuki's heart sunk into her stomach, it felt like so long since she saw him. "I just arrived a little while ago, and thought I'd wait for you. Your mother was nice enough to let me wait here." Grabbing Yuuki and hugging her tightly. "How was your vacation?" Yuuki felt embarrassed, her parents were sitting right there smiling at her. "It was relaxing." "Oh," he turned toward her parents, "do you mind if we go up and talk?" "Not at all, I'll bring up some snacks in a little while." Yuuki's mother called from the kitchen. "Father?" Yuuki bowed to him, "thank you." Johou picked up Yuuki's bags and went up to her room. Yuuki followed him up. When she got to the room, Johou was laying spread out on her bed, his eyes closed. Sitting next to him, she leaned over, and kissed him softly. "I'm home" she said again. He grabbed her and pulled her on top of him, "Welcome home." Yuuki smiled, she missed him. Yuuki's mother finished cutting the melon, and apples and placed them on the plate. Father came in, sitting at the table. "I know it's unfair to those guys, but if it helps him to be more of the man she needs, then I'm doing the right thing, ne?" he crossed his arms and lay his head on the table. Mother turned toward the table "Sweetie," placing the plate in front of him, "he's a good boy, just a little confused. If we hadn't promised them to one another from the beginning, we wouldn't have to be unfair. Don't forget that I told her she has to choose. There's no guarantee that she'll choose him. She's our daughter now." "Your right, she'll make the right choice for her." Yuuki was sitting on the bed with Johou's head in her lap, stroking his hair. "Yuuki...really how was it?" Johou sounded hurt. "Did he try anything, did you do anything?" "He didn't try anything, not even a kiss." "Did you want him to....I mean kiss you?" "Yeah. When I think about it, youre the only person I've kissed, youre the only one I've done anything with, and I wondered what it would be like with someone else." "Oh...." "Listen to me, I love you, but I always feel like I'm just a toy for your enjoyment. Rei treated me with kindness, with respect, and when I asked him why he said that they'll be plenty of time to be intimate with me if I choose to become his wife because there's no hurry." "Did you realize that you hate me?" "I couldn't hate you, but this vacation showed me what to expect from the person I love. It showed me what it means to be in a relationship. I had time to think, to review this time. I'm not a child anymore, and you need to realize that I'm not someone to just play with. If you want me to be with you forever, you need to prove to me that I'm making the decision by going against my parents to choose you." "Your right, I need to work harder on this. I can't have my Hime choosing someone else to marry." Johou looked up into Yuuki's face. "Don't take it so lightly, even if I tell you I'm yours." She smiled at him. Johou slowly opened his eyes. The curtains dancing from the freeze blowing through his window. He turns his head. "What is he thinking?" Opening his eyes wider, slowly the room comes in to focus. " Rei, huh?" Sitting up in bed, he pulls his knees close to his chest, his hands stretched out on the bed in front of him. "If it were me spending all those days...and nights...alone...with her..." Her back is toward him while their relaxing in the pool. He moves closer, grabbing her wrist and

pulling her out easily. Her lips warm, her face slightly flushed from the heat. The towels fall, and he makes love to her on the pool side. "Yeah, something like that." Smiling he gets out of bed. I can do this, I can keep my hands to myself, and only think of what I would do. I have to make her love me and no one else. "Johou..." Yuuki waved towards him as she walked toward the car. Getting in, "Hey, you look tired. Didn't you get any sleep last night?" she put her hand on his head. "I was studying until late. It's nothing." Johou smiled weakly. Maybe he's catching a cold. "Yuuki...will you go on a date with me?" Johou was looking out the window at nothing in particular. The scenery passing in a blur of multi colored lines. "Why so suddenly? Youre not worried are you?" she has the upper hand this time, she thought. "Your mine, so what is there to worry about?" Johou turned to Yuuki, put his hand on her cheek. Yuuki's skin warmed to his touch, and as he come closer she felt her heart beat race. It had been forever since she kissed Johou, although she wanted to kiss him, she could never bring herself to make that kind of move. Johou kissed her forehead. "Ehh?" she didn't mean to say it out loud. Johou pulled her head into his chest. Damn that was close he thought to himself. "We're here," Yuuki pulled back and grabbed her bag to get out of the car. "Your answer?" Johou smiled. "Oh, of course I'll go, I'm yours right?" Yuuki replied without looking at him. What is he doing, she thought. Even though he kissed her on the forehead, the impact was much greater on her than if he had kissed her lips. Her heart pounded much harder. "Yosh, it's done." Johou sat on the floor looking over many magazines for places and activities to do on their date. "...we'll go shopping, then watch a movie, and have dinner at that new restaurant. After, we'll watch the sunset from the look-out point." Yuuki sat behind him on the couch stroking his hair and reading a romance novel. "Don't you want to just go out to eat and come back home? It's not like you to plan out so many places to go." "You deserve the best, right?" Johou looked up at Yuuki. "Besides, you've already had an exciting time with someone else, why would it be weird for me to do this?" Yuuki put down her book, and bent down and put her lips on his neck, licking him from his shoulder to his ear slowly. Did he not notice her advances lately, she wanted to make him want her, so she could resist and he would be pushed to the point of insanity. The novels were her homework, if she could do the things she read in them, he would want her more. The heroin always receives love from the one she loves in the end, so why would real life be any different. Lately, Johou was a perfect gentle man, who went only as far as to hold her hand tenderly, and kiss her only when they were alone. Even if the kisses were filled with passion and longing, he stopped himself and pushed her away. The first time she thought she had made him retreat due to the trip with Rei, but he came to pick her up, eat lunch with her, and take her home every day. Pulling his head around to face hers, she kissed him. Moving her hands down his chest until she reached the hem of his shirt. She pulled up the shirt with one hand as the other continued to move slowing down. Johou grabbed her hands, stopping them, and stood up. My body wants to continue from here, but my mind says to stop. "Yuuki, you're getting aggressive lately. What's wrong? Do you miss my touch that much." Johou tossed his hair out of his face and looked at Yuuki who was still slumped in the spot he left. She looked up at him, her face flushed, and thought, Yeah. Sitting back up she closed her eyes, composed herself and replied, "As if!" Johou smirked, "You can always touch yourself in the same way I touch you." He walked over to the couch and sat next to her. Pulling her against his chest, with his hand delicately wrapped

around her thought. "Do you want to try?" He slid his hand down between her breasts, rubbed along her waist and went into her pants. Touch. "That's all you have to do, when the time is right, I'll help you. But only when the time is right." Yuuki looked up into his eyes, why wont he continue. "I'm taking a shower, you don't have to wait for me. Go home." Yuuki lay on the couch for a few more minutes. What?

CHAPTER 8 RINNNNGGGGG Yuuki sat up and answered the phone, "Hi, Hi". "Yuuki, sorry I haven't called you in a while. Work has been so busy lately. How are you doing?" Rei sounded tired. "Ah, I'm doing good. We're cramming for college entrance exams, so I've been really busy as well." "Do you want to see me? What are you doing this weekend?" "Oh, I'm going shopping with Johou." It wasn't a complete lie she thought. If she told him she was going on a date with him, for sure her rejection of being his girlfriend would look more like a lie. "I see. So how is Johou fairing? He doesn't seem to like me." Rei thought back on the look Johou gave him upon their initial meeting. "He's doing well, studying as well." I don't want to talk about Johou with you, she thought. "How is work?" "We have a new project that I'm working on and it takes up most of my time. I want to see you soon. Can I come over this weekend?" "Sure, I'll let mom and dad know to expect you. Since I may be out, call me before you come over." He is one of the candidates to be my husband after all. "Great, I'll call you then." Rei hung up Yuuki stood in front of her closet, eyeing her clothes. A date, what do you wear on a date? She closed the clasp of her bra, and slid her panties up her legs until they were positioned correctly. Looking into the mirror, she eyed herself up and down. I'm cute right? He should want to touch me. Blushing she put her hand to her thought. Softly caressing her neck where Johou had kissed so many times, her heart started to race. Her hand slowly moved across her shoulder and down to her breast. Using her finger, she made circles around her nipples through the bra. Slight tingling sensations rippled down her body, and she lost her balance. Falling onto the bed, she closed her eyes, and continued. Her fingers sweeping over her torso in the same way Johou would touch her. She imagined his face, those eyes, and moved lower down her body. She imagined his lips kissing her hips so softly and she could feel the warmth of his breath as he hovered over her skin in between kisses. Johou arrived early. Knocking on the door a couple times before attempting the handle. It was unlocked. Opening the door slightly he called out "Hello?" He stepped in, "Hello, is anyone home?" No response. He peeked into the kitchen, tea was brewing on the counter, two cups were beside it. The living room was empty as well. He walked further into the house, and glanced up the stairs. Maybe she's in the shower. Walking slowly up the stairs. "Jo.....gasp.....Johou" it was faint, but he heard his name. Walking toward Yuuki's door. "Jo...." He stood outside the door, hand on the handle, listening hard. "'t....stop". Turning the handle slowly until it was at its max, he paused. "Oh, Jo....." Slowly and quietly he opened the door. Yuuki was laid out on her bed. Leg's bent open, her hands in between them, her eyes closed. Her forehead was stressed, but her mouth was relaxed and open. He stepped in, and watched her as she played with herself. Yuuki was engulfed in her images. Johou had opened her legs and was licking her slowly. She imagined his head in-between her legs. She put her finger inside her, imagining it was his finger as he licked her. Is this really my imagination, how can I feel and sense him with me at this moment. She barely opened her eyes, half in disbelief of her own imagination, and wanting to confirm it

was. Nothing but her hands were between her legs, then someone's outline formed by the door, opening her eyes wider. Jumping at the realization that there was someone else in the room with her. Who? Huh? "JO...HOU? What...." She pulled her blanket over her "Huh? How......" she could feel her face getting redder. "Hahahahhahaha. You are so cute." He walked over and sat beside her. "You were so into it. You really shouldn't leave your front door open. What if it was someone else, and not me?" He pulled her head towards him and kissed her on the forehead. "Seriously, you need to be more aware." Standing up, "Get dressed, and I'll wait downstairs." Johou left the room. Yuuki sat stunned. He long was he standing there......why didn't he.....I wanted him to really be there when I opened my eyes, but not like that. After a while, Yuuki had finished getting ready. Her hair was down, slightly curled at the ends. Make-up was soft and subtle. Her dress embracing her curves and accenting her slim waist. It's not too short is it she wondered. Walking down the stairs she could hear people talking. Peaking around the corner into the living room she saw Rei sitting across from Johou. Both drinking tea and talking softly. Rei looked good, he noticed her and flashed her a melting smile. Blushing, she smiled back, "Welcome" She glanced toward Johou and was hit by an arrow of negativity. His glare made her feel uneasy, without words she knew what he meant by that. She walked to his side and sat down. " Rei...what are you doing here?" Yuuki poured a cup of tea for herself. "I came to see you. I miss you, I did say that last night. Should I not?" Rei took a slip, eyes directed at Johou "We are engaged after all." "It's impolite to just show up, engaged or not." Johou gave a gorgeous smile toward Rei. Yuuki knew that gorgeousness was not behind that smile, it was his I'll kill you smile."I'm sure you know she has two other marriage interviews to attend before she makes her decision. To claim to be engaged is a stretch don't you think?" "Oh, I'm confident in myself and Yuuki to make the right choice for our future." Rei looked at Yuuki lovingly "I don't believe there is anyone more qualified than I am to fill that position in her life." "That's enough." Johou stood up suddenly "IT's been nice, really" glaring at Rei with daggers in his eyes. "But we must be going." Turning to Yuuki he extended his hand. She gladly accepted it and stood up as well. Rei, it's been a pleasure." Yuuki couldn't look at him, she was already stressed by their back and forth verbal assaults. "I'm sorry that you came all the way here, but I have plans with Johou today. Call me next time." Yuuki reached for her purse. "I don't have anything to do today, and you mentioned you wanted to go shopping, so I'll just join you." Rei stood up, walked over to Johou, and put his hand on this shoulder. "Uh?" Yuuki looked at the two of them side by side. Johou was a little taller than Rei. Johou was more slender than Rei. Over all the both of them were drop dead gorgeous. Both princes in their own right. Johou looked like a White prince but inside was very dark. Rei looked like a Black prince, but you could sense the light radiating from him. Both opposite and the same. "Fuuu. It can' t be helped can it?" "Reservation for two." Johou looked stressed standing next to Yuuki. Yuuki being the girls she is, smiled politely at the waitress. "Sir will you be joining them?" Rei stood behind them. The waitress could feel the tension hanging over the three. "If you have another chair, you can add it to the table. I won't be eating." Rei flashed her a smile. The waitress escorted them to their table. A small square table, big enough for two and pulled another chair to its side. Passing out the menu's, and rushing off quickly. What is the meaning of this, thought Johou. Does this guy really intend to stay with us all night. He went shopping with us. Even pulled items for Yuuki to

try on. He hung out with us at the arcade, and challenged her to a game. I asked her out on this date, and I haven't even been alone with her for two seconds. Not to mention every time he turns it around so he and her are doing something together. Now this. Johou stared into his menu, he was beginning to lose his already weakened composure. "Yuuki, have you been here before? Do you know what you would like to eat." Johou looked over his menu at Rei, smirking. If anyone could hear the thoughts of another, they'd defiantly hear the distinct snapping of the last straw to Johou's patience. Watching the two of them was pissing him off more than he cared to admit. Casually Johou took his shoes off under the table, while keeping his eyes on Rei. "Ha Ha, No, I've never..." Johou reached his long leg out and slowly slid it up Yuuki's leg causing her to pause, mid-sentence. Rei hadn't noticed, and continued with rattling on. She kept nodding in acknowledgement of what Rei was saying, while glancing in Johou's direction. His foot kept moving higher and higher until it felt both legs come together. Slowly he moved his fool over her underwear, stroking her lightly. I wonder how she'll handle this. We're in public so she won't make any sudden outbursts, but let's see how long she will last. Johou's little devil glare was enough to tell Yuuki that he wasn't going to stop. She felt embarrassed; Rei was sitting right next to her. If she let on what Johou was doing to her....she felt her body tingle, her breath increase, her heart beat racing. Softly, so softly Johou kept at it. He noticed her grip on the menu tightening up. She was almost at her limit, this is fun, he thought. "Yuuki, have you decided on what you want?" Johou raised the menu over his face, slightly to the side, so Yuuki could only see his expressions, "I have!" licking his lips, and giving her his "bedroom eyes". Moving the menu back down to the table, Johou glared at Johou, "Since you wont be eating tonight..." Yuuki was doing everything she could to hold it in. Her legs were trembling, her face a little flustered, and her lips pressed firmly together. She watched him as he talked to Johou, her ears couldn't hear his voice anymore. His tongue moved inside his mouth as he spoke, but she couldnt hear the words, she only thought of his mouth on her body in-between her legs. She closed her eyes for a second and could see that image vividly. She couldn't take it any longer, her blood was boiling, her body ached and wanted Johou to take her right there on top of the table. His words and manner of speaking was causing her mind to think of perverse things. ", huhhhuhhh" She broke silence. Johou stopped, smiling at her in disbelief. She actually let it slip, he chuckled to himself. Rei looked at Yuuki quite puzzled, then quickly at Johou. Yuuki stood up quickly, bumping the table in her ascent, "Toilet!" she said as she walked off. Johou and Rei sat in silence for a second. "Johou?...Just now...Um...Yuuki...Uh...moaned?!" Rei was still looking in the direction Yuuki fled. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself," Johou took a long sip of water, "she needed to be reminded of who she belonged to." Rei snapped out of it and turned his attention to Johou who looked as if it didn't surprise him. "What do you mean by 'who she belonged to'?" Rei could feel himself getting angry. "How could a place like this...and in front of me? Did your mother not teach you anything?" Johou waved his hand to the waitress passing by, un-phased by Rei 's comments. "Yes, sir." The waitress quickly came over. "Course menu C for the lady, I'll have Chef's course menu, and please bring a bottle of ' 96 Chateau Lafite Rothschild Pauillac..." Johou turned his attention back to Rei, "and three glasses." he said handing the menu's to the waitress. Rei thinks he has the upper hand today, but starting now, I will show him who hes dealing with. Johou took another

sip of water. Pauillac? What kind of kid drinks wine? "Hold on a second, can I see that menu." Rei called out to the waitress. Chateau Lafite Rothschild Pauillac is the most expensive bottle of wine on the menu, Rei glanced at Johou again then handed the menu back to the waitress. "Big Brother...I am not some snot nosed brat taking advantage of an innocent doll. It is obvious that you do not know anything about me, but to think that you don't know anything about Yuuki as well excites me beyond words. She's not as innocent as you would like to believe. I'm allowing you to take part in this 'fun' night of ours, but don't get to full of yourself." Johou shot Rei a menacing glare. He really lost his cool, there was no way Johou would allow Rei to continue in this fashion for the remainder of the evening. The waitress returned with the bottle of wine, carefully placing the glasses on the table, she popped the cork, and poured 1/8th of a glass for Johou. He took the glass, examined the liquid, "Rei, this is a remarkably dark wine, its texture is silky, and the taste is flavorful with mineral aromas of mint and black currant." Nodding to the waitress, she then poured what would be for Yuuki, then for Rei, and filled Johou's glass before leaving the cork on the table and making her exit. Rei could do nothing but sit stunned by the tone of Johou. Johou continued, "If you knew half of what I've done to her, half of what I've instilled into her every thought and action, you may not be willing to continue this chase of yours. Not only would you realize youre standing in regards to hers but you would also see how weak you are in comparison. You may think you have this all figured out, but you haven't even began to scratch the surface. True, my Yuuki is innocent in many ways. She has yet to know the differences in social standing, but I don't intend to hand my Hime over to someone as low as you. Now, " He stood up from his chair, placing the napkin beside his plate, "if you'll excuse me, I've had enough of this type of thing so I'll go check on how she's doing. Watch our seats will you." Who is Johou again? Rei put his head in his hands. Those were neither the actions nor the words of a high schooler. Rei was use to this tone at work, dealing with various high ranking individuals. Johou was like an owner of a large corporation devowering and liquidating the smaller company, all the time enjoying it. Yuuki had finished cleaning herself up, and was now stared at herself in the mirror, hands gripping the edge of the counter tightly. Her face was more than flushed. What was that? Was he jealous? Johou acted as if he didn't mind that Rei went with them the whole time. He sat on the couch the whole time while we were shopping, not saying a word. He obviously didn't want to play any games with me in the arcade since he played nothing but one players. He was distancing himself from me, why would he do that if he was going to be jealous and take it out on me like this. She ran the water in the sink. Cupping a handful of water, she splashed her face a couple times, then reached her hand out. "Excuse me, can you pass me a towel?" Reaching further, her touch landed on someone's shirt. She felt muscles. Squinting her eyes, she saw Johou standing next to her, towel in hand. "Th-this, this is a woman's room." She grabbed the towel out of his hand. "Why are you here, what if someone comes in?" She wiped her face, and backed up. Johou walked closer to her. "Johou, seriously, what if someone..." "I locked it." Johou put his hand on the wall behind Yuuki and inched closer. "The door?" Yuuki could feel the cold of the tile on her back and the warmth from his body in front of her. "No one will disturb..." Johou placed his head on Yuukis shoulder. Turning slightly his lips brushed her neck. It was a tickle that felt so good. Johou let his tongue

trace down her neck and across her shoulder, then followed the bone back to under her chin and up the other side. He felt her beating heart vibrating through his tongue. Yuuki lost control of her body, and melted into his embrace. He untied the bow holding up her dress, and let the top fall exposing the delicate lace bra. Unfastening the bra, it fell to the floor. Cupping her breast in his hand and moving his thumb over her nipple in beautiful figure eights. Yuuki answered his touch by cupping his hand then sliding down his arm and placing her arms around him. He ended his assault on her lips and tongue, then taking her nipple into his mouth, he repeated the same motions. He repeated this motion on her other breast, before kissing the under curves and her stomach, his tongue probing her belly button. The places he touched were so warm, his hands on her hips moved her body as he kissed her. Warm and moist, she felt waves of warmth engulf her. She placed a hand on this head, her fingers entangled in his hair. He lifted up her skirt, and slid her underwear down her legs. His hands guiding her to step out of them. Moving under her dress, his hands rested on her hips again, moving her over to the counter. His persistent kissing never ceasing. Opening her legs wider, he kneeled on the floor and began to kiss her thighs. Moving slowly up her legs. Her hands still on his head, eyes closed. She didn't want to look, for fear it would break the fantasy. His fingers opened the lower lips. "Ummm" she could feel his breath on her clit, then the warmth of his tongue repeating the same figure eight previously felt on her nipples. His hands wrapped around her butt. "Ahhhh" She cupped her own breast with one hand, and mimicked his motions. She felt her legs become weak, if he continued she wouldn't be able to stay standing. Just as she was at the table, her legs began to tremble. He took her swollen clit and sucked it lightly, his tongue cupped under while his lip cupped above. Yuuki sighed and moaned with every breath. Her legs were giving way with every pull of his lips. Johou unzipped his pants, she was nearing her limit. He sucked one last time, and felt her almost loose control. Putting his hands on her waist again, he turned her around so she faced the mirror. Standing up, his pants fell to the floor. "Open your eyes, I'm going to show you what I see." Yuuki looked at herself. Lips red, moisture dripping from her temple. Her hair slightly undone. Johou pushed his underwear down, stepping out of the pile of clothes on the floor, he grabbed her breasts, arching her back slightly. "Keep your eyes open." he ordered her. Slowly he entered her from behind, sliding in so easily. The tightness she felt slowly relieving itself with every thrust of his body. She watched as her eyebrows raised, and her mouth opened wider. He put his finger in her mouth, and she lightly bit it, then encircled it with her tongue. Yuuki's expressions were beautiful, sexy, uninhibited. She felt the pressure building deep inside her. KNOCK - KNOCK - KNOCK Someone was outside, her heart skipped a beat. Johou smiled devilishly. Pounding harder into her, he quickened his pace, she moaned with every movement. He used his finger to rub per clit, then he pulled out, still rubbing her. Her body relaxed some. He bent down, licking the excess moisture from her, then sucking on her for a second before re-appearing behind her. She smiled slightly, "Devil" she wanted more. Wiping his chin, he entered her again. "I won't stop until you come. No matter how many people are outside." Johou put both hands on her butt. As her pushed deeper inside her, his thumb played with her anus. With each thrust, with each amount of pressure he

added, his thumb was granted more and more access until it was as deep as if could go. Changing fingers, then adding another. Yuuki's body felt as if it was going to burst apart. Her heart was racing too fast. Pulling out so that the tip was the only remaining extension still inside her. She felt the throbbing of the head. Slightly moving back into him, he pulled back teasingly. She wanted him inside her. She wanted to feel her deep inside her. The tip slipped up and was caught by her anus. At the same time he thrusted inside. "Ahhhhhh" it was so loud it quieted the noise outside the door. With just this one thrust, she was done for. Her whole body shook, her legs gave out, her arms shot. Her body gave in to him. "Hahahahahahaha, your beautiful." Johou stood there looking into the reflection, still inside her and holding her up by the waist. Yuukis eyes were closed, she could barely open them. "Y-y-o-o-u-u" her voice trembling so badly. Johou still laughing, pulled out, and pulled her to him. Turning her around so she could be propped up on the counter, he hugged her, accidentally entering her again which made her body shiver uncontrollably. "Yuuki, hahaha. Yuuki, sweetie, I'm sorry. Hahaha." She looked like a child pouting. "Sto- lau-in at m-." she said lightly, barely able to speak. He held her close, chuckling to himself. Yuuki and Johou joined Rei, who was still sulking with his head in his hands. "Sorry, it took a minute" Johou pulled the chair out for Yuuki before sitting himself. Johou looked at Johou, who was still smiling from earlier. He looked at Yuuki, her hair slightly different and her face flushed. She really was embarrassed by whatever that guy did, Johou thought. Pulling his thoughts back in order, he held his glass up, "To the future." Johou and Yuuki both raised their glasses. CLINK. The food arrived moments later. "I took the liberty to order for you." Johou said as he took a small portion of his own food. "It's delicious." Yuuki wasn't surprised that he would choose something to her liking. Rei silently watched while they ate amazed at how well they knew each other. Yuuki took a piece of bread and buttered half of it, pulling it apart, she gave the buttered side to Johou. When Rei went to fill Yuuki's glass, Johou put his hand over her glass while Yuuki said "I'll only finish this, but thank you." When dinner was finished, Yuuki asked for the desert menu. "Rei, would you like something? It's not good to drink on an empty stomach."Rei nodded in acceptance. The waitress handed the menu to Yuuki who in turn handed it to Rei. "Please order first." "I'll have the Lemon Meringue Pie." He handed the menu back to Yuuki. "He will have" motioning toward Johou who was taking a sip of wine, "the Crme Brle, and please bring us two cappuccinos. Thank you" Handing the menu's back to the waitress. Rei, have we board you enough?" Johou said as he looked at Yuuki. "Not at all. I've learned a great deal today. Thank you for inviting me." Rei finished off the last of the bottle. Even though I didn't invite you, Johou thought. "Glad to hear it. Yuuki, are you still up for more fun?" Johou's cunning tone could not escape Yuuki's ears. "I think I'm ready to go home." She replied softly. The deserts and the cappuccinos were delivered, and light conversation was made. By the end of the night Johou and Rei were in heated debates about rising business' and occasionally included Yuuki in the conversation for her opinion "as a woman" on the way home. Dropping Rei at his car, they said their good nights and watched until he drove off. "Would you like to come in for some tea?" Yuuki hugged Johou tightly around his waist, her head buried into his chest. Johou wrapped his arms around her sighing. "It's late." He kissed her forehead, and gently placed his hands on her shoulders. Yuuki looked up into his face. Johou slowly pushed her away. "Really we've had enough excitement for one day." he said softly. "Understood" replied Yuuki, as she left go of him.

She walked across the street, pausing on the sidewalk, and looked back at him. Johou still stood where she left him, his face masked by the darkness of the night. Turning to walk through the gate she heard Johou say barely auditable "Igood night.", and smiled.

CHAPTER 9 Yuuki picked up a leather wallet, and a key chain. "Haruka, what would be better?" She asked holding both up towards Haruka. "Ah..." Haruka scratched her head. Why did I get dragged into this? "Just whatever! Choose something already! Weve been walking around, in and out of stroes all day. Its Johou were talking about, anything from you is fine." Yuuki's single-minded determination to get the perfect gift for Johou's 18th birthday was annoying her. "Just buy one of those!" Tossing her hands in the air. Yuuki struggled to decide for a moment, before putting both down again. "Miss, may I be of assistance?" A cute boy with glasses approached them. "Are you shopping for a family member or a friend?" Haruka grabbed Yuuki by the arm. "No, we're fine, thank you." Pulling Yuuki out of the store. "Seriously, vultures...." Haruka released her hold and kept walking. " careful. They'll try to sell you the clothes on your back." Turning her attention to the food court. "Let's take a break. I want Udon."[11] After getting their food and picking a table to sit at. Yuuki finally noticed that Haruka was annoyed. "Hey, thank you for coming with me. I don't know what I would have done if it werent for you. Other than you, there's really no one I could bring to look for a gift for Johou." Yuuki dipped her noodles into the broth. "It's not a big deal, but you should make more female friends at least. What if I wasn't available?" "Um...uh....excuse me. You two alone? Can we join you?" Two gorgeous, slender and tall men stood next to their table with trays in hand. "We're alone, sure, no problem" Yuuki innocently replied. Haruka shot Yuuki a menacing glare. "YOU..." "Thanks." The outspoken one quickly took the seat next to Yuuki. "All the tables were taken. I'm Kiosaki Muzuki. What are your names?" Muzuki extended his hand towards Haruka, "Nice to meet you. "I'm Haruka, just Haruka, and this is my best friends girl, Iko-sama. We were buying her boyfriend a gift today." Haruka replied coldly. "I see....well...thank you for your kindness. We'll try not to bother you." BEEP-BEEP-beep "Ah...mail...." The one who had remained quiet for all this time looked at his phone, then dialed a couple numbers and waited. Yuukis phone rang; she looked at it, didn't recognize the number, but answered "Hello?" Haruka and Muzuki looked at their partners and then to each other. Strange, was written on both of their faces. "Uh...." Yuuki and the quiet one looked at each other. He quickly closed the phone, sat the phone down and began to eat. "Hey..." Yuuki stared at him, "how did you get my number?" Haruka and Muzuki, not knowing what was going on, quietly stared at them. Yuuki waited for his reply, then got impatient when he didnt answer her, Hello! How?" The quiet one looked calmly at Yuuki, "I got a text from my parents to call someone. I guess it was you." Eh?! "Why me?" Dont tell menot another one, she thought. ", it's ok...don't worry about it." The quiet one continued eating. Yuuki was annoyed. "Huh? Not 'no', why me?" Why would his parents have her number, and why is he not explaining things clearly! "I guess they wanted us to meet. Even though..." he looked at Yuuki, "we have met just now. I think it's ok to leave it like this. Don't you?" It didnt take any longer for Haruka to see Yuuki was going to just get more annoyed at this guy; she quickly stood up and grabbed their trays, "Let's go." Yuuki instinctively stood up as well. Turning to follow Haruka, "Uh, yeah, then realizing,

she turned back to the table, um...what's your name? You didn't introduce yourself, it's pretty one-sided don't you think?" The quiet one set down his spoon, cocked his head to one side, and smiled. "Im Lian, it's been a pleasure."[12] "It's obvious, huh? He's one of those, Yuuki." Johou's voice radiated from the speaker phone. Haruka called him the second they were out of the mall. "Johou, you think so?" Haruka was having trouble following along with the conversation. "One of what's, someone fill me in." "Yuuki didn't tell you? It's to be expected." Johou chuckled on the other end. "Huh?" Haruka looked straight at Yuuki. "One of her fiancs. One of her future husband optionsone of those" The shock of what Johou just stated was written all over Harukas face. "Eh?!?" Yuuki flashed her an apologetic smile, "Ah, sorry Haruka. I did forget to tell you" Haruka knew how she felt about Johou, so to tell her that her parents wanted her to choose her husband from someone they picked was like telling her that the relationship with Johou was doomed from the start. "Her parents set up 3 marriage interviews, and in the end she has to choose one to marry." "Johou, and Yuuki...." "That's not the point. She has to choose and it has nothing to do with me. Whatever I want her to do...I cant' tell her what to doesn't matter if I tell her what to's her decision." The silence fell like a large curtain over the conversation. "YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE! Click, beep, beep, beep" Johou hung up. "So it's like that?" Haruka wasn't involved, but it looked like she wanted to cry all the same. "Yuuki, you have to meet with all of them? You don't have a say?" "I just have to meet them and choose one in the end. I want to reject all of them though. If it's not with Johou I don't want to get married." "You love him that much? Are you sure he feels the same?" "Even if it's one-sided it's still want I want to do. I want to stay by his side always." With the phone clutched in his fists, he slammed it down on the desk. Even thought I say it Johou sighed as he rested his head on his hands. Looking at the envelope that lay beside him, I guess theres no choice. Standing up suddenly, he tossed his phone onto the bed, snatched up the envelope and placed it into his uniform jacket. Although I say that... His feelings for Yuuki surpassed anything he ever felt. We were promised to one another since they were young, its only right for her to be with me, and only me. Yuuki didnt know this though, how could she? This was all determined by their fathers a long time ago. If it wasnt for his death, she may have been told about it. They may have been together all this time, and naturally fallen in love. Although Johou knew this, he couldnt bring himself to tell her. If her mother and step-father never told her about it, what right do I have? Johou laughed at himself. Its not like I dont have a right to tell her, but would she believe me even if I did? To tell someone whom youve teased, provoked, and treated unjustly for all this time that you were promised to each other by their parents without your consent. Shed probably hate me for saying it, and cry as she ran away. The memory of Yuuki when they were 6 years old popped into his mind. Jo, hehehehe, Jo here it comes. Yuuki and Johou were throwing snow balls at each other out in the countryside. Yuukis father had brought her along while he met with Johous father on business. Yuu, hehehe, Yuu, hehehehehe[13] Johou had thrown a large ball at Yuuki, aiming for her shoulder, but mistakenly hitting her face. Ah! She fell to her knees as she cried out in pain. Johou quickly ran to her, placing his hands on her face, and kissing the red mark made by the ball. Im sorry, Im really sorry he kept saying over and over again as he kissed her. When we are older Ill marry you, so that Ill never make you cry again. Yuuki looked up at him; just as he was

bending down to kiss her forehead again. Their lips touched, and the shock to them both lingered for a couple moments. Baka! Baka! Anata wa BAKA desu, Jo![14] Yuuki jumped backward, tears forming in her eyes again, and she ran off. It was the first and only time a girl had rejected him. Months later her father died and her mother took her to live with the grandparents. He didnt see Yuuki after that incident that is until the day she ran into him on the street. Her reaction told him that she didnt recognize him at that moment, and throughout the time that theyve been together she never once acknowledged that she remembered him. It was his selfishness that took her forcefully. It was due to his anger at her for not remembering that he made her his that night. If it had turned out differently, if she had resented him from that moment on, would his feelings have died? If she rejected him in that moment with all of her might, would he have given up? Its not like he hasnt spent his adolescent life trying to forget her. Although he dated a lot of girls, no one could bind him. Of all the girls hes slept with, not one could excite him as much as she did. He thought he had finally forgotten her; he thought that all this time of him waiting to meet her again was over. Johou lay on the bed, arms flung over his head, legs dangling over the side. He couldnt think of anyone but her. Every waking moment not spent next to her, he wondered about her. What is she doing now? Where is she at this moment? Who is she talking to and is it about me? Every night, he dreamt of the future her, the past her, the present her. All of his thoughts were on her. Damn, Id fallen so deeply. Until now, I didnt realize that its been for this long, like this. Johou sat up, Ill make it known that shes mine and only mine. He said as he tapped the small blue felt covered box next to his bed. Its time I start acting like an adult. You look flushed. Are you ok? Johou whispered to Yuuki. Uh, Im ok. She whispered back. Here take this. Johou said as he passed her an envelope. Jo you cant pass notes while were taking an exam. She said as she took it from him before noticed the delicate gold leafing, What is this? She called me Jo he thought happily to himself. Its for birthdayyou didnt forget did you? Johou smirked devilishly as if he really meant to say, you better not have forgotten. Ah, no I didnt forget. Yuuki remembered clearly, however, looking at the lettering again she had forgotten how the rich like to make such a big deal out of every event. You two arent talking during the test! They felt the direct stare from the teacher, but dared not to look up in acknowledgement. Pass your papers from the back. Now that the test was over, theyd be able to communicate freely. Since its my 18th birthday, it is going to be formal, more so than previous years. As such, we need to take you shopping for a dress. Johou put his laptop in his bag before flinging it over his shoulder while facing Yuuki. Lets go after club activities. Yuuki felt weak, but thought it may be due to the stress of studying day and night for weeks now. The life of a 3rd year was so demanding, especially for a 3rd year at Prise. Yuuki stood up slowly. Sure, Ill meet you in front. Johou bowed slightly and waited for Yuuki to pass before following her out of the classroom. Haruka stood outside the door as usual, greeting the members as they entered the classroom. How is it going? Haruka called to Yuuki as she grabbed her by the waist. He didnt mention that day, and he seems to be less him lately. I just dont understand him right now. Haruka placed her hand on Yuukis chin and raised her head up. Maybe hes given up. You cant expect him

to win against your parents, can you? Then again, hes not the type to suppress himself either. Haruka scratched her head as if thinking of a reason for his reactions lately. Ah, Yuuki pulled out the envelope from her kimono. He gave me the invitation to his party on Saturday. Hes also taking me shopping after school today. You have to go with us, I dont know if Ill feel comfortable trying on dresses like that in front of him. Yuuki hugged Haruka. Youll come right? Haruka returned the embrace, Sure, well go together. Haruka gently pushed Yuuki inside the classroom. Lets begin. The new tea selection for this week is. Yuuki wasnt paying attention to the goings on in the meeting. Her mind was being overworked between studying, choosing which university entrance exams to attend, her issue with being forced to choose a husband, and Johou. It was all building up on her. She felt her body growing weaker. What was everyone expecting from her? Her vision became blurred and she found it hard to breath. She pulled the neckline of the kimono out some, but it didnt help. She felt like she was suffocating and the walls of the room were closing in on her. As she lost consciousness and all the strength left her body, with her last breath she called out Jo The club members all gasped, and crowded around Yuuki. Dont touch her! Haruka quickly picked up her phone to call for help. Johou finished his last lap around the track. Picking up the towel and wiping away the sweat from his face and neck. The dress has to be the most beautiful in all the world. If Im going to confess to her in front of everyone, she has to look the part. He smiled. Just then, he heard the faint ringing of his phone. He reached in his bag, and saw Haruka displayed on the screen. Hel- Yuuki fainted The panic in Harukas voice was all it took for Johou to drop the phone and begin running toward the building. He ran through the halls, flying up 2 flights of stairs and slammed open the classroom door to see Yuuki lying motionless on the tatami mat. Rushing to her side, he felt her forehead. Fever! He carefully placed his hands under her back and knees. Lifting her into his arms and he carried her out to the infirmary. After laying her on the bed, and covering her with the blanket. He poured the cold medicine into a glass, and filled a bowl of ice water. Going back to her side, he lifted her head so she could drink the medicine. Placing the cup to her lips, he slowly poured the fluid in her mouth. It just trickled down the sides of her face. Seriously, why cant you take better care of yourself? She wont be able to drink like this he thought. Taking the medicine in to his own mouth, he placed his mouth on hers to get it in her mouth. She swallowed it. He dipped the towel into the ice water, wrung out the excess water, folded it and placed it on her head. Pulling up a chair, he sat next to her side and took hold of her hand. Why do you always make me worry so much? He kissed her cheek, and laid his head on the bedside watching her sleep. Yuuki awoke to a red hued room. Looking out the window at the sunset. Where? Johou was asleep holding on to her hand weakly. Its already getting dark. JohouJohou wake up. She ran her fingers through his hair. Johou opened his eyes and looked at her. Sitting back into the chair, he brushed his hair back out of his face. Are you feeling better? Yuuki pulled the covers off of her, and began to get out of the bed. What happened? Johou pushed her back down. Just lay there, ok. Just because you feel better, you cant just get up so suddenly. Johou called his driver, shes awake. Well be there in a moment. Standing, he grabbed their bags and reached toward her. Ah, I can walk on my own. Yuuki went to get up again. Look, I cant take you

anymore! Just do as youre told! He picked her up in his arms and carried her out to the car. His driver took the bags from him, and placed them in the front seat before helping Johou place Yuuki into the car. Youve been over doing it. Youre so weak, always faintingwhats with that? Johou looked really tired. I called your house, and informed your mother of what happen. Shes really worried about you as well. Tears began to form in Yuukis eyes. She really was really weak, always needing Johou to help her, always relying on Johou to be there. Im sorry. She couldnt hold in the tears, and began to cry uncontrollably. Johou grabbed her head and put it into his chest. Dont cry, youre just over doing it. Its ok.dont cryIll stay with you tonight. Ive already received permission from your parents. Dont worry; Ill take care of you. Yuuki grabbed onto his shirt, the tears kept falling. Moments later, they arrived at the house. Johou carried Yuuki into the house, and up to her room. He helped her change out of her uniform and put on her pajamas before leaving her to go down stairs. As the door to her room closed, she wondered what would have happen to her if Johou wasnt always there, if she wasnt able to rely on him. Yuuki lay in bed, teary eyed. Hes so nice to me. Johou, I love you. I really do love you. She said as she closed her eyes to sleep. How is she? Yuukis mom sat down at the dining table. Her fever has broken, but shes still weak. Is it really ok for me to stay here tonight? Johou finished filling 2 cups of tea and placed on in front of her. Iko-san, Can I ask you why youre making her choose like this? Yuukis mother looked sincerely at him. Jo, if she hadnt lost her memories, if that incident never happened, and if you two were able to grow up together as it should have been, I wouldnt feel as if this was necessary. However, we cant change the past. We cant change what happened, and we cant change the fact they Yuuki forgot, and they you turned into a playboy. Who would entrust their only daughter to you with the way you are now? Johou lowered his head slightly. Dont misunderstand me, she continued, youre a good kid. However, if you cant become the man she deserves, then Ive found two others that can. Its not that I dont want it all to go back to how it was planned. Its just that these are the circumstances and the situation that we are currently in. I hope that you can understand that. Putting down her cup, Now go take care of her. Isnt that why youre here? Iko-san stood up, rubbed Johous hair and left him in silence. Deserves, huh? Johou placed the dishes in the sink and prepared the ice water for Yuukis cold towel. Silently he took off his shirt and pants. Pulling back the covers, he thought of what Iko-san had said. The truth is that he use to be a playboy, he use to date and play with girls all the time, but since he saw Yuuki again, shes the only one on his mind. She hasnt seen much of how he is now, but if she didhe thought that she would feel comfortable knowing Yuuki has chosen right. He got into bed with Yuuki, lifted up her head and placed it on his arm gently. Looking into her flustered, feverish face, he felt that same tingle in his heart that he felt every time she smiled at him, every time she laughed, every time she blushed under his influence. I cant help but think of H-things when Im with her. I want to kiss her so deeply that she knows without a doubt how I feel. I cant help but make her mine. I cant help but make her think of only me, good or bad. Is it wrong? These thoughts rolled through his mind until he couldnt think any longer, and fell into a deep sleep. Warmth embarrassed her, encircled her body, heated up her skin. She felt as if her heart was beating double time. Yuuki opened her eyes to see Johous sleeping face in hers. He feels so

warm. What was he doing here? He moved and held her to him tighter. It was still dark outside her window. This is what it would be like when were marriedif we marryif Im allowed to have things my way. Moving closer into him, her arm wrapped around him and stroked his hair. He looks like an angel. She smiled. Intertwining her legs in his, she closed her eyes and fell back to sleep. It was the first time that either one of them were able to sleep since they last slept together. Neither of them knew that they both were suffering like this.

CHAPTER 10 Sakura-sensei should have been here by now. Where is Sensei, is she late? If I had known I wouldnt have rushed to make it here before the bell! Sensei.Sakura-sensei The class filled with wonder and they all began to worry. Sakura-sensei was always in class before the bell rang. For her to not be here The class quieted down almost instantly as the Director of the school entered. Class, Sensei went into labor early this morning, and will not be attending class for a while. We have found a replacement in that time, please welcome Hayashi-sensei.[15] Please treat him kindly. With that Hayashi entered the classroom, his suit freshly ironed, briefcase in hand. PLOP Tossing his briefcase on to the podium, Good morning class. My name is Hayashi Lian, please call me Hayashi-sensei. I will be your temporary teacher while Sakura-sensei is on maternity leave. Please take care of me. Lian gave a deep bow towards the class. The girls already started to whisper amongst themselves. Lian looked up at the class, his eyes stopping on Yuuki, and smiled coyly as if to say I knew wed meet again. Yuukis face went pale, as Why!!!!!!!!! screamed through her mind. Lets begin. Lian opened the book on the podium and continued their lesson from where they left off. Yuuki couldnt concentrate, yet another man who may be in her life suddenly appeared before her. Yuuki.Hime.Yuuki. She didnt notice as Johou was trying to get her attention. Her head was so far into her text book and her mind so far in her thoughts she was trying not to pay attention to her surroundings. Iko-san! Are you wake? Sorry if my teaching boars you to sleep. Yuuki shot up out of her chair. Hi! She screamed. The class chuckled. AH, I mean, Yes Sensei. Iko-san, please continue reading from where we left off. Im sorry Sensei, but where did we leave off? Again the class chuckled. Its ok, please sit down. Next time youre called I hope you will remember to follow along so that you dont embarrass the class again. Lian called another student who quickly began to read. Yuuki, Johou whispered to her, Are you ok? Do you feel faint? He sincerely was worried about her. Ah, lets talk at lunch. I dont want to get in trouble again. They both looked ahead to see Lian looking at them, again he smiled in their direction. BZZZZZZZ As the lunch bell rang it was suppose to mark the end of her torture, or so she thought. Iko-san, please stay a while. As the class exited the room, only Lian, Yuuki and Johou remained. Oshirosama, please wait in the hall for her. It wont take long. Hearing the high regard Lian held for Johou wasnt shocking. Yuuki had gotten use to people knowing or recognizing the importance of the Oshiro family name. Well, Lian, Ill entrust her to you. Johou closed the door behind him, but his still silhouette was visible from inside the room. Yuuki was shocked that Johou would call the teacher by his first name without any use of horrific. Iko-san does it bother you so much that we happen to meet again like this? Lian took his glasses off, carefully folded them and placed them on the podium. You could have called me. Yuuki wrapped her arms in front of her. This

wasnt the same quiet guy she met in the food court, nor did he look like a teacher back then either. First, Lian walked closer to her, his voice grew deeper and got quieter. I didnt know you were a high school student when we met. The space between them began to close as he moved closer to her. I didnt know you attended this school. He was inches from her, yet she didnt move back, she stood her ground. Even if I did, I wouldnt have known you would be in this class. He stood towering over her, his voice almost a whisper. So you have no cause to be upset. I do apologize for calling you out in class, knowing you werent paying attention. However, I thought you looked cute trying to avoid my eyes, and always looking toward Johou to see if he had noticed. Yuuki looked at the floor; she couldnt hold this for much longer. She felt really uncomfortable at the closeness of their bodies, and the tone of his voice. Sensei, may I go? She didnt wait for a reply and began to turn to leave. Lian grabbed her arm, pulling her back into him. Pulling her hair to one side, he whispered in her ear, Yuuki, Im not through just yet. He felt her heart begin to race. I did not forget that you have a boyfriend, but I never expected it to be Johou Oshiro. His lips brushing the back of her neck, Now that I know this, I wont let you escape. You will become mine. Yuuki leaned into him. As expected his grasp loosened. Theres no need to escape, she said softly, placing both hands on his chest if I dont get caught, Sensei. Yuuki pushed him away, finally broking free and exited the room quickly. Lian closed his eyes, and pictured the blushing Yuuki as he entered the room. Children learn how to play at such a young age What did Lian want? Johou picked at his bento while lying in Yuukis lap. Ahyou promise you wont get upset? If I tell him, hell be irritated; if I dont then hell be pissed. I cant not tell him right? If I lie, hell know for sure. Just tell me already. Was it that embarrassing? So you say without me telling you already. Yuuki put her hand over Johous mouth. Dont talk anymore, ok?! Johou looked up at Yuuki, her expression was serious which made his become so as well. Ok. Yuuki took a deep breath, I got to tell him. You remember how Haruka and I went to the mall, and met another one of those? Yeah, Johou sat up to listen more intently, what does that have to do with today? Hes the onehes the one who Im suppose to meetI mean Sensei. Yuuki closed her eyes; she didnt want to see Johous expression. Thats why he was picking on you in classhahahahhahahahhaha Its not funny, he was really teasing me. Watching how I reacted around you, and picking on me for it. I mean, what kind of teacher targets their students? Yuuki looked away from Johou. Hey, getting serious again, what did he do while I waited outside? Johou reached his hand out, catching the back of her neck, pulling her closer to him. What did he do? His voice got deeper. I shouldnt have said anything, hes mad, I knew it. Uh, he said that he wouldnt let me escape, that hell make me his, now that he knows that Im like this around you. It felt like his lips were on my neck when he spoke. Johou pulled her head into his chest. He was that close to you? Hes got guts, Johou thought to himself. Jo, how do you know Lian? We know each other, thats all. Look, Ill talk to him, so he doesnt make you feel uncomfortable in school againbut you know hes someone your parents chose for you. You have to look like your making an effort. What am I saying, Johou wanted to hit himself. Yuuki pulled back from him, Why? Why do I have to make an effort? Why do I have to do anything about this but reject him?...Hes a teacher in our school after allThat should be reason enough for them to understand. He acts like he doesnt think about the future, any future with me. Yuuki, youre coming Saturday right? Change of subject right about now helps. Yeah, Haruka is taking me shopping today, Yuuki was already up and walking away.

Johou wasnt being himself. Hes been so much nicer to me lately. Like, really nice. I think hes giving up on me. Yuuki ditched class to spent time in the Home Ec. Room with Haruka. I cant believe that quiet guy showed up like that. Haruka had just put some dough in the oven, and began taking off the mittens. Hime, you have to do something about it. You cant just ditch class every day and what about Johou. You think he is really giving you up? You know that dark prince better than anyone, is that what you seriously think? Yuuki couldnt think of any other possibility, Haruka thought. Tell you what; see where it leads with Quiet Guy. If Johou really doesnt have feelings for you, then he should be ok with it. Hell stay this weird nice way and youll know for sure his intentions. The other one hasnt called you lately right? Johou was quick to stop that guy from pursuing you further. What do you think? Yuuki thought back to that incident. Johou was so jealous at that time. He wanted to prove to Rei that I belonged to him, and succeeded. Yeah, your rightIll go back to class now. Thank you for listening to me. Im sorry I always involve you in my personal issues. Yuuki stood up and bowed toward Haruka. Hime.stop.its nothing. Haruka bowed deeper toward Yuuki.

CHAPTER 11 umthe second stanza refers touhthe moonanduh Thank you, please sitIt looks like Iko-san has arrived. Lian stood in the front of the class with his book open in one hand, looking at Yuuki from above his glasses. He used his middle finger to adjust the glasses, intentionally toward Yuuki. Sensei, please forgive me. I wasnt feeling well after lunch, but Im better now. Yuuki bowed slightly, Please allow me to re-join the class. She remained slightly bowed and waited for Lian to reply. Lian laughed under his breath, huyou may take your seat. Yuuki rose without looking at him and took her place next to Johou, who didnt bother to acknowledge her presence. Haruka was right, if he didnt care, then he would remain the same. The problem is that I know he cares; he just refuses to be straight and say it. When I think about it, hes so spoiled and needy, always craving attention and acts rotten when he doesnt get his way. Hes selfish and arrogant. But, he always takes care of me when Im sick or not feeling well. He is attentive to my likes and dislikes, and he makes me feel that I am loved even if he doesnt say it. Jo, since Ive never been invited to this kind of party, should I get a ball gown or a cocktail dress? Yuuki stared into her poetry book while whispering to him so that Lian wouldnt notice. Youre not upset? Johou had been worried that she wouldnt come after what he had said to her. Unhua. Ball gownwould be nice. Johous face began to get hot as he imagined Yuuki in a Cinderella like ball gown. Thanks. Thats the closing bell. Please read pages 45 through 55 tonight and be prepared to discuss the meanings behind what the author is trying to convey. Be safe on your way home. Yuuki slowly put her books and laptop in her bag. Johou stood waiting for her patiently. Yuuki stood up, Sensei! Yuuki walked to the podium, and took Lian by the hand. If he doesnt care, this wont affect him, right? Although I now know you are my Sensei, and even though studentteacher relationships are looked down on, you are someone my parents have approved of. Isnt that right? Yuuki stood waiting for an answer. Lian, shocked at her straight forwardness, paused in response. Johou who remained next to his seat, watched in silence. Iko-san Lian realized she had determined something for herself, Yuukiwhat are you getting at? Yuuki looked him straight in the eye, Lian, tell me if being my teacher will affect our personal relationship if I agree to this? Johou, I hope you hate this, I hope youre heart aches in this moment. If you tell me it will, and you wont be able to differentiate your feelings of me as a woman vs as your student, then its better not to peruse this further. Yourewhat youre saying isdid you think about this carefully? Lian was thrown off guard. He didnt expect her to be like this. He thought hed be able to have fun teasing her until she gave in, not this. Please dont answer me with a question. If you cant answer me properly, then Ill tell my parents that it wont work with the situation as it is. Yuuki was still holding on to his hand, looking him deeply in his eyes. Lians grip on her had loosened slightly. His silence cut through Johou more than the words Yuuki spoke. A light bulb went off in Lians head. At the risk of sounding perverse, I would like Yuuki to be mine as soon as possible. Yuukis eyes widened and her bag dropped to the ground. Her reaction confirmed his suspicion. Lian tightened his grip on her hand, and pulled her closer to him, whispering, If this is a ploy to get him upset, I think its working. Yuukis heart sank, how did he know? Lian hugged her

tightly, his head buried in her neck. You are really cute; I cant wait to see how far youll take this. Lian placed his lips on her neck, lightly touching his tongue on her skin. Yuuki pulled back slightly. If you run away now, youre plan will be ruined. He whispered in her ear as he looked at Johou, who had his head down. Lian could feel her heart beat quicken. This is going to be more fun than I originally thought. Yuuki, although its sudden, Im sure you were already invited to Johou-samas birthday party. Lian let her out of his arms and looked straight into her flushed face. If you dont have a date, would you mind going with me? O-O-Of course, it would be my pleasure. Lian let out a sigh of relief. Youre an amazing girl, I cant wait to see how this progresses. Ill pick you up tomorrow at 6pm. He remained silent as they walked out of the school building. He even opened the door for Yuuki as they entered the car. Do you mind dropping me off at Harukas? Yuuki was shaking, expecting him to go off at any moment. Johou gave her a half-hearted smile, Not a problem at all. Driver, stop at Harukas. Your going shopping for the dress, right? Johous blood was boiling, and it was taking all he had to be cool on the surface. How could you say that and do that in front of me? How can you act so calmly about shopping for a dress to wear for someone else? How many times have I told you that you belong to me? Johous cool exterior was cracking Well I have to make it look like Im putting all my effort into this, right? Yuuki smiled weakly at him, he said those words first right. They sat beside each other in awkward silence. Durring that time Johou calmed down a little, he was the one who pushed her away at lunch. Yuuki The car stopped in front of Harukas house. Ah, thank you. Yuuki grabbed her bag and reached for the handle. Johou grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Wait! Yuuki, listen. He wasnt confident in his tone. Yuuki looked over her shoulder at him. AhlookIum Johou, did you want something? she said coldly. He immediately let her go. Ah, remember to buy shoes as well. Johou put his hand on his forehead. What was that, he thought to himself. Yuuki got out of the car, Oh, yeah I will. So thats what happened. Haruka took a bite of a chocolate bar. He didnt yell at me, or push himself on me at all. He calmly waited and walked out with me like nothing happened. I felt like he really didnt care. Yuuki stepped out of the dressing room. The light pink gown hung slightly off her shoulders, its neckline low enough to show the depth of her bust. Light blue and green ruffles cascaded down the bodice and ended at the v-line that accentuated her slender waist. The skirt gradually widened to the hem. Yuuki twirled as if dancing as she looked into the mirror. This is better than that last one. Its sexyan then what happened? Haruka was more interested in how Johou reacted than what Yuuki was wearing. Taking another bite of the chocolate bar, Did he say anything when you got to my house? Ah, I think I like the blue one better. Ah, he told me to remember to get shoes. Turning toward Haruka, Really, what is that? Could he have at least told me not to go with Lian? Couldnt he have kissed me when he pulled me back into the car? Something to show me he cared, anything would have been enough. Yuuki disappeared back into the changing room. Haruka felt a vibration in her pocket. Its a message from Johou. Dont tell Yuukithe blue one is better. Haruka looked around; he was watching them like a stalker. Although she didnt see him, this message alone told her he was nearby. Ah, Yuukitry on the blue one again so we can compare. That devil cant be truthful with her. The other day he told me about how they knew each other since they were children, and how Yuuki lost her memory. Seriously, hes been pining over her all these years. It explains a lot, but hes such an

idiot. Yuuki came out again. The sleeveless a-line gown was much more simplistic than the pink gown. It fell down to the ground with only a twisted origami detail that ran diagonal down her bust, and disappeared toward the back. Turning around, you noticed the curves of her back as the detail met with the center and allowed the fabric to flow downward to the floor. Haruka looked at her phone again. This is it. This is the one you should buy. Haruka felt a little relieved that he was watching because she lost her focus after dress 8, and they all looked the same to her. Ok, now we just need to find shoes to match. Haruka looked at her phone again. Theres a pair in the shoe store to the left when you exit. They have a pink rose detail. Looking around again, she still couldnt see where he was hiding. Thank you for letting me use this. Johou got out of the security booth. He had been watching them in the security cameras of the mall. Every time they entered the stores he switched to that stores cameras to see what they were picking out. He had intended to accidently bump into them as they were shopping, but that seemed too obvious. Haruka would have her phone on silent was a bonus. Now I have to figure out what to do with Lian. Johou entered the car, and drove back home. Haruka, I dont know how many times you have saved me. Thank you. Yuuki was happy, the shoes Haruka picked out were perfect for the dress she chose. Dont mention it, but Im not that good at style, so next time you should have Johou come with us. Hes good at this kind of thing. If you only knew, she thought. I dont want to think about him anymore. He doesnt care, so I should just give him up. Yuuki was right to be upset, but she really didnt want to feel this way. Besides, Lian is only the second guy, theres still one more out there. Maybe hes better suited for me than Johou. I cant just fill my head with fantasy. Lians not that bad when I think more about it. Although his personality is twisted, hes not as perverted as Johou. Well lets see how tomorrow works out. You never know what men are thinking. Hayashi-sensei please. Hello, may I ask whose calling. Sure, its Oshiro Johou. Young master, Ill connect you immediately. Johou had decided to try and talk to Lian directly. Maybe he couldnt say what he felt to Yuuki, but he could be straight with Lian. Johou-sama, its a surprise to hear that youre calling me. Lian sat back in his chair, his legs crossed on the desk. Lian, dont play with me. You know full well why Im calling. What was that shit today with Yuuki? You saw it yourself, she asked me to be straight with her. You knew about this before, right? Her parents have chosen me to be their future son. Future son my ass. Dont be so naive. What are your intentions with Yuuki? Lian knew he had the upper hand. This is great, shes playing with me to make him jealous and here he is trying to find out what Im thinking of doing to her. What else would they be? Ive promised to get to know her and to see where it leads. I wont let our friend-ship interfere with my actions toward her, dont worry. Worry, not in the least. Its an important time for the Hayashi family is it not? You know what will happen if your father is made aware of the situation his 2nd son is placing him in. Yuuki is mine, remember that when you see her tomorrow. Will he still see her tomorrow? Johou was losing it. Young master, if shes truly yours then she wouldnt be my date tomorrow, but yours. I understand your position, and what youre telling me, but for you to resort to threats over a girl behind her back is a new low for even you. I just want to know my future wife, whats wrong with that? Lian had a point that hit closer to home than Johou cared to admit. If Yuuki was his, she wouldnt be entertaining the

thoughts of being with other people, and he wouldnt have to push her away in this situation. Just dont be brash. If you hurt her Ill kill you. That is well noted. Hanging up, Johou knew he was the one being brash. Threatening to pull out of the deal with Lians father. Stating the feelings he held for Yuuki to his opponent. It was easier with Rei; there was the insecurity of his status in society. Lian himself is high class, and being the 2nd son gives him all the privilege of his familys status without the draw backs of his actions reflecting poorly on the family. What weaknesses can I exploit? Why wasnt I patient and think this through more carefully? Im losing it. Yuuki lay in her bed replaying the incident in school. He never once showed that it bothered him. Yuuki, come down for dinner. Yuukis mom called up from the bottom of the stairs. Coming. Yuuki ran down the stairs and sat next to her father. Tomorrow is Johous birthday party. Did you find your dress? Oh, yeah and shoes too. Its nice, not too simple but elegant enough for a party such as thisI think. Yuukis mom placed the plate in front of her. Theres nothing to worry about. I took a peek at it while you were in the shower. Its perfect. Well, I hope Lian is ok with it. Yuukis father looked up from his paper. Lian? The Hayashi boy? Youve met him already? Yuuki looked puzzled, Yeah, we met last time I went shopping with Haruka, and again today at school. Hes the substitute for Sakura-sensei as it turns out. Yuukis mom looked at her husband, and then toward Yuuki. Are you ok with this, its not to sudden is it? What happened with Rei? What was with their questions? They didnt show this much attention when it was Rei. Why are they all of sudden interested in Lian. Rei stopped talking to me after he invited himself to join Johou and I on our first date. Im surprised father didnt hear about it. Rei did nothing but talk about how much you mean to him while we were together. Is that so? Yuukis father went back to reading. Yuuki, and Lian? How is he? Yuukis mother sat at the table. Lian is not what I thought he would be from first meeting him, but hes interesting to say the least. I cant tell them hes a pervert teacher who has a sadistic streak when it comes to Johou. Is that good, I cant tell from your comment. Yuukis mom looked rather worried. Im going with him to Johous party, so Ill get to know more about him then I guess. Its just that we were both invited, and circumstances being as they are, weve decided to go together. Stupid Johou, I really dont want to talk about it anymore. Mother and Father are attending as well, right? Yes, thats true. So you can judge how well we are together. Im still new to all of this, but if you think its right, I cant say any different.

CHAPTER 12 Hayashi-san, please come in. Yuukis mom was already dressed and getting ready to leave when the door rang. Thank you Iko-san. Is Yuuki ready? Lian entered, but remained in the entrance without showing any intention of going further. Hayashi-san, please wait for her in the living room. Ill pour some tea for you. Lian took off his shoes and walked behind Yuukis mom. The house smelled like flowers. Yuukis father was sitting on the couch reading, while drinking tea. Standing as Lian entered, Lian-san, welcome. I trust youll take care of Yuuki tonight. Lian bowed deeply towards him, With your permission, Sir. Although Lian was use to maids and butlers, somehow this felt more like home for him. He was not at all uncomfortable while talking with Yuukis parents. When Yuuki appeared from the stairs, his heart stopped, and he almost fell at the sight of her. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, the hair pins sparkled as the crystal beads caught the light. The blue dress accenting her fair complexion, made her look even more beautiful than he had imagined. She glided across the floor. Lian, we can go now. She said as she slightly bent down from her waist. He reached his hand out toward her, which she gracefully took into her own. Lian just stood in awe, soaking in each aspect of her beauty. Hayashi-san, please take care of Yuuki. Well be seeing you again later tonight. Lian turned toward her parents, bowing, Itll be my pleasure. Lian put his shoes on and helped Yuuki put her heals on as well. Lian, is this ok? Yuukis heart stopped when she saw how good Lian looked as she descended the stairs. You are stunning tonight. Can I speak frankly? Yuuki was getting warmer sitting so close to him in the limo. His legs were barely touching hers. Please do, I cant get use to this polite Lian type. He was being way to polite. If it wasnt for your parents attending tonight, I might have taken you straight to my house. Hes thinking perverted thoughts? I dont want anyone to see you like this, your just too beautiful tonight. I dont know if I can contain myself. Lian reached over and held Yuukis hand. Even if youre just doing this to make him upset, please promise to look at me. I know hes in your heart already. There may not be any room for me, but if you promise to at least look at me properly, I can have hope. Lian kissed her hand. Yuuki was swept away by his look and his words. He moved in closer, taking her into his arms. His lips moving from her forehead down her cheek and landing on her lips. He pulled back to look at her. Yuukis body responded to his touch, she wrapped her arms around him. Kissing her again, his tongue separating her lips, lightly touching her tongue. The temperature was rising. She felt herself become moist from just his kiss. Is this ok? Lian slowly pulled her legs under him, and leaned her head back on to the seat. He smelled like chocolate, she felt like she was swirling in a warm chocolate bath. Their breath deepened, she was loosing herself into him. He slowly unzipped her dress, pausing to look at her as if asking her permission. Ahdont stop. Yuuki said softly. Lian was surprised that she allowed him to go this far. He kissed her neck lightly not wanting to leave marks where they could be seen. He lowered the dress, slipping it off of her, before taking off his shirt and pressed his chest on to her. She unbuttoned his pants, almost ripping the zipper off. Reaching into this underwear and grasping his rock hard dick in her hand, she began to pull at it as if begging for him to enter her. Caressing her arm, down her leg, he pulled it up from the ankle, allowing his lower body to fit

perfectly in-between her. Yuuki. He kissed her again. She looked half drunk from the heat. So hot she whispered. Lian cracked open the windows allowing a cool breeze to whirl around them. He then realized that they were driving to Johous house. If they arrived like this, it would mean trouble. Yuuki, we have to stop. Yuuki pulled on him as if defiant. He placed his hand between her hand and his body, We have to stop, and were almost there. Lian sat up, taking her hand away from him. Yuuki placed her arms above her head, her check heaved with every breath, and her legs closed around his waist. She wanted to feel him inside her. She didnt want to stop. Shocked by her eroticism, he moved to the center of the car. Handing her the dress, Please, put it back on. Reluctantly, she pulled it over her head. Pulling the hair pins from her hair, she allowed it to cascade in waves over her shoulders. Lian reached up and wrapped his arms around her. He zipped her back into the dress. Why? She said as she wrapped his head in her arms, holding his face in her bosom. Ill do something for you, though. Lian slid down out of her embrace, and opened her legs. His head disappeared under her dress. His strong hangs wrapped around her butt and slid her to the edge of the seat. His tongue licked her clit quickly, but softly. She felt her whole body shiver at the first touch. Her hands sat on top of his head, riding up and down with his movements. He sucked on her clit causing her body to shiver uncontrollably. As the shivers subsided, he raised his head to look at her and used his two fingers to penetrate her causing her to back to arch in acceptance. Youre too damn sexy. I wouldnt have thought you would be like this. Yuuki pulled his fingers out of her, and placed them in her mouth, licking and sucking off all the moisture. Lian just watched with a yearning look on his face. She leaned forward and kissed him, he tasted her on his tongue, it was sweet. Young master, were almost there. The driver called from the front. Lian closed his pants and put his shirt back on. Yuuki re-arranged her dress, using the mirror to fix her hair back up. Lian noticed the small red mark on the back of her neck. I thought I was careful. Look. He touched the red spot, while Yuuki used the mirror to see what he was talking about. It was in the most noticeable spot with her hair up like it was. Yuuki couldnt help thinking that she was about to give herself to someone other than Johou. What was going though her head? Lian is handsome but her whole purpose for being his date was to get Johou to take notice of her. Her face blushed out of embarrassment. Its ok. She let her hair fall again. Its better this way, right? Lian nodded, as he ran his fingers through her hair. Lian reached his hand out for Yuuki as they exited the car. He took notice that her hair, and her closed didnt look as if they were being intimate just moments ago, but her face was flushed. Shes nothing like I expected, each time showing him another side of her. The first time they met, she was bubbly and carefree. That time at school, she showed him the shy and cunning side of her. Just when he thought that was all, she pulls something like this. No wonder Johou is so in-love with her, she has so many facets to her that one cant get board. As they reached the top of the stairs, Lian released Yuukis hand, and casually put his palm on the small of her back, guiding her through the doors. The entrance of Johous house looked nothing like she what she was use to. All the doors on the first floor that were closed when she visited were open making the room three-times bigger than normal. Classical music played lightly in the back ground. People of all nationalities walked around, some chatting in groups, others making their rounds of introductions and greetings.

She noticed that the roses and lavenders she loved trailed up the stairs and a large vase stood at the landing of the second tier that looked to have them pouring out. The butlers who she would talk with stood flanking the doors, taking the coats and purses of the attendees. Each one, nodding in acknowledgement toward Yuuki as she passed, as if secretly welcoming her in non-suspicious manners. The maids who she had cooked with, were carrying trays of food or beverages and weaving themselves between the guests. Glancing in Yuukis direction and smiling in acknowledgment. Lian placed his hand on her back again, guiding her further in to the house. Occasionally he would stop to chat with someone he recognized, introducing Yuuki as his date for the evening. Are you thirsty? Lian raised his hand, snapped, and motioned for the maid to bring a glass of wine. She handed a glass to Yuuki. Thank you. You dont have to thank them, this is their job. Lian grabbed a glass of his own and drank. Yuuki realized that this is what people of high class do; they look down on others. She began to feel out of place next to him. Honored guests, it is my great pleasure to announce Mr. & Mrs. Oshiro. The guests began to clap, as a beautiful woman and rather handsome man descended the staircase. Yuuki followed along, realizing this was Johous parents. They looked familiar; she tried remembering if she saw a picture of them before. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, people flocked toward them to give their greetings. Yuukis heart sank into her stomach as they began to walk her way. Yuuki, it has been too long. Johous mother reached out her arms to hug Yuuki. Awkwardly, Yuuki hugged her back. Its nice to see you again Oshiro-san. Pushing her back at arm length Johous mother said, Yuuki, sweetie, did you forget? Please feel free to call me Oka-san. Johous father took Yuukis hand, I know we havent seen each other in so long, but will you still call me Oto-san? With that, Yuuki realized that she wasnt a stranger to them, even though she didnt remember ever meeting them before today. Yuuki hugged him as well, Oto-san, its nice to see you again. Lian stood back watching along with the other guests. Its strange he thought, Yuuki didnt seem to have the same closeness as they do to her. Sweetie, Johou is coming down soon, please be sure to give him the biggest hugUni, darling, what have you been doing with yourself? I was just greeting your daughter. Yuuki turned to see her mother approaching. Yoko, thank you for inviting us. Uni stood beside Yuuki, Yoko, our daughter is here tonight with the second son of Hayashi. Motioning over toward Lian, who had been left aside in the greetings. Lian bowed, Oshiro-san, its a great pleasure to see you again. Yoko looked at Uni, then at Lian who was still bowed. AhI seeLian is it? Please take care of our Hime. Lian rose to see the parents walking away. He felt belittled in a way. Yuuki noticed the cold manner in which Johous mother talked to him. What was that all about? How does mom know Johous parents...why does everyone call me Hime Do you mind if I go outside? I need some air. Yuuki walked away from Lian heading toward the back garden. Ill go with you. Lian was on her heals. No its ok, I want to be alone right now. Lian stopped and watched her disappear into the crowd. Just as she reached the cool air of the outside she heard the introduction for his 18th birthday, the young master, Oshiro Johou. She didnt want to see him. She didnt want to see all those girls clambering toward him, looking at him as if hes their prey. She kept walking into the garden. Johou was like these flowers, hes beautiful to look at, sweet to the smell, soft to the touch, poison if consumed. She reached her hand out to touch the petals. Why was I here with Lian again? What

was I doing with him while we were on our way here? Why is it like this? Why am I willing to throw everything away? Am I running from him? She looked past the garden to see a large hedge. She walked up to it, and began to walk around it. It looked like the maze on campus but much larger. Was there an entrance into it? Johou said that the water fountain at school is the one from his house, did they replace it? Could this be where it originally was? Why do I care? He obviously doesnt feel the same. Oka-san? Oto-san? Why would I call his parents like that? Yuukis head began to pound. Im thinking too much. She caught the scent of roses and lavender. Turning back, Im too far from the house for the smell to be here. She continued further, the scent got stronger. Then she noticed the entrance. Its just like that day, she was following Johou through the maze, the scent of roses and lavender took her to the center. She was following the scent as it winded around the maze. She began to walk quicker, quicker, quicker, almost running toward the center. As the close walls opened, she saw the large fountain in the heart of the maze. Light hit it from below, as water fell over it, cascading down the marble structure, and dropping into the clear pool at its base. Slowly she walked in. Roses and lavender greeted her, hanging on to the walls surrounding the fountain. Falling to her knees, she began to cry. If I never fell in love with him, if I never met him, would it be like this? Would I hurt this much if it was someone else? Johou met up with this mother and father, making the rounds to greet all of their guests. Jo, did you see Yuuki? Yoko whispered to him. I didnt. Do you mind if I leave you two? Yoko squeezed his arm lightly, Go. Leaving their side, she strategically combed the room, stopping to say a few words as he searched for her. Spotting Lian, he quickly made is way in his direction. Lian stood talking to three beautiful women, but why wasnt Yuuki with him? Lianexcuse meLian, wheres Yuuki? She said she needed air awhile back, and left out toward the back garden. I havent seen her since then. Lian continued his flirting with the ladies, as Johou quickly walked toward the back. Looking around, he didnt see anyone. Yuuki, where are you? Where would she go? He ran into the kitchen and asked the cooks if theyve seen her. He asked the butlers and maids, no one had seen her recently. He ran up to his room, thinking maybe she needed to get away to somewhere quiet. Nothing. He looked over the balcony into the hall below, and spotted her parents. He made his way down the stairs and straight toward them. Iko-san, welcome, sorry, but have you seen Yuuki lately? Johou, I last saw her with Lian. Did she run off? Yeah. Umi was actually relieved that Yuuki left Lian alone. Ill check the garden again. Johou was getting worried. She hadnt gone home, so she has to be around somewhere. He ran out to the garden. Where? Where would she run off to? He looked out into the garden, the hedge of the maze stood out to him. Thats it. He ran toward the maze, she could be lost.

CHAPTER 13 Yuuki lay in the center of the maze; her tears kept falling as she stared up at the sky. Johou doesnt care. He doesnt love me. He doesnt think about me in the same way. I should give up. I should give up these feelings. But why, why does my hear pound so hard when Im with him. The first time I bumped into himwas it the first time? He felt familiar, his mother, his father, they all feel so familiar. Yuuki closed her eyes and tried to remember back. The scent of roses and lavender, the feeling of warmth took her back to the time a boy who came to visit her when she was younger. He smelled like flowers. His hand held on to mine, his smile was tender. My heart pounded hard that time to. I remember thinking he was a prince from a foreign country. Does Johou remind me of that boy? They both have golden hair, and deep blue eyes. Could I have known Johou before? Johou reached the center of the maze out of breath. Yuuki lay sleeping in the center near the fountain. Relieved he slowly walked over to her. He looked into her sleeping face. Yuuki, are you awake? Johou lay down next to her, watching her sleep. He brushed a strand of hair from her face. This girl can make my emotions fly off from one extreme to another. Yuu, I love you more than you could ever know. He said while kissing her forehead. Jo Yuuki looked up at him, her eyes still half open. Jo, do you really love me? Johous heart skipped a beat. Did I confess to her just now? Jo? Yuuki sat up and rubbed her eyes. Johous face turned red. Jo, I remember Yuuki began to cry, and grabbed onto Johous shirt. You promised would never leave meyou promised Johou felt like a large weight was lifted off of his shoulders. Yuu, you remember everything? Do you really remember? He held her tightly in her arms. Jo, I hate you, you said youd never leave me. Yuuki began to struggle, hitting Johous chest. I hate you. I hate you. You broke your promise. You lied. Johou let her hit him until her strength ran out. You promised. Yuuki grabbed on to his shirt again. Yuu, I love you. He kissed her, I love you. He kept kissing her until she lifted her head to kiss him as well. JoI love you. Yuu, tell me what you remember. They lay holding each other, looking up at the sky. Weve known each other for a long time. I use to come here with my father and play with you when we were children. Yuuki ran her fingers along his arm. We would run in and out of this maze, chasing each other around the fountain that now sits at school. I think I remember everything. Johou pulled her head closer to his. Im sorry I wasnt always there for you. Im sorry I couldnt tell you what you didnt remember. Im sorry. Yuuki smiled, I forgive you, I think I forgave you a long time ago. Yuuki sat up, Jo, we should go back. All those people are here for you. Johou pulled her back down beside him. Its ok, its more a business meeting than a birthday party. Since were on the subject though, Johou moved over Yuuki, Someone forgot to wish me a happy birthday. Johou bit her nipple. Say it, Ill bite harder. Yuuki laughed, Johahait tickles..Jookok Yuuki took a deep breath and focused on being serious. Jo, Happy birthday. Johou looked up at her. It was the best present he could ever receive. Yuuki remembering their past, telling him she loved him, and wished him a happy birthday. Yuu, Im being honest right now, and I want you to think before you answer me. Ok? Johou sat up. Yuuki sat up as well. Yuuki, Ive been dying for the day you remember. Ive thought of you

every day since you disappeared from me. I thought that I would never see you again, and I went out with lots of girls trying to forget you and my feelings for you. No matter whom I was with or what we did, I couldnt get you out of my head. Ive loved you since the first time I saw you, and I fell in love with you again when you ran into me on the street. I thought that if I treated you cruely, youd hate me and leave me again, but you didnt. Okasan told me that you deserved better than me, so I stood back when you dated Rei, I tried to leave you to make up your own mind, but you came back to me. Youre always coming back to me regardless of what I say or do, but this time I thought Id lose you for sure. When you asked Lian the way you did, right in front of me. I thought I lost you. I tried to persuade him to leave you alone. I couldnt think clearly, all I could do was imagine you with him. My plans for today, everything I wanted to say to you were smashed in that moment. Yuuki, I hope that I can be the man you deserve. I hope that you can trust me enough to give me your heart. I know that I will love you more than anyone in this world. Johou reached in to his pocket, If you would become my wife, he pulled out the blue velvet box, opening it, I promise I will never leave you again, and Ill do my best to never make you cry in pain for the rest of our lives. Was that a proposal? Yuuki looked at the huge diamond ring sitting in the box. Yuuki, Im the third one, in case youre worried about what your parents will think. Youve always been my fianc, but weve never asked you what you want. Johou pulled the ring out, and held Yuukis hand. This ring has always belonged to you. Yuu, will you marry me? The sweet smell of roses and lavender mixing in the breeze, the bright stars that hang high in the sky, the southing sound of water dripping off the fountain, and Johou proposing in the center of a beautiful garden maze. Jo, you Baka. Yuuki was brought to tears again. There should never have been a doubt. Of course, yes. I love you Jo. Johou slipped the ring onto Yuukis hand. Hugging her with all his might. I told you from the beginning Im yours, Ill always be yours. Yuuki kissed him. Do you think the kids made up? Umi and Yoko sat on the veranda looking out into the garden. Yoko you didnt see his face, he was so worried about Yuuki. Yoko leaned back further into her chair. She didnt get her memory back yet, right? She called me Oshiro-san when she saw me. Dont get depressed, Yuuki is a smart girl, even without her memories, she knows the feeling of love, and remembers that above all. Itll take time, but when she does remember, I know well all be happy. Yoko sat up suddenly, Speaking of the devil. Is that Johou and Yuuki walking this way? Umi sat up and gazed into the darkness. Slowly they came into view. Yuuki! Johou, Im glad you found her. Umi waved her hands toward the kids. Okasa, Okasan. Yuuki yelled back happily, the glare from the ring sparkling brightly on her hand. What did I tell you, Yoko? When they arrived in front of their mothers, Johou and Yuuki kneeled down in front of them. Mother, will you allow me to marry Yuuki? Sweetie, shes always been in your heart. I wouldnt deny you anything in this world. You have my blessing, but your father... Umi slapped her lightly on the leg with her fan, Yoko dont scare the kids. Iko-san, would you allow me the honor of marrying your daughter? Johou, I always knew that if it was you, youd make her happy. I give you my blessing. Honored guests, Id like to make a toast. My gorgeous son has turned 18 today. Upon graduation he will also take over the family business. Yoko whispered into his ear. And, Ive just heard that the woman who he asked to marry has said yes. Johou and Yuuki stood together holding hands. So, tonight, I would like you all to help me in wishing my son and daughter a long and prosperous life. Clapping and cheers filled the room. Yuuki and Johou were congratulated by

everyone as they walked hand-in-hand through the room. Stopping at Lian, who bowed toward them. Johou-sama, congratulations on your succession and engagement, you are the luckiest man alive. Thank you. Lian shook Johous hand, and leaned in to hug Yuuki. If he ever treats you badly, please run to me first.

Thank you for reading my first story. I hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. I'd like to explain the reason for the title "Wisteria" and my references to the rose and lavendar in my story. The meaning of flowers has been used through out history. The wisteria itself has been used to symbolize honor, patience, endurance, longevity, and victory over hardship. When it's used to symbolize love; either of lost love, enduring love, or the duality of love; it can hold many powerful meanings. Roses are universally used as a symbol of love, beauty and passion. However, roses also hold symbolism of rebirth and renewal, a holder of secrets that can be explained further in their color or the number of petals they have. Lavender is used to symbolize love at first sight, devotion, and when used in aromatherapy it invokes the sense of cleanliness and calm. Following are explanation points referred throughout the story for those who are interested: [1] Yokohama Landmark Tower is the tallest building in Japan, standing 295.8 m (970 ft) high. It is located in the
Minato Mirai 21 district of Yokohama city. [2] Ito - From i meaning "this" and to meaning "wisteria. Yuuki Means snow [3] Oshiro - Means "big castle". There were once 5 Okinawan kingdoms and the Oshiros were the big castles. [4] Japanese uses a broad array of honorific suffixes for addressing or referring to people. san is used as a title of respect, similar to "Mr.", "Miss", "Mrs.", or "Ms." kun is used by persons of senior status to those of junior status. sama is more respectful version of san. [5] Johou From jo meaning castle and hou meaning treasure. [6] Haruka - meaning Faraway, Distant or Far Off. [7] Johou calls them by their first names and fails to apply a honorific; symbolizing a strong personal connection with each other. [8] Washitsu is a Japanese-style room, usually wooden floors covered with tatami mats. The Tea Clubs classroom a chashitsu which literally means tea rooms, a traditional Japanese space designated for tea ceremonies. [9] Many movements and components of the tea ceremony evolved from the wearing of the Kimono. They are essential in the learning of the prescribed motions properly. [10] Rei - meaning Law or strive [11] Udon is a type of thick wheat-flour noodle popular in Japanese cuisine, usually served hot as noodle soup in a mildly flavored broth. [12] Lain - Chinese meaning Lotus, the graceful willow. His name is reflective of his quiet, seemingly mature nature. [13] Johou is making fun of her name. [14] Japanese; "Baka" means idiot, fool and stupid, everything along those lines. Anata wa baka desu means you are an idiot.

[15] Hayashi - Means "forest". It is a somewhat common surname and its Chinese counterpart, using the same
character, is Lin.

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